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Third World Population Boom - Is it time to Sterilise the "Useless Eaters?"

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posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by adrift

(Isn't it a natural instinct to produce more offspring when the chances of infant survival are small? You see it all the time in nature.)

That seems even more heartless than my call of sterilization. Having four or five kids with hope that at least one will survive is putting us in the same catogory as turtles, ect. Each one of the kids is unique and shouldn't be pumped out on mass with the hope that one survives. Animals Yes - People No.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Pedro4077
reply to post by adrift

That seems even more heartless than my call of sterilization. Having four or five kids with hope that at least one will survive is putting us in the same catogory as turtles, ect. Each one of the kids is unique and shouldn't be pumped out on mass with the hope that one survives. Animals Yes - People No.

I don't know really. I was just typing out loud, but I think that it could be just as natural as the urge to eat for survival.
When someone eats a salad, you don't usually find it heartless because you could compare them to a turtle.
But anyway off-topic.

I was just saying that there is definitely a crisis over there, but finding reasons why you shouldn't help is just that.
My 2c

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by tallcool1
reply to post by Pedro4077

For someone to look into those poor starving beautiful children's eyes and call them "useless eaters" is a kind of inhumanity that I can't even comprehend.

For someone to breed them into existence knowing they can't feed them is a kind of inhumanity that I can't comprehend. It's not my day to support their procreative activities - I have my own to look out for.

How about we sterilise the selfish, gluttonous masses instead

Forced sterilization? Now THAT isn't draconian, is it?

and then give the excess food that Dreine was referring to to those who truly need it.

When you are the one working to produce it, THEN you can give it away to whomever you please. You don't get to make that decision for other people who have their own families to feed and bills to pay..

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 04:35 PM
Ultimately this will lead to a bigger problem in the future.

As the poor continue to multiply, eventually we will have a weather year that makes the breadbaskets of the world lower their output.

When that happens there will be mass starvation. It's so sad.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 04:37 PM
Here, study these two infographics and correlate their data. The African continent is in large part suffering for the greed and lifestyles of the 1rst world.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by DeReK DaRkLy

Who isn't useless in this world? We are all just consumers.


Some are producers, or else there would be nothing for the consumers to consume.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 04:41 PM
World communism?

People really do not look at history hell under communism more people starved and died from hunger than any other form of "government" between Russia and China both dictatorships.

Now between China and India the 2 most populous countries in the world where in one country we have the "one child policy" but if it wasn't for capitalism they would be starving, and the rest of the world would be starving because if it wasn't for those farmers who worked to plant that food, and the bankers who make the loans, and the corporations who make all those farm impliments, and some more corporations who make all the transportation needed to deleiver those goods to market, where another corporation sells that food for the consumer.

People are not going to work for nothing unless you want to create a slave class like in China and sweat shops in other countries.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
Ultimately this will lead to a bigger problem in the future.

As the poor continue to multiply, eventually we will have a weather year that makes the breadbaskets of the world lower their output.

When that happens there will be mass starvation. It's so sad.

Exactly, pretty soon the breadbaskets of the world will have their own crissis, and when that happens, everybody starves.

For Christ's sake I'm not talking about euthanizing these people, I'm talking about population control for people who can't feed themselves.

Maybe these famine prone countries should consider bringing out a "One Child Policy" like China?

It's up to the leaders of these countries to make some tough decisions.
edit on 25-7-2012 by Pedro4077 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 04:54 PM
All the money seems to miss all those people, whom you would want to sterilise. So when you take or deny basic human rights to people, do they not revert back to base style living? Meanwhile birth rates are dropping in those 'well off' countries and becoming ageing populations. Will you then advocate putting the old people down when they become a burden too?

Those maps clearly show a planetary wide fail, we should all be ashamed of ourselves.

Don't want to feed dead weight anymore? I hope it's never your child who's starving.
If no one cared enough to teach you and you never learned you would be no better.

Your thread sucks man

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Pedro4077

Dr Mengele the sadist Nazi Doctor would agree would your state ment

"I see how right my plans have been all along and I understand now that following people's advice mostly results in irreparable nonsense. But I refuse to pass guilt onto others: I was solely responsible for my decisions," writes Mengele, who was 49 when he started the journal.

Unless the world adopted breeding programs like those he pursued in Auschwitz, "mankind is doomed, even without war," he writes.

Referring to morality, aesthetics and genetics, Mengele writes: "The real problem is to define when human life is worth living and when it has to be eradicated."

"There's only one truth and one true beauty ... There's no 'good' or 'bad' in nature. There's only 'appropriate' or 'inappropriate' ... Both sides receive equal chances. Nevertheless, nature provides a strainer. Things that are 'inappropriate' fall through since they lose in the struggle for survival."

Discussing the Indian caste system, Mengele notes, "Brahmans are built nicely; some of them even have blue eyes. They have small, straight noses and they're in general high quality human beings. And this is because the Brahmans used the highest caste to preserve their noble blood. They are the descendants of Nordic peoples who once conquered and ruled India."

Mengele discusses how to create an upper class: "It can only be done by selecting the best."

"Everything will end in catastrophe if natural selection is altered to the point that gifted people are overwhelmed by billions of morons," he warns, predicting that 90 percent of humans will starve due to stupidity and the remaining 10 percent will survive "like reptiles survived. The rest will die, just like the dinosaurs did ... we have to prevent the rise of the idiot masses," he writes.

