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A theory on mind control (its inner workings)

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posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:14 AM
Ok, so there is an additive either grown in (GMO) or sprayed on/added physically to food, possibly at processing plants (sodium benzoate?). Its also in the animal feeds (cattle/chicken) as they all are mfgrd from the same source. So its in the systems of both the humans and animals. There is a satellite in the southwest (constellation pattern is a triangle 3 star delata in the night sky, the pattern can be seen anywhere on a clear night) that asists in controlling people through the use of RF modulation. This is where you get "body language" see thread:

This is also where you get the described "lucid dreaming" that Jared Loughner was doing/talking about. He was reading conversations by peoples hand signals and movements, as well as other things. Thats the reason he appeared to be "in a daze" when having conversations with people directly in front of him. He was verbally engaging in a conversation with the person, but at the same time asking questions and taking responses from people walking by the two of them. He was paying limited attention to to the person he was directly speaking with, making it appear that he was intoxicated or mental.

From the body language thread, you can read a "yes" response from someone raising their right hand in response to a question asked in his head. See link to "talking to animals" thread from teh above referenced thread to gain more of a background on what im talking about. Its scary IMO, because the person is actually talking to someone thats identifying themselves as God, but really is a person controlling the responder (whether its human, insect, animal) remotely. More on how this is done later in this writing. This can essentially "hypnotize" the person to do whatever-using the creator as a scapegoat. Screw that. In this case, like Alexander Emerick Jones said, I believe that Gabrielle Giffords was in fact Loughner's intended target. Its also the explanation for all those mass shootings and murder suicides the public has recently been experiencing.

So first off, how do you "wake up" and protect yourself from it? Well, the additive, whatever it is, is in the municipal water supply-some identify it as flouride, others say its radioactive isotopes. I personally dont know honestly-but I do know it seems to have conductive properties. So first you need to clear your system of the municipal water. Purchase bottled, natural spring water. Bottled purified drinking water brands still contain the additive in question. Well water on your property is also also a clean source. Next, you will need to fast, just like in the Bible, as the additive is fat soluable and can stay in your system for up to a months time. Knowing that time table, it sounds like a pharmological drug half-life, like a common SSRI or SNRI. I believe Loughner was on anti depressants at the time of the shooting and had been for an extended period of time. They make people "look crazy" through provocation and it gives them an excuse to force the targeted individual on anti depressants or worse anti psychotics (more additives in the anti psychotics for greater control) so they are doped up and malleable. They use a touch pad device or cell phone with an application that triangulates the phones signal and points the satellite to the intended target, allowing it to take control of them (more like heavily influence, not fully control on most). This is called being in the "bullseye", the "eagle eye" or one of the eyes in the sky. These heavily controlled "drones" that are the most violent and unstable usually are dressed in GREEN/BLACK colors so that agency people "in the know" can identify them and act appropriately around them. Basically, they are the "robots" everyone is always talking about that dont really have a conscience-they have no reservations on killing, usually evidenced by past behaviors-killing animals, veterans that were forced to kill, murderers they are saving to use as human shields (they have a nickname, "Punishers" like the superhero and somtimes sport a motorcycle or the skull icon somwhere on the vehicle). It shows they are open (GREEN) to killing (BLACK).

So I believe that Loughner was not a GREEN/BLACK or "greenlight" guy, because he understands this color system to some degree and was trying ot take action against it-thats what ive come up with the motivation for his side of things. To explain it more, he really did have it in for Giffords, but for different reasons that everyone thinks or the media leads you to believe. I always thought it was strange that he attended her rallies and was seemingly a "supporter", but then suddenly ended up hating her. He was a pushed monkey-drone. So, sorry to be mean, but most of all your live TV broadcasters, politicians, etc are mind controlled (like they always say-now I understand or "see" finally). It explains why people in the past have said that the TV/radio was "talking to them". Essentially the electronics really are talking to them, but through a series of knocks and small sounds confirming questions the person is asking (when it comes to appliances and such). It also explains the Son of Sam killer, who I believe said that his dog told him to kill all those people. The dog was indicating yes/no responses to the guy in combination with him being on the additive (RED influence) which allows the controller RF device to push into the "hypnotized mind". Its now cell phone based through BDAs but in the past they used amplitude modulation or AM radio frequencies when the tech was less sophisticated. Thats why you will travel through the midwest and see radio towers at everyones houses and the main towns antennas located at the masonic lodges. More on that later. They would push him a though like "is my girlfriend cheating?", he would then ask it, the dog would respond "yes" by body language, and he would rage out and go kill somebody. Like I said, more on that later in the thread, lets continue to talk about how you can clean your system out.

