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10 key points of evidence that point to a conspiracy in the Batman/Colorado shooting

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+102 more 
posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:10 PM
1. James Holmes had no job, was earning unemployment but was able to purchase close to 10k in weapons, explosives, and tactical equipment, and this all happened within 2 months. The chances that Holmes could afford to finance this on his own is highly unlikely. Someone helped finance this attack, follow the money and we will find the masterminds.

2. The testimony of 2 key eye witnesses totally contradicts the official story of there being one shooter, with no accomplice in the attack. One witness testified that the tear gas canisters came from both sides of the theatre, a second witness testified that before the movie began he saw someone sit down in the front row, and shortly after sitting down his phone rang and instead of walking into the main lobby to take the call, he walked over to the emergency exit to the right side of the theatre opened the door and looked to be signaling someone outside the theatre. Shortly after the shooter made entrance through the emergency exit and commenced his attack.

3. Evidence photos - Evidence photos have surfaced of a gas mask outside of the emergency exit of theatre 8, police reported that when they arrested the shooter in the white Hyundai outside of theatre 9 he was wearing a gas mask, that would make 2 gas masks that were recovered. Also photos show the AR-15 propped up against the wall opposite of the fire exit door of theatre 9, police radio communications reported that night that the rifle was found inside the theatre, and even if the the AR-15 was discarded outside the theatre do you think the gunman was going to take the time to set the weapon down ? The Hyundai - why was the window missing? I thought he put up no resistance as he was being taken into custody ?

4. Radio communications from the night of the attack -

*First report of suspects was two men fleeing the theatres both wearing back packs, what happened to these two suspects??

*Reports of three people dragging an unknown individual into a non descript vehicle and speeding off

*the majority of injured and witnesses were not given access to ambulances, they were to be transported by other vehicles to the high school. WHY?

* Police radio that one of the shooters may be wearing blue and plaid shirt

*Magazine and AR-15 dropped in theatre

5. Pool of eye witnesses - It was reported that the theatre had over 300 people in it, there have been less than 10 eye witnesses with a only a few taking most of the spotlight ie. Jennifer Seeger. The KEY eye witnesses seem to have very well rehearsed testimony but have not given much sense to whether there testimony is actually plausible - Jennifer Seeger has consistently given a description of the shooter, that miraculously matches James Holmes to a T, even though she has told reporters that she was face down in the aisle, and surrounded by tear gas/gas obstructing her view. Seeger also described the gas canisters down to the colour, personally I believe this was an impossibility in that scenario. She also mentioned that hot shell casings were hitting her in the forehead as the gunman was spraying the theatre, how is this possible? she was on her front was she not? Another point that should be noted is that for a event that involved 300 people, there has been a surprisingly low amount of postings on youtube, facebook, and Twitter. No one who was involved in this event is talking about it, beyond that small group of witnesses that have been talking to national media outlets.

6. Holmes booby trapped apartment - How are we to believe that a 24 yr old, former jewish camp counselor, gaming nerd, science rock star, Neuroscience PHD had the skill set to set up a system of explosive devices and booby traps that would have the FBI bewildered for almost two days?? How are we to believe that ?? There is no way this maze of death was the work of one neuroscience student. It's BS.

7. Rumours of Holmes's Neuroscience program being funded by DARPA - Neursoscience + DARPA + MKULTRA the perfect marriage

8. Anti-gun agenda - Didn't anyone notice how quick public officials were ready to talk to the media about antigun legislation ? Bloomberg publically called out Obama and Romney to do something about the lack of gun control in the US, excellent timing seeing as the UN has legislation on the table to ban small arms globally.

9. The fact that Holmes allegedly bought the guns legally, to me this is the biggest smoking gun that this attack is being used as sounding board for the anti gun/disarmament agenda, think about it...most intelligent people who were planning an attack like this would do everything they could to stay off of the radar, buying the guns legally doesn't allow one to do that. What they are trying to do is demonize the legal gun owner, saying hey Holmes wasn't a criminal he was a normal guy who went crazy, and due to his ability to legally buy these firearms he was able to pull off these attacks.

10. The roomates - The initial reports were than Holmes was living with two other people, but once people started asking who these roommates were, the story had changed to no roommates that he lived by himself. The roommate story had to change because everyone was asking the same thing, if Holmes had roommates where are they ? Are they in the apartment with all of those explosive materials? It makes no sense!!! I don't think there were any explosives in Holmes residence, I think that they were buying time to construct this BS story.

