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Do human's have any responsibility?

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posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 08:58 PM
What responsibility, if any, do humans owe to other humans, species, or to their environment?

Many argue that this state of variety ought to be important to us as a species, either in itself, or in relation to our survival, and as such should take precedence over other concerns.

Others will argue that this is not the case, that the state of biological diversity on this planet need not concern us when considering the consequences of our actions and policies. We've made it to the top of the food chain and whatever we do is fair game, even if we decided to eliminate every species on the planet.

Some believe to handicap ourselves for the sake of diversity is actually to deprive the universe of intelligence.

Animals have no moral code or ethics, because they live by instincts alone, and any behavior that looks moral is merely a way to propagate genes.

Why should human's be any different?

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

What responsibility, if any, do humans owe to other humans, species, or to their environment? mind their own god damn business.

Profound thread...

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:10 PM
We should not actively seek to destroy ecosystems and the environment out of sheer hubris.

But on the same note we should not let these concerns hinder our advancement. After all, 90% of every species that has ever existed on this plant are now extinct.

No matter what we do, I think the planet will be fine, but there is no reason we can't be civilized about it.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:16 PM
Oh, I misread it. Humans have a huge responsiblity to wake up, and work for the happiness and equality of all, and to see through all the ISMS and politics and to denounce renounce primitive jungle beast mentatlity of dog eat dog and social darwinism, unless they want to inherit a primitive savage world next time round.

But the stuff they are dumping on us for karma, IT's ALL THEIRS BABY! Humans are not responsible for the evils of the bloodlines and corporate mismanagers of this planet.

As to what you wrote about, well, LOL, there is a huge tab in life, daily, with thoughts/words and deeds, and without alot of compassion on self and all others, forgiveness of self and all others, and working for helping others sharing, not counting self but serving others. That tab needs to be paid when we leave and our SOULS want to be PERFECT AND LOVE, so they're really hard on us.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

Humans are different, alone, in the sense that they can predict the result of their acts. Grazing animals don't have the capacity to think "What if all the grass is gone one day?" They just graze. This applies to all known biological organisms except humans. Some of the higher mammals tend to display some understanding that we might recognize... for example, elephants have been proven to mourn their dead. But can they foresee potentials, beyond a reactive level? I think only we possess that.

So we are animals with an apparently unique ability to see forward. Does that imply responsibility? Darwin would sprain his brain on this one I think because this creates a conflict in selective reproduction. The "fittest" right now are the ones willing to plunder the resources and destroy the future. This happens to be in direct conflict with natural selections primary function - continuation of the species. Dueling imperatives... personal gratification versus longevity as a species.

From what I've seen and experienced, I'd say the future isn't so bright after all. The desire for gratification seems to overpower the purpose of natural selection. Maybe it even replaces it.

In the long run, whether we survive as a species or not is utterly irrelevant. The earth will live out its lifespan, as will our sun and our galaxy. In the scheme of things... we're not even a bug on the windshield of the bigger picture. Therefore any implied responsibility is illusory. That is not to say it isn't also noble - but it is superfluous when compared to the whole.


posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by Samuelis

Humans are different, alone, in the sense that they can predict the result of their acts. Grazing animals don't have the capacity to think "What if all the grass is gone one day?" They just graze. This applies to all known biological organisms except humans. Some of the higher mammals tend to display some understanding that we might recognize... for example, elephants have been proven to mourn their dead. But can they foresee potentials, beyond a reactive level? I think only we possess that.

So we are animals with an apparently unique ability to see forward. Does that imply responsibility? Darwin would sprain his brain on this one I think because this creates a conflict in selective reproduction. The "fittest" right now are the ones willing to plunder the resources and destroy the future. This happens to be in direct conflict with natural selections primary function - continuation of the species. Dueling imperatives... personal gratification versus longevity as a species.

From what I've seen and experienced, I'd say the future isn't so bright after all. The desire for gratification seems to overpower the purpose of natural selection. Maybe it even replaces it.

In the long run, whether we survive as a species or not is utterly irrelevant. The earth will live out its lifespan, as will our sun and our galaxy. In the scheme of things... we're not even a bug on the windshield of the bigger picture. Therefore any implied responsibility is illusory. That is not to say it isn't also noble - but it is superfluous when compared to the whole.


Thanks for the post Heff.

There is one other species that can plan ahead.

Experiments at the University of Cambridge show the birds are able to plan for future food shortages by caching food. Researchers believe this is the first example of future planning in animals other than humans.

So would say that these birds have inherited the responsibility of civility and the continuation of their species?

Or do they just REALLY love their foods

edit on 6-10-2012 by Samuelis because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Oh, I misread it. Humans have a huge responsiblity to wake up, and work for the happiness and equality of all, and to see through all the ISMS and politics and to denounce renounce primitive jungle beast mentatlity of dog eat dog and social darwinism, unless they want to inherit a primitive savage world next time round.

So your saying we do have a responsibility for the happiness and equality of other humans? When did we suddenly inherit this responsibility? Isn't civilized behavior just an invention of other humans?

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 10:11 PM
If we did, I don't know it, but I believe we do. I just keep faith in the thought of something more than what we as mere humans could know or understand. Not convinced by the thought that everything from the start just turned out the way it has by chance, It must be pretty depressing to think that actually, nothing would have a purpose or meaning, and there wouldn't be any reason to exist anymore.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 10:21 PM
I thought we are supposed to be taking care of this planet as part of our job as caretakers, given the intelligence to create tools and weapons to enforce compliance. I guess I was wrong, we are damned to live in hell on earth in the future. Our children and grandchildren will be in poor living conditions because of our ignorance of our responsibility. Common sense wasn't given to many in this world I guess, but that will all change in the near future. Lots of people will be dying in the near future because of what we have created. I guess people always have to learn the hard way. Schools out, now it is time for the final exam. Testing starts in a short time. Is everyone ready?

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 10:26 PM
The only responsibilities we have are the ones we insist upon.

Some of us insist on destroying, others on creating, others on preserving. We eventually get bored though, and naturally gravitate towards change - which is inevitable.
edit on 6/10/12 by AdamsMurmur because: clarity

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 10:55 PM
It seems natural that mankind developed responsibility to curb its destructive tendencies. Its probably just another way nature corrects herself.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:02 AM
How are we not responsible for these things? I mean really it would be nice to walk around and do whatever we like whenever we like to do it. But the reality of it is our first priority is to go forth and multiply, so if we use all the resources available to us what happens when the next generation comes of age has nothing and dies out? We will have failed in our primary mission. The rule of human behavior and survival tends to be everything in moderation, is that so hard to follow? Use what you need to survive and enjoy life, reuse what you can where you can and generate as little waste as reasonably possible. And there will be plenty left for the following generations. It is all about survival if you care not for the sick, or the environment you make it more difficult for the species to survive tomorrow.

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