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It's Time to End Immigration Worldwide - Everyone for Themselves

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posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by ExCommando

For any YouTube video of a Sudanese beating up a person on the street, I can find you 20 of an "Australian" beating up someone on the streets.

Lets get actual crime rate statistics in, shall we?

The overall picture is obvious.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by Pedro4077

Those fights could be....

A: are fakes to make immigrants look bad.
B: Those "immigrants" are beating up a person who has your oppinion.

A few others said it here, borders and countries are imaginary, so is our most governments, it is not the "immigrants" fault for the way their country is, or the way your country functions. (its sad for me to use the word country, since there is no such thing)

But to tell someone they cannot go here or there sounds like slave talk, are you seriously fighting for the system that imprisons you?

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by XaniMatriX

A: are fakes to make immigrants look bad.
B: Those "immigrants" are beating up a person who has your oppinion.

C: criminal immigrants are beating up innocent person

Anyway, when it comes to B, do you consider it OK to beat up someone for his opinion?

A few others said it here, borders and countries are imaginary, so is our most governments, it is not the "immigrants" fault for the way their country is, or the way your country functions. (its sad for me to use the word country, since there is no such thing)

Just because it is "imaginary" (socially constructed) does not mean its not good or useful. So is language, numbers and mathematics, currency, morality etc..

But to tell someone they cannot go here or there sounds like slave talk, are you seriously fighting for the system that imprisons you?

Do you lock your house/flat?

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 10:05 PM
I will probably get trashed for this but my Elderly Mother and her Sisters were recently refused service by Immigrant Taxi Drivers in Melbourne. They are all non drinkers, and all above 60 years of age. This was all about Racial Identity, nothing else. They were harmless old women just trying to get home. It seems that some of these "Cabbies" have brought their "Cast System Ideology" with them from their home country.

An Australian taxi driver from a few cars down swore at the Bigoted Immigrants and collected my Mother's, and Aunties Shopping Bags, and ushered them over to his cab.

To this man I say "Thank You".

Here are some related threads.

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

edit on 10-3-2013 by Pedro4077 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:00 PM
Yes Borders and countries are just lines on a map...BUT..

In the Original days, those imaginary borders were PROTECTED by the natives Or the people who originally lived there, they fought for their homeland.

If Africa skinnys go to another country and cause trouble, they are therefore Invading those countries, and deserve to be repelled and crushed.

Refugees should be assimilated in their own regional areas, NOT sent to peaceful open countries, totally foreign to them.

Africans should be resettled in Africa, there are more riches in Africa than many parts of the rest of the World.

Let them build Africa to greatness.

If they didnt hate each other, they may get somewhere, but let them keep their hate in Africa, dont spread it to peaceful countries. Same applies to the Middle East, India etc etc.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:29 PM
I have been reading thrpough this thread and read a lot about what happened here in Australia 200 years ago,well what about the Americans history just as bad eh 1%

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by UmbraSumus

More retirees = declining workforce

Most people these days who are at retirement age can't afford to retire and are still in the workforce.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by XaniMatriX
reply to post by Pedro4077

Those fights could be....

A: are fakes to make immigrants look bad.
B: Those "immigrants" are beating up a person who has your oppinion.

A few others said it here, borders and countries are imaginary, so is our most governments, it is not the "immigrants" fault for the way their country is, or the way your country functions. (its sad for me to use the word country, since there is no such thing)

But to tell someone they cannot go here or there sounds like slave talk, are you seriously fighting for the system that imprisons you?

I took a look at your last visit date and realize you are long gone but I still want to respond to your post.

#1 These fights are fake to make immigrants look bad.

Anything is possible, but this sounds highly unlikely. Crisis actors maybe? The guy was beaten to a bloody pulp, I don't see no fake acting here. Sorry.

#2 These immigrants are beating up a person who has my opinion?

So you think it's wrong for me to want immigrants to Assimilate, Learn English and respect the Social Norms of the Country that has so Graciously adopted them? Sure lets just let them bring their backwards ways to our country and let them beat the living crap out of us for daring to have an opinion.

As for the "borders and countries are imaginary" comment, Draw a picture of Muhammad in Israel and then take this picture across the "Imaginary" border into Egypt. I bet the pain you feel won't be "Imaginary".

