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EDUCATE THIS...Challenge to think for yourself...I DARE YOU!!

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posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 12:11 AM
WARNING WARNING WARNING..3 hypothetical questions to the back button quick!!!

Whooping Cough 2012

(Reuters) - The number of U.S. whooping cough cases has risen to around 18,000 in an outbreak that is on track to become the most severe in over a half century and could in part stem from possible waning vaccine protection, health officials said on Thursday.

Since 1959..via usa today

(USA-TODAY) As of July, nearly 18,000 cases have been reported, more than twice as many as at this time last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported. At this pace, the number of whooping cough cases will surpass every year since 1959.

*Was it related to Fukushima...easy MATH don't be sacred..1959 minus one year...enter it into google...

nuclear event 1958

Operation Argus was a series of nuclear weapons tests and missile tests secretly conducted during August and September 1958 over the South Atlantic Ocean by the United States's Defense Nuclear Agency, in conjunction with the Explorer 4 space mission. Operation Argus was conducted between the nuclear test series Operation Hardtack I and Operation Hardtack II. Contractors from Lockheed Aircraft Corporation as well as a few personnel and contractors from the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission were on hand as well. The time frame for Argus was substantially expedited due to the instability of the political environment, i.e. forthcoming bans on atmospheric and exoatmospheric testing. Consequently, the tests were conducted within a mere half year of conception (whereas "normal" testing took one to two years).[1]

**Ok did something happen in 1959 to ban nuclear testing...hmmm?

Google again...don't be scared...1959 Nuclear testing ban...ok then you should read...but I know what many of you are here is your silver platter...for a small portion...don't want to ruin your appetite


It was only later during 1959 and into the early 1960s that the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union agreed to detach a general agreement on nuclear disarmament from a ban on nuclear weapons testing.

***So if I was a capable of complex thought..beyond beer and TV I might conclude that since they stopped testing weapons(MOX fuel)in 1959 and then then this year there is a rise again after the FuK u..# 4 went sky high...I think MAYBE..just MAYBE there is a connection...

>Oh that can't be...Fukushima fallout didn't make it to the USA right? Nothing to worry about...go back to the regularly scheduled program...

>PS my brother told me he had cancer 2 days ago and lives in BC...he is 27...everyone around me is sick and coughing like mad this year...telling me its like they cant shake it...just paranoia right?

>THINK FOR YOURSELF...I know once you get "all graduated and get ur papers"(yes that is poor grammar on purpose), they tell you its ok to stop learning and researching...just let the professionals do it...they will fill you in LIVE AT 5 or DEAD AT 6...

PEACE...sorry I am pissed today...and its not from the solar activity either

edit on 10/2/2012 by Drala because: Chuck Norris said so...want to argue about it? Take it up with him...

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Drala

Drala. I'm so sorry your Brother has been diagnosed with cancer. 27, he's so young, has youth on his side in his uphill battle. I understand your anger and frustration. I feel it too.

I also agree with you on Fukushima. But, it was not only R-4 that blew radioactive crap all over the place. The current ongoing dumping of massive amounts of radioactive water used in attempts to cool fuel rods, that should have been permanently covered a year ago, are pumping sure death into our oceans. With no end in sight...

Your Brother is in my thoughts and Prayers.


edit on 2-10-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by Destinyone

Thank you,

Ya sorry about the misdirection there...I really meant it more about the tests in the summer of 1958 being mox and the mox being stored in japan...ironic that it was Regan that made them put it there...don't get me started on that guy(yet)...he played his part well, i have to give him that...

I am just playing mine now...

The oceans are paying a high price that is for sure...I am glad I don't eat fish anymore...or meat for that matter..

Another associate of mine is mid 30s and recently got diagnosed with intestinal cancer...he lives in So Cal, and loves fish and he doesn't I should add.

This killer knows no boundaries...all are equal...

But you already know about Lip C
you have some advantage in this...but its so hard to explain it to others...

Like above when I stated complex thought beyond Beer and TV...its like talking to a stubborn child. One with a "voluntary" mental disability...

I wish a spinning heel kick to the head would help...I would happily toss a few out...but they are far too thick headed
Its not like the movies where you hit your hypnotized buddy in the head and he comes back to normal

maybe "someone" will find a use for the nuclear waste...hmmmmmm

edit on 10/2/2012 by Drala because: Changed my mind...I can do that..I think...

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 01:45 AM
PS I like to use faces
and dots... lol.

Feeling more relaxed...writing is good to vent frustrations...even though it garners no flags lol...but I am not a flag collector anyway...
edit on 10/2/2012 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Drala

Couple thoughts. If you get a hot particulate in the lung, like your breath it in, could that start your whooping cough or am I like way way off base??

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by r2d246
reply to post by Drala

Couple thoughts. If you get a hot particulate in the lung, like your breath it in, could that start your whooping cough or am I like way way off base??