Anyway those are my 10, feel free to debunk or add your own commentary.

edit on 25-7-2012 by Wewillallbefree because: spelling correction

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Wewillallbefree

#1 --he had a $26,000 grant.
Not sure how grants are regulated... like if it's one big check you get... but I know to get one you apply (usually a letter detailing what you plan to do with the money) and then they give you the money.. i just don't know about if you have to follow up with reports on how you've spent the money. I don't think that's the case. If not, he could have easily used it to purchase the weapons.

But I agree with the other points.

Also, why do I hear conflicting reports: He was unemployed vs. he worked at McDonalds (which I have not heard on any news sources... just on this forum... was it a joke... ie. Ronald McDonald...LOL!?)
edit on 25-7-2012 by 08051962 because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:23 PM
Ill piggy back on these nice points and add some of my own. If im missing some parts correct me.

1). No paper trail of any purchases he made.

2). how did cops know to go in through his window without checking the front door first, when i turned on the news it was them in a firetruck ladder and busting out the window, nothing about them checking the front door.

3). the mail that was sent to the school of the notebook that was apparently sent by him. What does the stamp say, when it was mailed. What happened to passing out the mail monday, tuesday, wednesday, why was it left until today to be found.

4) a bunch of people say what about the cameras, where is the surveillance tapes, parking lot cameras? very mall i have been to have at least 5 cameras pointing around the parking lot and another 3 inside the theater itself.

5) any paperwork of him so called "dropping out" of school, maybe he didnt want to drop out, someone that just received grants or funding to attend school and just not go back, and how can one get these grants for school then spend it on guns.

6). proof he bought the guns, reciepts, online purchases, why was the federal government not aware of one person buying 4 guns in a 2 week time period, thats a lot for anyone to be buying, raises red flags and is suspicious.

7). the apparent phone call that some person sitting in the front right of the theater gets up and opens and props open the emergency exit. I know little to none about phone towers but cant they take lets say the time between 11:45pm-12:10am when that person may or may not have received the call and look at the cell phone tower pings and get the number and see who it was. Who called, what number that was, and what number that person was calling and then how long the call went for?
edit on 25-7-2012 by scottromansky because: added another point

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:29 PM
I decided to do a top 10, if I had to do a top 20 all of your points would be in there, as far as your number 2. He disclosed to Police that there were explosives in his apartment. So my guess is that they used a fiber optic camera scanned the area and saw the tripwires, but thats even if there was explosives.

Oh and there was a small paper trail on purchases, there is an online invoice out there to

Originally posted by scottromansky
Ill piggy back on these nice points and add some of my own. If im missing some parts correct me.

1). No paper trail of any purchases he made.

2). how did cops know to go in through his window without checking the front door first, when i turned on the news it was them in a firetruck ladder and busting out the window, nothing about them checking the front door.

3). the mail that was sent to the school of the notebook that was apparently sent by him. What does the stamp say, when it was mailed. What happened to passing out the mail monday, tuesday, wednesday, why was it left until today to be found.

4) a bunch of people say what about the cameras, where is the surveillance tapes, parking lot cameras? very mall i have been to have at least 5 cameras pointing around the parking lot and another 3 inside the theater itself.

5) any paperwork of him so called "dropping out" of school, maybe he didnt want to drop out, someone that just received grants or funding to attend school and just not go back, and how can one get these grants for school then spend it on guns.

6). proof he bought the guns, reciepts, online purchases, why was the federal government not aware of one person buying 4 guns in a 2 week time period, thats a lot for anyone to be buying, raises red flags and is suspicious.

edit on 25-7-2012 by Wewillallbefree because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:30 PM
You raise very good points. Most people are overlooking these facts... just glued to the latest developments and other fodder being forced fed to us... Lord knows there is enough right now in the news... luckily, ATS'rs aren't most poeple! Poeple should pay attention to this thread. Good work OP!
edit on 25-7-2012 by Mccw2003 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:39 PM
Police always tend to with hold certain information’s from the public in order not to harm their investigations, could this be happening here?

Makes the callers or witness’s who come forward with claims or with evidence more believable & have some credentials if certain info isn’t released to the general public.

I’m just saying….

+30 more 
posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:41 PM
Give it a rest, not everything is a conspiracy. Sometimes people just do bad things and there is no rhyme or reason that you can understand. Just because you can't make sense of it doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.

1.) I could have easily obtained multiple credit cards while in college putting my max over 25k, they would have had horrible rates and been really stupid but it was for sure an option and this point makes no sense.

