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Security guard shot at conservative group's DC office

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posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 02:07 PM

Security guard shot at conservative group's DC office

A gunman who shot a security guard Wednesday at the Family Research Council office in Washington, D.C., was carrying a handgun and several additional rounds of ammunition, federal investigators told NBC News. Washington, D.C., police say the man, in his late 20s, walked into the headquarters of the conservative Christian lobbying group around 10:45 a.m. When challenged by the security guard, the gunman shot the guard in the arm.
(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 8/15/2012 by semperfortis because: Exact Headline

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 02:07 PM
Hopefully this doesn't turn into political trolling, but rather a serious talk about a real issue. Why does it seem that in recent weeks people seem to be ok with the idea of just killing those they disagree with? Defense of self and family is one thing, but isn't it more telling if you feel the only way to make your point is to silence the oppositions voice?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by KeliOnyx

The only people OK with it are the shooters. Our nation is very fragile at the moment and rapidly reaching a critical tipping point. Or there is something in the water....

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by jibeho

I thought that was fluoride.

I don't understand why people would just go and attack other people.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by KeliOnyx

Two federal officials said the suspect appeared to be mentally disturbed.

If it is the case that he (the shooter) is mentally disturbed then I can imagine that being the primary reason...

When challenged by the security guard, the gunman shot the guard in the arm.

And we have no idea exactly what "challenged" means, but if he was mentally disturbed then it might not have taken very much to provoke him.

I do agree that it seems that people have in recent weeks taken to 'settling their differences' with a bullet, but I wonder if perhaps it is the case that there are not more shootings going on, and they are just being reported more? Perhaps ulterior motives are at hand, what with the upcoming elections etc.
edit on 15-8-2012 by NoMatterNeverMind because: fixed a sentence

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by jibeho

I am starting to wonder if there is not a concerted effort by some group that is working specifically on gun control issues. Ever since Obama took office thee has been a drive to restrict gun rights / gun ownership.

When Rep. Giffords was shot the left pushed for gun control....
The issue in Colorado....
This issue in DC...
The UN treaty that was not approved because of its conflict with the US Constitution....
Fast and Furious....

It all seems convenient to the extent that there is a big increase in incidents, major incidents at that, just before en election..

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by KeliOnyx

Hopefully this doesn't turn into political trolling, but rather a serious talk about a real issue. Why does it seem that in recent weeks people seem to be ok with the idea of just killing those they disagree with? Defense of self and family is one thing, but isn't it more telling if you feel the only way to make your point is to silence the oppositions voice?
(visit the link for the full news article)

Considering that assassinations are used for political gain or change in many parts of the world, I think that there is a darker side to human nature.
Guns are relatively available and people will sell murder.

Vice did a story on some "target killers"
Mexico is plagued by violence against the state.
Examples abound, and the United States is different because of the relative safety and freedoms we enjoy, but I feel like true freedom of speech is the exception to the rule.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 03:06 PM
I think we're focusing too much on guns and missing the forest for the trees here. This isn't about shootings, it's about homicidal behavior. When it's a gun, people notice more as the media goes bananas.

What about the Miami cannibal? Tox screens showed Hannibal Lector there was clean. No dope..No salts.. That was him on a sober day.

Or this...

Former school principle goes on stabbing spree.

or this...

CCW shooter stops man on stabbing spree

That one can thank a gun.... err..

SOMETHING is going on out there. This homicidal rage or....worse...homicidal rampage with NO outward emotion at all started months ago and it's just becoming more visible. Even here...people comment on seeing others in daily life, far more aggressive and quick to violence than normal and I see it as well. I have NO idea what it could or what would work this way....I can't ignore the growing feeling it's as real as the crimes themselves.
edit on 15-8-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 03:32 PM
oh Christ, just imagine if I have a gun and I get pissed off at somebody, and I shoot at a liberal/conservative/greenie, etc ..... It is Your gun laws, heck, everybody in Your country has a right to bear arms, so why are you upset if somebody shoots at something/somebody else. ..... It is what you want, isn't it????

