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Paul Ryan Exposes Elite Agenda, "Shut Up" Says Banker

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posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by totallackey
I agree with loam. I do not understand what your issue is with open debate concerning Medicare. The whole PPACA was shoved right down the gullets of all the US and you did not post anything about that, correct? Nancy Pelosi stood right up in front of MSM and stated, "We need to pass it (PPACA) so we will know what is in it." How in the world can that not be construed as secretive?

Both sides have been RAIDING the cookie jar since they opened up SS and FICA taxes to mix with the general fund. Currently, we have 3 million people a year joining the rolls to start collecting, as the 1947 - 1964 demographic begins demanding their fair share...with no money left in the cookie jar.

Sorry, NO STAR and NO FLAG! As a matter of fact, I recommend this thread be moved SKUNK WORKS!

The 1947-1964 demographics "fair share" is $0. Your entire lifetimes have been nothing but one gigantic economic boom and your formative years occurred when the US dollar was king of the hill.

Meanwhile, in the late 80's and early 90's, this same generation inherited a world from the GI Generation of WWII in which the US had no enemies to speak of, was the lone remaining global superpower, had the finest infrastructure in the world, the best educational system that the world had ever seen, an economic wonder which had the appropriate checks, balances, and regulations to ensure a climate of prolonged economic stability, and a seemingly miraculous health care system which ensured that pretty much anybody who desired to got to receive some pretty top-notch care....and somehow in the span of 20 years the 'boomers have managed to f^ck up each and every of these institutions to the point where we are seriously discussing the complete collapse of the United States on a daily basis.

Sorry guys...but you don't deserve a damn thing and your "fair share" is somewhere between $0 and half of everything you own being taxed to pay for the catastrophe of insolvency which you have left your kids to deal with. This is especially insulting given that the preponderance of Gen X'ers also "raised their parents" in the 70's and 80's while you clowns were out "finding yourselves" being "thirtysomethings", and more interested in dating after your divorces than in raising your children or acting like a grown-up.

All those years you paid into the Social Security and Medicare system WAS ALREADY SPENT on your WWII-era parents. Long ago, I might add. However...they DID deserve because they EARNED it. Your parents CONSTANTLY built you guys new schools and new universities...AND THEN PAID THE TAXES TO ENSURE THAT THE TUITION WAS ATTAINABLE TO ALL!! My generation got less teachers, crowded rooms, school lunch cuts, exponential tuition increases, and were expected to buy their own equipment if they wanted to be on the football team. Your parents left you a world with no credible enemies or threats left in it. You guys pissed off the entire middle east and we now sit on the brink of WWIII. Even if WWIII is ultimately generation will be cleaning up the mess that the incoherent policies of the Baby Boomer's created until the day we die.

No...the Baby Boomers don't deserve anything other than to have their assets seized to clean up the last 20 years of completely irresponsible j^acka55ery at every turn.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

You want to run the math by me again? How do you figure I was raised by WWII era parents. My parents were born during WWII. Their parents were born pre-Depression. SS was sold to them as a PONZI scheme, and they and I had no choice except to go along or get thrown in jail for tax avoidance. Same with Medicare, introduced in 1965. Introduced by persons running the country who were born pre-WWII. Same with the raiding of the funds, occurring in the late 80's under Bush. most of them born pre-WWII. Do not tell me the money I worked for and paid in the system is not due because it is. I understood when I started working at the age of 8 I was probably not going to see any of it, because I knew the whole freaking thing was a sham from the get go...but that does change the concept it is due.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by kimar

Paul Ryan would not have been put on the ticket if he were not fully approved of by the Power Brokers / Bilderbergs. On the other hand Ron Paul has made enemies of the Bilderbergs /NWO / FED

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Oh, god. A right leaner that I agree with.

There is hope after all. If I could give you applause, I would. Not for agreeing but for seeing truth instead of politics.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

Bull Skate , there war 2 million dollars in social security for every person alive back in 1968 and growing . The damn money grubbing politicians passed a bill to get their hands into because it was so much money that they could steal . The Banksters run this country and LBJ sold us out to them with welfare , the Vietnam contrived war and the JFK assassination cover up .

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

This guy is saying out loud what we knew all along anyway!

I"m glad that these things are getting out in the open, what with Ryan's budget and Akin's collective medical ignorance. It's high time that the people got a peek at the real agenda that they're voting on.

Star and flag!

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 08:44 PM
Like Todd Akin's unfortunate loose lips, Mr. Taylor is saying the same about Paul Ryan. It would have been better for Romney to have chosen someone else, someone who would not be so vocal about specifics, like Medicare vouchers.

