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Most Amazing Spiritual Experience

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posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 09:56 AM
A few months ago I watched a video on youtube of this master/guru giving a skaktipat initiation with a mantra phrase that was to be repeated after the initiation. I did not think much of it and thought it was not going to do much. After watching the video and receiving the mantra and initiation to my utter amazement i felt like some kind of energy was coursing through my spine. It completely took me by surprise. On the website of this guru it was stated that after you are initiation you should visualize the guru's picture and chant the mantra silently. On the website it also stated that after you receive initiation when the kundalini starts to get activated you body will start performing all kinds of yogic postures and breathing exercises by itself. So after I received the initiation I sat down to meditate and started repeating the mantra and immediately I felt like my body wanted to move. To my utter amazement and disbelief my body started to move and perform yogic postures one after the other. The postures my body was doing were so unique that I had never seen them in any book or movie anywhere. This lasted for about 1 hour straight without stopping. It felt like I was in a meditative state and my body was like a doll being moved into different postures with incredible precision. After the mediation I felt very peaceful and centered. It was like a natural high, it was one of the most incredible and amazing things that has happened in my entire life. I also decided to let my mother watch the videos and she experienced the exact same thing, so it was not just me. She was equally astounded and could not understand how this was even possible. When we started talk afterwards and to compare the postures we noticed that the routines that were performed were very different. So it seems that the kundalini knows each person's body and what needs to be done to achieve optimal results. I have been doing this form of yoga for the past several months now and over time the exercises have shifted from physical postures to very heavy breathing exercises and breath retention with all kinds of abdominal and chin locks and many mudras (hand gestures). The sheer variety and combinations of these involuntary yogic movements has left me absolutely speechless and in absolute awe. I was a big skeptic of these spiritual masters/gurus. I always thought most of them were con-men, but this guru really changed all that.

If you are interested here are the videos. The guru's name is Guru Siyag.

mantra videos initiation 1:
mantra videos initiation 2:

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 10:13 AM
I don't want sound rude, since the whole guru thing is something my sister believes and I would be being rude to her as well.

I just think that if these people really wanted to help they would not make us devote our energy to them even in part. I see them as spiritual leaches. I do believe in the power of worship, that it can empower you and the feeling is very real, which is why it is so attractive to people. You do gain power from having people even just focus on you.

It is to be avoided. for 2 reasons.

1, it is a short cut for those being worshiped and leads to a dependence like a drug on having people focus energy on them. They become a sort of super ego vampire....look deep into them and you will see a very dark side hidden under the facade.


2, it is a drain on those doing the worship. It is only as beneficial as the one being worships allows and even then he is limited since the main purpose of worship is to receive power, not to give it. It hides real progress from these poor people.

again, not to seem like a jerk, I just prefer the self teacher over someone who will never reveal all his secrets. That is a law of being a master. You never reveal all your secrets to your students. A lie if I ever saw one. In that case it is not because they cannot understand it or are not ready. You do so for personal safety (fear) and to maintain your title (status). You only do show everything when your spiritual belly is full and you pass the plate to someone else who will in turn take up the selfish dish....

I hope you find what you are looking for. I bet it existed before this man was even born....and will exist long after him...

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 10:33 AM
I agree with everything you said.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 10:47 AM
I appreciate your scepticism, OP. It is refreshing to hear from people who have incredibly experiences that question the experience(s) without immediately falling down the rabbit holes of belief like so many. I haven't watched the videos yet, but I look forward to it. However, I am hesitant to induce anything kundalini-related as I've heard about so many long-lasting side-effects.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 11:04 AM
Over the past few months I have read quite a bit on kundalini and it seems that if you awaken the power by yourself and the energy channels in the subtle body are not clean then it can be very dangerous or even deadly. In India there is a old saying "Without a spiritual master there can be no progress". The reason being is that only an enlightened siddha (yogi) can awaken this energy in a proper manner. That is why a lot of horror stories about kundalini, if you choose to do it yourself it is a big gamble with your life. That is what my "guru" says and that is what I have read in other books on vedic philosophy and yoga. So that is my 2 cents.

Originally posted by jheherrin
I appreciate your scepticism, OP. It is refreshing to hear from people who have incredibly experiences that question the experience(s) without immediately falling down the rabbit holes of belief like so many. I haven't watched the videos yet, but I look forward to it. However, I am hesitant to induce anything kundalini-related as I've heard about so many long-lasting side-effects.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by razorman
Over the past few months I have read quite a bit on kundalini and it seems that if you awaken the power by yourself and the energy channels in the subtle body are not clean then it can be very dangerous or even deadly. In India there is a old saying "Without a spiritual master there can be no progress". The reason being is that only an enlightened siddha (yogi) can awaken this energy in a proper manner. That is why a lot of horror stories about kundalini, if you choose to do it yourself it is a big gamble with your life. That is what my "guru" says and that is what I have read in other books on vedic philosophy and yoga. So that is my 2 cents.

