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Pierre Piccinin: Iran will be attacked by Israel on August 20th, 2012

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posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 01:11 PM
Everyone knows that a war is bad news all the way around. I can't help but thinking that both Iran and Israel are trying to fulfill some kind of 2012 prophecy. Israel is putting the full court press on the US to get this war started before the end of the year, why? The timing on all this is giving me the creeps!

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity

Apparently, Piccinin is a Belgian journalist and a historian. He's not on the level of some mainstream reporter you see on the news every day, but he's still in the public eye. In less than 48 hours, if this attack does not happen, his credibility as a journalist will be shattered, so either way, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Nathaniyahoo has threatened Iran many times , was he discredited ?
edit on 19-8-2012 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by benrl

Sliver of a moon, which will be visible only after sunset. No moon all night long after that.
edit on 19-8-2012 by swan001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 02:23 PM
I don't think it will happen this month. This year more than likely.

When your invading and enemy airspace you want to do it in the dead of night.

The dates the moon is dark is September 16th, October 15th, November 14th, December 13th of this year.

I believe two things
1.)the Israelis will strike before the US Election in November
2.)The Attack will happen after the Prime Minster of Israel Speaks at the UN which September 18th, a full two days after the new moon.

So my guess is October 15th, 2012 will be the optimal conditions for an surprise attack on Iran. Its after the UN General Assembly meeting, before the November Election and its on a moonless night.

I don't think the Israelis would attack prior to the UN General Assembly Meeting in September, its just a bad idea politically and from a public relations stand point. Plus Israel is not quite ready, The Military is ready to rock and roll but the Civilian populace is not quite ready yet. But base on my estimates that have 57 days to get ready which is plenty of time.

So October 15th, 2012 is the most likely day for an attack. IMHO

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 03:41 PM
Could be, could be. I think it's a little too fast now, I think Nethanyahu is gonna go for it a short while before the US elections. This way the Jewish lobby can help push Romney (who is anti iran) to the top, with the help of various dumb sheeple called Republicans. Netanyahu will get his hands dirty, but only just enough so that once again the good ol' US of A can do the hard work.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

Elul Observances Less

As the last month of the Jewish year, Elul is traditionaly a time of introspection and stocktaking -- a time to review one's deeds and spiritual progress over the past year and prepare for the upcoming "Days of Awe" of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.

As the month of Divine Mercy and Forgiveness (see "Today in Jewish History" for Elul 1) it is a most opportune time for teshuvah ("return" to G-d), prayer, charity, and increased Ahavat Yisrael (love for a fellow Jew) in the quest for self-improvement and coming closer to G-d. Chassidic master Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi likens the month of Elul to a time when "the king is in the field" and, in contrast to when he is in the royal palace, "everyone who so desires is permitted to meet him, and he receives them all with a cheerful countenance and shows a smiling face to them all."

Specific Elul customs include the daily sounding of the shofar (ram's horn) as a call to repentance. The Baal Shem Tov instituted the custom of reciting three additional chapters of Psalms each day, from the 1st of Elul until Yom Kippur (on Yom Kippur the remaining 36 chapters are recited, thereby completing the entire book of Psalms). Click below to view today's Psalms.

Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Elul is also the time to have one's tefillin and mezuzot checked by an accredited scribe to ensure that they are in good condition and fit for use.

and "Days of Awe" sounds like the name they'd give a military operation

zionists not being real jews it sounds a tad intentionally blasphemous to me

hmmm thats 2 elul actually the 20th that is
edit on 19-8-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: added link

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 04:59 PM
It seems pretty certain that Israel will be alone on this if it happens.. I don't think it will happen tomorrow, but probably this year..

The US has pretty much told Israel not to do it and that if they did, they wouldn't prevent a nuclear Iran, they would merely delay it..

The US seems to be trying to reign in Israel and keep them in check

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Shulchan Aruch published (1555) Less

The first printing of the Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law) authored by Rabbi Joseph Caro (1488-1575) was completed in the Holy Land on this date in 1555.

psalms of the day for August 20th, 2012 [2 Elul, 5772]

Chapter 4
1. For the Conductor, with instrumental music, a psalm by David. 2. Answer me when I call, O God [Who knows] my righteousness. You have relieved me in my distress; be gracious to me and hear my prayer. 3. Sons of men, how long will you turn my honor to shame, will you love vanity, and endlessly seek falsehood? 4. Know that the Lord has set apart His devout one; the Lord will hear when I call to Him. 5. Tremble and do not sin; reflect in your hearts upon your beds, and be silent forever. 6. Offer sacrifices in righteousness, and trust in the Lord. 7. Many say: “Who will show us good?” Raise the light of Your countenance upon us, O Lord. 8. You put joy in my heart, greater than [their joy] when their grain and wine abound. 9. In peace and harmony I will lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, will make me dwell alone, in security.

