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Are voting fraud, intimidation, smear tactics, and violence how the Left operates now?

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posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:35 PM
This is a collection of several stories that I have read recently, showing just how desperate the Left is over the election, and to what lows some people will stoop to win. It's a historical fact that no incumbent with poll numbers as low as Obama's has ever won, and even a computer with a perfect track record predicts a Romney win:

Computer predicts Romney win

So, from all indications, looks like the rules are out the window.

First we have unknown persons from Seattle sending bogus letters to Florida voters, in what looks like an attempt to smear the GOP down there:

FBI joins investigation...

Then there is the polling place in North Carolina that was logging Romney votes for Obama (and I was under the impression they calibrtated these before voting started...):

Machine gave Romney votes to Obama

Next, we have the son of a Wisconsin state senator beaten by thugs who were trying to steal his Romney/Ryan sign:

Violence from the left

Moving on, there is the son of a Democratic congressman in Virginia, being investigated for voter fraud:

a family affair?

There was the case of the DNC delegate stating she wanted to kill Romney, prompting a Secret Service investigation:

....and she's a delegate...

We also have some New York residents, with Florida addresses, that attempted to vote twice. Considering the political makeup of most of those people, it's a pretty safe bet they were Democrats:

NY snowbirds breaking the rules

There were, of course, the two media instances of Democratic stations calling the election for Obama, "accidentally", that have already been discussed here:

Arizona station
Ohio station

(Kinda hard to miss that one of these is is a seriously important swing state...)

...and there was the Arkansas Democrat that wanted to buy votes:

Votes for vodka

Of course, there are always the ineligible people the Dems like to register:

non-citizens voting in Colorado

...and yes, it's happened before...

Finally, there is the very biased film being released on NatGeo right before the election, that even the national Geographic people refused to accept certain editing for:

using SEALS for political gain

I guess when you have done all you can to destroy the economy, tossed our diplomats to the wolves, and can't debate on anything more important than Big Bird, binders, and bayonets (and someone please inform the clown that the Marines have those as standard issue...), you have to cheat.

Well, there are the stories. Please actually read them, and then offer comments. With the election this close, I think it's important that people are aware of what's happening.

+8 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:50 PM

Both sides do the same things. National geographic is releasing a movie is that any different from the movies that have been released about Obama? Or how FOX does nothing but constantly campaign for republican candidates?

And Obama never said that bayonets were obsolete just that they weren't used as much anymore you may want to watch it again to get your facts straight.

Btw the US Army stopped bayonet training in 2010 you do know we have more than just the Marines in combat.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:55 PM
You're right. Sounds desperate to me....

Some of these stories I heard on the news.

I just can't believe to what extent people will go to get Obummer re-elected.

Remember in the 2008 election, the Black Panther intimidation at the polls?
Which our lovely Eric Holder of the DOJ dropped the charges on.....[sigh]
Guess they'll be back again.

What's it going to be tomorrow I wonder???

I'll just be glad when this is all over.
It really doesn't matter who the people want in office....TPTB have already picked who is going to be the winner.

All they are, Obama/Romney, are puppets manipulated by the elite.
So why do people have to get so riled up???

[oh, don't forget...the UN is going to have their people here too....doesn't that make you feel all warm & cozy?!]

+2 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

My answer to your question is: NO.

And you better be prepared to point out Republican voter intimidation tactics while you're at it. Otherwise, you're a hypocrite.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by buster2010

Both sides do the same things. National geographic is releasing a movie is that any different from the movies that have been released about Obama? Or how FOX does nothing but constantly campaign for republican candidates?

And Obama never said that bayonets were obsolete just that they weren't used as much anymore you may want to watch it again to get your facts straight.

Btw the US Army stopped bayonet training in 2010 you do know we have more than just the Marines in combat.

The movie is being shown on National Geographic, but it was created by an Obama supporter with ties to Michael Moore. If you read the article, you would note that they wanted to include 2007 footage of Romney, with editing trying to make it look as though he was opposing the Bin Laden raid. Even NatGeo said that was too much. Plus, this is not being released as a campaign video, as some others have been, but as a video supposedly talking about the SEALS and the raid, but edited to push Obama to the front. It's clearly timed for right before the election, and marketed as something other than the obvious political ploy it is.

