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NSA and spirits

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posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:42 PM
The NSA is driven by and was created by spirits, or the dead of the past. I know it sounds weird. The creators of the NSA may not have even known they were driven by spirits when they created it. I have worked there as a contractor on RED V BADGE as a simple dish machine/small electrical equipment installer. Im told this is the equivalent to a "secret" level clearance. Its also the reason all of this information is being "channeled" into me. God oversees it all, as he cares for everything in total, including the dead. If you have read my other posts, when moving from one site to another in the OPS2 building on base here in Ft Meade, MD, I accidentally saw a RED ritual. I didnt even know what I saw really until I recently started getting more info on the world and how things work. Actually, its less like a ritual and more like a church service, bu tin an NSA building, which I thought was strange in the first place (religious service in a govt building?).

It was basically a bunch of GOLD or BRASS chalices, GOLD/BRASS candles with bases, and RED garb everywhere (this is the NSA side. The CIA side uses BLUE cerimonies). What I realize is that when I was working there, spirits attached themselves to me (its happened all my life actually, I just picked up some BRASS spirits from there lol) . So we all know J Edgar Hoover was fundamental in teh NSA's creation, but im told and believe that he was a medium that could channel spirits. This is the reason hes enshrined with a permanet flame at his memorial site, he was very friendly with RED. This is teh reason he was a cross dresser (a man but RED spirits are female polarity, and his cross dressing was a channelling/tithe of the opposite polarity of his sex). If you look at my intro thread from a couple of years ago, youll see I was abused as a child (dont want to talk about that) and that people try to push me to gay avenues all the time. It opened me up to RED without my consent, so I think thats why a lot of this info is open to me. Anyways, have you ever seen teh show "Crossing Over" with John Edwards? He really does talk to the dead, its not a joke. I always took note of his effeminate nature. I also notice female qualities in a lot of other male mediums ive studied up on (a gentle demeanor, not very threatening, very open). But J Edgar could do the same stuff John Edwards can do, its just it was different spirits talking to him versus Edwards.

Hoover had military dead-civil war soldiers/generals, even earlier "BRASS" spirits that were around before the formation of the United States. They manifested themselves into him to create a national grid of security because RED spirits that were evil were manifesting themselves into other places, and God sent them to keep all the spirits in check-so they didnt inhabit bodies and start killing people randomly or wreaking havoc on the free world. Could you imagine walking with Abe Lincoln or George Washington on your shoulders? What a GREAT honor. So all these years later, our founding fathers are still watching-to preserve honor, integrity, lives, as well as many other things. This is why there is such a push for globalization, to balance polarity over the entire planet, before we blow this planet up or deplete its resources. I believe that our cluster of spirits (its like a finite amount in a big fishbowl) - the total # of spirits ever, in history (some reincarnated, others just do 1 life then help from above)- were from different planets within and outside of our solar system. Like how they found water on Mars-Mars probably had life on it at one time (like The Game's rap about "I am a Martian"), and when it eventually became uninhabited, teh spirits (could have been spirits in insects, animals, basically any "life form", maybe even species that we cant even concieve) go to heaven (or hell) and chill with God until life is ready to start on the next planet, where the spirits will inhabit the new life forms.


posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by strangedays

I believe that the PARANORMAL activities are monitored more then talked about. I also feel there ARE gov global agencies hidden who can possibly monitor souls as well. THIS IS AN INTERESTING PLANET. Also the movie Avatar SEEMS TO BLEND SOUL TRANSFER WITH GOV INFLUENCE when embedding inside avatar bodies. Like some of the interdimensionals are said to do with SOME grey bodies. Interesting read.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:51 PM
I read this whole post. I am not sure what, in any way, you are talking about. Interesting different opinions you share about the origins of NSA. Curious... where did you develop these strange opinions? What prompted them?