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:38 AM

Immigration was the invention of Colonialism.
Blame the English/French/ and Spanish for starting it.


posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Pedro4077

If You Were Born There - Stay There

Immigration these days is all about Poor, War Torn, Bloodthirsty Religious Fanatics moving to Western Countries. These people are a drain on Welfare with their Unrestricted Breeding and lack of Education.

Why should we foot the Bill for this?

"Unrestricted Breeding" is not the drain on welfare. admittedly lack of education (not their fault really) can be, but generally that is an issue that can be fixed. the main reason for the "welfare drain" is that the government tends to pass it out freely to immigrants, while at the same time ignoring the people who were born there. again not really an immigrant's fault, that is the fault of the government.

Many times they do not even bother to learn English, or the Socially accepted practices of the Nation that has adopted them.

you DO have a point there. many (by no means all) do seem to shun learning the language of their adoptive countries (note it is not always English). this makes it rather difficult for both them and people they have to deal with problematic at times. i say that after years of having to do things like try to have a 7 year old try to translate very important information to people, then have those people who can not speak the language freak out because i could not speak theirs. i had even been told i had no business working where i did because i did not speak THEIR language. then there is the fact that the government spends a pile of money by having FREE translators for these people. if a person does not speak the language that is their problem, if translation is needed that is their issue to deal with.

an immigrant should also respect the social practices of their adoptive nation. i'm not talking religion or anything. but things like respect for women especially, (not do things like try to get money back because i should KNOW that a WOMAN is NOT CAPABLE of making that type of DECISION) as well as things like free speech. or telling us we should not eat/sell pork as they don't like it. they also should not try changing the laws of their adoptive country to conform to the laws where they came from. they CHOSE to come, they CHOSE where they came. if they want to live by laws similar to where they are from they should have CHOSEN a place with similar laws.

Call me a Racist if that makes you feel better, but it is a fact. Who is immigrating to Somalia, who is immigrating to the Philippinnes, who is immigrating to Haiti?

um IT IS NOT A FACT "who is immigrating to Somalia, who is immigrating to the Philippines, who is immigrating to Haiti". personally i don't know anyone immigrating to Somalia or Haiti, but i'm sure it does happen. as for the Philippines i DO KNOW FOR A FACT that people DO IMMIGRATE to here from all over ESPECIALLY from the US, Canada and Europe. so i will call you out on that error. and it is not just people who have Philippines ancestry either. i see many white, black, Chinese, Korean, Japanese etc people and hear several different languages at the immigration office, as well as out and about the country. admittedly there are not the numbers i see back home, but it does occur.

i guess technically i can be considered an immigrant right now. but at least the COUNTRY i am in does not pander to immigrants quite like back home. i AM NOT handed WELFARE just for showing up for example, i am expected to SUPPORT MYSELF. something i wish was the same back home. i am EMBARRASSED that i can't speak the native language (i am leaning slowly tho), but i am lucky that my native language just happens to be the business language. and ANY translation i need is upon myself to supply, if i don't have someone to translate for me that is my problem in a day to day situation. if i can't understand a shop keeper for example i don't "freak out demanding that THEY should SPEAK MY LANGUAGE", i just can't buy something, unless i can get someone to translate for me. i also don't berate people for eating a dog (ok if it was MY dog there would be an issue
), as that is MY CULTURAL ISSUE to deal with. i don't expect them to change that part of their culture just because the culture i am from finds it unacceptable.

posted on Mar, 16 2013 @ 04:26 AM
First thing first, societies don't actually own the land in which they are settled in, no matter how much they like to pretend they do (and how much everyone else plays along). Australia belongs as much to so called Australians as to Americans, Brazilians or whatever. Its all just part of the illusion we all have been sucked in since, I guess, the dawn of mankind, and something we must learn how to look past of.

Now, societies do have the power to restrict new people from joining them, but given how large and diverse modern societies are, it just wouldn't make much sense to do so and it certainly wouldn't make much of a difference anyway.

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 08:04 AM
I wonder if any of the posters who say "Borders and Countries are Just Lines on a Map" live in Los Angeles, where Illegals, Mexican Gang Bangers and Latino Drug Cartels have taken over?