It works like this. Romney campaigns on, among other things, "saving Medicare". His VP choice then also tours the country, promising to "save Medicare". Once elected, Romney goes into his "quiet room" and comes out to announce that, to "save Medicare", he will give every senior citizen (whether of sound mind or not) a govt check (voucher) to be handed over to a private insurer, with the difference to be made up by the senior, or the senior's children.

Reagan never said specifically how he would cure inflation. GW Bush said we would stay in Iraq as long as necessary but not one day more, allaying public fears of a protracted war.

Politicians have to be like used car salesmen; if I ask if the car runs, the salesman would say, "Yes!", so as long as I don't ask HOW the car runs, he is correct and truthful. Paul Ryan says HOW Medicare would be "saved"; he's not a good used car salesman.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by totallackey
reply to post by milominderbinder

You want to run the math by me again? How do you figure I was raised by WWII era parents. My parents were born during WWII. Their parents were born pre-Depression. SS was sold to them as a PONZI scheme, and they and I had no choice except to go along or get thrown in jail for tax avoidance. Same with Medicare, introduced in 1965. Introduced by persons running the country who were born pre-WWII. Same with the raiding of the funds, occurring in the late 80's under Bush. most of them born pre-WWII. Do not tell me the money I worked for and paid in the system is not due because it is. I understood when I started working at the age of 8 I was probably not going to see any of it, because I knew the whole freaking thing was a sham from the get go...but that does change the concept it is due.

It depends which books and researchers you're referencing. Oftentimes the "GI Generation" encompasses both the WWII GI's and the Korean War vets. The most prominent researchers in the field of generational cycles (Strauss & Howe) absolutely differentiate between the two...but due to the text limitations of 4000 characters I wasn't going to get into the minutia regarding where the lines of demarcation out to be drawn.

I certainly agree with you that raiding money for social entitlement programs for such utter wastes of money as defense spending is certainly wasn't my generation that elected Reagan. Or Pappy Bush, Clinton, Baby Bush, or Obama for that matter. The Baby Boomers vast numbers mean that they have dictated the outcome of pretty much every election since 18 years old got the vote in '71...and arguably in Nixon '69 as there were large masses of Boomers already affecting the vote at that time.

However...I really don't understand why you think that tax revenue which was paid in say 1981 and spent in 1982 is somehow due back to you in 2012 or later. Social Security isn't a savings account or a 401K...nor was it ever billed as such. One years taxes go to pay the next years benefits. supporting your predecessors in old age is at least SOMEWHAT fair given that they had your generation the world on a platter. The ONLY thing the Baby Boomers had to actually achieve was simply not f^cking it up. But you didn' guys pretty much wrecked everything you touched. fairness...I don't mean ALL Baby Boomers are 100% responsible for everything bad in the world...I'm speaking in the macro on the scale of populations and demographics...not individuals.

I'm sorry...but as a generational whole...the Baby Boomers don't "deserve" anything. They have failed miserably at every single endeavor they have ever attempted and their kids and grandkids are left to pick up the pieces while even in their old age they show little to no remorse for their actions...or lack thereof as is often the case. guys are lucky GenX and the Millennials haven't shown up with pitchforks and torches for you guys yet.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by milominderbinder

Bull Skate , there war 2 million dollars in social security for every person alive back in 1968 and growing . The damn money grubbing politicians passed a bill to get their hands into because it was so much money that they could steal . The Banksters run this country and LBJ sold us out to them with welfare , the Vietnam contrived war and the JFK assassination cover up .

Of course there was. There were approximately 4X as many people PAYING INTO social security as there were RECEIVING IT. And are correct that the politicians have raided it.

But Christ almighty...think about what you're saying. You're blaming your elders whom you vastly outnumbered for "robbing" social security instead of yourselves for burying your heads in the sand since the Vietnam War ended....and so your KIDS AND GRANDKIDS should pick up the tab because the 'Boomers have been on vacation for the last 40 years.

Perhaps you guys should have been more concerned about running the country into utter bankruptcy instead of who Clinton was getting blowjobs from. Maybe instead of worrying about putting stickers on the albums of rappers who use bad words, you should have focused on the endemic corruption in government. You can't hardly blame GenX for Reagan's raping of the entitlement programs. We were in elementary school and were busy raising our brothers and sisters while our parents were out dating like they were in High School, "finding Jesus", or finding any number of new-age nonsensical distractions in order to better evade responsibility.

At least you guys had the benefit of your parents giving a damn about the world you inherited. All the 'Boomer's seem to care about is not paying taxes so they can buy more frivolous bull# while their fellow Americans are homeless, starving, and dying from a lack of basic medical care.

