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Obama Racist? Didn't Know He Was Only President of Black People.

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+39 more 
posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 08:37 AM

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is creating a new office to bolster education of African-American students.

The White House says the office will coordinate the work of communities and federal agencies to ensure that African-American youngsters are better prepared for high school, college and career.

Obama is announcing his election-year initiative Wednesday night in a speech to the civil rights group the National Urban League as he seeks to rally black voters. Aides say his executive order, to be signed Thursday, will set a goal of producing "a more effective continuum" of programs for African-American students.

AP Source

Seriously? I was unaware that the tax dollars paid by ALL citizens of the United States could be used in special programs and newly created offices for only a specific minority group. Maybe that's because black people are incapable of being racist?

This is a blatent attempt by Obama to try and regain support among the black community - but it's just plane wrong. There are many disadvantaged white and Hispanic kids in the US. There are a great deal of non-black kids who are not ready for High School, drop out early, and struggle in the class room.

I guess because there is no "National White Kids Association" to pander votes from, they just get left behind?

This is honestly pretty despicable. Black people should be just as offended - being pandered to, in an election year, should make you mad that anyone thinks you're that stupid.

We want to end racism and racial inequality? Then you can't focus on things like "a more effective continuum" of programs for African-American students"

How about a more effective continuum for ALL students Mr. President... but again, I guess as the first black POTUS, he's only the POTUS of black Americans.... sad... especially since I voted for him.
edit on 26-7-2012 by gncnew because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-7-2012 by gncnew because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by gncnew

What made you vote for him? Hope and Change? Not to wear you out, but.........without due diligence all you have left is rhetoric. Yes he can read a prompter well...he said things that we all want to feel good about. But his history is really, really scary for our country. He is what he is! A racist, a Muslim, a communist and a real big liar.

Hopefully you have seen your mistake....You and others like you who didn't care what he was about and only his message, have cost this great Country of ours almost everything.

Please, I am only upset because we didn't see this coming and a lot of people still listen to the spin. This rant is not about you but a group of people who either don't care or just plain ignorant.

Simper Fi

+12 more 
posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 08:52 AM
Ah affirmative action and positive discrimination.

The posh names for racism.

edit on 26-7-2012 by khimbar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by dakota1s2
reply to post by gncnew

What made you vote for him? Hope and Change? Not to wear you out, but.........without due diligence all you have left is rhetoric. Yes he can read a prompter well...he said things that we all want to feel good about. But his history is really, really scary for our country. He is what he is! A racist, a Muslim, a communist and a real big liar.

Hopefully you have seen your mistake....You and others like you who didn't care what he was about and only his message, have cost this great Country of ours almost everything.

Please, I am only upset because we didn't see this coming and a lot of people still listen to the spin. This rant is not about you but a group of people who either don't care or just plain ignorant.

Simper Fi

Yes, Hope and Change. I fell for the empty and vague slogans that sound great yet really mean nothing.

If you look back at my profile, you'll see my earlier admission of mistake. Wont happen again. I've voted conservative for 15 years... until this guy. McCain was just too much for me to swallow.... so instead I took a cyanide pill.

And Semper Fi to you leather neck.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 09:36 AM
This is pure craziness...

W.. T... *.

There's so many hypocrisies about this, I don't even know where to begin. I think he would have done much better if he just made an agency or committee that had the only purpose to taking on this task, and then to include minorities as well....

Don't tell this to Obama... he might do it.

I think there is certainly a need for addressing this whole thing... but it probably starts with some laws, racist cops, and the destruction of families. Maybe some mentoring, better programs, and better teachers than some slack job teachers in inner cities. I went to one for 2 years... I've seen it.

It is what it is... keeping fighting the wrong fight, over sight and government agencies are the best way to solve problems, have limited government, lower taxes.

I can't claim that anything the USA government has really done has been done well, other than the defense of my nation... simply put. Maybe that's all that matters to some, I can't argue... but then why keep on with the other things that government is completely terrible at doing. Didn't Ron Paul say anything about getting rid of the Department of Education?