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: Pedro4077
reply to post by ragsntatters

Also, weren't your forefathers immigrants to Australia? Immigrants that pretty much stomped out the natives and do till this day. Or are you Aboriginal?

I am Irish/Aboriginal. Immigration was different in the past. The Italians, Greeks and Vietmanese have all assimulated well into this county and fly the Aussie flag on Australia day. I'm not too keen on the latest arrivals though.

lol. I just have to laugh at this statement. Exactly the same is what was being said about the Greeks, Italian and Vietnamese when I was a kid growing up in Melbourne back in the 70's back then it was the Irish, English and Germans that were excepted as being OK but not those Greeks (mainly Cyrpriots fleeing Turkey to be correct) or Vietnamese (fleeing pol Pot etc)
Forty years later and it's those same Italians, Greeks and Vietnamese that form a very important part of Australian life. Just because of the lottery of life and the crap role of the dice that got you born in a # hole really shouldn't mean you have to spend your life stuck in that same # hole, I know I got out of Melbourne as quick as I could..
Australia has more space and resources than it could possibly ever use at it's current population.
By the way I am Irish/English/French/Maori and no longer live in Australia, where should I live??


posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 08:21 AM
Great idea. Sure it would be the death of America but, great idea. I wonder if the OP has any clue that the only that has been keeping the US from facing the problems of nations like Japan where the retired population out numbers the working population is causing huge problems is immigration. Of course I do believe the OP for one second. Clearly the OP is playing dumb just to get a rise out of people.

Americas greatest asset has always been its people. Those people that picked up from where they came and moved far away to an alien land to start a new life. That takes a certain kind of person. And is those type of people that had lead the US from a back water of Europes Empires to the greatest power the world has ever known.

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Pedro4077

OK, lets say you get enough people to agree with you.
Can you explain, in some detail, just how this can be accomplished and enforced.
Do we divert all the resorces of ever nation on the planet to build walls and fortifications to keep the populations in place.
How much would this cost and how long will it take?
These may sound like trivial issues but they are the heart of your proposal.
edit on 29-7-2014 by teamcommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: Pedro4077

If You Were Born There - Stay There

Immigration these days is all about Poor, War Torn, Bloodthirsty Religious Fanatics moving to Western Countries.


These people are a drain on Welfare with their Unrestricted Breeding and lack of Education.

Why should we foot the Bill for this?

some of them definitely are, normally those are refugees. yet many others are educated and skilled, and want nothing more than to work. yet it tends to take many of these a long time if ever to work in their fields since first they have to do schooling in their adoptive nations in order to work in their fields of training due to countries not accepting other country's standards (rightfully in some cases, but not all). this training takes time first of all they need to get money to take those courses, which when you can only qualify for low pay jobs is a big hindrance. then time to take them. yet if they could work in their fields straight away, they would instead benefit their adoptive countries.

Many times they do not even bother to learn English, or the Socially accepted practices of the Nation that has adopted them.

yes this is certainly true, yet it is not just those from poor countries that do this, especially the language part. some of the worst offenders of this i have seen in North America are Europeans and Asians. of major note are Italians (grew up in an Italian area where most refused to speak english), Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Polish etc. they even like to move into "communities" made up of their own kind, and do not readily accept outsiders among them the Chinese are the worst of them for this self segregation, and with them it goes as far as only a specific group of Chinese are acceptable.

when outside of North America there is one country where this is a very well known trait of people from that country and has the worst reputation for acting in these ways, they are people from the United States, otherwise known as "ugly Americans". they are well known and hated the world over for this. they not only insist that people should quit being so lazy and learn english. but even worse they insist on telling everybody that they need to do things the American way, and anything else is wrong. they might think local culture is quaint, but they should modernize and do things the right way (American way), and change their culture to resemble that of the US. not to mention they are well known for throwing temper tantrums and yelling, and are considered to be just outright rude. did i mention Americans, are almost universally hated and reviled around the world for this attitude? it's so bad Canadians tend to sew Canadian flags to their stuff so as not to be confused with Americans. and if asked if they are American will insist that NO they are Canadian, and watch the attitude of the locals turn from hate and hostility to happy smiles and wanting to be helpful. and yes i am serious about that change of attitude, it is instantaneous when they find out you are not an American. which is why most people with dual Canadian/American citizenship tend to travel on their Canadian passport people treat you better. in the Pacific there are two other Nationalities that are reviled like Americans, the Japanese (should be obvious as to why), and Australians. Australians seem to be shown the same hatred for the same attitudes as Americans, in short they treat natives of a country like dirt and try to lord over them for their backward ways.

