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Obama administration failed policies fuel these attacks

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posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:31 PM
The constant left wing hand-wringing, bleeding-heart "feelings" administration has to take some responsibility for this blow-up over a bad YouTube video. It doesn't matter how you secretly (or not so secretly) pull for the Palestinians, whether you put American treasure and strength into freeing the Libyans, pull out of the wars Bush got us into - the Muslim extremists and Arab street still hate us. They want us dead. Trying to play "I'm your friend" to these folks just makes them think you can be their bitch. The US needs to wake up and recognize the situation for what it is. You can't be friends with those that think your Satan. It's going to get worse. If Iran gets a nuke and decides to use it what happens then?

Everyone's worried about 2012. How about worrying about mentality that brought down the WTC and attacked the Pentagon, beheaded reporters, stone rape victims, launch unguided rockets into cities, sodomize and murder guys who actually try and help them. If the good people in these countries won't control their extremists what should we do? Anyone remember a guy named Chamberlain?


posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Variable

Prepare for incoming...

Here comes the endless parade of Obama shills.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Variable

I don't know, what happens if Iran gets a nuke? I'm not some psychic, nor do I hold any prophetic powers, so I am unable to foresee the future. Maybe you could shed some light on the subject?

Being that there are many other countries whom have nukes, who seem to be more trigger happy (United States, Israel, etc..), I think there are other issues to deal with. If, under some circumstance, Iran gets a hold of 1 nuclear weapon, I'm not scared? How many does the United States have? Israel? Pakistan? China? Russia?

The use of nukes in this argument is a scapegoat, there are no nukes, even if there were, it isn't any of our business. The United States just so happens to be the only country to utilize the weapon on mass civilians, clearly, they are the only ones who pose a threat of using it again (statistically, going off the past) so they should be removed from their possession, first and foremost.

edit on 16-9-2012 by QUANTUMGR4V17Y because: Spelling

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:49 PM
So all 1 billion Muslims are out to get us? I am pretty sure that is not the case. I think we all know how foolish it is to paint a billion people with the same brush. Maybe we forget that muslim have fought on our side in almost every conflict since WW1, maybe we forget that the fist nation to recognize our independance was muslim, that our longest standing treaty is with a muslim nation or that our muslim allies and the oil they have is vital to our national security. Foget all that they are all out to get us right?

Also since we have had attacks under every President in the last 3 decades how can anybody in their right mind suddenly blame Obama? Or are you saying everybody from Reagan to Obama is to blame? At least that could claim could be made with some logic.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Variable

Right it was Obama.

Sure its not the endless wars waged on the Middle East by one US administration after another starting as far back as 1953 when we overthrew Iran's democratically elected government?

edit on 16-9-2012 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 07:08 PM
Sure, US foreign policy has been a failure, but Obama continues it. Policies of overt weakness are actually worse than Bush's bellicose activism. You cannot project weakness. Bill Clinton's immediate withdrawal from Somalia after the Blackhawk Down incident is the direct cause for the creation of Al Queda.
We are soon to face a common theme in the history if humanity: The struggle between the East and the West. The West must win. Do you like your cozy, air conditioned home, tapping away on your iPad? If so, you must demand strength in dealing with the Islamists.
In many cases, we should have (and in some cases still can) withdrew on our own terms. Now that they showed their hand, Obama is empowering them. Showing weakness will destroy lives.
Obama epitomizes someone who feels that the US must be de-powered globally, The fact that US citizens are so easily influenced as to wish for their own families to be endangered and for their community within the nation to be weakened. Wake up.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 07:24 PM
How many threads do we need on the same subject?

We know you neo-cons will not let a tragedy go to waste, but to blame Obama for the actions of Islamic extremists is just ridiculous. These individuals are rioting over a movie that insulted their prophet, they don't take these things lightly and will behead anyone who does such things.

