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Do atheists like Christians?

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posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:03 PM
I like people who are nice to me and other animals. What bothers me about some religious people who believe in an afterlife, is that they act like this life is a tour. They seem like vacationers enjoying the sites before they go home to their life after death. I think this life is all we have. I think we should be concentrating on developing technology, work schedules, and an economy that allow us to maximize our leisure. If the religious people worked together with me on these things, I would have no problem with them. I see religion as a form of escapism. I too like to go to the theater occasionally.

Also, I know you true Christians don't claim the manipulative control freaks who walk among you, but could you at least call them out on it? Thanks.
edit on 24-8-2012 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:12 PM
I am an atheist who believes in evolution.

My best friend is a Christian who believes in creation.

We discuss it often and agree on many things and respectfully disagree on many others. Life is short, love thy neighbor
edit on 24-8-2012 by Hawking because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by gentledissident

Im agnostic... there are athiests I dont like. There are christians I dont like. There are agnostics I dont like.

But there are those of each I do like as well.

it all comes down to what kind of individual it is. Most non extreme believer/nonbeliever peeps are normal people that dont usually discuss their personal beliefs.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:23 PM
Only real christians; couldn't care less about most of those that claim to be christians.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by gentledissident

Don't many of them help you in your quest for a better world though? Have you ever been to a catholic hospital, like saint Jude's? Used something invented by somebody from Georgetown or Notre Dame University (catholic universities)? Had a child helped by the many Christian charity organizations?

Good people help each other, it has nothing to do with being religious or not.

edit on 24-8-2012 by IsThisThingBugged because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:30 PM
I don't like immoral beliefs.

I don't like the belief someone holds infallible truths about reality.

I don't like being told an all-loving God only approves of certain kinds of love.

Any atheists or Christians that meet those descriptions I'll probably have friction with but it doesn't mean there can't be a great friendship. One of my best friends is Mormon

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:34 PM
Why can't we all come togther and agree on finding ways to better the human condition?

I'm basically up in the air when it comes to belief systems because I do not know, but while we vacation on this earth, or fade out of existance here its better we get along and get rid of the division.

I know Christians and Atheists alike, who won't come together on anything both equally stubborn and others who will.

I think it depends on the person, we are all indviduals with varying tolerances.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:37 PM
I've never met an atheist that wasn't as normal as a christian. People are people and each and every one of us can liken ourselves to a snowflake - well except for identical twins. We each are unique, no two the same and millions of years would have to pass before everything lined up again to make another you!

Differences within ourselves and others makes life fun. Not to mention, is gives us a purpose to drive on and explore those differences. We look at everything backwards.

Would Christianity mean anything to anyone, if we all followed it? Or does it's importance, follow, because of those hard questions posed to other belief sets? It is all intent. We are what we want. Period. We are what we perceive ourselves to be. That's all. So let's start dreaming big again.

Atheists are a part of creation. Deal with it. Learn from them, because I promise, they are not adverse to learning from you. So they already have a leg up.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:40 PM
Personally I don't care for any of the religions or those who act upon those religions.

I do not wish to be burned at any stake for not stating that I belong to the religion of my captor. Here in the US I have seen baptists fight baptists simply because they went to a different church.. Anyone really think everything will be okay if we get god fearing nut jobs with their fingers on 'the' button? I don't care which religion they subscribe to.

Atheists and people with plain common sense need to rise up against religion. We need to let religious people know that we do not think it is okay for them to push their beliefs upon us or our children. The whole "PC", politically correct argument of just letting christians in this country to go about their business and for us to not say anything to counter it is only doing us harm. Christianity in the US needs to be put back into the back seat for the sake of our children's future.

Technology is making it easier and easier for anyone to cause negative disruptions. Personally I want to keep the technology and just throw out the reason most people hurt other people.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by IsThisThingBugged
reply to post by gentledissident

Don't many of them help you in your quest for a better world though? Have you ever been to a catholic hospital, like saint Jude's? Used something invented by somebody from Georgetown or Notre Dame University (catholic universities)? Had a child helped by the many Christian charity organizations?

Good people help each other, it has nothing to do with being religious or not.

