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Book Alert - Conspiracy books that are out of print and are rare/ expensive. New books that will be

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posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 11:54 PM
I was reading another thread about mysterious disappearances in national forests. It got me curious so I looked into David Paulides who has a few books about missing people in national parks. They are both recent and the cheapest I can find are priced in the 50-60 dollar range. Some are asking 600+ dollars.

I find it curious that these books are in such demand as they were published so recently.

Is it because his books were published in small numbers?

I find that many of the books I look for in conspiracy/paranormal fields are rare and expensive.

I just ordered "Missing 411" both east and west editions at over 50 dollars apiece. The rest of the copies I could find were much more expensive. I expect copies below 100 dollars to be hard to find soon.

I also own about half a dozen alien/ufo books that are priced much higher than they were when I first bought them. A UFO catalog is reselling at nearly 9 times the retail.

What I would like to do is create a "Book Alert" thread that is for the sole purpose of bringing new and potentially rare and/ or expensive books to light.

We all have our own interests here and many of us study obscure fields of thought.

If we get into the habit of alerting each other to potential collectible books in our interests, it may enable us to enrich our collective interests as well as fill out our libraries of strange and curious books.

I have no intention to sell my books for a profit, merely to buy before the prices get exorbitant.

Just an idea. Might be worth pursuing.

edit on 13-10-2012 by badgerprints because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 12:02 AM
If you aren't in the mood for purchasing rare and/or old books, you can use the site Forgotten Books. Basically, it allows you to download rare books for free. It's a Gold Mine when it comes down to the real Illuminati too, if one is interested.

Here it is:

Edit: It seems that they have limited their free download options to just 5 downloads...that's unfortunate.

edit on 14-10-2012 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

Five free books is five free books.

Even a place to access some of these out of print books is always good.

I have about 500 e-books. I prefer physical books but it's the text that's most important.

Thanks for the link.
edit on 14-10-2012 by badgerprints because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by badgerprints
reply to post by daaskapital

Five free books is five free books.

Even a place to access some of these out of print books is always good.

I have about 500 e-books. I prefer physical books but it's the text that's most important.

Thanks for the link.
edit on 14-10-2012 by badgerprints because: (no reason given)


I too prefer physical copies...but when some books that are hard to find, it is always great to obtain a copy, regardless of what version it is.

No worries

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 12:29 AM
My most recent speculation is this book: UFO's and Government: A Historical Inquiry
It has several contributors.
It was published this year and has a lot of factual information.
It is selling up to 95 dollars used but there are still new books available and used books near retail.

It's a big book. 8x11 500 pages.

Full of history on the government and military regarding UFO's.

Good for the enthusiast or researcher.

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 11:29 PM
Agreed. I have gotten in the habit of searching thrift store book sections, where I've found a hundred or so great books. Some are old, some new, all topics ranging from UFOs to ancient history to paranormal and everything in between. On average, the prices range $3 to $5 each, even less when they have sales.
There's even a "shopgoodwill" and "goodwillbooks" website with similar books to be found.
And the search is half the fun.

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by gemdog

There's even a "shopgoodwill" and "goodwillbooks" website with similar books to be found.
And the search is half the fun.

I didn't know about those either.

I found a site last night that has the missing 411 books at retail 25 dollars. Cancelled my other order and am getting the lower price from the authors website.

Turns out that a lot of authors have a reserve of copies at home. Especially conspiracy books because so many are self published.

Right now I'm looking for a copy of "What happened to the towers?" It is a female author but I can't remember her name.

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by badgerprints

If you're referring to "Where Did The Towers Go". The author is Judy Wood and it can be found with the Google.


posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by badgerprints

I was just looking to buy those today missing 411 west coast and east coast books by david paulides. Like you
said all are $$$$ 60.00 bucks and up each.

I scratched my head thinking what!! weird...
I'll do like you and go to david paulides web site.
edit on 24-10-2012 by RUFFREADY because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by badgerprints

merely to buy before the prices get exorbitant

Reduce demand by not buying them in the first place and finding free sources. Start you own book on your own research. Publishing is free today and there are o lot of free books out there, no real need to spend any cash...

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 04:00 PM
You were right Heff
About 90% done with it.
It is pretty creepy to tell the truth.
Don't know if this will end up being a rare book bu I was thinking its worth mentioning.
Where did the towers go? Judy Wood.
So far she has just presented evidence in pictures, reports from government agencies, interviews with mostly emergency personnel and from pictures available to the public. She does a good job of it. It's sad to read but there's a ton of things that question the official story.
She hasn't made any accusations so far(in the book) Just presented all of the evidence she can. She makes a compelling case.

On another note.
I have decided to create a physical archive of all the best conspiracy and political books I can find. If I ever have grand kids it will be interesting for them to read about history before it was completely rewritten and dumbed down.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
reply to post by badgerprints

merely to buy before the prices get exorbitant

Reduce demand by not buying them in the first place and finding free sources. Start you own book on your own research. Publishing is free today and there are o lot of free books out there, no real need to spend any cash...

