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Fox “news”

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posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

The thread is about fox....start one about the others.....

My post has MANY facts about things they reported, were lies and they never corrected. not just studies.

Do you work for them or something or your mom...

Is your last name O'reilly?

Come on....even if all other stations were the does that make them look better for lying and pushing opinion.....a journalistic no no.


posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:39 PM
“Since Fox is apparently obsessed with reporting about Obama, and face it this is what really pisses off the left, why not give examples purely on those reports?”
???? Perhaps, you should respond to my examples * and not simply state your unsubstantiated theories and not so subtle name-calling.

Well OK, you did respond to fox “news” weird math. However, then you came up with the insane theory that I was claiming that Fox wants to destroy our math ability. UMMMMM The point is that they are so careless in presenting their propaganda that they do not even check if it has any resemblance to reality.
In your words “ lame lame lame “ . You offer nothing.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

So what do you have to say about ABC and their lies?????? Nothing???? hmmmmmm

Have you ever seen a group of people protest msm like they have with Fox? Sure they all lie, but the "most watched" is more responsible,imo. Plus Fox is really good at what they do, better than msm. The msm use to attack issues and policies, whereas fox attacks people, ideas and positions. Now(last 5 years), for the sake of ratings. the msm has followed suit with the attacks and sensationalism. So yea, imo Fox is significantly more responsible for dividing and misleading the public. I hear what you are saying, but there is a difference it seems.

ETA for below post:

Sorry, I don't buy into the left/right paradigm as most do, so you will have to do better than that.....

That is the 2nd time you mention than, and I am with you to some extent, but when compared, do you think fox promotes and hypes this left/right categorization and labeling more than MSM? Do they not come out of the gate every single day with phrases such as "the far left, the secular, the progressive blah blah? So they are actually trying to convey that one side is wrong and the other is better. So that should tee you off too, in the spirit of critique for the left/right paradigm game.
Not trying to pick a fight neighbor, just seeking clarification in this madness.

edit on 29-7-2012 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by 2XOHsurf

like I said to the other post has many examples of things they lied about. It is huge...I cant see how you misse that.....

as far as you computer being punished by god for defending liars....I don't know.

no me importa si no tienes tiempo....tampoco tienes la verdad a tu favor...judas

edit on 29-7-2012 by BIHOTZ because: fix

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:45 PM
I have worked for the MSM for the last 25 years.

Fox news lies? You bet!
ABC, NBC, CBS, and even PBS? Liars? You bet!

The problem is that the lies YOU see are only because we got arrogant or sloppy.

We cover stuff up, we manipulate what you feel, and we spin every story. You don't even know that you are being lied to. We create perception, we create conflict, and most importantly... we create fear.

You have been duped!

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

The thread is about fox....start one about the others.....

My post has MANY facts about things they reported, were lies and they never corrected. not just studies.

Do you work for them or something or your mom...

Is your last name O'reilly?

Come on....even if all other stations were the does that make them look better for lying and pushing opinion.....a journalistic no no.

Hahaha, O'reilly??? Really? I can't stand Mr. CIA so do you want to try again? I am not defending FOX by any means, I am just pointing out the hypocracy of this OP!!!

How can anyone point at any MSM news source and point a finger that they tell lies when they ALL DO???? Please, give me a logical answer to that other than the fact that all I did was point out that Fox is not the only news media who lies!

Or should I just sit back like a good puppet and allow people to put BS biased posts up and not say anything?

Sorry, I don't buy into the left/right paradigm as most do, so you will have to do better than that.....

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:48 PM
However, 2XOHsurf I do agree with you that Hannity, Beck O’Reilly etc cannot be trusted. I will confine ( tho I have already given examples of Fox “news” outside of those “opinion shows” lying) myself to fox “news”.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by tvtexan

The problem is that the lies YOU see are only because we got arrogant or sloppy.

..and a rabid pursuit of ratings and profits.

We create perception, we create conflict, and most importantly... we create fear.

So true, and this is the most dangerous thing facing our collective harmony or hate, "perception."
So, as an insder, would you assign any more responsibility to the Faux machine when compared to all the others, even combined?


posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

yes they all lie....but considering this is a thread about fox...I dont see how it is out of place....

what did you expect?

edit on 29-7-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:52 PM
“I am just pointing out the hypocracy of this OP!!!”
???? UMMM so if a thread is started about how bad Obama is, that thread is hypocritical? BTW, I stand by my OP, MSN has been inaccurate but NEVER at the level of fox “news”!

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by 2XOHsurf
These constant attempts to spin Fox as "liars" is so pitifully lame.

Why don't you give examples? I have yet to hear a valid reason for these claims.

And please don't site Glen Beck or Shawn Hannity. They are opinion shows.

You do know the difference don't you?

And don't site an example where the data they received and reported was later retracted.

Why are you so obsessed that you must parrot this nonsense without knowing what you're talking about?

thank in advance

FOX News as a channel is not necessarily "liars", but they are well known in news circles for not confirming sources and/or facts first before spinning stories to the far right. Before you try and reply that FOX is "fair and balanced", can I remind you that even Rupert Murdoch has admitted that "fair and balanced" means that they will always take the right wing Republican stance on issues to counter the "liberal" MSM.