As for the bayonets, I am well aware of their use. I happen to be married to a career soldier (Army). I am also aware of what Obama stated, and his comments was about "horses and bayonets", comparing those to Navy ships, and implying that ships were as "obsolete" as the bayonets, which are still in use. The man is clueless, and dishonest.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:07 PM
You still have to convince us that voting for Romney is the thing to do.

Hello? The clock is ticking.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by snarky412
Remember in the 2008 election, the Black Panther intimidation at the polls?
Which our lovely Eric Holder of the DOJ dropped the charges on.....[sigh]
Guess they'll be back again.
[oh, don't forget...the UN is going to have their people here too....doesn't that make you feel all warm & cozy?!]

Oh, yeah, I remember. A weapon at the polls is a federal crime, and the "Justice Dept." even issues dictates to not prosecute anyone of certain races. That was revealed by someone that left. Would not surprise me if they were back, in force this time, with WH approval.

The UN being here is simply SICK. They are so corrupt, and have zero business even in this country, much less at the polls. I would not be surprised if someone staged some nonsense, to try and make it appear as though polling places were refusing minorities. Something like people deliberately showing up after the polls closed, and throwing a fit, and the UN backing them. Should be an interesting election day! I expect rioting afterwards, too.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:08 PM
If you want to read about some voter fraud, this will keep you busy for awhile.

Oh, btw, these are all from the GOP.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

My answer to your question is: NO.

And you better be prepared to point out Republican voter intimidation tactics while you're at it. Otherwise, you're a hypocrite.

By all means, show links to actual cases. Not voter ID laws and registered voter verification (as those are clearly needed when we have non-citizens found to be registered), but actual intimidation. I know personally of a case, back in 200 in Florida, where Democratic thugs came into a campaign office and were being physically threatening, even showing, elderly volunteers. I also remember nightly (literally) news stories where Democratic vote counters (during the recounts) were caught trying to toss out ballots, etc. The so-called "confusing butterfly ballot" was so simple my son, in the 1'st grade at the time, said he could see where to vote for whom.

But, as I said, please post any cases you know of, and we can discuss them, too. I don't want fraud on either side.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by VaterOrlaag

Where are the Republican voter intimidation tactics??

2nd line Where?

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
You still have to convince us that voting for Romney is the thing to do.

Hello? The clock is ticking.

I know voting for Obama is not the thing to do. He has run up more debt than any president in history. He pretty much tossed our diplomats to the wolves, then lied for weeks. He's refused to call acts of terrorism on our soil what they are (the Ft. Hood shooting, and other attacks and attempted attacks on bases, etc.) He's snubbed our allies, and apologized to our enemies. He's issued rules of engagement that placed our deployed people in danger. Yes, 100% sure there - mine was in Afghanistan when a lot of that took place. He claims the military earns enough money, which is a complete LIE. 20+ years, and we get less than the average mail carrier. No joke. He wants to take away the retirement for new military members. He wants veterans to pay for their own medical expenses, even for injuries that happened in the line of duty. His "Justice" Department is a joke, and refuses to prosecute anyone on his side, no matter what they do. He's the one in charge when guns go to drug cartels and kill our border patrol agents. He lies about everything. He insults hard working Americans, Christians, and anyone that doesn't agree with him. His Department of Homeland Security has issued documents calling everyone that would be politically opposed to him a "potential terrorist". People like Chavez and Putin support him. He's given support to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. Gas rices are more than double what they were when he took office, and he stated before the last election that was his goal. Utilities are also higher. Do we need more reasons to not vote for him?

Romney isn't my first choice, by a long shot, but he's WAY better than the only alternative. I haven't heard of anyone else even on the ticket. I could vote for a third party person, but no one is running. That doesn't leave many options. Romney is very capable on financial issues and the economy, and that is vital for the nation at this stage. Romney is a decent family man, responsible in business, with a good track record. He understands how important it is to support our allies, and to be tough with those that could be a threat. He isn't the best choice, but he is acceptable.

I would like to still have a free country to call home in four years. When the incumbent is a man that stated "we can no longer trust our military to protect us", and claimed we need a "civilian security force", I don't trust him to stand for freedom.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by dakota1s2
reply to post by VaterOrlaag

Where are the Republican voter intimidation tactics??