I am no expert, but I suspect it could do that, when we cough its usually our body trying to remove something foreign. Their effect on our biological magnetic field(immune system IMHO) could weaken our ability to fight off regular flu and diseases Edit it's Bacteria related based on current research so I am leading towards overall immune system weakening. But these ideas should be researched, I am just putting my thoughts out there...

Worst case it gets in there and leads to a tumor...

In my mind nuclear waste is just imbalanced...we extract all the energy out of it to turn turbines, to create electricity, but its geometric structure is left empty...creating an imbalanced partical....again I stress these ideas need to be researched. I am just putting it out there to be considered...and based on where we are with cancer research I think alternative thinking might be in order

I have no training in this field...then again, i guess it really doesn't matter where the ideas originate...but that is partially the point of the thread...we need to do things for together.

I see everything from a positive and negative/ yin and yang point of view...then is the relationship between them balanced or imbalanced...

I am not afraid to be wrong, but I am afraid not to speak my mind...I welcome scrutiny

edit on 10/2/2012 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 03:13 AM
LOL and there is a vaccination against Whooping cough?? Maybe I am totally wrong...maybe the whooping cough organism likes mox fuels...and we can just vaccinate our way out of it lol...

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 03:18 AM

Looks like its caused by this...maybe its "only" our immune systems being compromised...

Maybe just coincidence in the timing...strange coincidence...
edit on 10/2/2012 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by Destinyone

Drala. I'm so sorry your Brother has been diagnosed with cancer. 27, he's so young, has youth on his side in his uphill battle.

I second that. For what its worth I'll say a little prayer. I hope your brother beats the crap out of that C word.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by Destinyone

Drala. I'm so sorry your Brother has been diagnosed with cancer. 27, he's so young, has youth on his side in his uphill battle.

I second that. For what its worth I'll say a little prayer. I hope your brother beats the crap out of that C word.

Thanks, I mentioned to him about the Liposomal/Lipspheric Vitamin C. Thanks for the wishes...I think they found it early enough to make a difference.
edit on 10/2/2012 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by Drala

hmmmm This is can inhibit the immune system and occurs mostly in children under the age of one when they are unimmunized, or children with faded immunity, normally around the ages 11 through again I think nuclear particles might lower our immune system..."faded immunity"

B. pertussis has the ability to inhibit the function of the host's immune system. The toxin, known as pertussis toxin (or PTx), inhibits G protein coupling that regulates an adenylate cyclase-mediated conversion of ATP to cyclic AMP, in this case (cyaA). The end result is phagocytes convert too much ATP to cyclic AMP, which can cause disturbances in cellular signaling mechanisms, and prevent phagocytes from correctly responding to an infection. PTx, formerly known as lymphocytosis-promoting factor, causes a decrease in the entry of lymphocytes into lymph nodes, which can lead to a condition known as lymphocytosis, with a complete lymphocyte count over of 4000/μL in adults or over 8000/μL in children. The infection occurs mostly in children under the age of one when they are unimmunized, or children with faded immunity, normally around the ages 11 through 18. The signs and symptoms are similar to a common cold: runny nose, sneezing, mild cough, and low-grade fever. The patient becomes most contagious during the catarrhal stage of infection, normally two weeks after the coughing begins. It may become airborne when the person coughs, sneezes, or laughs. Pertussis vaccine is part of the diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis (DTaP) immunization. The paroxysmal cough precedes a crowing inspiratory sound characteristic of pertussis. After a spell, the patient might make a “whooping” sound when breathing in, or may vomit. Adults have milder symptoms, such as prolonged coughing without the “whoop”. Infants less than six months also may not have the typical whoop. A coughing spell may last a minute or more, producing cyanosis, apnoea and seizures. However, when not in a coughing fit, the patient does not experience trouble breathing. This is because B. pertussis inhibits the immune response, so very little mucus is generated in the lungs. A prolonged cough may be irritating and sometimes a disabling cough may go undiagnosed in adults for many months.

Based on this I think many people around me actually have whooping cough...I was under the impression you need to 'Whoop"...this would explain why everyone is saying their colds and coughs just keep hanging on this year...this has a much longer cycle than other cough related illnesses...ok enough sleepy..

6-10 weeks long...and treatments only lessen the effects. Vaccination is not 100% effective, but highly recommended Body and Health Canada
edit on 10/2/2012 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by Destinyone

Drala. I'm so sorry your Brother has been diagnosed with cancer. 27, he's so young, has youth on his side in his uphill battle.

I second that. For what its worth I'll say a little prayer. I hope your brother beats the crap out of that C word.

Last post for the night...your C word made me think of the Harry Potter movie...Lord Voldemort...shhh we shouldn't speak his name
Thanks for that little tickle in the heart...they all add up

edit on 10/2/2012 by Drala because: (no reason given)

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