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FukuGate: We've been conned

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posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

You don`t feel any effects because there`s nothing to feel lol.

You can`t take a geiger counter anywhere in Japan or the west coast of North America, everything is normal.

The situation is much better than what eastern Europe faced after Chernobyl.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

Fukashima was a faked disaster (,
as indeed may be nuclear weapons and nuclear energy in general, but a dark thought just struck me.

Is this what chemtrailing has been all about?

Their depopulation agenda will be met and their new world will be ushed in, with the
blame for the worldwide sicknesses and deaths being (eventually publically and openly)
placed squarely on the shoulders of fukashima and other failed nuclear power plants.

While really they will be adding 2nd stage components to chemtrails to activate the
components that they have already been spraying us with over the last decade.
I live in a small town (25,000) and chemtrailing only began here in the last 3 years or so.
I bet that larger cities have been sprayed longer to cater for and cover the larger populations.

The elite and those in the club and their families will escape sickness because of whatever
immunisation drugs they surely have access to and have been taking.

Here is a map, which I take to be reasonably accurate, published recently
in a mainstream publication showing the areas of the world being chemtrailed, and to what degree.

Notice how Europe and America are the hardest hit.
I have stated Here
and Here
and elsewhere that the west has longsince been pencilled in for destruction, and that the East
is where it is at.
Seeing this map, and connecting it with what I already believed, has sent a shiver up my spine.

This is what all the wars of the last and this century were about. They now hold power
(via central banks and puppet politicians) in every country throughout the world.
The endgame has arrived. There are no powerful groups for the good or positive
alien forces to help us.

Man, these are dark thoughts. I know people will dismiss this, but it will only because they
will not have taken the time to go through the links at the top that proves the media fakery
regarding the Japan earthquake and fukashima, over and over again.

Everything else that has been going on is for the purposes of distraction.

This may seem like a strange question, but is there any referendums coming up
in any other ATS members countries dealing with children and increasing the role
and powers of the government in cases of child protection, under difficult circumstances?
There is one coming up in Ireland next month, and it is strange and out of the blue.
Now I think I know why. Post-apocalyse legislation.

And I thought i was worried before. Man oh Man!
edit on 26-10-2012 by OutonaLimb because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by OutonaLimb


Fuku was faked but chemtrailing is real?

I am truly boggled.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

Great post - lots of effort and you are to be congratulated. People need to know exactly what has happened with regard to the nuclear reactors in Japan. As Dr Helen Caldicott states - very clearly - you cannot see it - you cannot taste it - it is the silent killer.

When the oceans can carry huge physical items from Japan to the west coast of America then it stands to reason that the wind can carry the 'invisible' radiation a lot further than the currents of the sea.

Weeks after the meltdown excessive radiation was detected in the soil in many parts of America and after that the food that came from that same ground was found to be excessively radiated. Seals and polar bears are being found with suppurating (weepy & not healing) sores and fur loss - fundamental symptoms of radiation poisoning.

I have read widely and viewed video clips via the alternate media because the mainstream media are not interested. The nightly news on the mainstream media will focus on wars and violence and politics and taxes and the weather.

We as a global community are not in control of nuclear reactors and when meltdowns happen we are not in control of any information that is shared that is relative to the after affects. Thank God, thank the Universe, thank who ever you want for the conscientious human beings who share information that is relative to what is really going on.

Much Peace...particularly to the Japanese people who were hit the hardest ...

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:50 AM
Atoms for peace
the gift that keep on giving for thousands and thousands of years. While I've not the data nor the skill, I am certain the rise in all types of cancer (and other degenerative disease) must correlate to the introduction of radionuclides into common usage - yeah Madame Curie.

I find "The Corbett Report" a credible source on the Fukushima situation.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by davjan4

Yes sir/ma'am.

-goes back to stockpiling radsuits and Geiger counters-

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Hey Derepent. I just read your comment, after I had posted mine.
Can you let me know what you think of what I have written above?

edit on 26-10-2012 by OutonaLimb because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
reply to post by OutonaLimb


Fuku was faked but chemtrailing is real?

I am truly boggled.

Yes and Yes.
And now I see the intimate connection between both.

Boggle away. It appears it doesn't matter too much.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:57 AM
Well put OP .

But ...the thing that bugs me is this constant need to make it look like America is the only country effected by these things.

I remember the day it happened , all i wanted to do was get to Japan and help out anyway i could , even made a few posts on here asking for help getting there since i was poor back then too.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:07 AM
To the OP - thank you. Fantastic post.

I truly believe that this is the single most momentous event that has happened, or will happen, in my lifetime, short of WWIII. In fact, I believe my own lifetime has been shortened because of it.

We've failed as a civilization. We allowed the wool to be pulled over our collective eyes for the past 50 years and, finally, we're going to pay the price for it. I've been following Fukushima far more closely than the average person since day one, and after reading and studying the testimony and opinion of many experts, I believe that Fukishima is, by an order of magnitude, far worse than any other nuclear incident we've yet encountered as a species.

I came to that final conclusion in the weeks and months after the event. I suspect that world governments came to the same conclusion far more quickly. Why else would North America's radiation detectors be so rapidly deactivated? If the early warning systems, meant to inform us in occasions such as these, were terminated so rapidly after the accident, what other conclusion can you be left with?? To me, the only explanation is that our governments knew how bad it was and that there was nothing that could be done about it. They came to the conclusion that causing mass panic would be a worse outcome than mass cancer. In the short term, they may have been right. In the longer term (4-5+ years), that remains to be seen. Somewhere down the road, there is going to be hell to pay for this, both in political and, ultimately, human terms. Such is the nature of our governments - kick the can down the road.