2.) Wittnesses are wrong a lot of the time...just look at how many cases that were based on circumstancial evidence and witness testimony have been over turned thanks to DNA evidence. You're basing your suspician on 2 people you know nothing about?

3.) I don't know enough about this as I haven't read anything about it so I can't weigh in.

4.) *2 suspects running in black - can't argue that's weird but could have been falsly reported.
*Interesting, could it have been after the shooting and 3 friends were dragging their friend to their car to rush him to the hospital? I don't know the timeframe as I haven't listened to the audio but perhaps the reports were from that.
*This is pretty standard in a large event like this where over 50 people were injured. You set up a base nearby and get the injured there as quick as possible because it's hard to have 30+ ambulances show up in a timely fashion and it's just as hard for the hospital to find room for them on top of their regular overhead especially at 12. The life threatening injuries were sent to the hospital. Hence the injured(majority) sent to the care base while the others(minority) were sent to the hospital.
*Could be false report or quick judgement based on someone fleeing the theatre.

5.) I wouldn't want to talk to the media after this hellish incident and I'm sure others wouldn't want to either. What an assumption sitting in your nice comfy chair typing this up and assuming everyone would be in your comfort state after experiencing a hellish experience in which you will most likely not ever have to endure on any level near them.

6.) Read what you wrote...A science rockstar and nerd with nothing but time on his hands couldn't figure out how to do this? You just want this to be a conspiracy theory at this point. Wow...

7.) Keyword "Rumours" kinda like assumptions made in your post will become.

8.) Officials are blood suckers and try to push political agendas from every major event...always...period.

9.) He didn't need to stay off the radar he had a small window before he was on the radar and that's all he cared about. He had no criminal background or anything...

10.) A lot of this has to do more with over-zealous reporting than conspiracy. Remember at first he was reported as a 40 some year old tea-party member? I guess that was a part of the conspiracy too? No you don't think so because it doesn't work into your theory so you accept it as bad reporting.
edit on 25-7-2012 by Epirus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:43 PM

1. James Holmes had no job, was earning unemployment but was able to purchase close to 10k in weapons, explosives, and tactical equipment, and this all happened within 2 months. The chances that Holmes could afford to finance this on his own is highly unlikely. Someone helped finance this attack, follow the money and we will find the masterminds.

He could have had inheritance, a trust fund etc. and his parents were wealthy. Also loans and a grant. $10k is a fair amount to spend, but it's not that unreasonable.

2. The testimony of 2 key eye witnesses totally contradicts the official story of there being one shooter, with no accomplice in the attack. One witness testified that the tear gas canisters came from both sides of the theatre, a second witness testified that before the movie began he saw someone sit down in the front row, and shortly after sitting down his phone rang and instead of walking into the main lobby to take the call, he walked over to the emergency exit to the right side of the theatre opened the door and looked to be signaling someone outside the theatre. Shortly after the shooter made entrance through the emergency exit and commenced his attack.

Witness testimony is always pretty unreliable, especially in a case like this.

3. Evidence photos - Evidence photos have surfaced of a gas mask outside of the emergency exit of theatre 8, police reported that when they arrested the shooter in the white Hyundai outside of theatre 9 he was wearing a gas mask, that would make 2 gas masks that were recovered. Also photos show the AR-15 propped up against the wall opposite of the fire exit door of theatre 9, police radio communications reported that night that the rifle was found inside the theatre, and even if the the AR-15 was discarded outside the theatre do you think the gunman was going to take the time to set the weapon down ? The Hyundai - why was the window missing? I thought he put up no resistance as he was being taken into custody ?

The police moved the AR and removed the gas mask... The window is a bit odd but perhaps they thought it was booby trapped and wanted a K-9 to take a whiff for explosives.

4. Radio communications from the night of the attack -

Eyewitness testimony sucks.

5. Eyewitness

6. Holmes booby trapped apartment - How are we to believe that a 24 yr old, former jewish camp counselor, gaming nerd, science rock star, Neuroscience PHD had the skill set to set up a system of explosive devices and booby traps that would have the FBI bewildered for almost two days?? How are we to believe that ?? There is no way this maze of death was the work of one neuroscience student. It's BS.

You can find anything on the internet and as you say he was working toward a doctorate, not exactly a dummy.

