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A look at the Left Brain

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posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:06 AM
The world today is dominated by left brain thinkers. These are people who are analytical, rational, judgmental, logical. These types of thinkers see things in a bias way, must find proof to validate everything. Science is man's game to understand nature, and how to advance human kind through logic, understanding, which leads to technological evolution

Mainstream science has already found that we are all connected through a web of energy. We call this the electromagnetic field. For thousands of years civilizations have already known of this reality in the 3rd dimension, but western culture has been left out of this knowledge due to supressing the spirit, mind and right side of their brain

Humans living in western society are programmed to live and PERCIEVE their journey called life through the left hemisphere of the brain. This is why we have so many courses in early school base their knowledge on analyizing and logic; math, science, history, social studies, language etc.. within these programs of school the students of the classes are programming their OPEN minds everyday, to percieve and think in terms of logic. This goes from ages 5 (kinder-garden) through university. An entire QUARTER of the human life has been used to program and percieve reality through logic, rational thinking, and analyzing

If you consider now that your perception on what you call reality has been programmed through your entire first quarter of your life, which is the most important part of every humans life, you can now understand that your version of reality is nothing more then what society has programmed it to be. The way you understand reality is the way "they" want you to percieve reality, forever keeping you numb from the truth of what you really are

For thousands of years these civilzations have known about this essence which binds all creation through its field. Everything is literally connected through this field. With a leftbrain-program you cannot admit this without finding the logical "Truth" that supports this knowlege which these civilization have always known.
So the leftbrainer will excuse and mock this idea, until "reliable" left-brain scientists find the answer and origin for them

In ancient civiliations and even handfulls of present day cultures; the brains and minds of these peoples were never programmed from the beginning. They came into this World free thinkers, free feelers, untouched by bias courses of logic. This allowed these peoples to understand what we can call the "Matrix" better by themselves

If you are incarnated on Earth into a culture that does not program its children, rather teaches them knowledge of nature, you would find through natural sensories and intution (right-brain at work) that you are connected to all of nature by a field of energy. Understand where I'm getting at Ats?

Society, especially that in the Western World, has been over programmed for the past century, it is near impossible to percieve reality through natural terms. This is why a large percent of the Western Culture is left in the dark about knowledge of mental powers, healing, levitation, telepathy etc.. This type of knowledge is, and always has been known by the ancients and handful of cultures today. This is the knowledge that is freely shared at places like the Tibet Plateau

Breaking free from the left brain program can be very hard for an individual. A life of programming and percieving a bias reality is hard to come out of. But you can.
Ignorance today is seen when a left brainer is given a fact of spiritual knowledge, but with no scientific approach or understanding, it is disregarded. Even though this particular knowledge is a truth of reality, it had no logical explanation, thus the rational mind threw it away. This is also why there is so much hate and bad energy thrown at what the left brainers label "new agers"

I will touch on this topic briefly, because this new age "movement" if I may, is nothing more then thousands of westerners breaking from the society-programming. The bashing and bad energy is those who do not wish to accept that reality isnt what they have been programmed to percieve it as, or belive. These spiritual new age peoples are only breaking the mental chains that have been put on them through years of programming through society

I went through the same thing. Up until 2007 I was your typical Ats member, skeptical, rational, logical, judgmental. But there was apart of me that always knew reality wasn't what I was programmed to belive it was. Then I started having spiritual experiences. I stopped percieving and thinking like an average left brain. I stopped judging others even if what they had to say was totally bogus to me. Then more spiritual experiences started to happen. I was successfully de-programming my mind, and percieving through my own will and understanding. Allowing me for the first time to experience reality outside of terms which society would call "normal"

Im using my self as an example because this is my thread to reach out to those rational minds who are still holding on to the program, afriad to realize that reality isn't what they have been told or made to belive it is. Once you stop thinking you are smarter then the next person, stop judging others for their experiences which you might not understand, you TOO will start to de-program and percieve reality in honest and natural ways through your mind and heart

For those who have read this far and still dont care what Im talking about.. realize it takes alot of Will to look at yourself and tell yourself that what you know right now, and what you have been programmed to know and see, isnt exactly what is out there, and isnt the entire truth you seek.
You do not need PROOF of a divine force, you dont need PROOF of instantanious healing, you dont need PROOF of levitation or telepathy, you do not need proof that the universe you are connected to, is much more then a sparkling colours and black space for humans to look at.
You just have to change perception and experience it for yourself