Yeah...sorry dude...but as a generational whole the American Baby Boomers need to have about 1/2 to 2/3 of their overall net worth seized and redistributed to fix their endless disasters.
edit on 1-9-2012 by milominderbinder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 11:54 PM
This is funny. Obviously, the OP is living in some kind of paranoia filled conspiracy theory haze.
This is an old video of an out of touch guy, who parroted the DNC line that the Medicare topic would sink Ryan.
If anyone actually paid attention, they would know that now, poll after poll shows that the seniors understand that Ryan/Romney will not affect anyone over 55, and they whole heatedly support it.
Romney/Ryan are rising while Obama drops like a stone.
Sorry about your luck if you back Obama, because like Michael Moore said, you'd better get used to saying "President Romney".
Now, how you can twist this into some kind of conspiracy is anyone's guess, but if you're no more aware of what's happening than you appear, then I guess we don't have to look too far for the source of your delusion.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

That's because I am an actual conservative. Real conservatives don't support superflous laws to keep gays from marrying or women from choosing. That's just these ceoconservatives that have folled so many in the GOP. I was a registered Dem that didn't fit in til last year. Right leaning is supposed to be about small government somehow it has become associated with "christian" morals. That's why it's (gop) is breaking in half. There are a lot of conservatives out there that aren't even aware because it's been made a bad word in my age group.small government, equal rights.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:42 AM
I believe Ryan to be part of an agenda that does not have my best interests at heart whether he is colluding with banks or not. I really cannot imagine Mitt Romney as president but I recall saying something similar in year 2000.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 08:10 AM
I do not think it is possible for the average American to find truth in the Political arena anymore nor have they been able to since Reagan. That goes for both sides. I am now convinced there is one party and it is the party of dismantling. Remember what the Americans sponsored in Argentina back in the 80's and 90's. The governament was made inafectual and the country is now run by corperations and there are more than plenty of starving people in a place that used to have fluid currency tfor it's people.

(Since the beginning of the 1980s, the world has undergone a major shift in thinking about the appropriate economic role of the state. Privatization of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) has been at the heart of this change. The track record on privatization, however, is still very limited. This holds true for Argentina;

Well friends the same is happening in USA . It is just that the corperations make allot of money and people are just either + or -.

And yes I may be Canadian, but I lived for 27 years in the USA and I cannot collect my social security because they did away with the rule that you could get 1/3 of SS if you lived out of country. Canada is right behind you anyway. Soon there will only be business and people will be eihter made rich or they will be run down by it.

In the 60's they used to say "your either on the bus, or off the bus."

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 08:40 AM
I am gonna bookmark this. It will go nicely in my collection of things to show people who want to learn more about how the world really works. I haven't met anyone so far... but I keep a list of things just in case I ever do. Thank you for sharing, man. That was cool of you.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:25 AM
From my perspective, given the evidence I've considered, it appears that the ruling class have been running the show from behind the scene for countless generations. It is not about wealth and power, but rather there is a much greater agenda working through the ruling class that only the fool can know, and the wise to remain ignorant of.
Therefore, if this is the case then presidential elections are nothing more than dog and pony shows designed to give the masses the illusion of freedom.
If you wish to consider my evidence for these claims, then read what materials, such as The Law of One claims.

edit on 2-9-2012 by Sovereign1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by RealSpoke

(alot of the "conservatives" on this site are... kinda dumb)

Privatizing medicare is a bad thing in our current system. In a perfect America it wouldn't be. If we had a total free markey where there weren't giant monopolies then competition would drive prices down, but we don't have that. So until something is fixed my libertarian ideals can't help here. In a legit capatilist free market society this wouldn't be as bad as it would be now. Now we don't have actual capitalism, we have corporatism and monopolies. So it sucks and we can't let it be privatised until many other things fix first.

See people like Paul Ryan are trying this "top down libertarianism" which would actually completely DESTROY people. If you break the system from the bottom then by the time you start working on things like medicare you people have a whole free market full of options, but if you start privatizing and making free market from the top where the monopolies are the tallest buildings (only option people have/things people rely on) you ruin people.
edit on 1-9-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

All Ryan's plan will do is create another middle man which will siphon off
Hundreds of billions of dollars from care and doctor reembursement.

Second, it will leave a larger gap that seniors will have
To cough up. It is inferior out of the gate

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by jeantherapy
I believe Ryan to be part of an agenda that does not have my best interests at heart whether he is colluding with banks or not. I really cannot imagine Mitt Romney as president but I recall saying something similar in year 2000.

Some Americans who are less well to do are stupid
Enough to vote against their own well being. That is a
Fact of this nation.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by filosophia

Vice President presides over the senate but okay say what you will...

The VP is just as important.
edit on 9/2/2012 by TheBloodRed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:15 AM
This sentence says it all for me.

"We won't discuss our plans for taxes until after we're elected". Mitt Romney AND Paul Ryan, August 2012.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by BewilderedandAmused
I do not think it is possible for the average American to find truth in the Political arena anymore nor have they been able to since Reagan.

More like since Nixon. Reagan was a master manipulator too.

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