Call me a Racist if that makes you feel better, but it is a fact. Who is immigrating to Somalia, who is immigrating to the Philippinnes, who is immigrating to Haiti?

ok i'll take you up on that offer, you certainly sound racist. but what you say IS NOT A FACT. never been to Somalia or Haiti, so i don't know about how many people decide to move there. but MANY people go to the Philippines to live. Australians, Americans, Canadians, Chinese, Polish, British, Ukrainian, Russian, Korean, etc.

i can't say they immigrate since you can't become a citizen at all (not even by marriage or having kids). you are always just a visitor, or as it says on your "alien certificate of registration" ID card an "alien". of course this means you will never be allowed to do things like vote, own firearms, or even own land. but as long as you can pay your own way, you are welcome to stay for certain periods of time depending on your immigration status.

If these people can't control their population in their own countries, don't you think with all the welfare entitlements they will just have bigger family's in their new country?

you don't understand what a big family is about do you? one reason for a big family is to ensure at least some kids survive. in poorer nations children dieing happens far too often. sickness and disease is a problem that kills many especially young children. but even injury that is easily dealt with in rich nations, can kill or cripple a person in a poorer country. case in point, breaking a leg. in a rich nation it is normally just an irritation that is easily fixed and normally not doing serious harm to mobility afterwards. in a poor country the same break can easily cripple a person for life, cause a need for amputation, or even cause DEATH. and who will take care of a cripple, or an old person who can not work if not family in a place where there is no such thing as welfare?

another reason is to help the family. the expression "many hands, makes light work" is more than a reality in poor nations. true there are more mouths to feed, but at the same time there are more hands that can do more work. older children help take care of younger children (like an 8 year old taking care of the toddlers and babies). older children help out the family business, be it farming, fishing, collecting recyclables, building furniture, or what ever the family does for work to provide for the family.

unlike in developed "rich" nations, poorer countries tend to be VERY family oriented. much like even those rich countries were in the past (big families for the same reasons), before they became so advanced. family works for and helps family. some members might even leave a job in order to take care of a sick family member or a parent, in which case others in the family will then support the caretaker as well as those being cared for. no one else will. and it's not just immediate family, but extended family groups help each other as well. even a lot of emigrants who go work in another country typically send money back to help support the family (i even know a case where they were shoplifting large amounts of stuff and sending it "home"). big families ensure that family can be supported. in fact it seems advancement of society leads to a decrease in family size. it may take a generation or two but generally even immigrant families stop having large families. it's an ongoing process. be continued......

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: Pedro4077

If You Were Born There - Stay There

I was born on earth so I will stay on earth.

These people are a drain on Welfare with their Unrestricted Breeding and lack of Education.

So whats your excuse?

We must look after ourselves.

so stop blaming others and take responsibility for yourself.

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: Pedro4077

I will probably get trashed for this but my Elderly Mother and her Sisters were recently refused service by Immigrant Taxi Drivers in Melbourne. They are all non drinkers, and all above 60 years of age. This was all about Racial Identity, nothing else. They were harmless old women just trying to get home. It seems that some of these "Cabbies" have brought their "Cast System Ideology" with them from their home country. An Australian taxi driver from a few cars down swore at the Bigoted Immigrants and collected my Mother's, and Aunties Shopping Bags, and ushered them over to his cab. To this man I say "Thank You".

Sorry but what is your thread about?

One day the sick individuals like you will be a thing of the past, the transition will take many good people with you but it will be worth it once all is said and done.