2nd line Where?

Please feel free to provide any links. I searched, and could not locate anything but whining about voter ID laws and purging non-citizens from the roles. If you have some data, share it.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:32 PM
Election time is so ugly, so many people getting riled up and emotional about it. Saddest part is, none of it even matters.

Two words: electoral college.

We don't vote for president, at best we make suggestions as to how the real voters should vote.

All the energy wasted on pointless partisan bickering, just think what we could achieve if we put that energy in to working together for the common good. Ah, too bad that will never happen.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:33 PM
Wait, I did find this case of an Obama sign being damaged.

not sure an arrest is possible

The people thought it was a neighbor, but their photo showed the truth. At this stage, that's all I can locate.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by VariableConstant
Election time is so ugly, so many people getting riled up and emotional about it. Saddest part is, none of it even matters.

Two words: electoral college.

We don't vote for president, at best we make suggestions as to how the real voters should vote.

All the energy wasted on pointless partisan bickering, just think what we could achieve if we put that energy in to working together for the common good. Ah, too bad that will never happen.

Well, it isn't quite that simple. SOme states do bind the electoral college vote, and some do not:

electoral college info

In most cases, though, they historically vote for the person that wins the majority vote in that state. So, it does matter. The point of the electoral college isn't to remove our influence, but to keep larger states from controlling the entire election, as they otherwise would. It makes the voices of the smaller states heard as well.

Still, you are correct that a lack of bickering would be nice. If everyone could stick with facts, and vote based on what they support, without all of the lying and threats and so on, we would all be better off.

I do think, though, that we should worry about fraud and intimidation. Those are tactics for countries hat are not free.not proper tactics in what is supposed to be a free nation.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

I think the one thing that we all can agree on is that regardless of which party one is for, the final decision is up to TPTB.

Many posters on these threads have talked about how the candidate voted into office is a puppet...manipulated by the elites, regardless of whether they are Democrat or Republican.

That being said, I wonder, and this is just my thoughts, if the people in power take in the way the public feels towards one candidate or the other and that is the way the votes go.

In other words, if a majority of the people in this country show disdain or unhappiness say with Obama, maybe TPTB will "let" Romney win....

Or if the people were to show hostility towards Romney because he's rich and out of touch, then TPTB "let" Obama win.

Basically, who ever the majority in this country favors the most will win.
Yet, is it because WE voted for them or is it because that's who the elite chose to be in office just to satisfy the majority??

Maybe that's the real purpose of the polls... and right now, even though it's very close, seems like there are more people unhappy with this current administration than the people attacking Romney because of his taxes/money.

Just my 2 cents worth......

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 09:43 PM
Obama will Win, and this is why.

After the Treatment Ron Paul was given at the GOP Convention, his supporters will write RP in , or Gary Johnson.

Thats a lot of Votes Romney Threw away.

Dats the Facts, Jack.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by snarky412

That's always a possibility. I do think that there are forces trying to control things behind the scenes. I am just not convinced that they have absolute control. So I will continue to vote, and be informed, in order to prevent that final control from happening, if it hasn't already.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

The data you have is nothing but # as well.

Show us proof that the left-wing engages in voter intimidation. I don't like it when ignoramuses use blanket statements like yours to paint an entire group of people as supporting something.

Do me a favor and shut off the idiot box.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides
Obama will Win, and this is why.

After the Treatment Ron Paul was given at the GOP Convention, his supporters will write RP in , or Gary Johnson.

Thats a lot of Votes Romney Threw away.

Dats the Facts, Jack.

He wasn't treated badly simply because he didn't win, any more than any other candidate was that didn't win. Besides which, the polling numbers are a sure thing for Romney at this point, if you look at past history. No incumbent has ever won with numbers so low this late in the game. Ever. Several swing states are now polling in favor of Romney.

Besides, if Ron Paul supporters are for freedom and smaller government, which I happen to agree with him on, they would be wiser to vote to get the guy out of office that isn't for those things. Romney isn't the ideal choice (for me, either), but he's a far cry better than making a vote that will only take from a potential winner, or for someone diametrically opposed to everything he stands for.

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