Science is on the verge of condridicting itself. Meaning the leftbrainers will soon be forced to de-program themselves when mainstream admits we are all apart of something larger which everything is interconnected with

The point of this thread is; we dont have to listen to science to allow us to think "outside" the box. Most are just afriad of ridicule, but we continue to ridicule others and get all sarcastic and funny when things dont make sense to us. This is typical leftbrain behavior! Break free from it and realize these things we dont understand are only misunderstood because of our ignorance and lack of knowledge!

People like myself are only thinking and percieving the way human kind always have for thousands and thousands of years.Those spiritual practictioners in Tibet, China, India, Native American cultures..are living and thinking the same way they have been for thousands of years

Science is just a measurement of nature, science is taking natures ways and knowledge, and finding ways to explain it. When you are connected to nature (harmony of the left and right brain) you dont need science and logic to explain this stuff, you just KNOW

The purpose here is to point out the program of your mind and your forced-perception of reality and give you encouragment to break free from it.

"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree"
~ Albert Einstein

Love is an art
edit on 9-8-2012 by LoveisanArt because: title obvoisuly hurt some feelings

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:11 AM
Just to make it clear for any members who are bothered with this thread... I am not saying one hemisphere of the brain is "better" then the other, both perceptions have they're benefits to the mind of the human, I am only insinuating the fact that an unbalanced mind is unhealthy for the spirit and individual who is percieving with such.

We NEED logical minds, this brinsg technological advancement to our race, but we do not need an unbalance of the two hemipsheres. This creates present day North America (lol!). Poilitcs, government.. well you can go on of how soceity is negatively dominated by the left brain, so I wont compeltely go there.

There is nothin wrong at ALL, with admiting your "version" of reality is a half truth if I may. That you have been programmed to percieve and think in a limited way. This is making you incomplete. If only each of you reading this knew what you were capable of!

Yin~Yang = Harmony of the two hemispheres, which is perfection of physical and mental realities.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Many of us already knew this...but many times, we have to be reminded anyway.

It's like taking an antidote when you spend all your time in the viper pit. You just can't stop or you'll lose yourself.

Great thread, thanks for posting.

edit on 9-8-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:16 AM
Perception is deception; the eye deceives the "I," and vice versa.

To "deprogram" the brain, one must actively challenge his or her perception of reality.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:20 AM
I hate how people try to do this "duality" thing, splitting up the brain into two parts and making one seem "better" than the other. Some people get annoyed and say "You need to be logical - use your left brain", and other people say "you need to be more creative and random - use your right brain".

The Left Brain does not need to be "De-Programmed" that is so unnatural, suppressing one entire SIDE of a brain. I don't even think it is possible. Once you read these words, you are using the Left-Brain. They try to say that music is a right brain thing but if you listen to music the LEFT brain will understand the RHYTHM (PATTERN) of the beat.

What we need is honesty. We need a balance.

If you choose to believe in things, even if they are proven wrong, you are imbalanced using too much of the right-brain. If your life is chaotic, always changing too much, you are using too much of the right brain.

If you choose to only believe in things that follow patterns (mostly materialism), and unable to accept new strange different types of information then you are too left-brained. If your life is boring and you feel like you are repeating the same exact patterns, then you are using too much of the left brain.

What we need is HONESTY, so that people can naturally FLOW from using both sides when necessary...

For example, I just say I *HATE* when people try to do this duality thing and make it seem like it is possible to just dismiss and entire half of the brain. This is a right-brain statement. Then I talked about *HOW* both are needed, like the right-brain enjoying music and the left-brain understanding pattern. This is a left-brain statement.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:38 AM
Our minds should be balanced, like the yin/yang symbol. Meditation is your best tool for centering the mind. Also there is a mudra (hand sign) called Hakini which helps balance the brain. Peace.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:47 AM
There is no "left-brain programming".

It simply doesn't exist. At all. At all. At all!

Try to read up on some neuroscience for a while, and watch some videos on people getting brain scans.

We use both sides of our brain for a variety of tasks. If the brain can complete a task with but one region or one side, it will.