I believe the additive is found in gluten added foods, so its best to stick to eating non GMO organic produce straight out of the ground. A lot of people already know this and are practicing it, so they are growing their own foods (solutions from science has packages available) and purchasing gluten free foods to reduce the (RED) influence. Remember the RED scare back during the cold war?!?


posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by strangedays

Wow! That was a very creative theory with a lot of different elements that I have never heard of.

Now that I have read your theory, it's bound to set off a synchronistic maelstrom for me and I will begin seeing

green/black connections everywhere it look. Your thread is actually a form of mind control in and of itself.

Thanks a lot.............

edit on 27-8-2012 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:58 AM

They started putting it in the dog and cat foods about 10 years ago, so if you practice long enough with your pet, you may actually start to get a response. Its also why the animals get more cancers and have shorter lifespans. They can do some crazy patterns with flocks of birds (I assume they eat the trash and get the additives in their systems) but usually keep it simple and fly them in numbers for a numerically represented response. See this numerology thread for explanation on simple numbers and patterns to translated to words and responses:

Also, I feel compelled to say this-its really God vs the Devil, as this timeline & events totally follow the Bible, there are just metaphorical representations as we are in the newest incarnation of the story.

Anyways, the birds (order of the Eagle) may for example fly in a flock of 7, which would mean that the person seeing it is lucky, in luck or receiving GOLD (positive sacrifice on their behalf). They may fly over you in a flock of 3, in a triangle pattern, say off a major interstate to indicate you are passing through a delta town. (Side note: when boyscouts graduate to Eagle scout, this is a privlidge that is unlocked to them forever, there are things that money can NEVER buy) Funny enough, ive been told marijuana use blocks some of the RF's ability to penetrate the targeted individuals mind (the "green herb" frequently mentioned in the book of Genesis). This explains, at least in part to me, Loughner's quitting of marijuana several months (even a year or more I think?) leading up to the shooting. He was essentially "clean", with the exception of the anti depressants he had been taking as ordered by his Dr.

So back to the additive. They are spraying it and breeding it into many things, even medicinal marijuana plants, to control those patients in that segment of medicine. This is why if you have ever been to a medicinal marijuana shop, youll notice the varieties seperated into RED/BLUE colors, usually identified by the names. RED strands may be identified with a red indicating name like "Strawberry Plus" or something like that, and contain the controlling additive. BLUE strands do not (a common one used is to call the strand "Blueberry" or something). So anyways the additives are in EVERYTHING-water, food, lotions, medicines, chemtrails, basically anything you can put on or into a human or animal body. So even if you stay completely silent and make no eye contact you still can get pulled into making a response without your consent (taking away a persons "free will"). Example of this: there are 3 people present-a drone, a controller, and YOU, who does not want to be involved. Say you are a chick that uses lotions, or a construction guy who frequently uses sunblock. The controller can stimulate your skin like a bug bite so you itch your right arm for example. The partially aware drone (like Loughner) sees you itching and thinks youre indicating a "yes" response, when you are totally unaware of the conversation-yet still involved without your consent. I personally believe in Loughners case it was something with a combination of his anti depressants and Sodexo (food provider for the PIMA CC and also strangely, the NSA!) food in his system. Someone would have to check if he was used to frequently eating at school or something (see Loughner/PIMA CC thread referenced in my profile).

So back to Loughners motivation and the reason he went from loving Giffords to hating her. Loughner was no cheap drone. The people controlling him were probably in frequent contact with him to discover "hot buttons". Most likely he interacted directly with controllers or their drones-people in his classes-on this site interacting with himand gathering his thoughts-so they could expand on them in a way that he could be used to accomplish their bidding. They then take those "hot buttons" and cook/boil him for a while until hes good and aggrivated. Past girlfriend harassment is always a good one for hyping up males. Say they (and this is a ficticious example to illustrate the method) know his ex gf called him "lumpy" or something and it makes him angry when someone calls him that because it reminds him of her and the negative fight memories and such. So say hes trying to forget her and has gotten into politics or something to get on with his life and interests. He starts to follow Giffords for a while and really likes her. The controller of Loughner that wanted Giffords dead then pushes into her speechwriter-not necissarily her- and gets the speechwriter to write "lumpy" (or whatever hot button that triggers him) or other words or phrases into her speech. She is oblivious (and heck even the speechwriter may be as well) to the fact that those specific words or phrases really piss him off, and he is falsely under the assumption that she is talking to him (through lucid dreaming). cont