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: generik .............continued from above........

just look at history in North America (because that is where my family is from, i imagine everywhere else is similar). when people first started to settle there they had big families, you needed to for the reasons i listed. in fact it is only in the last couple generations that family size decreased in rural areas. 3 out of 4 of my grand parents had lots of siblings (the exception was an only child the son of a minister who didn't need the same help to support the family), due to coming from rural areas of both Canada and the US. my aunt has somewhere in the neighborhood of 16 or so siblings, coming from a fishing area. it has only been in the last one or two generations that family size has gotten smaller in many cases in North America. and these families had been in North America for a couple hundred years, so you can't say they were immigrants from a poor country.

where did small families start in North America? it started with the rich, rich people did not need large families to help support a family like farm work or fishing etc, labor intensive fields. they had money to support their families, and lets face it too large a family and they would no longer be rich once the money would be split up, so a small family ensured they would still be rich. next it was those working in the city, or "professional" type jobs like doctors, lawyers, bankers, shop owners, ministers etc. again a large family becomes an increase in expenses, without needing the extra help to live. so a small family became advantageous, since there was no benefit in having more hands to help out, a big family just became added expense. as more people moved into city type jobs like manufacturing, again family sizes decreased due to the same reasons. in fact the smaller family size in farming communities and fishing communities is so recent because things like tractors and other improvements that made less people needed to work are rather recent, only really happening in the last couple generations. and as a side note that decrease in family size is now having a negative impact on farming. farms are closing now because after only having a couple kids, and those two kids both leaving farm work, means there is no one left to farm. this has happened now with a couple of my families farms. they are stopping farming all together because all the children had no interest and so with no one to do the work (and a lot of the reason for that is BS rules, and the fact you can't make enough to live on farming now), there is no farming being done. farms that have been in constant operation in families for a couple hundred years are now sitting idle. (sorry for the small off topic rant)

so you can see the reasons for smaller families is both recent and has to do more about how people earn a living then they are from a poor country.

We must look after ourselves.

you are absolutely correct. we DO need to look after ourselves first and foremost. i for one think that immigration especially for refugees needs to be cut way down in North America, especially in the US right now. sure in times of plenty it is a good thing and immigration is even needed. like in old style farming where with more hands you could produce more and thus not only earn more, but are able to take care of a larger family. yet at this time the truth is the US and even Canada is hurting. there are too many currently out of work or working low paying jobs that need assistance. while this on it's own is a major drain on taxes, even worse is the fact that it also means many of these people are not paying tax or very much tax. call it a double whammy, less in, yet more needed to go out at the same time. this is not helped with big companies wanting to move tax locations so they don't have to pay as much, which means an even further reduction of money in.

the truth is just like when family size decreased due to no longer having the need for more hands to support it, in which case a larger family became a financial detriment. the same can be said of North America. we really can not afford more people at this time to take care of. until we can get most people working , and working at sustainable jobs that you can earn at least enough to live on. we really can not afford to add yet more people who will need the same things. lets be bunt about it. the US is in danger of becoming a third world country today. not because we are not advanced or even because of crappy education. the danger is too many people who already rely on government assistance, and can not earn enough to live on without it. and lets face it the government bringing in more and more people right now (no matter how bad their other country is), is just like an irresponsible couple having more kids then they can afford to take care of, but not only are they having more, they are taking drugs so they get two or four kids at a time. all that does is make them poorer and poorer and less able to take care of any of them. sure they love kids, they love caring for kids, but all they are doing is guaranteeing a crappy life for them in the end, because they really can not afford to take care of them. by having more they are putting the rest at risk. you can only properly take care of a certain number at a time, no matter how much love you may have.

sure we need to do what we can for others. but in a lot of ways immigration is not the best answer for that help. this is especially true when it comes to refugees (which are the main ones getting the "freebies" you complain about). it goes far beyond things like their lack of education making it difficult for them to be employed at good paying jobs. but lets face it they ALL need help, yet there is no way in hell we can afford to take every single one of them, even though every single one of them deserves our help. would THEY not be better served that instead of taking just a tiny percentage of them. we instead work towards helping ALL of them there? deal with the causes of the problem, then helping them advance so that instead of just becoming some who is just a drain, they can prosper on their own?

posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 12:42 PM
To OP :

Try to understand that the job scarcity is actually imaginary too.

Humans are humans regardless .

In the face of the planets 7 billion population ; You are an Ozzy who thinks that one can keep the whole of Australian Continent to be populated by minimum amount of humans possible !!!

Ha ha ha

My advice :

Artificial Translators are here already online for you to use .

More of the Police State you so desire is on it's way too .

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