You want examples? How about their widespread coverage of President Obama's "$200 million a day trip to India" which was widely discredited and disproved by all other agencies but which FOX insisted on running with. How about their "Gabrielle Giffords has died" misstep (Also widely mis reported by other news agencies as well who mistakenly chose to use FOX as their source), or their "Supreme Court rules Obamacare unconstitutional" misstep (admittedly, CNN and a couple other agencies did this, too), to name but a few recent issues.

And yes, we do know the difference between opinion shows and news shows, apparently FOX News does NOT.

Bill O'Reilly continually likes to remind viewers that he is NOT a news show, but is an opinion show, but when the rankings of news shows come out, Bill O'Reilly's show "The Factor" is consistently ranked #1.

You also cite Sean Hannity as an opinion show, but Hannity (who also likes to remind viewers his is an opinion show) is also consistently ranked amongst the top NEWS programs as well, usually in the top 3.

If FOX News was so interested in making sure that people knew these were opinion shows, they'd ask the TV ranking agencies to remove these shows from consideration as news shows.

You apparently seem to be a FOX NEWS viewer, but can't spell "cite", "Sean" or "Glenn" correctly, and apparently don't even realize that Glenn Beck isn't on FOX News anymore, leading me to believe reports stating that people who rely solely on FOX News are amongst the least informed people in the United States on current affairs. Viewers of "The Daily Show" actually scored higher in their knowledge of current events than FOX News viewers in a recent poll.

As a disclaimer, I actually enjoy Shepard Smith's show, which is more ACTUAL news without too much in the way of opinion, but mostly like to be able to make up my own opinion of news stories, without having someone else tell me what I should be thinking.
edit on 29-7-2012 by babybunnies because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 06:06 PM
Here's an additional link to throw into the mix. I'm not endorsing or refuting the study, just thought i could contribute by offering someone else's take on media bias. Note that this study was done in 2005 though. If nothing else maybe we get a better Before and After picture from it.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist
By Meg Sullivan December 14, 2005:
edit on 07/27/12 by glasshouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 06:19 PM
“"Past researchers have been able to say whether an outlet is conservative or liberal, but no one has ever compared media outlets to lawmakers," Groseclose said. "Our work gives a precise characterization of the bias and relates it to known commodity — politicians."

FROM the site given by glasshouse
The 2005 congress was controlled by conservatives. That that congress was more conservative then and * does not mean that those two publications are lefties. I find it hard to believe that the Wall Street Journal is a left wing anti-capitalist , progressive publication. Or that is a centrist. I suppose applying the same standards means that was a leftie also. But then again, who knows? LOL

* “It conforms to the owner's political point of view, and tends to be more conservative than its two primary competitors, Time and Newsweek”

PS; Brit Hume centrist?

edit on 29-7-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies

Originally posted by 2XOHsurf
These constant attempts to spin Fox as "liars" is so pitifully lame.
Why don't you give examples? I have yet to hear a valid reason for these claims.
And please don't site Glen Beck or Shawn Hannity. They are opinion shows.
You do know the difference don't you?
And don't site an example where the data they received and reported was later retracted.
Why are you so obsessed that you must parrot this nonsense without knowing what you're talking about?
thank in advance

FOX News as a channel is not necessarily "liars"

Thank you for clarifying this

, but they are well known in news circles for not confirming sources and/or facts first before spinning stories to the far right.

Well that clinches it, good legwork

Before you try and reply that FOX is "fair and balanced", can I remind you that even Rupert Murdoch has admitted that "fair and balanced" means that they will always take the right wing Republican stance on issues to counter the "liberal" MSM.

straying off topic again. We've already established their bias.

You want examples? How about their widespread coverage of President Obama's "$200 million a day trip to India" which was widely discredited and disproved by all other agencies but which FOX insisted on running with.

Why don't you share the correct numbers and support your argument?

How about their "Gabrielle Giffords has died" misstep (Also widely mis reported by other news agencies as well who mistakenly chose to use FOX as their source), or their "Supreme Court rules Obamacare unconstitutional" misstep (admittedly, CNN and a couple other agencies did this, too), to name but a few recent issues.

And your premise is...? That FOX WANTED us to believe she died? Is this a conspiracy, please expound.

Bill O'Reilly continually likes to remind viewers that he is NOT a news show, but is an opinion show, but when the rankings of news shows come out, Bill O'Reilly's show "The Factor" is consistently ranked #1.

Is this another "lie" of theirs? Are they manipulating the ratings or?

You also cite Sean Hannity as an opinion show, but Hannity (who also likes to remind viewers his is an opinion show) is also consistently ranked amongst the top NEWS programs as well, usually in the top 3.

MORE lies?

If FOX News was so interested in making sure that people knew these were opinion shows, they'd ask the TV ranking agencies to remove these shows from consideration as news shows.

WOW, another strong argument. They should cut and flog themselves!