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 11:06 AM
I am currently wearing green Umbro soccer shorts and a black skateboarding t-shirt, surfing this endless string of hypothetical nonsense. My husky puppy is telling me to feed her, she raised her right paw when I asked her if she was hungry, and I am considering having another cigarette and drinking some more espresso. My question is this. When I make my tinfoil hat before I go out the door this morning should I fashion it shiny side out or in?
edit on 27-8-2012 by ezekielken because: I actually read my posts and check for typo's

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 11:10 AM
He goes from loving Giffords to wanting to kill her. They then get other "drones" or they themselves teach Loughner to use firearms, and at the same time start suggesting that he should shoot her. At first it seems unreasonable to him, but after several speeches where he believes he is being instigated by her, he finally does something. This is why you should vary what you watch on TV or find something on TV that makes you feel more positive. Also watching less TV takes the influence off. This is why live TV/news is the greatest medium (in terms of TV wise) for "drone" programming. There is a direct interaction between the selected viewer/viewers and the controller via news anchor who is speaking. This is why you will commonly see 2 newscasters/anchors on a program, and sometimes a weatherman (mason). The anchors represent RED and BLUE to balance the influence on viewers. This acts as insurance so that one side does not end up triggering any potential GREEN/BLACK drones.

So more on LOUGHNER. I believe that Loughner was a drone patsy and the person controlling him was paid a healthy sum of money or resources for getting Giffords shot. The controller walks away clean, Giffords is critically injured and many die, and Loughner is in jail and the USA hates and curses him like idiots. The real enemy is never seen. Ive been told by people that Patricia Curry had something to do with it as she is the "housemaster" at his former college. Sources tell me she may have recently purchased a new car or something large scale with some of the money she obtained by being involved.


posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by strangedays

Not that your theory isn't v. interesting, but Jared Loughner may not be
the best illustration to use, as he is a fabricated personality with no real existence.
And the Giffords shooting was a staged and faked event.

Arizona Mass Shooting PSYOP

ETA: All this fakery sloppiness is quite deliberate on the part of the hoaxers, and
the reasons for this 'carelessness' will become clear sometime later this year.
edit on 27-8-2012 by OutonaLimb because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 01:09 PM

So basically thats the negative side of mind control that the agency uses. Its also used to help manage drones' weight and eating habits to ensure longer lifespans. It is used in rehabilitating individuals who cannot control their impulses. Say somebodys kid is a delinquent and they think he will eventually kill someone. The parents, if wealthy enough, can pay a freelance controller to overtake the kid to get them into college, or simpler things such as making friends (Matt Flynn). They slowly let the kid make decisions and if they see it going bad they can step in and take control of them. This "gradual release of control" helps the kid to screw up less and prepares them for eventual freedom. Its been around forever. The PDA is just the current tech that works with it (BDA to cell). So basically theres nothing the average person can do about it except to either take the abuse or take themselves out of the programming by using the steps I have provided. There are other steps I do not know about, there are many ways. Im told it will be more talked about in the media in the upcoming months. God says he will dissolve their networks if they seperate from him.

Side notes of things that would influence a person more towards being RED/BLACK:
-smoking cigarettes

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 01:25 PM

So say Loughner (im sticking with him in my hypothetical example because we are all familiar with the case) was boiled in all these different ways (see my PIMA thread linked at the beginning of this one) and they started talking to him through the TV and radio. All the aggressor would have to do is press his hot buttons (as described in the Giffords speechwriter scenario) to get him riled up, say on some political radio show or something he had listened to or watched her on before, and say somethin like "this is God Jared, and im telling you to shoot Giffords" so that he acted on it. This is why if you dont carry a cellphone, in addition to the other things mentioned in the thread to keep the additives out of the citizens system, it will help to keep the influence off you if you feel that you have been or are currently being targeted. God has told me that he will starve as well as do a number of other wicked things to the ones "hunting" the innocent public (homegrowing terrorists maybe?). Its against the US Constitution, as well as Gods law. I certainly hope so, and I hope he does it soon before there are any more shootings (NYC just days ago).

So now lets look at how it could be used domestically. If you have all these "drones" putting the additive into prepared foods (a good way to avoid this is to eat sealed packaged foods like Lance crackers) at restaurants and such, say the controllers want to control the economy and maintain (the corporations with the most money $$$$ maybe?) the shopping consumer "drone" base for their own gain or create a "silent monopoly". If you zap people when they eat mom + pop small business food, they will begin to think the food makes them sick and cease to shop there, driving good people out of business and making way for the people with the big bucks-that they stole anyway. As far as broadcast area on this "network" its good for about 30 miles im told, as there is attenuation at the end of the signal broadcast area and its not as good for influence (this is why populations are concentrated on the coasts, they make them feel comfortable "in the network" and why its important that people wake up in the event of a tsunami or something-maybe thats the controllers population control idea?), which would make sense because a cell tower is good for about 25-30 miles before the next one needs to pick up the signal.


posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 01:53 PM
Also a personal field is used by a lot of truckers as well as people in cars in the midwest/mountainous areas. A standard 1 watt CB antenna is good for about a 1-2 mile broadcast, and connected to the same equipment, truck drivers and consumers can and have armed themselves against it. Its based on the old technology (masonic towers at town center) for controlling towns. Now it seems to be cell phone with satellite controlled. So theres something there although I have not been made privy to that technology and how to use it to protect myself from the EM weapons.