Fix the real problem, don't just spend money and appoint new responsibilities to already removable agencies... That apparently have been failing anyways...

and done.. lol

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:11 AM
Isn't this discrimination? What about my kids? Their only half AA. Does that qualify them? What about my nieces and nephews? They are just plain white. Live smack in the middle of the "ghetto " and are some of the very few white kids at their school. And are on foodstamps. I guess their fairy godmother will save them and they will go to college regardless of the poor education they are getting.

I'll give an example of the 2 school district, at the very beginning of the education.

Prek3/4. My son went to the same district as my nieces and nephews. It was like daycare. He learned nothing except his colors.

Different school district, same town. Not even the rich side. Prek3. My daughter was taught counting, colors, shapes, and is already reading. Not a whole book LOL! But the foundation is there.

My daughter is very smart but still the difference in the two schools is crazy.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:12 AM
This will of course be "created" by way of an Executive order.

As of right now, that EO is not posted yet.

The whole thing is 100% political. Nothing more.

Funny how they shy away from all questions that mention the 100% failure of the entire public school system.

What has the U.S. Department of Education been doing lately ??
(other than "administrating" the theft and corruption that is)

+2 more 
posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:14 AM
It's sad that the first African American president is that dip S**T.
Too bad Martin Luther King wasn't the first. He was a true hero

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by gncnew

So the children of this nation who suffer the most many may be part of the same race group. Is it wrong for other people of this same nation to support their education. Especially if 1 more educated means the possibility that, thats 1 less potential criminal path created and followed , which inturn may end up as a crime against the people of this nation AVOIDED.. smh WHATS THE PROBLEM

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:17 AM
So what?

This is no different than people using school vouchers to send their kids to private schools. It's the exact same thing. The only difference is that this program targets black americans. And it's probably targeting are those pathetic under funded and illogically structure education system.

Yes, more tax dollars are wasted. But they are pissing a crapload more money doing other things besides this, how about the abysmal failure the "no child left behind program" was?

The good ol "See here, look, i told ya so!" line.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:17 AM
and Obama is half and half, thought that would help this nation more, smh.

+15 more 
posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:23 AM
As if the US Dept. Of Education was not already bloated and corrupt enough...Obama needs to create a new bloated bureaucracy on top of it all. Crystal clear point about Obama.. He has framed his entire adult life around racial issues From his college years to his community organizing years through Harvard and back to Chicago. Race has been a central theme of his entire life. His entire bio. "Dreams" centers on it...He focused on it while at Harvard and during his years as a civil rights litigator in Chicago.

Funny how he never associates with his white half. Our nations bi-racial president has certainly picked his favorite side. The side that he used to glide his way through Occidental, Columbia and Harvard. Our affirmative action president can thank affirmative action for all that he has taken.

Not what we need in the Oval Office... Our nation needs a unifier not a divider. Obama's entire career has focused on maintaining and increasing the divide across racial and socioeconomic boundaries. This new move is disturbing and will accomplish nothing!!!!

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 10:55 AM
Did Obama do this to "rally Black voters"? Of course, imo, he did. Does he really care about Black people, no, imo, he doesn't. But I don't think you guys understand how big the achievement gap is between Black and White kids. It is not just a problem to be dealt with, it is an epidemic that MUST be addressed NOW!

92% of White kids graduate high school and 84% go on to post-secondary schooling.
53% of Black kids graduate high school and only 9% go on to post-secondary schooling.

These are national averages. Do you see how big of a gap that is!? Now what do you think happens when you have 47% of a certain demographic of kids not graduating high school? You get 41% of Black males ending up in jail, more than 1 in 3. And what happens when you have 91% of a certain demographic of kids not entering into post-secondary schooling, in a society that demands such a thing? You get an entire demographic subjugated to poverty for generations to come with a majority under-employed and/or unemployed. You get statistics like, less than 2% of small business owners with more than 5 full-time employees on payroll in the US are Black. This leads to the further widening of social/economic gaps.

Men lie, women lie, numbers don't. Just saying.
edit on 26-7-2012 by openlocks because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 11:00 AM
This doesn't appear to be a racist action. If anything, Obama has been criticized for not doing enough for the African American community.

