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British Special Forces Member Team Are Caught On Footage in Syria [Busted]

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posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 11:08 AM
Agent USA has a valid point here......
Sure you anal freaks can mock his verbiage, but the fact remains that such troops may just wear some type of identifying mark exactly like the guy in the fact it is probably imperative they do so for the reason they might get shot without it during ops....
Dealing with various muj Groups etc they must have some way of showing who the are....
I dont know about the ammo, but id expect an HK or other weapon than the standard brit one too....
Why would the guy have an AK?
because they all have them?
Id bet he IS SAS/SBS, no Syrian would be wearing a british flag right now i dont is placed like a shoulder flash on a uniform too....if it was civvy it likely would be on the chest......
Give a guy a break for origonal thinking and a good eye for petes sake S&F

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 11:12 AM
All it means to me is that the UK Jack is welcome there.

Hillary really made some crazy kind of deal w/MB.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 11:17 AM
So the next time I'm walking down the street and I see a Muslimah wearing a tee shirt with a Playboy Bunny on the front of it, I'll know Hugh Hefner has built a mansion in the neighborhood. Or that music video show with that guy with a tee shirt that had a huge pot leaf on the front; he's a stoner for sure.


Thread FAIL.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 11:21 AM
No catch, on further review its determined the player dropped the ball and video did not prove he caught the ball, sorry OP i think you are mistaken, the video of the Western forces in Libya was real because of the reaction they had, ok time to leave mode, very hasty and none wore anything other than native garb. Sorry OP this is some guy with a T-Shirt nothing more.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 11:53 AM

Sorry I know I am going to sound very bitter about all of this BUT before I even get into how the OP is totally wrong I want to point something out.
British Special Forces in Syria?
Only a few weeks ago I wrote the thread above about British Special Forces operating inside Syria, I actually spent time to go and do some research, provide links and write a thread about British Special Forces inside Syria that was based on research. It got 8 flags and 33 responses.

The OP picks of a video on YouTube that shows some teenager with a T-Shirt on with a British Flag on the sleeve then declares that the guy in the video is a “British navy seal trooper” showing his utter ignorance and gets 17 flags and over 160 replies, over twice that of my own that is actually based on facts and not ignorant ramblings.

What is wrong with ATS when the thread based on rubbish get more attention that the thread based on facts.

Now with my little rant over, I will address the factual inaccuracies with the OP

Firstly, I agree British Special Forces are operating in Syria, but what we are looking at in this video is not a member of the “British navy seals” for a number of reasons. Primarily, because the “British navy seals” don’t exist, they are called the Special Boat Service and secondly because no respecting member of British Special Forces is going to stand around on his own with his badges clearly on view with camera’s around. Way to show of your ignorance of the Special Forces community OP. With such Ignorance then I would also love to know how the OP can identify British made ammunition when he clearly can’t even identify a member of the British Military.

I don’t think I could be any more frustrated with this rag of a thread or ATS than I am right now.

Why do the mods tolerate this?

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 11:53 AM
...i seen a kid in Africa wearing a Newcastle United top on once, carrying a bucket of water along a dirt track...

Imagine my dissapointment when i learned he hadn't actually signed for The Toon.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Your thread, has a good hypothesis going.....

You would have to think that their are special forces in Syria, but NONE would be arrogant enough, stupid enough, to get their cover blown.


posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by FawnyKate
Lmao, how do you know it's British ammo ? Seals? Pleeeeease ! Bit of common sense and research needed by the OP me thinks !

If you want common sense and research by an OP, you're on the wrong forum Kate

(NB: The latter can be found from time to time, but rarely outside the specialised folders)

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:09 PM
To avoid any confusion...





posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Thank you, and thank you for your reply on my other thread

I sometimes wonder if people think before they post, I don’t want to pick on agent_usa but it is very clear he knows nothing about British Special Forces yet he has chosen to create a thread on UKSF without bothering to even Google “British Special Forces” and do some research to inform himself about the topic he is writing about. This kind of blind posting is only arrogance fuelling ignorance fuelling yet more arrogance.

I know that one of the Mods said on this thread to discuss the topic and not the original poster, but when it is clear that he knows nothing of the topic at hand the only way to discuss the topic is to point out how little the OP actually knows. It’s nothing personal, am sure agent_usa is cool guy, but he knows nothing about UKSF and its really frustrating for me to see this thread.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:13 PM
yes. its was also on russian channel 1...

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8


Love it !

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:33 PM
I can personally guarantee that we are being lied to on the Syrian situation.

But other than that, not really much. We should just assume that any war zone covered by our press or military is giving us as much false info as they can get away with.

Al Qaeda is not real. It's either people angry at the US, or compromised by the CIA, or they were trained by the CIA, but outside of the TV it isn't real.

So we should not get involved in any other wars, until we can fix our election system, and throw our crooks in jail. WE don't have a defense department, we don't have a justice system, and we don't have a future until we can fix our system here at home.

That is all.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I fully understand how you must feel - the only thing I can say is that your thread appears to be well written, well researched and well presented, things that used to be valued here on ATS, and to be fair still are by many members.

Personally I often don't reply to well written etc threads because I don't feel I have anything useful or insightful to say that hasn't already been said by the OP or other members, and to be honest I also forget to flag many of those threads - something maybe I need to address.