Back to the food. Since that additive may be in the distributors food + ingredients before it even leaves the distribution center, even the distributor may not have any way of controlling it. It goes from distributor to mom + pop shop, they then go out of business, never even knowing why they lost business or why it dropped off significantly over a short (or long depending on how much the mom + pop catch onto it) period of time. No one would ever give them a heads up as to what was putting them + their kids out on the street. Feel free to add to this as to what types of applications you think it would be used for-both positive and negative uses. I think the thing that bothers me the most is that they can hijack Gods word. It makes me sick.

Other side notes/possibilities:
-create a high profile fatal car accident with drones (Princess Diana?)
-take over a person and steal all their money and assets
-create a fatal situation where a "drone" is killed by fighting the cops
-control major sports games (rig the superbowl, win a ton on a bet?)
-rig a big poker game (true statistical winner doesnt throw the right cards)
-pitching an idea to a group of controlled venture capitalists that will just give out free money
-shut down competition in any industry that requires people to do service/run it
-control politicians to direct the country's progress
-safely control a prison population
-safely control a military force and direct them to do whatever-moral or not
-control a hit squad or frame a person for a crime
-control police/fire/ems (no medical for YOU if you are on the blacklist haha!)
-crowd riot control, civil unrest control
-control anything that requires people as a medium

So thats it so far. More to come although im told a lot of it will be channeled through a source other than myself. Ill put up things as I get them. Be careful, stay safe, have a bug out bag, and learn to SURVIVE!

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Seriously...I am inclined to think that there is some truth to this thread...

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 02:52 PM
They also pilot children so that a problem can be started with a citizen that a juvenile cannot be prosecuted for. "Youre under 18 you wont be doin any time"

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 12:47 PM
They possibly used the dust on Yassar Arafat

Rachel Corrie is going to come back to visit (from my Delta thread), they used a visionless (conscious blind) drone to take her out. I bet the guy didnt even see her at all. They do that to cause car accidents and such as well. God says she will have her revenge.

Also on the tech side of it, theres some sort of broadcast antennas that they carry around in Uhauls and Penske rental trucks that can creat their own field (portable weather control). This is pissing the Masons off and they are going to put a stop to it.
edit on 28-8-2012 by strangedays because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by olaru12
reply to post by strangedays

Wow! That was a very creative theory with a lot of different elements that I have never heard of.

Now that I have read your theory, it's bound to set off a synchronistic maelstrom for me and I will begin seeing

green/black connections everywhere it look. Your thread is actually a form of mind control in and of itself.

Thanks a lot.............

edit on 27-8-2012 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

A child went crazy in Perry Hall MD yesterday that shot up students. He was wearing GREEN (school mascot is the Gator) and had dyed his hair BLACK. He also used alcohol to channel the RED. He was also a victim of bullying. See any connections with what im talking about?

edit on 28-8-2012 by strangedays because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-8-2012 by strangedays because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:15 PM
So we all know the mind control is majorly connected to the cell phones. Notice how there are no payphones anymore? Ever notice how they give "free" cellphones to the underprivlidged with seemingly no repayment for it? Its to establish the "net".

More on graffitti: when controllers locate a "non con" (see my other threads for explanation)

They mark a local sign (usually outside the victims neighborhood entrance) with spraypaint and their "tag" that way the non con is found and fed off of, the person can locate the specific tagger to pay them the resources for directing them to a potential victim to feed off of.

Another way to determine a persons polarity/mind control level is by the way they talk on their cell phone. The hand they talk with on their (a drone or someone consciously aware of it) cellphone is another indicator of polarity. Male using cell phone with his left hand possible indications: hes gay, under drone control, purple polarity, brown or red military, etc- its the same for a female using her right hand while operating her cell phone.

Male using hie right hand to operate the cell phone- can mean blue polarity, Christian or blue religion, less likely to be under mind control, married, right handed behaviors, (see this body language thread for explanation on body language)
and this is the same but opposite for a female using her left hand to operate her cell phone.

edit on 4-9-2012 by strangedays because: (no reason given)

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