I would like to believe the conclusion that I came to; that the decision to not inform us of how bad this is was made because of the desire to avoid the inescapable panic which was sure to follow. In reality, however, I'm not so naive. Most likely, the decision was made at the behest of the nuclear industry lobby and their lapdogs, who populate the regulatory regimes in the western world, so as not to adversely affect their profit, and thus, their future.

The fact that they believe there is a future is the ultimate irony.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by OutonaLimb
reply to post by thorfourwinds

Here is a map, which I take to be reasonably accurate, published recently
in a mainstream publication showing the areas of the world being chemtrailed, and to what degree.

The original says geoengineering "research and experimentation" - why have you changed that to chemtrails?

There is plenty of actual geoengineering going on - reforestation, carbon capture, research into other forms such as ocean fertilisation and solar radiation management, but somehow you think that only chemtails exist???

And you call other people disinfo agents??

edit on 26-10-2012 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

And that's why you should know it is BS.

I honestly think most of it comes down in rain. If you have the equipment, test the rain.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:45 AM
So basically, if something goes wrong with any one of these hundreds of plants -- whether sabotage or natural disaster -- and they meltdown, an entire region of land essentially becomes uninhabitable for thousands of years......... Not to mention the immediate & delayed effects of having millions of people irradiated, as well as radiation plumes distributed throughout the atmosphere & oceans.

Maybe I'm missing something here? To me this appears like insanity.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by Raelsatu
So basically, if something goes wrong with any one of these hundreds of plants -- whether sabotage or natural disaster -- and they meltdown, an entire region of land essentially becomes uninhabitable for thousands of years......... Not to mention the immediate & delayed effects of having millions of people irradiated, as well as radiation plumes distributed throughout the atmosphere & oceans.

Maybe I'm missing something here? To me this appears like insanity.

Or maybe it's all a lie, put out to be used as the reason for mass sicknesses and deaths
to come, in place of where the real poisoning is and will be coming from; above our heads in
the form of chemtrail spraying.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 02:22 AM
link are the elites keeping safe from this?

Why do they poop where they eat? Seems like it hurts everyone, including themselves.

You can try some calcium bentonite clay, internally and externally, to remove radiation from your body. It's highly negatively charged and chemically inert, so it'll draw radiation from your body and expel it without being digested. It's an old trick and in time can remove over 70% of radiation. It was dumped all over Chernobyl.
edit on 26-10-2012 by MasonicFantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by alfa1

Originally posted by thorfourwinds
continued Fukushima radiation pollution
deadly radioactive plume
a massive radiation plume that struck the West Coast

According to the map, the US, particularly the West Coast and particularly California may be more contaminated with radioactive cesium than the western half of Japan or Hokkaido.

Puzzled by the argument going on here.

Why is that one needs to refer to "secret documents" to determine the amount of radiation exposure.
Given that all sorts of radiation detection equipment is perfectly legal and easy to purchase if you've got a small number of dollars (eg, build your own for $30), how could one assert any kind of cover up?

Why not just walk outside and do a measurement yourself?

Is it ...
a. Too lazy, surfing the net is easier
b. Actual real measurenments simply dont show a doomsday occuring

I'm sorry, but you have no idea what you are talking about. How many people do you know who actually have a geiger counter, much less go around checking for radiation, or even know the first thing about doing so? The vast majority, I would say well over 90% of Americans, do not or would not do this.

The coverup, which you do not seem to understand, is two-fold. First, when the MSM or the WH reported on this disaster, it severely downplayed the severity, effectively COVERING UP the fact that US citizens could actually be in danger. And secondly, the MSM, when they were not reporting lies about the amount of radiation reaching the west coast of the US, simply did not report on the issue at all.

There are plenty of instances of the MSM "censoring" or being censored, and it has been proven to occur. It is not like it is impossible or something. A handful of powerful people have asserted this fact in past interviews as well. And there are many more instances of the government lying to the people of this country, for whatever reason. In this case I suppose it was to prevent "panic," which is just stupid, considering people could have attempted to protect themselves had they known.

The radiation that reached the US was not really present in amounts to outright kill someone, but the amounts were enough to cause long-term damage, which will not show up until many years from now. The government knows this as well, so I doubt they were worried about people becoming severely ill.
And the government also was not worried about being caught in a lie, because even when that occurs, the majority of people do not hear about it unless the MSM airs it...And we know the MSM is not concerned with true journalism, especially networks like Fox. If you disagree, go watch the "OutFoxed" documentary. Listen to the people who are in a position to know who give interviews in that film, and then tell me how you can still watch that network. I just mention this because they are by far the "worst" network for a person to get their news from. The founder of the network said it best...Something to the affect of: Fox news is not out to report the news so much as it is out to promote an ideology.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by jaws1975
Not sure what to make of your assessment, but I will definitely give you an A for effort!

That's a nice way of putting it. Ditto that.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 04:56 AM
Well, I live in Portland, Oregon and this really worries me. I have always been very concerned about my health, and the last thing I need right now is to have something else to worry about.

So could someone please prove to me I am not in any danger. If this is just a bunch of sensationalism, I find it really insensitive because I am kinda going through anxiety right now and I just cant take any more worry. Do people realize what effect all this fear mongering has on people, like I am truly worried.

However, if this is all real, does anyone know of anyways to naturally prevent the effects of radiation?

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 05:26 AM
Op, you've obviously put a lot of work into this thread. Bravo for that. however, you start by saying this info was based on FOIA ( Freedom of Information Act) documents. I'd like to see those documents.

That's what we need. A website that stores copies of FOIA documents people request so we can all read them. Just request, then scan and upload. That would be awesome. It would save people from having to request something that was already requested.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

yesss....soon the X-Men will be a reality

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