Everybody needs a gun, so why are you surprised if people starts shooting at everybody that offends them????

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by jibeho

I am starting to wonder if there is not a concerted effort by some group that is working specifically on gun control issues. Ever since Obama took office thee has been a drive to restrict gun rights / gun ownership.

When Rep. Giffords was shot the left pushed for gun control....
The issue in Colorado....
This issue in DC...
The UN treaty that was not approved because of its conflict with the US Constitution....
Fast and Furious....

It all seems convenient to the extent that there is a big increase in incidents, major incidents at that, just before en election..

You forgot Fort Hood as well as the recent "kill all white babies" rant by the Black Panthers.

Then we have the homosexual marriage thing.

Then we have the abortion issue.

We also have class warfare going on -- Poor Versus Rich.

So white verus black
Poor versus Rich
Left Versus Right
Christian Versus Atheism
Pro Life versus Pro Choice

Every step of the way, we are ALL being FORCED to sign on to an ideology of one type or another. Or better, we are being FORCE FED something that we don't believe in, one way or another.

There is no good ending in all of this folks.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Hellhound604
oh Christ, just imagine if I have a gun and I get pissed off at somebody, and I shoot at a liberal/conservative/greenie, etc ..... It is Your gun laws, heck, everybody in Your country has a right to bear arms, so why are you upset if somebody shoots at something/somebody else. ..... It is what you want, isn't it????

Everybody needs a gun, so why are you surprised if people starts shooting at everybody that offends them????

But for the record, if it were not a gun, it would be a knife...we have very little stabbings here in the USA, while, Canada and the UK stabbings are headline news.

Chose your poison.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by phantomjack

Originally posted by Hellhound604
oh Christ, just imagine if I have a gun and I get pissed off at somebody, and I shoot at a liberal/conservative/greenie, etc ..... It is Your gun laws, heck, everybody in Your country has a right to bear arms, so why are you upset if somebody shoots at something/somebody else. ..... It is what you want, isn't it????

Everybody needs a gun, so why are you surprised if people starts shooting at everybody that offends them????

But for the record, if it were not a gun, it would be a knife...we have very little stabbings here in the USA, while, Canada and the UK stabbings are headline news.

Chose your poison.

Is't that just a sign that our society is sicker than what we think it is?

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Hellhound604
oh Christ, just imagine if I have a gun and I get pissed off at somebody, and I shoot at a liberal/conservative/greenie, etc ..... It is Your gun laws, heck, everybody in Your country has a right to bear arms, so why are you upset if somebody shoots at something/somebody else. ..... It is what you want, isn't it????

Everybody needs a gun, so why are you surprised if people starts shooting at everybody that offends them????

It is called responsibility and self-control. Something that you probably don't know anything about or else you wouldn't have made such a stupid statement.

I've said it before and I will say it again. "Gun control laws only stop the people that you don't have to worry about in the first place."

Everybody's complaining about the US having the right to bear arms, while Syria and Egypt are having open armed insurrection. Of course! The US is the cause of all of the evil things in the world!!!! NOT!

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Hellhound604

Originally posted by phantomjack

Originally posted by Hellhound604
oh Christ, just imagine if I have a gun and I get pissed off at somebody, and I shoot at a liberal/conservative/greenie, etc ..... It is Your gun laws, heck, everybody in Your country has a right to bear arms, so why are you upset if somebody shoots at something/somebody else. ..... It is what you want, isn't it????

Everybody needs a gun, so why are you surprised if people starts shooting at everybody that offends them????

But for the record, if it were not a gun, it would be a knife...we have very little stabbings here in the USA, while, Canada and the UK stabbings are headline news.

Chose your poison.

Is't that just a sign that our society is sicker than what we think it is?

Yeah, its a darn shame.

I have pondered this a lot over the last year, and I have come to the conclusion that it all comes down to GREED.

One way or another, GREED is the culprit.

GREED kills people...not guns.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by phantomjack
GREED kills people...not guns.