7. Rumours of Holmes's Neuroscience program being funded by DARPA - Neursoscience + DARPA + MKULTRA the perfect marriage


8. Anti-gun agenda - Didn't anyone notice how quick public officials were ready to talk to the media about antigun legislation ? Bloomberg publically called out Obama and Romney to do something about the lack of gun control in the US, excellent timing seeing as the UN has legislation on the table to ban small arms globally.

They always are quick to politicize a tragedy.

9. The fact that Holmes allegedly bought the guns legally, to me this is the biggest smoking gun that this attack is being used as sounding board for the anti gun/disarmament agenda, think about it...most intelligent people who were planning an attack like this would do everything they could to stay off of the radar, buying the guns legally doesn't allow one to do that. What they are trying to do is demonize the legal gun owner, saying hey Holmes wasn't a criminal he was a normal guy who went crazy, and due to his ability to legally buy these firearms he was able to pull off these attacks.

It seems rather clear he was expecting to get caught. He surrendered to police and posted 'Will you come visit me in jail.'

10. The roomates - The initial reports were than Holmes was living with two other people, but once people started asking who these roommates were, the story had changed to no roommates that he lived by himself. The roommate story had to change because everyone was asking the same thing, if Holmes had roommates where are they ? Are they in the apartment with all of those explosive materials? It makes no sense!!! I don't think there were any explosives in Holmes residence, I think that they were buying time to construct this BS story.

The news makes mistakes and different Orgs will just copy other's reports. I still get mail from previous tenants.

I think you left out a big one, that he sent a manifesto or whatever to a shrink that wasn't found for a week. That one is weird, but it is summer.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Epirus

1.) I could have easily obtained multiple credit cards while in college putting my max over 25k, they would have had horrible rates and been really stupid but it was for sure an option and this point makes no sense.

I didn't even think of that. I had a CC with an obscene limit when I was 18. Was on both my parents when I was 16 and that translated to good credit when I became of age.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:48 PM
I've been keeping a close eye on this story.

Their are a lot of things not adding up here. I think that there may have been a "target" person they were after, and used the ruse of a mass shooting to get away with it and make it look random.

I'm not 100% sure, but something is a miss here.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by scottromansky

1). No paper trail of any purchases he made.

There is and there will be. You can't just order a gun online and have it shipped to your address.

2). how did cops know to go in through his window without checking the front door first, when i turned on the news it was them in a firetruck ladder and busting out the window, nothing about them checking the front door.

Because he told them the place was booby trapped.

3). the mail that was sent to the school of the notebook that was apparently sent by him. What does the stamp say, when it was mailed. What happened to passing out the mail monday, tuesday, wednesday, why was it left until today to be found.

That is weird. But then again summer time.

4) a bunch of people say what about the cameras, where is the surveillance tapes, parking lot cameras? very mall i have been to have at least 5 cameras pointing around the parking lot and another 3 inside the theater itself.

Many cameras are dummies. I used to work loss prevention and about 15 of the 50 cameras were fake. ALso it's still pretty early in the investigation.

5) any paperwork of him so called "dropping out" of school, maybe he didnt want to drop out, someone that just received grants or funding to attend school and just not go back, and how can one get these grants for school then spend it on guns.

Again still earl in investigation, also I thought that he had officially dropped out but I'm too lazy to find a source.

6). proof he bought the guns, reciepts, online purchases, why was the federal government not aware of one person buying 4 guns in a 2 week time period, thats a lot for anyone to be buying, raises red flags and is suspicious.

I bought a gun almost daily for a week totaling 5 guns. Two were 'assault rifles'.

7). the apparent phone call that some person sitting in the front right of the theater gets up and opens and props open the emergency exit. I know little to none about phone towers but cant they take lets say the time between 11:45pm-12:10am when that person may or may not have received the call and look at the cell phone tower pings and get the number and see who it was. Who called, what number that was, and what number that person was calling and then how long the call went for?

Again very early in the investigation. The police may not be releasing a lot of this information on purpose, or may just not have it yet. Also, eyewitness.

Nothing about this shooting really stands out to me as being all that staged or out of place with the possible exception of the notebook. People can go nutty, and a bright kid like him could easily put this whole thing together. None of the things he used were uncommon, his methods weren't even that elaborate except for the bombs which are easy enough to make if you spend a few minutes online.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:53 PM
The thing with his house, he was blasting music to have someone open the door and trigger the bombs going off, so if that was his motive why would he tell the cops he has bombs in the house? doesnt add up at all

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by tw0330
I've been keeping a close eye on this story.