If it can't, it will begin to recruit other brain regions, and perhaps the other side of ones brain.

Some people innately activate right-brain regions more than others.

It's mostly in the genetics, or congenital conditions.

BTW, I'm left handed

The dancer spins clockwise for me

Oh, another thing...people who are talented in mathematics, and sciences tend to activate their right brain to a higher degree than non-talented's not a "left-brain" thing..
edit on 9-8-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
I hate how people try to do this "duality" thing, splitting up the brain into two parts and making one seem "better" than the other. Some people get annoyed and say "You need to be logical - use your left brain", and other people say "you need to be more creative and random - use your right brain".

The Left Brain does not need to be "De-Programmed" that is so unnatural, suppressing one entire SIDE of a brain. I don't even think it is possible. Once you read these words, you are using the Left-Brain. They try to say that music is a right brain thing but if you listen to music the LEFT brain will understand the RHYTHM (PATTERN) of the beat.

What we need is honesty. We need a balance.

If you choose to believe in things, even if they are proven wrong, you are imbalanced using too much of the right-brain. If your life is chaotic, always changing too much, you are using too much of the right brain.

If you choose to only believe in things that follow patterns (mostly materialism), and unable to accept new strange different types of information then you are too left-brained. If your life is boring and you feel like you are repeating the same exact patterns, then you are using too much of the left brain.

What we need is HONESTY, so that people can naturally FLOW from using both sides when necessary...

For example, I just say I *HATE* when people try to do this duality thing and make it seem like it is possible to just dismiss and entire half of the brain. This is a right-brain statement. Then I talked about *HOW* both are needed, like the right-brain enjoying music and the left-brain understanding pattern. This is a left-brain statement.

My friend, you need to calm your self. I apologize if my words made you a little un-easy and apparently you missed the entire message I was conveying to you. Which is your MIND is programmed to be MORE dominated by the LEFT hemisphere of the brain. And it needs balance. Never did I ever say one is better then the other, and one needs to be deleted.. if you paid more attention you would of read my immediate post right after my OP, Ill copy and paste it for to bring my message more to light..
*Just to make it clear for any members who are bothered with this thread... I am not saying one hemisphere of the brain is "better" then the other, both perceptions have they're benefits to the mind of the human, I am only insinuating the fact that an unbalanced mind is unhealthy for the spirit and individual who is percieving with such.

We NEED logical minds, this brinsg technological advancement to our race, but we do not need an unbalance of the two hemipsheres. This creates present day North America (lol!). Poilitcs, government.. well you can go on of how soceity is negatively dominated by the left brain, so I wont compeltely go there.

There is nothin wrong at ALL, with admiting your "version" of reality is a half truth if I may. That you have been programmed to percieve and think in a limited way. This is making you incomplete. If only each of you reading this knew what you were capable of!

Yin~Yang = Harmony of the two hemispheres, which is perfection of physical and mental realities*

Read entirely before you react

~ Love is an art

edit on 9-8-2012 by LoveisanArt because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Well if we look at what you have said, I suppose we can then percieve my OP as a metaphor of the human mind today. Which is the POINT. That society is dominated by logical, rational, judgmental thinkers. Dominated means one side out weighs the other. The other being creative, intuitive, imaginative thinkers.

If you are going to sit at your computer and imply that our societies are not dominated by the logical, analytical part of our brain (whichever hemisphere.. cause that doesnt truly matter), then I am in reason to believe your in denial my friend

If you are going to sit there and assume that the populations in society are forced in supression of thier spirits and free-thinking minds, then I am in reason to believe you are in denial.

Dont twist my words please. The metaphor of left & right hemispheres of the brain might not be appreciated or taken seriously by Ats, but the point is the COLLECTIVE minds of society are dominated through logic, rationality, analytical ways of thinking.

And its just that simple.

This needs to end if we want to see fullfillment in advancement scientifically, technologically, spiritually, intutively, nutritionally and all the good stuff that humanity is waiting for. When science stops being bias (when the leftbrain thinkers in the science community start balancing their ways of thinking), and meets spirituality HALF way, the advancement for human kind will accellerate at a much faster pace then we will know.