Chapter 5
1. For the Conductor, on the nechilot,1 a psalm by David. 2. Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my thoughts. 3. Listen to the voice of my cry, my King and my God, for to You I pray. 4. Lord, hear my voice in the morning; in the morning I set [my prayers] before you and hope. 5. For You are not a God Who desires wickedness; evil does not abide with You. 6. The boastful cannot stand before Your eyes; You hate all evildoers. 7. You destroy the speakers of falsehood; the Lord despises the man of blood and deceit. 8. And I, through Your abundant kindness, come into Your house; I bow toward Your holy Sanctuary, in awe of You. 9. Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness, because of my watchful enemies; straighten Your path before me. 10. For there is no sincerity in their mouths, their heart is treacherous; their throat is an open grave, [though] their tongue flatters. 11. Find them guilty, O God, let them fall by their schemes; banish them for their many sins, for they have rebelled against You. 12. But all who trust in You will rejoice, they will sing joyously forever; You will shelter them, and those who love Your Name will exult in You. 13. For You, Lord, will bless the righteous one; You will envelop him with favor as with a shield.

Chapter 6
1. For the Conductor, with instrumental music for the eight-stringed harp, a psalm by David. 2. Lord, do not punish me in Your anger, nor chastise me in Your wrath. 3. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I languish away; heal me, O Lord, for my bones tremble in fear. 4. My soul is panic-stricken; and You, O Lord, how long [before You help]? 5. Relent, O Lord, deliver my soul; save me for the sake of Your kindness. 6. For there is no remembrance of You in death; who will praise You in the grave? 7. I am weary from sighing; each night I drench my bed, I melt my couch with my tears. 8. My eye has grown dim from vexation, worn out by all my oppressors. 9. Depart from me, all you evildoers, for the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping. 10. The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord accepts my prayer. 11. All my enemies will be shamed and utterly terrified; they will then repent and be shamed for a moment. 1

i could be reaching, but they sound vaguely threatening

edit on 19-8-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 05:04 PM
And then you have this... Israel rules out any solo attack against Iran

Israeli President Shimon Peres on Thursday came out against any go-it-alone Israeli attack on Iran, saying he trusted U.S. President Barack Obama's pledge to prevent Tehran from producing nuclear weapons.

And I don't believe the US has any interest in attacking.. even if just to prevent the political nightmare it would cause.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by miniatus
It seems pretty certain that Israel will be alone on this if it happens.. I don't think it will happen tomorrow, but probably this year..

The US has pretty much told Israel not to do it and that if they did, they wouldn't prevent a nuclear Iran, they would merely delay it..

The US seems to be trying to reign in Israel and keep them in check

If Israel attacks, the US will automatically be a target, weather it be an Iranian missile or an Israeli
USS Liberty anyone?

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by mcamp2011
yeah those darn Israeli terrorists, remember when they found out that those terrorist flying the planes into the twin towers wee all Jewish, stinking terrorists. oh my bad I mean the terrorists were not Jewish, were they? that's right they were all muslims, you know practicing the religion of peace... lol what a joke you pro iran freaks are, idiots, they will cut your heads off to given half a chance,,,

if every muslim in the world was cutting heads off your useless brain wouldnt be here to post ignorant comments, which would be good. unfortunately, USA and Israel are radicalising the muslims since they entered the middle east in the 19th century. take their land, oppress them, divide them, teach them nationalism, sell them weapons, kill them..

idiots, just leave them... and put israel in europe or north america where it belongs

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by munkey66

Originally posted by miniatus
It seems pretty certain that Israel will be alone on this if it happens.. I don't think it will happen tomorrow, but probably this year..

The US has pretty much told Israel not to do it and that if they did, they wouldn't prevent a nuclear Iran, they would merely delay it..

The US seems to be trying to reign in Israel and keep them in check

If Israel attacks, the US will automatically be a target, weather it be an Iranian missile or an Israeli
USS Liberty anyone?

How i tend to agree, however i suspect if Israel was to launch an offensive the rest of the world will probably sit and watch. The US i believe have said that they will NOT engage Iran if Israel will picks the fight, however they WILL engage if Iran try's to mess with the shipping of oil.

Frankly from a strategic point of view, if Iran targets US assets WITHOUT the US being involved it will trigger agression from the US, probably europe and other countries, and their former supporters will run and leave them to their own demise.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:09 PM
Surely it would have happened already if it were to have happened today. Clearly this guys reputation is ruined.


posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 11:22 PM
Looks like somebody missed the mark on this one. It will happen when we see it happen.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 12:22 AM
Well looks like yet another failed prediction associated with a date to me. I agree with this guy:

Originally posted by autopat51
not another prediction with a date
please make it stop!!!!!

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 01:18 AM
SP500 clearly indicates the dates of major events and it tells us nothing about the 20th of August.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 03:20 AM
No, America will strike first on 2nd of august 2013.

Full version will be up on november 2012 - Don't miss it

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 04:22 AM
I will not put an date on the start of the war, but in the bible is spoken of Egypt who will start the war.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by DutchBigBoy

Can you be a little more specific??.....and drop that verse on the masses


posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Zionism

That video was short and sweet and gets right to the point.

Thank you for that video!!

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