Yes, there are inventive and helpful Christians. I'm talking about a world where charity is less in demand becasue we have accommodated each other. I think we can do much better as a species. We need to stop following the few who pit us against each other. We need to start planning for our longevity and enjoyment as a species.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:42 PM
What I don't like about Christianity, is the sermons I get from random old people during work, the fact that children are forced into it without given a choice and that most Christians think that I rationalize things in a Christian way. (For example, I do not believe in "sin". I accept the possibility of an afterlife, but do not believe in heaven or hell.)

I don't like most creationists, I feel like we have little in common. And I don't like hypocritical Christians, who say things like "homosexuality is against god's will" (which is stated in the Old Testement) and then say Christians only follow the New Testement and follow Jesus.

I don't like it when Christians claim that the Bible is the word of god, when its clearly not.( and expect me to agree)
I also do not like it when those who are Christians assume I am one. I don't like it when they assume I agree with things like "don't worry, He is always there for you", etc. Then I seem like the jerk for having to reject their kind sentiments with things like "actually, I don't believe that, but thanks."

That being said, I judge Christians on a person to person basis. I don't stereotype them all the same,because I don't like it when they stereotype me as one.

I'm gonna add- my best friends - a Muslim, an athiest, a native-spiritualist, a pagan, an ex-catholic believer. In my circle of friends, there is a mormon and a jehovah.
But no plain ol' Christians, go figure.
edit on 24-8-2012 by smilesmcgee because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by kat2684
I know Christians and Atheists alike, who won't come together on anything both equally stubborn

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by gentledissident

I think this life is all we have. I think we should be concentrating on developing technology, work schedules, and an economy that allow us to maximize our leisure.

There is a dangerous line between belief in afterlife and eternal salvation and being apathetic to earthly matters isn't there

I wish everyone wanted a technological utopia and life extension! We can meet God after we've lived a 1000 years

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:47 PM
An Atheist here...

i really do not care fr religion, thus im an Atheist, it is only a problem when someone start to push # down my throat, and impact the laws that govern us.

But so far on the people that tried to put their views on me, Christians take the cake. Actually i never had a a Muslim or Hindu or a Jew, or a Buddhist try to convert me.

One Christian friend(he wasn't hardcore), before we became friends, he try to me to come ot his Church, but i took him to Go Kart instead, and we been friends for like 8-9 yrs.

He doesn't talk about god in front of me, and i don't doubt his god in front of him.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by gentledissident

I like people who are nice to me and other animals.

Me, too...

What bothers me about some religious people who believe in an afterlife, is that they act like this life is a tour.

Yes, the sort of fatalistic "oh well, one day I'll be in paradise next to God, so no reason to do anything about it here."

They seem like vacationers enjoying the sites before they go home to their life after death.

Indeed. Especially the ones who say "things will never change. Just put your faith in the Lord and wait it out". That was the only way for people to stay sane back when death loomed large EVERY DAY due to the harsh conditions of survival , and the constant sorrow and grief that went along with major losses....

It was an escape, just like you say. Now, though, we have the means and methods to have eliminated most of those problems (in the First World, at least)....
so Death is not such an ominous, daily threat....having a child doesn't become a grave worry -- most births go fine (not all...) and most babies can be expected to survive; even those with formerly fatal flaws (congenital deformities, conditions, etc) can be assisted to some sort of "quality of life"...(if that's what you want to call it. At least they are not left under a tree to die)...

I think this life is all we have. I think we should be concentrating on developing technology, work schedules, and an economy that allow us to maximize our leisure.

Whether there is an afterlife or not, we should still be doing those things, concentrating on it, exactly as you say, instead of throwing our hands in the air and going to Church to sing with each other to an invisible and silent Overseer/Tyrant.


posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 09:46 PM
I don't hate religion, but I hate how some people practice their religion. I hate how intolerant some atheists can be as well. I think everyone deserves the right to search for personal truth, especially on an issue this important, but some people really lose sight of the personal side of personal faith.

I enjoy respectful discussions, but anybody who crosses the line and tries forcing their views on me, will be meet with the strongest challenge I'm capable of giving.

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