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:18 PM

But anyways, weve had a RED scare here in teh US before like ive said in other posts and theres really nothing people can do about it-well theres one thing-pray to God/Jesus and ask for his protection. So basically the USA is still "one nation under God" its just that the dark one has released a bunch of his 6% of spirits out (94% are God's, 6% are Satan's) and they are VERY powerful. They are working through clusters of weak minded people or people consenting consciously to work with the BLACK (RED opens the gateway but its not bad, dont confuse that in my writings-im just writing from a (BLUE) right handed perspective, as RED is also represented by the Patron Saint Mary, aka "Mother Mary" or as in "Hail Mary"). So when people like Patricia Curry take joy in baiting and falsely sic-ing the cops on Jared Loughner, she is giving into these spirits (consciously-people who do it by accident dont suffer as much). Other groups of negative spirits then work on Loughner at the same time-getting him to burn the US flag or do other RED activities to "open the door" to that 6% powerful evil spirit, and when teh energy is high enough, it executes the sacrifice (in Loughner's case it manifested as a mass shooting). The problem with our country (as well as the rest of the world) is that RED has crept in subtley and is too heavy in the various population's lives (unbalanced or out of balance, 96, etc). People are more angry, rude, aggressive, pushy, and theiving than they have ever been.

Basically not following the 10 commandments has put us there. Its created by people (especially children) being tricked into adopting RED practices. Like watching TV and thinking its "real" or even if it is real, it makes the scenarios they watch seem like its a regular thing when its really not. It then does actually become regular as society begins to practice what they see on teh shows however. Now dont get me wrong, TV rules. It just needs to be watched in doses, not ALL the time. Same thing with video games since were talking about the kids. Little kids hardly go outside anymore and sports enrollment is at an all time low among them (as evidenced by obesity and other societal factors that are obvious). Say a kid plays COD (Call of Duty-awesome series of games just to put that out there) all the time. All day every day. It may be because he is rejected socially by his peers, or is poor and its his only possession so he tries to get his money's worth out of it, or some other reason (whatever would put that kids attention on the video game to that level, as there are a lot of practical reasons). All day hes playing a game where you assume the identity of a "drone" that shoots and kills people. And the voice cusses and says negative things (cussing is actually ok with me, just no GDs anymore for me ever) throughout the game/as a regular part of the game. That kid, only spending time with that game and no other as well as no social interaction outside of his classes at school, influences will begin to reproduce that language (most likely not the killing lol). Its the reason they tried to blame Doom/ID Software for Columbine, which is BS.

Say a lot of kids are doing this same activity and they talk about just that when they meet in school. They are all largely open to RED now. It manifests within that young person base in schools/highschools and you have an increase in thefts, fights, and crime among that base that rapidly increases from the point at which it was at originally. But yea thats how it works, and its coming from the dead/past spirits. Thats why its all about balance, the idea is to reduce RED back so its in equal balance with BLUE, more BLUE in males, more RED in females, jsut like different EQ's on a stereo system (some may be smokers, but not play video games, just for example of how its balanced on an individual level). They need to balance their RED tithes, which are a necissary part of life. Hopefully this explains some stuff for a few people out there.

Also once it builds up every few decades, we have war. People are inhabited by the spirits and actually want to go to war and can do anything about it. Once enough sacrifices are made (as teh Devil occupies his time torturing those souls "on the other side" and gets done with them, and comes back to collect more), and enough blood is shed, the RED dies down again, as its "satisfied". This is thre reason people will never organize and achieve world peace. There is a necissary balance and enough people here dont follow the word of Christ and just end up going to war. Its sad because they are the problem.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by strangedays

I believe that the PARANORMAL activities are monitored more then talked about. I also feel there ARE gov global agencies hidden who can possibly monitor souls as well. THIS IS AN INTERESTING PLANET. Also the movie Avatar SEEMS TO BLEND SOUL TRANSFER WITH GOV INFLUENCE when embedding inside avatar bodies. Like some of the interdimensionals are said to do with SOME grey bodies. Interesting read.

Yea Greys are just like drones. Human, but robot-ie radio controlled with the conductivity in their brains.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 12:13 AM
I regret that I read this whole thread. Sometimes, late at night, I'll read any thread I click on. I think it's because I'm too exhausted to turn the page to something a little more... shall we say... sane.

OK. Now I have to go floss my brain....

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Ex_CT2

I regret that I read this whole thread. Sometimes, late at night, I'll read any thread I click on. I think it's because I'm too exhausted to turn the page to something a little more... shall we say... sane.

OK. Now I have to go floss my brain....

I's about 2 minutes i'll never get back.

For OP: I worked at NSA for 6 yrs total, two separate tours. Last i heard, a Red V badge was UNCLEARED visitor, requiring an escort. Never saw nor heard of any "Red" ceremony.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 05:13 PM
I am more confused after reading this post than I was before. So you are saying there IS a God, and HE is in control of everything? So basically, you are Christian? What about those who do not hold the same beliefs? Then their god(s) does/do not exist?

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