Originally posted by jheherrin
I appreciate your scepticism, OP. It is refreshing to hear from people who have incredibly experiences that question the experience(s) without immediately falling down the rabbit holes of belief like so many. I haven't watched the videos yet, but I look forward to it. However, I am hesitant to induce anything kundalini-related as I've heard about so many long-lasting side-effects.

People activate Kundalini all the time without a master so that there is needed a master except your spiritual self is not 100% right from my point of view but you have to be patient and not force it and only do things when it is comfortable. But if you want company and need a guide then use a Guru. Do what feels right for you so you feel safe.

But I agree that it can be a ride if you go the amgydala fear reaction road but that just happens to people that experiance things suddenly after an extreme lifechanging event. I get a little root and a little crown when I listen to it so the mantra does do something in your bodies. He is good with prounouncing the right frequency sound so your body reacts to it. If you wanna give money then give him money for his effort, just like you give a person playing a beautiful music money if you feel like it.
edit on 23-10-2012 by LittleByLittle because: Spellchecking

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 01:30 PM
I bet that was a great experience for you and I truely hope it will bring you further on your path

I've never heard of Guru Siyag before so I googled him. There is a lot written on this guy in spiritual forums and it ALL rubs me in the wrong direction!
A few things that seem to come back very often is: "you need to have faith in the guru or the kundalini will fall"... "you must believe in the guru".... "you need to focus on the guru".... etc.
Well, guess that's the way of the Guru! LOL, but imo, you can learn these things on your own as well and it's probably safer to.

Always make sure your 'guru' knows what he's doing and actually can do all the things he claims.
Ask yourself the question: What happens when you put all your focus on one person? What happens with your energy? Why would anyone ask of you to place your focus on him?
The answer is what makes a guru a guru..... and your better off without one.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 02:27 PM
In tibet they have the same thing. It is called guru yoga and it is done in the same way. You focus on the form/image of the guru right where the ajna chakra/third eye is.

Originally posted by GypsK
I bet that was a great experience for you and I truely hope it will bring you further on your path

I've never heard of Guru Siyag before so I googled him. There is a lot written on this guy in spiritual forums and it ALL rubs me in the wrong direction!
A few things that seem to come back very often is: "you need to have faith in the guru or the kundalini will fall"... "you must believe in the guru".... "you need to focus on the guru".... etc.
Well, guess that's the way of the Guru! LOL, but imo, you can learn these things on your own as well and it's probably safer to.

Always make sure your 'guru' knows what he's doing and actually can do all the things he claims.
Ask yourself the question: What happens when you put all your focus on one person? What happens with your energy? Why would anyone ask of you to place your focus on him?
The answer is what makes a guru a guru..... and your better off without one.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 09:46 PM
Here are some videos that depict similar yogic movements to what I have been experiencing the last few months.

edit on 10-1-2013 by razorman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:21 PM
I guess I'm not ready to try it.. this looks a little scary-lol
Are the involuntary movements attributed to opening up energy flows, ie; it's your body being awakened, or is it the energy itself? I guess that's kinda the same thing maybe-lol Not really sure what I'm trying to ask- doh!
As you continue the practice, do you just sit down to meditate and it begins, or is the chant still required?

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:23 PM
At first I had to do the visualization and the chant. But now as soon as I sit and close my eyes the yogic movements start. I realize to a person observing from the side it looks kinda freaky, but I assure you it will make you feel amazing. This is how hatha yoga is suppose to be done. The postures are done by this intelligent energy. The postures will be different for every person. You may also get visions from the pineal gland. My mother is also doing this yoga and she has a lot of visions. So it is very different for everyone.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by razorman

what are the words of his mantra?

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:35 PM
Watch the initiation vids. A mantra has to be empowered to have effect. That means u need oral transmission. Otherwise it is useless.

Originally posted by backcase
reply to post by razorman

what are the words of his mantra?

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by razorman

I do not wish to worship this man, I am only curious.

If you do not wish to write them then it is fine by me.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:27 PM
Who said anything about worship? What you are seeing in those videos is just the activation of an energy that resides in every human being. The guru does not give you anything. All he does is flip the "ON" switch. Once the initiation is done you can go on with your life. You don't have to make and altar and pray to this man!!

If you want some more information on the whole history of the Siddha tradition :

Originally posted by backcase
reply to post by razorman

I do not wish to worship this man, I am only curious.

If you do not wish to write them then it is fine by me.

edit on 13-1-2013 by razorman because: (no reason given)

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