This will not happen until science is stumped by nature (which is bound to happen), because nature is everything, nature is knowledge, physics, anatomy, biology, chemistry, aerodynamics, propulsion.. SCIENCE is only trying to define what nature already IS. Understand this. Science will be balanced by spirituality very soon, and mainstream science will admit this to the public, who will finally find balance in their programming (perception of reality).

Thank you

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Each hemisphere needs the other to operate properly. If you deprogram one, you'll likely affect the other. Why would anyone want to do that? What do you fear about rationallity, logic and the ability to analyze? Is it because they tell you your lofty spiritual ideals are irrational and illogical?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

I'm not twisting your words, you're twisting the concepts and coming up with false statements.

There is no "left brain" thinking.

According to the dancer, (and my hand dominance), I should be "right brained".

Guess what? I excelled in mathematics and sciences.

I was bored out my mind in English and History.

I couldn't draw if my life depended on it!

I've gone back and forth on a variety of spiritual/religious/metaphysical concepts.

How does this fit into your models?

It doesn't.

You can't say that certain people are "left brained" while others are "right brained".

It may be that some easily activate more brain regions on one hemisphere than another for various tasks and modes of thinking, but overall we're individuated and all over the place.

I'm not in denial. We are cultured. That culture provides inner values and beliefs. Society projects these values and beliefs into the objective world, and organizes as follows.

No conspiracy here.
edit on 9-8-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Now you can continue your life perceiving it however you wish.

~ Love is an art

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by TheSubversiveOne
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Each hemisphere needs the other to operate properly. If you deprogram one, you'll likely affect the other. Why would anyone want to do that? What do you fear about rationallity, logic and the ability to analyze? Is it because they tell you your lofty spiritual ideals are irrational and illogical?

I see that my mistake was using the leftbrain as the comparison of the dominated logical minds. Its the MIND that is programmed. Your thoughts which are programmed to see the planet through analytical eyes.. everything you see and read your mind is now analyzing, judging, and being rational towards... This is my point.
I changed my title from "de-programming" as I see now it was not the best word to convey what I mean here.

Its not elimating the LOGICAL MIND. Where are you people getting this from? IF you read an article, and skim through it, you particially understand was is being said byt the author. Which you have successfully done

I am more logical, analytical as in ways of thinking. There is nothing wrong with it. This is mostly because since I came into this World, I was forced to confrom to a system which lead me into one path of percieving this reality; Logically, analytically... this is why I implied that early schooling, majority of their courses cause the student to think and perceive logically. When not all students and humans are logical thinkers! Its FORCING the mind (programming) to see in ways "they" what you too.

This brings disharmony to the creative, intutive, imaginative, free thinking mind which you came to this planet with. Is this still confusing to you?

~ Love is an art

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

S & F for you. I was telling my nephew's GF, she's 20 and going to college in education. I was telling her about this very subject. On how kids are being trained to have an analitical mind by choping down creative ideas and cancelling a bunch of art classes. How standardized test folllow you in your permanent school records to show to future colleges and Universities as well as future employers how you're a good little worker and won't deviate from the plan and won't question authority. She was dumbfounded as I let her delve deeper in the subject. She found that alot of the things i was saying matched with what she had noticed but thought nothing of it.
edit on 9-8-2012 by XLR8R because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by TheSubversiveOne

What do you fear about rationallity, logic and the ability to analyze

I have a very coherent answer for this question. What is one thing we are all aiming for in life? To live. Part of that is survival. Logical processes and rationality state that you do whatever you can to survive. Right-brain thinking involves morals and all those ideas that don't have a concrete basis, just emotion.

It is emotion that enables our compassion, our trust, our compulsion to share with someone in need. Sympathy, empathy, all of these are emotional and therefore right-brain.

Left-brain doesn't deal in emotion, because emotion is illogical, insubstantial, and often confusing and contradictory. It's inconvenient to the logical processes.

In short, being left-brained means you would be purely self-serving. Right-brain is service to others because of its emotional basis.

And humans are a species of extremes. Left-brain or right-brain, you're going to push it as far as you can because developing these things feels like you have purpose in life, the other thing we all fight for. And if you're left-brained, that means you're going to fight to keep yourself alive as long as you can, using whatever means necessary.

Even at the expense of others.