Their are a lot of things not adding up here. I think that there may have been a "target" person they were after, and used the ruse of a mass shooting to get away with it and make it look random.

I'm not 100% sure, but something is a miss here.

That just seems preposterous. There are so many easier ways to 'accident' someone. A big national event that will undoubtedly be under scrutiny is a pretty poor way to take care of someone.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:57 PM
Can anyone answer these two questions ?
Is there anyone that can I.D. Holmes as the shooter, see his face or red hair ?
Did anyone see Holmes outside after the shooting with a weapon in his hand ?

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by scottromansky
The thing with his house, he was blasting music to have someone open the door and trigger the bombs going off, so if that was his motive why would he tell the cops he has bombs in the house? doesnt add up at all

Maybe he likes cops? Perhaps he was lucid for a few moment after the shooting? Perhaps his bloodlust was sated for the time being? Perhaps he knew that if one cop was killed he was almost guaranteed a death sentence no matter what... I dunno. He wasn't exactly being rational.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:57 PM
If they did any real investigation like they do in tv shows / movies (I know tv shows / movies over exaggerate what they can do, BUT a lot of the shows and movies base what they can do off real world applications), it would be a non issue to find out who really performed these acts.

Mall/Theater security cams will tell the story, release it to the public already.

The local cell towers register and log all the call information, IE Phone Number from and to, time of call and duration of call. This on itself would be good enough to identify the suspects if they weren't burner phones.

In terms of your arguments about explosive booby traps... Please, have you met the Internet?
The information you need to make and set explosive traps can be found on the internet, using house hold ingredients.
The reason it probably stumped the police for a couple days was because they couldn't get a line of sight on the explosives themselves. So 1; They weren't sure of their power. 2; Weren't sure of quantity. 3; Better be safer than sorry.
It's not that hard to do when you think about it logically and with some common sense.
When you talk about mercury switches and trip wires. Easy - Mercury switch is just a circuit completer/breaker based on movement/tilt.
Trip wires are a wire that completes the circuits purpose based on being... tripped. Hell, you could even have laser trip circuits which are just light sensors that trigger a circuit when the laser line is broken.

As mentioned, the fact the cinema was packed with 300 odd people... 15 killed, 70 injured and a handful of eye witnesses. Definitely suspect if you ask me. You could maybe discount the possibility that maybe 25% are fearful they will be targeted and killed if they speak. But that still leaves roughly 150 people.
Considering the flick was target for older audiences, the amount of children not reliable as witnesses should only be around 10%. Now you are down to 130 people roughly not talking... Why?

Then you have a statement from the Aurora Police saying they would have arrested and charged any civilian that fired on the Gunmen with their CCW. REALLY? REALLY???
Yet store owners can fend off armed robbers and not be charged as the defense is seen as justifiable.
I think self defense based on threat of life should see you safe in terms of not going to prison.
Then again, there could have been risk of the CCW civilians hitting other civilians in the cross fire.

All that being said...
It is definitely a false flag against your rights to bear arms. Don't let them disarm you like they disarmed us with the Professional Hit of Port Arthur here in Australia.

Good luck to you.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by OLD HIPPY DUDE
Can anyone answer these two questions ?
Is there anyone that can I.D. Holmes as the shooter, see his face or red hair ?
Did anyone see Holmes outside after the shooting with a weapon in his hand ?

I don't believe anyone in the theater would be able to identify him. When the police arrived I believe he was holding a shotgun and confessed. I believe he had one pistol on his person also and that there was one in the car.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 08:59 PM

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by scottromansky
The thing with his house, he was blasting music to have someone open the door and trigger the bombs going off, so if that was his motive why would he tell the cops he has bombs in the house? doesnt add up at all

Actually he just told them he had a surprise waiting for them and didn't say what, where or when. He thought he was powerful and clever kinda like he thought he was the joker. I'm pretty sure he thought the trap had already been tripped or would be tripped shortly kinda like how the Joker reveals things while he's in custody but what he reveals is too little too late to save a certain individual or group. This was his way of toying with them. Thankfully no one did enter as soon as he had assumed they would.
edit on 25-7-2012 by Epirus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Sovaka

Then you have a statement from the Aurora Police saying they would have arrested and charged any civilian that fired on the Gunmen with their CCW. REALLY? REALLY???

I didn't see that. That pisses me the F off. I wonder if they're fearful someone is going to be a little jumpy and shoot an usher or something. Either way, screw you guys. I'd rather go to jail than watch a ton of innocent people shot.

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