However, there were quite a few contributions in your thread from a member who I try to avoid like the plague because all he does is troll threads spreading his hatred, bigotry and downright lies at every opportunity - all he does is succeed in winding me up.
I suspect that maybe the reason your thread didn't get the level of contributions it deserved is because of his input.

ATS does seem to be attracting more than the usual number of cranks at present.
But it is still by far the best site of it's type around.

Keep your spirits up and I'm sure you'll start to get the recognition you deserve.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Sorry I know I am going to sound very bitter about all of this BUT before I even get into how the OP is totally wrong I want to point something out.
British Special Forces in Syria?
Only a few weeks ago I wrote the thread above about British Special Forces operating inside Syria, I actually spent time to go and do some research, provide links and write a thread about British Special Forces inside Syria that was based on research. It got 8 flags and 33 responses.

The OP picks of a video on YouTube that shows some teenager with a T-Shirt on with a British Flag on the sleeve then declares that the guy in the video is a “British navy seal trooper” showing his utter ignorance and gets 17 flags and over 160 replies, over twice that of my own that is actually based on facts and not ignorant ramblings.

What is wrong with ATS when the thread based on rubbish get more attention that the thread based on facts.

Now with my little rant over, I will address the factual inaccuracies with the OP

Firstly, I agree British Special Forces are operating in Syria, but what we are looking at in this video is not a member of the “British navy seals” for a number of reasons. Primarily, because the “British navy seals” don’t exist, they are called the Special Boat Service and secondly because no respecting member of British Special Forces is going to stand around on his own with his badges clearly on view with camera’s around. Way to show of your ignorance of the Special Forces community OP. With such Ignorance then I would also love to know how the OP can identify British made ammunition when he clearly can’t even identify a member of the British Military.

I don’t think I could be any more frustrated with this rag of a thread or ATS than I am right now.

Why do the mods tolerate this?

My friend, I do feel sorry for you. I didn't come across your thread, but I more so casual browse ATS than anything else, but its something that I have often noticed with this site. People who actually do have something of worth and actually put in time to research and more to the point are not either A) Going on about rubbish or B) Whinning about rubbish don't actually get much attention on here, in fact I'd say next to none.

SAS are in Syria, they've been in Syria for over a year now, this isn't new to me or anyone. In fact this was reported on ATS at the start of the year, I mentioned it but I know a good few others also did. How I know, is different from how you know, but I commend people who do some research.

The biggest operators in Syria is the CIA, they've been operating there for a lot longer. although the biggest asset they have is Prince Bandar, look him up, he is a massive in this whole Syria deal. Then look up the mass murders, accusations of government doing it, I can say with almost certainty that the majority of those massacres would've been carried out by rebels, more than likely Al Qaeda death squards working indirectly for Prince Bandar. It's all based on Operation Phoenix that was first used in Vietnam, same tactics, just with greater effect.

Yep, there are several lifetimes worth of movies to be made for all the under handed stuff that goes on in this world.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 01:29 PM
This might be the shirt. Or the one in the video might be a variation on it. I noticed that the shirt in the video is an open necked shirt, like a button up short sleeved shirt. Still the style of the flag is similar and the color.

A t-shirt from Camp bastion who is the main British military base in Afghanistan, this t-shirt have a UK flag on the short sleeve, and the afghanistan map on the front, . . .

edit on 31-7-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 01:30 PM
Just my observation...

- If they are British Spec Ops folks and even if they were in uniform wouldn't they wear the desert camo vice the forest green camo?

- If they were truly Spec Ops they would be "sanitized", especially if there was a video camera around.

I'm guessing the video was more along the lines of Syrian Army defectors, Free Syria fighters and probably some mercenary types, or combo of all three.

I'm not saying there's no Spec Ops folks in Syria, i just don't think they're part of this video. It's way too obvious.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Which part of OP of this thread violates the T&C?

Its speculation. Maybe born out of a lack of knowledge and understanding of the UK armed forces and how they would operate.

But thats all.

So, what is it we're "tolerating"? And...whats it got to do with your thread? The ATS staff don't promote peoples threads, the members do. If the site members have missed your thread, what are we supposed to do about it?

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by neformore

in no way did say that the OP breached the T&C’s let’s getting that out of the way first.

By tolerate what I mean is that I think that the Mods should be getting rid of threads like this one, at the very least this should be moved to the grey area because it is highly speculative to say “ooo look a British flag on a t-shirt in Syria…. SAS!!!”. The motto of ATS is “deny ignorance” by tolerating such ignorance the Mods of ATS are contradicting that motto.

Yes I am bitter about my thread basically being ignored, but I didn’t at any point as the Mods to stick it up on the front page for the next week or something like that, I could find other threads that would be far more deserving of such a reward. That being said however I do think that with so much drivel on ATS these days the Mods really should be doing something to reward those who actually bother to research their threads and post original information.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Being former Spec Ops myself, you would never dress in a manner that would bring any type of attention, nor wear anything that was not typical of the locale at which you were working. Any spec ops in this area would be working covertly even most mercs would be careful as not to distinguish themselves from the locals if possible.

On another note, I have personal knowledge that the rebels are being assisted by foreign agencies and that some not all of the casualties that are being inflicted are being caused by the rebels themselves to bring attention and intervention. Although the government is a bag of scum, the rebels are doing whatever they must in order to gain main stream world support.

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