Do you understand now?
edit on 9-8-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by LoveisanArt

I am more logical, analytical as in ways of thinking. There is nothing wrong with it. This is mostly because since I came into this World, I was forced to confrom to a system which lead me into one path of percieving this reality; Logically, analytically... this is why I implied that early schooling, majority of their courses cause the student to think and perceive logically. When not all students and humans are logical thinkers! Its FORCING the mind (programming) to see in ways "they" what you too.

This brings disharmony to the creative, intutive, imaginative, free thinking mind which you came to this planet with. Is this still confusing to you?

~ Love is an art

Seriously, nobody is forcing anything. I grew up in the same stupid school system. A teacher would attempt to insert notions, or ways of thinking, and my mind usually knew better, so rejected it. Yours didn't initially. Pretty sure that's got more to do with genes than anything else.

The style of teaching may influence us, but it's not controlling us.

I fully agree that sticking out like a sore thumb makes you ostracized from the majority.

It's just a path the weird choose to accept, else deny their selves. Some people aren't strong enough, and it's a shame. I've had phases of my life where I lie to myself and others because I want to be accepted, but that never lasted long.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by TheSubversiveOne

What do you fear about rationallity, logic and the ability to analyze

I have a very coherent answer for this question. What is one thing we are all aiming for in life? To live. Part of that is survival. Logical processes and rationality state that you do whatever you can to survive. Right-brain thinking involves morals and all those ideas that don't have a concrete basis, just emotion.

It is emotion that enables our compassion, our trust, our compulsion to share with someone in need. Sympathy, empathy, all of these are emotional and therefore right-brain.

Left-brain doesn't deal in emotion, because emotion is illogical, insubstantial, and often confusing and contradictory. It's inconvenient to the logical processes.

In short, being left-brained means you would be purely self-serving. Right-brain is service to others because of its emotional basis.

And humans are a species of extremes. Left-brain or right-brain, you're going to push it as far as you can because developing these things feels like you have purpose in life, the other thing we all fight for. And if you're left-brained, that means you're going to fight to keep yourself alive as long as you can, using whatever means necessary.

Even at the expense of others.

edit on 9-8-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

First of all, no one is fully left or right brained. Everyone has emotions and the ability to use logic and rationality. To choose one over the other is to do a great disservice to oneself.

Do you understand now?

You lost me at "coherent answer"

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Originally posted by LoveisanArt
Its not elimating the LOGICAL MIND. Where are you people getting this from? IF you read an article, and skim through it, you particially understand was is being said byt the author. Which you have successfully done

I never said eliminate the logical mind. Where did you get that from? You should maybe follow some of your own condescending advice.

But I'm glad you realized your original thread title was somewhat ridiculous. Maybe your logic finally kicked in.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by TheSubversiveOne

To choose one over the other is to do a great disservice to oneself.

You've just nailed the reason I dislike religion.

You lost me at "coherent answer"

Guess I better start sticking to two-syllable words then...?

edit on 9-8-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 02:19 PM
We are probably meant to be balanced in our use of both sides. When one side dominates, that probably creates problems; or, life may be easier if we learn to use both sides evenly. If most people were more evenly split, we would understand and communicate with one another much more easily, I imagine. (If left-brain dominate people have more trouble understanding right-brain dominated, then if they were both balanced, it seems they'd relate better. But, perhaps it may be best if people 'specialize' in certain tasks?)

I have heard that when one part of the brain is removed, the other side of the brain can learn to do what the missing piece used to do. Quite amazing.

Alternatively, so-called "mirror neurons," located on the opposite side of the brain from the damaged area, can become involved in roles that the injured region used to have, he said. For instance, an injury to the left hemisphere of the brain, which in 95% of people controls the capacity to understand and generate language, doesn't necessarily mean the patient can never have a conversation again. That's because the right side of the brain can take over some language functions.

Here's something to remember. It wasn't just an ol' saying:

The flip side of plasticity is pruning. Brain areas can shrivel away if they are not being used. When it comes to using your limbs and other basic functions, it is basically a "use it or lose it" situation, Gupta said. If you don't use your right arm, for instance, the part of the brain corresponding to its usage will deteriorate, Gupta said. That's why rehabilitation to relearn how to move limbs and speak again is so important.

Source (CNN) article

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