Our foreign policy has nothing to do with it.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by pierregustavetoutant
Sure, US foreign policy has been a failure, but Obama continues it. Policies of overt weakness are actually worse than Bush's bellicose activism. You cannot project weakness. Bill Clinton's immediate withdrawal from Somalia after the Blackhawk Down incident is the direct cause for the creation of Al Queda.
We are soon to face a common theme in the history if humanity: The struggle between the East and the West. The West must win. Do you like your cozy, air conditioned home, tapping away on your iPad? If so, you must demand strength in dealing with the Islamists.
In many cases, we should have (and in some cases still can) withdrew on our own terms. Now that they showed their hand, Obama is empowering them. Showing weakness will destroy lives.
Obama epitomizes someone who feels that the US must be de-powered globally, The fact that US citizens are so easily influenced as to wish for their own families to be endangered and for their community within the nation to be weakened. Wake up.

So with your logic the two embassy bombings and the third bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon were because Reagan was weak? Or 911 because Bush Jr was weak? And Al Queda was created in 1988-1989 so not Clintons fault but with your logic Reagans.

The fact of the matter is Obama had a surge in Afganistan, massed forces in the Gulf, launched airstrikes against Libya, sent troops all over Africa, increased the use of drones to kill terrorists, and sent troops in to kill Bin Laden. He has been just as likely to used military force as any of those before him. Maybe that is the problem.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Variable

That's not true at all. We were great friends of Iran in the 70's and the people then are still the people now. What you are falling for is propaganda brought out by various interests who are repeatedly and relentlessly baiting Muslim extremists. And it isn't Obama or his policies.

You can't see someone effectively pouring gasoline over the region and waiting for the sparks to fly? Then vanishing into the shadows since they don't want to be blamed for the firestorm they are trying to start.

We have our own Christian fundamentalist sects working overtime to de-stabilize the region but more effectively there is a very powerful group of strict orthodox Jews who believe the Palestinians represent their sworn enemies the Amalek. God himself requires them to slay these people and not only do they not want peace in the area - they would like a war. They NEED America to sympathize with their cause and rid the area of Palestinians for them. They do not have the worlds permission, they are vastly outnumbered, surrounded and too small to wage their religious war on their own. So, they are stirring up tensions and trying to egg on a Christian-Muslim war. In America we have like minded Christian extremist who sided with these strict orthodox Jews and work side by side to vanquish the Muslim population, their sworn enemy, imagining they too are divinely inspired and helping to fulfill Biblical prophecy.

Both groups work together toward the same goal for different reasons. They know if Americans here at home see enough television footage of violent Muslim extremist rioting this will turn American hearts against Muslims in general. Finally war weary America might step in and fight a war with Iran.

Osama bin Ladin has been killed and still we occupy Afghanistan. You might argue we are "aiding" them but they don't want us there. They see we are securing our own oil interests in the region.

American soldiers were filming themselves doing unspeakable acts to prisoners and defecating on the dead as a deliberate disrespect to these people's culture and religion and still there was minimal acts of outrage considering the number of Muslims there are throughout the world much less the region. This is a testament to their calm.

We have accidentally hit hospitals and schools and killed many innocent Muslim men women and children in misguided or mistaken drone strikes. Understandably there was outrage but nothing like we see today.

One soldier went from house to house and killed innocent civilians, men women and children while they slept. Again, we apologized and these people largely overlooked the senseless death of innocent Muslim at the hands of their "occupier."

A big deal was made out of an American Pastor who decided to burn the Koran in a big public show. He organized a movement abroad so that Americans there on foreign soil would burn the peoples Holy Book right under their noses.

Finally when tensions died down they had to up the stakes and disrespect not only the people's Holy Book, but make a mockery of and blaspheme their God and denigrate their religion - all while "guests" on their soil.

When do you think these people should attack and say "Enough is enough?"

If another country tried any of this in America we would not have waited for trouble signs - We would have kicked the foreign invaders out at "hello."

Can't you see someone is trying to push buttons and stir up Muslim extremist just to make sure THERE IS NO PEACE? They are religious zealots, saboteurs who will thwart any and all peace between the Jews and the neighboring Palestinians even though both those people want it.

So far they have done their job and accomplished their goal.
Until the Mideast is rid of them, there will be no peace.

edit on 16-9-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

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