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So, Ron Paul is out... Write-in? Wasted vote? What's the plan?

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posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:45 PM
I have a better more powerful suggestion, and I will share it despite my anticipation that it will again be mostly rejected.

If you really want a vote that counts, vote with your money $$.

If you don't support unethical business paradigms, stop buying their garbage.
If you don't support our corrupt government, find ways to cut their funding/taxation methods.

No one can force you to do something you don't want to.
But you better be willing to take some flack and face challenges as a result of your choice.

Remember apply the liberty concept to things in order to discern which route is best. Freedom is typically the more prosperous route.

People will say, oh but stopping buying crap I don't need won't fix the problem - but how would they know? There are no boycotts anymore, they are jokes. Boycott gas yet everyone goes and fills up extra before the boycott date and buys more the day after? It's totally absurd and pointless this way.

We actually have to have a real boycott for once. Massive scale and prolonged, possibly even being willing to make the sacrifices to pursue indefinite boycotts in some cases.

But I seriously doubt this would happen because when push comes to shove, most people falter and submit to that which they despise because they themselves are the purveyors of their own slavery and oppression by "going along with it" as it suits their current interests.

Instead we have to build resolve and look far into the future, hundreds of years even. By looking this far ahead it becomes absolutely clear that we need to turn this ship around now, or at least get the lifeboats ready, because there are some major leaks and the interior of the ship is getting flooded one compartment at a time.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by TheHorseChestnut
reply to post by SaturnFX

If the Hypnotoad demands it, then I guess so. All Glory to the HypnoToad!

If Paul wanted to be legitimate he should have formed a 3rd party years ago anyone thinking He can change the Republican party is an idiot. The republican party is a shell of it's former self and destined to extinction.

Honestly, I think he would have gotten much further running as a democrat considering most of his social outlooks are liberal...even more liberal than the current Dem in office...and ultimately people vote for social issues moreso than fiscal issues. Lip service is paid to fiscal responsibility by the right, but the cold hard facts show the exact opposite, so its a social issues election overall.

Ron is more liberal (classic liberal, aka liberty) than the neocon crazy shop at this moment.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

you are not going to get a name calling contest from me, so that leaves the Troll theory out.

I have been called ignorant before, usually by those who read for 20 seconds and imagine the rest of their own lives away.

at any rate I made a statement and you supported your claim by calling me names.

now spend 20 seconds on that one.
Then go read the links. Take 3 days to ponder it.

see ya then

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by rebellender
reply to post by eLPresidente

you are not going to get a name calling contest from me, so that leaves the Troll theory out.

I have been called ignorant before, usually by those who read for 20 seconds and imagine the rest of their own lives away.

at any rate I made a statement and you supported your claim by calling me names.

now spend 20 seconds on that one.
Then go read the links. Take 3 days to ponder it.

see ya then

lol, individualism and communism does not co-exist, please try again. Use actual facts to prove your claim that Ron Paul is a communist, don't try to say he is a libertarian and try to connect him to libertarian socialism which has nothing to do with Ron Paul.

Yes, I did read your links, and that crap has absolutely nothing to do with Ron Paul. I can't believe any human with a brain would believe this but I guess you did prove me wrong on that one.



1 Treats the people as a juvenile, incapable of organising or governing itself without supervision.
2 All powers reside in the state: in the economy, in education, in administration of justice, in the interpretation of law, in the creation of wealth and in the organisation of all functions.

3 The state is sovereign, all force (army, police, courts, jails) being centred in its grasp. The people are undefended, unarmed- which does not stop them being dubbed "sovereign" in the democracies.

4 People are grouped according to their political, religious or social beliefs, which is to say to a minimum degree insofar as these are the issues upon which people differ and vary most.

5 The state, which is a tiny minority, claims to have a greater acumen, ability and wisdom than the various social groupings. "One head knows better than all the rest put together."

6 In laying down a fixed norm for all time (its constitution or code) the state deforms the future and mutilates life, which is many-sided and constantly changing.

edit on 6-9-2012 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by rebellender

Originally posted by TheHorseChestnut
Ron Paul a communist? Wow, if you said Anarchist I would have been on board a bit, but he is the furthest thing from a communist. Please elaborate
edit on 6-9-2012 by TheHorseChestnut because: (no reason given)

this one
with this one
must read all of this one to make the connection

Now, you cannot read one sentence of this and call CRAP!


Do you actually know nothing of American libertarian tradition? Goldwater, Buckley, Rand, all communists? Or are you intentionally trying to mislead?

Libertarianism in the United States is a movement promoting limited government and individual liberties. Although libertarianism exists in two major forms worldwide, right-libertarianism and left-libertarianism, right-leaning libertarianism tends to be the dominant form in the United States. The right-leaning Libertarian Party, the third largest political party in the United States as of 2008 with 235,500 registered voters, asserts the following to be core beliefs of Libertarianism:

"Libertarians support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence. Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties."

United States Congressman Ron Paul and United States Senator Barry Goldwater popularized libertarian economics and anti-statist rhetoric in the United States and passed some reforms. Arizona United States Senator Barry Goldwater's libertarian-oriented challenge to authority had a major impact on the libertarian movement, through his book The Conscience of a Conservative and his run for president in 1964.

In the 1950s many with classical liberal beliefs in the United States began to describe themselves as "libertarian."Academics as well as proponents of the free market perspectives note that free-market libertarianism has been successfully propagated beyond the US since the 1970s via think tanks and political parties and that libertarianism is increasingly viewed worldwide as a free market position.

Yes, there are socialist libertarians but a quick look at Paul will tell you he ain't one of them.

edit on 6-9-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 07:10 AM
So, given that what must of us ardent Ron Paul supporters embraced were the Libertarian policies, doesn't it make sense --- now that Ron Paul is truly out --- to move our support to Gary Johnson and the Libertarian Party? I wrote-in Ron Paul in '08 but I think it is pointless this time around. He could have gone independent but chose not to. Doing anything to further support for EITHER the RNC or DNC is not in our best interests to be sure. Adn we need to not scatter our votes across write-ins, cave-ins, and such. We need to unify. Division is the gameplan of TPTB.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by eLPresidente
Yea, more yada, yada, yada. He's worried about funds? How so? Yea he's been consistant thru the years. This was and is his best chance. He backed his party. He let his delegates go. If your so blind you can't see it, that's your vision problem.

At this point in time, it;s a damn mute point to even talk about Ron Paul. Soo, open your mind to the fact that Mr.Paul has let down his minions. And if you think his son Rand is the answer, how stupid was the question?

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