You apparently seem to be a FOX NEWS viewer, but can't spell "cite", "Sean" or "Glenn" correctly, and apparently don't even realize that Glenn Beck isn't on FOX News anymore, leading me to believe reports stating that people who rely solely on FOX News are amongst the least informed people in the United States on current affairs.

You really got me there. I watch it so much, I can't spell their names and didn't realize he wasn't on the air??? You just killed your own argument and used a more specious argument.

Viewers of "The Daily Show" actually scored higher in their knowledge of current events than FOX News viewers in a recent poll.

I'd really like to know where that poll is. Thanks in advance.

I don't understand why it is so difficult to find these lies. If you are going to characterize someone as conspiratorially misleading, let's see multiple instances to support it.

lie: a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

"FOX lies" connotes repeated and consistent instances implying conspiracy. They don't exist. This thread is proof that if you repeat something enough, many people will believe it, like "FOX lies". Straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook and pitifully transparent.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by 2XOHsurf

I'd really like to know where that poll is. Thanks in advance.

"FOX lies" connotes repeated and consistent instances implying conspiracy. They don't exist. This thread is proof that if you repeat something enough, many people will believe it, like "FOX lies". Straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook and pitifully transparent.

Kind of like the Fox mantras of "far left, secular, progressive, looney, liberal" this and that at every single opening? I would challenge anyone to show mantras used by a news organization more than by fox. So me thinks Saul would be proud of Fox. Is that transparent enough?

If you want to talk about public manipulation, have you heard of Frank Luntz, who helps Fox news with some crafty linguistic voodoo? Source
Again, fox has mastered the ability to sway and influence, they are just better at this with news and radio, whereas the left is better with documentaries and music/art.
edit on 29-7-2012 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 06:52 PM
“Why don't you share the correct numbers and support your argument?”
Why don’t you actually read other posts before responding?
FROM the OP.
“This thread is proof that if you repeat something enough, many people will believe it, like "FOX lies".
HMMM please respond to your opponent’s posts. Your silly responses (no evidence just accusations) show that you have no argument. So, show me that somehow that clip was fake. Did they get an actor that looked like O’reilly?

edit on 29-7-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by speculativeoptimist
reply to post by 2XOHsurf

I'd really like to know where that poll is. Thanks in advance.

"FOX lies" connotes repeated and consistent instances implying conspiracy. They don't exist. This thread is proof that if you repeat something enough, many people will believe it, like "FOX lies". Straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook and pitifully transparent.

Kind of like the Fox mantras of "far left, secular, progressive, looney, liberal" this and that at every single opening? I would challenge anyone to show mantras used by a news organization more than by fox. So me thinks Saul would be proud of Fox. Is that transparent enough?

If you want to talk about public manipulation, have you heard of Frank Luntz, who helps Fox news with some crafty linguistic voodoo? Source
Again, fox has mastered the ability to sway and influence, they are just better at this with news and radio, whereas the left is better with documentaries and music/art.
edit on 29-7-2012 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

Ok thanks, that looks interesting. What do the numbers say? Let's look at the questions first...

• To the best of your knowledge, have the opposition groups protesting in Egypt been successful in removing Hosni Mubarak?
• How about the opposition groups in Syria? Have they been successful in removing Bashar al-Assad?
• Some countries in Europe are deeply in debt, and have had to be bailed out by other countries. To the best of your knowledge, which country has had to spend the most money to bail out European countries?
• There have been increasing talks about economic sanctions against Iran. What are these sanctions supposed to do? • Which party has the most seats in the House of Representatives right now?
• In December, House Republicans agreed to a short-term extension of a payroll tax cut, but only if President Obama agreed to do what?
• It took a long time to get the final results of the Iowa caucuses for Republican candidates. In the end, who was declared the winner?
• How about the New Hampshire Primary? Which Republican won that race?
• According to official figures, about what percentage of Americans are currently unemployed?

Now which of these questions does FOX lie about? Let's test your premise.

I will observe that the shows I do watch on FOX spend A LOT of airtime on these topics. Especially Baer, Smith and OReilly(spellings?) I answered those questions 100% correct. Talk radio listeners are also more passionate and even obsessive about current events than someone who watches TV because of the attractive reporters.

This is less about accurate reporting than it is about retention.

If you are the most watched channel, is it possible that there are soooo many dumb Americans who can't comprehend or retain facts, or is it that they are being "lied" to? I think the former. The facts would have to presented incorrectly first in order to attribute the poll results to "lying".

thanks again.
edit on 29-7-2012 by 2XOHsurf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:02 PM
“I don't understand why it is so difficult to find these lies.”
Its not hard to find them ,simply read the posts!
UMMM Read the posts.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
“I don't understand why it is so difficult to find these lies.”
Its not hard to find them ,simply read the posts!
UMMM Read the posts.

ummm, type the lie. Don't make me read endless dribble and expect me to make your point for you. The posts don't say anything. Make your point, use fewer words so the rest can follow. Don't cut and past links that prove nothing. I'm not going to let you off the hook that easy.

You only have to do it ONE time, come on man.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:25 PM
AHHH so the clip of O'Reilly was an actor impersonating O'Reilly!!!!

Like shooting fish in a barrel!
edit on 29-7-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)

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