PEOPLE kill people

Fixed it for you.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by KeliOnyx

Glad you started this thread (& thank you search functioneers). A little slow on the draw, I was just contemplating starting it in the “Breaking Political News” forum. The irony of non-political trolling wasn’t lost on me—thanks for that…

This article appears on an un-conservative website & it involves an apparently un-conservative crazyperson shooting someone in a conservative group’s office (note: “Conservative” is their word, so in attempting to abide by your anti-trolling wishes, I avoided the “L” word). I also used “crazyperson”, because it’s much easier to distance those types from the rest of us normal people!

Of course, NBC includes a Bronsonesgue snippet about the Chick-Fil-A anti-homosexual marriage deal, but despite the political undercurrent w/connotations of vigilantism, we know from earlier DSMs that homosexuals can’t be crazy—right? Worse yet, gun owners!

Then again, it might a part of the anti-gun conspiracy theory. This event shows that gun control is not only needed to keep the crazy white youth from shooting people, but it also demonstrates that potentially un-conservative homosexual vigilantes aren’t immune to Firearm Madness.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by OlafMiacov

Of course, NBC includes a Bronsonesgue snippet about the Chick-Fil-A anti-homosexual marriage deal, but despite the political undercurrent w/connotations of vigilantism, we know from earlier DSMs that homosexuals can’t be crazy—right? Worse yet, gun owners!

Then again, it might a part of the anti-gun conspiracy theory. This event shows that gun control is not only needed to keep the crazy white youth from shooting people, but it also demonstrates that potentially un-conservative homosexual vigilantes aren’t immune to Firearm Madness.

Wha-wha-what-WHAT??????? Are you serious? Gun crimes have no bearing what so ever on race, religion, sexuality.......PERIOD!

Never mind, misunderstood your bad......

edit on 15-8-2012 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by OlafMiacov

In all fairness he is probably a Liberal, no need to mince words or walk on eggshells over it. If you can't say what you mean then you can't mean what you say. It comes down to specifics. It probably was a politically motivated affair. But to me that wasn't the part that should be focused on. And instead of partisan bickering over who did what that ultimately would take us back almost 230 some years before we were done, to focus instead on why are people resorting to this to make their point at what point did this become ok? And it then brings to question if your ideas are so great then why would you need to resort to force to get them heard?

Also I don't subscribe to some grand gun control conspiracy theory. Because if it were true that it was a Liberal plan to push more gun control: It could just as easily be a Conservative plan meant to push Liberals to a gun control platform during a Presidential election year.
edit on 15-8-2012 by KeliOnyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 05:51 PM
I agree with Dave Mustaine that Obama, DOJ, and DHS are orchestrating these shootings in an effort to ban guns:

The liberal media owned by Goldman Sachs is always trying to paint these gunmen as conservatives in order to justify the U.N./Goldman Sachs/Obama's attempts to oppress the conservative agenda in the U.S. For example, some of Goldmans Sachs' media outlets actually reported that the shooter today was carrying a Chick-Fil-A bag. Why would you report that unless you want to try to paint Chick-Fil-A eaters as murderers? The DHS, U.N. and Obama are trying to suppress news about jihad while creating news about so called murderous Christians. Why do you suppose that they want to do that? because they have no reason to take guns away from Christians unless they create these shooting incidents to make it seem like Christians are just out of control. I won't be sad to see Obama and the U.N. reap what they sow.

The U.N. wants to rile the U.S. up against Islam anyways in order to eradicate the Islamic nuisance in the world. The U.N. also wants to rile up Christians to create a one world religion and government based on Christian tenets and ruled by a dictator who will pretend to be Christ returned. In the meantime though, the U.N. is just using their prostitutes in the U.S. government to try to justify gun control.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 05:57 PM
just wait until Zimmerman is found not guilty..scary to think of what happens after that..

I am also of the opinion that all this has something to do with curbing the 2nd amendment.

The very first question the media asked in Aurora was "was the gun obtained legally?"

um WHAT?

Dont get me wrong it is a very pertinent question to ask.. but the very first one?

What good is seeing the writing on the wall if we willingly ignore the message?

The groundwork is being done to take the guns folks.

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