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How did Britain get a Prat like Cameron?

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posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:18 PM
How on earth did Britain end up with such a prat as David Cameron in No 10 Downing Street? every time he speaks to the TV and radio or press he blames other people for the mess he makes.
Today he spoke to the UN, he said the UN has blood on it's hands,, that's a good one seeing it was him who decided against the UN Mandate to attack Libya with his No Fly Zone war act with Russia & China saying no to bloodshed, he now wants to again put a No Fly Zone over Syria again without a UN mandate.
He blames Labour for our UK dept and money woes, when Labour left office in 2010 UK dept was under hald a trillion quid, it's not 6.8 trillion and getting bigger every day.
He has put the NHS back to 1997 when the Torys were slung out last, he has got our Army, Navy, Air Force the smallest in the world under 80,000 troops for the first time in 200 years.
The UK has one message for Cameron, it is go and take a long walk on a short pier.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:23 PM
Because the majority of Britain can be summed up into these categories:

Bureacrats, conservative middle class and clueless working/welfare class.

Sad but true.

Those who are left, are fighting a powerfull system.
edit on 26-9-2012 by Sinny because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:32 PM
He was voted in that's why.

actually I'll take that back.

f**king Clegg.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:32 PM
Cameron and his ilk were born to rule. It is in their blood, they have the breeding. We are mere plebs, only good enough to polish their shoes

Its Cameron , who has blood on his hands, for supporting the very same rebels that killed the American ambassador. But I guess he will choose to omit those uncomfortable facts.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Alternative4u

because we voted him in......i said it then and i,ll say it now..... a tory goverment is a disaster.......labour aint much better but going on the torys record then i think my votes on labour fcking it up less.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:02 PM
Because he was placed there by his handlers, decided in advance of any vote me thinks. I certainly didn't give him my vote!

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Alternative4u

Populations forget. To many voters who didn't live through the misery of Thatcher and her short lived successors the Tories seemed to offer a reasonable alternative. Gordon Brown wasn't a convincing PM and he had the worst luck ever. Blair got out just in time and avoided so many disasters it isn't true.

The Lib Dems could have formed a Government with Labour but Clegg and Cameron are social equals whereas the labour "plebs" were seen as alien.

So everyone forgot what a bunch of mindless, money grabbing, immoral and emotionally bankrupt cretins inhabit the Tory Party and the other two parties let them in by their incompetence and greed for power. Now we (the poor, the unemployed, the working classes and the disenfranchised) are suffering the consequences.

edit on 26-9-2012 by Thoriumisbest because: grammar mistake

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:07 PM
I've got to agree, even though im living in the states now, everytime i see his head on tv i would just like to give him a slap.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:17 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

British politics is a total mess with everyone trying so hard to cover the centre populist ground and not offend the newspapers that you can barely fit a cigarette paper between the parties.

If Cameron and his ilk had the guts to express their true opinions they would be voted out of office faster then you could say "upper class privilege" but they don't, they pander to the centre ground middle class middle Englanders and lie through their teeth. Same goes for Labour and whoever the heck is in charge of them at the moment, whats his name again?

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:24 PM
Because we as the people voted for him, or did we?? I didn't can not vouch for the rest of the UK.
politicians are all like dirty nappys, there all full of s**t and need changing from time to time.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:46 PM
Well he was a member of the Bullingdon Club, a secret dining club of aristocratic Oxford students notorious for coc aine fuelled vandalism. George Osbourne (the chancellor) and Boris Johnson (mayor of London, likely future leader of the conservatives) were also members. For three of the most powerful positions in the UK to have come from the same toff-club can't be a coincidence. I think one of the Rothschilds was also a member at around the same time as those three.

People vote for their party, but do they vote for who they want to be the leader of that party? I guess with the conservatives it doesn't matter, it'll always be someone with either a background in banking, or whose parents had a background in banking.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:55 PM
He's an absolute walking disaster, i really hope the rest of the world dont think us Brits are all like him and his type. He's a posh boy from a millionaire family, the best education money can buy, but no real life education at all. ALL of the conservative government are like this, they are so out of touch with reality its unreal. They have hammered the poor to the point where more than 30% of the families living on my street are now living in real poverty with next 20% living on the breadline, working and struggling to make ends meet compared to probably 10% & 10% under Labour,. Bring back Blair & Brown please....

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Alternative4u

Lol where are you getting your facts?

It is all Labours fault

Brown went on a spending spree in 2004 and didn't stop till he got voted out, by the time the big bad tories came in Brown had the country in a deficit of 160 billion.. (it is lower today)

Brown sold off all the gold and profit making assets for next to nothing, started the process or privatising the NHS, sold contracts to private companies to furnish schools worth 10x more than they would cost anyway. Spent everyones pension. Then left the country for the next political party to fix.

Now we have a problem with know-nothings like you blaming the current party in power for everything the previous party has done. You seriously this silly? stupid?

Just wanted to add, he is a prat though, but only for his foreign aid spending, everything else is Labours fault
edit on 26-9-2012 by dmsuse because: he is a prat, must admit

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 07:24 PM
How did we get a prat like Cameron ?

That's what we do in Britain.
They've all been Prats since least.

To be honest, I don't vote.
I'd never choose between either party because they all sold out years ago.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 04:05 AM
I agree, he has no idea whatsoever about normal every day living and how to survive, let alone live...

He has never gone through the anguish of a freezing Winter and not being able to pay the heating bills or not have enough money to buy a loaf of bread...

In fact he has never wanted for anything because it has been handed to him on a silver platter....

You just look at him and know he is just an upper class, snobby, don't give a toss about the poor people kind of person...

I think he is the worst leader of this type I can remember in my 47 years of being on this earth, and I grew up under Thatcher as well when I left school in the early eighties........

I don't even listen to their lies any more, at least there is an off/mute button on the TV.............

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by chaztekno
He's an absolute walking disaster, i really hope the rest of the world dont think us Brits are all like him and his type. He's a posh boy from a millionaire family, the best education money can buy, but no real life education at all. ALL of the conservative government are like this, they are so out of touch with reality its unreal. They have hammered the poor to the point where more than 30% of the families living on my street are now living in real poverty with next 20% living on the breadline, working and struggling to make ends meet compared to probably 10% & 10% under Labour,. Bring back Blair & Brown please....

Hear, hear....................

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
I've got to agree, even though im living in the states now, everytime i see his head on tv i would just like to give him a slap.

My exact thoughts also..........................I was living in Australia until last August and I also wanted to slap is big snobby chops...haha

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 04:17 AM
The problem Cameron is going to face as times get harder are these perceptions of them being a bunch of toffs. It's a toxic perception that only gets worse when you have the actions of Andrew Mitchell and the pleb gate story. I'm out of touch with the majority of people in the country, but these Tory toffs are on another planet. They would literally not be able to survive on jsa for a week with their entitled life styles. They probably spend more a day on their lunch.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 02:07 PM
Well guys I feel all your views on Cameron are right, he is hated by British born white people and many others who have come to live in Britain also hate him.
I have been advised by a person of high standing that we in Britain are shortly going to see bigger and more vilent riots on our streets soon than are taking place right now in the EU, the reason is under Cameron UK dept is bigger than Greece, Spains together, cuts will be made that will hurt, riots will follow, they will be bitter simply because as you rightly say Cameron and his elite are not working class people, they are not on British peoples level, so yes it's going to be very bad here by March.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 02:11 PM
The only party left worth voting for now is UKIP.

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