He is simply abusing the power of the executive order for his own personal gain by using taxpayer dollars in an attempt to purchase votes that he hopes will help him win some swing states.

Exit polls show that 95 percent of African American voters supported president Obama in 2008. Analysts believe he will need them to turn out in similarly large numbers if he hopes to win key swing states such as Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina.


Unsuspecting U.S. taxpayers, including Romney supporters, just donated to Obama 2012.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by openlocks

"Did Obama do this to "rally Black voters"? Of course, imo, he did. Does he really care about Black people, no, imo, he doesn't. But I don't think you guys understand how big the achievement gap is between Black and White kids. It is not just a problem to be dealt with, it is an epidemic that MUST be addressed NOW! 92% of White kids graduate high school and 84% go on to post-secondary schooling. 53% of Black kids graduate high school and only 9% go on to post-secondary schooling. "

Ok, I have been in education for 36 years now. In that time there have been, and still are, plenty of programs to help the black students get ready for school and while they are in school. During that time I have seen a drop in thinking that education is a priority to get ahead. I have also seen black students ridicule other black students who do well in school. I do not have a solution, but IMHO the black community needs to work on stopping the high illegitimacy rate, and get behind the idea that education is needed to get ahead in life. It seems the black politicians or community leaders keep pushing the idea that blacks cannot get ahead and are being totally kept out of any advancements. They seem to push a continued dependance on govt. subsidy.
Can this be changed? Yes, but it sure will take guts to do so, and major changes that involve not giving in when the initial changes begin to be made. I think there are a lot of people invested in continued dependence.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 11:47 AM

he needs the black votes; he'll get them. He just needs them to actually go to the voting booth again.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by cenpuppie
So what?

This is no different than people using school vouchers to send their kids to private schools. It's the exact same thing. The only difference is that this program targets black americans. And it's probably targeting are those pathetic under funded and illogically structure education system.

Yes, more tax dollars are wasted. But they are pissing a crapload more money doing other things besides this, how about the abysmal failure the "no child left behind program" was?

The good ol "See here, look, i told ya so!" line.

No Child Left Behind, ill-structured or not, was not "No White Child Left Behind"...

It's the United States Government, not just the "Black American's" Government, this is going in the WRONG direction.

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by gncnew

So the children of this nation who suffer the most many may be part of the same race group. Is it wrong for other people of this same nation to support their education. Especially if 1 more educated means the possibility that, thats 1 less potential criminal path created and followed , which inturn may end up as a crime against the people of this nation AVOIDED.. smh WHATS THE PROBLEM

There are plenty of non-black children in the same circumstance - it's wrong to target a specific race group for any kind of program.

Would it be ok if a white president said "I'm going to increase funding for welfare to black families because they're typically more poor and more prone to crime"???

Hell no it wouldn't. But if a black president does this - it's NOT racism???? how do you figure, this is the definition of racism - this time by executive fiat.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Zarniwoop
This doesn't appear to be a racist action. If anything, Obama has been criticized for not doing enough for the African American community.

He is simply abusing the power of the executive order for his own personal gain by using taxpayer dollars in an attempt to purchase votes that he hopes will help him win some swing states.

Exit polls show that 95 percent of African American voters supported president Obama in 2008. Analysts believe he will need them to turn out in similarly large numbers if he hopes to win key swing states such as Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina.


Unsuspecting U.S. taxpayers, including Romney supporters, just donated to Obama 2012.

There is NOTHING - let me repeat - NOTHING the President of the United States should every do "FOR" Black Americans. The President does things for ALL Americans, not just one ethnic group of them.

And the black vote did not put him into office, white people did - if you doubt me, look at the demographic of voters out there. 98% of black voters voted for him, but that's less than 20% of the overall vote.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Elienne

Can this be changed? Yes, but it sure will take guts to do so, and major changes that involve not giving in when the initial changes begin to be made. I think there are a lot of people invested in continued dependence.

Bingo - it's like the immigration issue - nobody wants to solve it because it's too valuable as an issue.

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