I actually don't like the preponderance of working around paying for books. Out of copywrite is fine but authors that don't get paid cant justify contributing.

I am an amateur writer. I'd like to think that one day if I am published that everybody won't just steal my work.

I buy real books because I like to support the industry and enjoy them. Speculating on books that will increase in value and /or become rare is a good way to support fellow writers.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by badgerprints

I actually don't like the preponderance of working around paying for books.

I rarely pay for content (ideas) and I do contribute as a write for free GFDL or CC30 editions of books regularly, given that the price of publishing is virtually nil today and will continue to decrease, this allied with the vast number of works that are in the public domain or free makes really in writing for ones livelihood a very risky business.

Add to that copyright infringement, akin to civil disobedience (that really stems from bad pricing policies and absurd copyright law), and unless the system changes drastically there will be very few fields of writing that will survive as we know them today. There are advantages and disadvantages regarding the situation and many avenues for evolution, one aspect that I take as important is the greater access we have for information in general (even if quality seems to have become lost in the shuffle).

Out of copywrite is fine but authors that don't get paid cant justify contributing.

Out of copyright is only a section of what is today available, when we talk about writing we are really talking about content generation the medium today is really irrelevant be it audio, text or video the sheer number of people alive today and our capacity to retain past works makes a drastic shift inevitable (that is why corporations lobby for extended copyright protection or how works that are out of copyright (public domain) rarely get any state protection, they are the repositories of human knowledge and creativity that belong to all of us but no one cares to protect...

I am an amateur writer. I'd like to think that one day if I am published that everybody won't just steal my work.

Consider the new models available to you and do not rely on the old ones. From micro-payments, donation to ransom there is a world of alternatives that not only increase your chances to get market visibility but can even lead to increased profitability since you will be cutting the middleman out (publisher). People will always be able to steal your work they always have been able to, now is just less expensive to do so...

I buy real books because I like to support the industry and enjoy them. Speculating on books that will increase in value and /or become rare is a good way to support fellow writers.

I started to avoid buying real books long ago I still subscribe to some publications (no newspapers) and buy reference works (even prints of public domain work if the quality is good) or as a way to support authors that I respect but I avoid to not support an industry that I do not respect.

In the case of Conspiracy, Survival, UFO etc I would never spend any money on it, there are plenty of free content out there and supporting some of the fields in this manner would foster even more quackery (I do however buy now and then some Science Fiction books and technical books on my area of interest and would gladly pay attend some conferences on some of the areas that ATS covers).

edit on 26-10-2012 by Panic2k11 because: spelling

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 08:30 AM
Got my copies of missing 411 west and east (from authors web site) started on the west 1st ...WOW!! So far I've
been blown away!!

Stay with a group when you go to any "out of the way national parks" !! sheesh! pretty crazy stuff happens!

Crater Lake very scary place. Go there by yourself and you might just get ate! Every bit of you except
some of your cloths (which will be set aside nice and neat) and folks will probably find just a few fragments of you and a skull (with-out damage-like a bear would do) ,...

Good book so far..yikes!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 07:28 PM
No new conspiracy books.
Working on old editions of Bud Hopkins , Witnessed, Intruders and missing time. Bought all used. They are all out of print I think. Very down to earth method of laying out his story.
Not loopy at all.

Also bought Ada BlackJack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic

Not conspiracy but looks good.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:26 PM
Off the Wall: Death in Yosemite [Illustrated] [Paperback]
Michael P. Ghiglieri (Author), Charles R. Farabee (Author), Jim Myers (Illustrator)

Over The Edge: Death in Grand Canyon, expanded 10 year anniversay edition [Paperback]

also in Hard back -check barns and noble/amazon

These books used by Missing 411 Dave Paulides

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by badgerprints

Just stumbled upon this thread.....wish I found it before Christmas!!

[would have added a few things to my Xmas list....

You named a couple of books that I'll try to find that sound interesting to me.
I have heard of the book "Where did the towers go" but couldn't remember the exact title or the author.
Can't remember, is she the one that pointed out how 1400 cars near the towers were burnt like if in an explosion??
Some kind of nano-explosives?
I may be thinking of some one else....
Will try to find the book however.

Maybe you can add some more titles that you consider excellent read.....



posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 12:42 AM
Been a bit since I've been on this thread.
Been reading a lot but mostly free stuff and a backlog of UFO/ alien/ crypto/ conspiracy e-books.
No new aquisitions except for a few out of print Heinlen editions.
Been working through several audible books on my daily 4.5 hour round trips too and from work.
Clockwork universe, Variable Star, The Baroque cycle..

Others, Brahm Stokers Dracula (again), Mindkiller, Time travelers strictly cash, Dr. Mary's monkey (very interesting),

Nothing earth shattering though.

Most of the conspiracy titles are the same old thing done as a rehash.
I haven't found anything very interesting along those lines recently.
Thinking of re-reading some of my older stuff.
Maybe I'll putter through some Richard Feynman. That always cheers me up.

(post by lisa2012 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

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