"The feeble-minded person ('village idiot') was separated from farmers because of his social status and low income," he writes.

"This separation is no longer the case in the age of technology. He is now on the same level with the farmer's son who went to the city.

"We know that selection rules all nature by choosing and exterminating ... Those who were unfit had to accept the rule of more accomplished human beings, or they were pushed out or exterminated. Weaker humans were excluded from reproducing. This is the only way for human beings to exist and to maintain themselves."

He says "inferior morons" should be exterminated, adding, "We have to make sure that nature's suspended eradication will continue through human arrangements ... birth control can be done by sterilizing those with deficient genes."

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147

Originally posted by Pedro4077
Hello? Is there anybody Home? What the Hell is wrong with you people? You have no food, you have no assets, and you have no future plan, yet you continue to Breed like Rabbits.

They also have no contraception.

Everyone has contraception. Mine is called a "zipper". I don't pop it open if I can't feed a kid that such opening might produce.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

Meanwhile birth rates are dropping in those 'well off' countries and becoming ageing populations. Will you then advocate putting the old people down when they become a burden too?

Burden? No Chance, When you produce the goods you reap the rewards. Old or Young

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Dreine
If the United States and Russia wanted, their massive wheat fields could feed the ENTIRE world 5 times over.
Every year millions of pounds of wheat are allowed to rot in silos so as to keep the food market 'stable'... IE, profitable.

This is true for MOST years. With the extreme drought this year, the statistics will vary.

If not for greed human hunger would be a non-issue. Food is not only a life staple, it is a commodity to be traded and sold to satisfy the greed that so many people have.

For that matter, so could Zimbabwe, formerly known as the breadbasket of Africa. However, with Mugabe, they cannot even feed themselves much less anyone else. Billions of foreign aid goes into these countries without stopping hte hunger. The problem is not that the US is selfish, but that these countries are Kleptocracies and the ruling junta keeps the people hungry.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Pedro4077

Originally posted by Wildbob77
Ultimately this will lead to a bigger problem in the future.

As the poor continue to multiply, eventually we will have a weather year that makes the breadbaskets of the world lower their output.

When that happens there will be mass starvation. It's so sad.

Exactly, pretty soon the breadbaskets of the world will have their own crissis, and when that happens, everybody starves.

For Christ's sake I'm not talking about euthanizing these people, I'm talking about population control for people who can't feed themselves.

Maybe these famine prone countries should consider bringing out a "One Child Policy" like China?

It's up to the leaders of these countries to make some tough decisions.
edit on 25-7-2012 by Pedro4077 because: (no reason given)

Those leaders are often the problem in the first place.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147

Originally posted by Pedro4077
Hello? Is there anybody Home? What the Hell is wrong with you people? You have no food, you have no assets, and you have no future plan, yet you continue to Breed like Rabbits.

They also have no contraception.

Everyone has contraception. Mine is called a "zipper". I don't pop it open if I can't feed a kid that such opening might produce.

100% Effective - Zero Cost

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 05:18 PM
Why do we have to pick on the third world countries? These poor people are born with zero oppurtunity to succeed.

Hello? Is there anybody Home? What the Hell is wrong with you people? You have no food, you have no assets, and you have no future plan, yet you continue to Breed like Rabbits

I see these same kind of useless people in the worlds richest countries. While I have full sympathy for those born in the third world, I have none for the "Useless Eaters" wrecking the worlds biggest economies. Why do I have no sympathy for say an American "Useless Eater"? Simple. In America, or a similar country, there is bountiful oppurtunity to change you life. Even in todays economy. I'm not talking about the job hunting unemployed or the elderly and disabled. I'm talking about those who avoid working as a way of life. Those are the true useless eaters, and I say let them starve.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 05:20 PM
The starvation in Africa is political. Those people aren't "over-populating." They've been forced to stop herding cattle by the Islamist, communist governments of the Horn of Africa. This situation has only obtained since the 1940s.

Darfur is not about people having to much sex. It is caused by the government pushing them out of their own nation. It is ethnic cleansing.

The places that ATSers portray as filled with 'useless eaters' are actually the cradles of agriculture. Maize was domesticated in Latin America. Sorghum in subtropical Africa. Teff in Ethiopia. Wheat in the mountains of Southwest Asia. Rice in south and southeast Asia.

Those places are only starving because their governments wish to eradicate minorities.

When you use the term "useless eaters," you are actually borrowing the rhetoric of the racists who practice the ethnic cleansing.

Let's be honest, that's what the original poster is advocating: Killing off lots of "skinnies"---little brown people.

Edit to add:
Notice that no white people are threatened with down-sizing.

I recommend that the OP and her ilk join VHMENT: The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.

Just quit screwing around and take YOURSELF out of the equation. Thanks.
edit on 25-7-2012 by tovenar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Pedro4077

No offense........... But who are you to judge?

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by tovenar
The starvation in Africa is political. Those people aren't "over-populating." They've been forced to stop herding cattle by the Islamist, communist governments of the Horn of Africa. This situation has only obtained since the 1940s.

Do you realize just how much Earth's human population has grown since the end of WW-II?

As far as the rest of your reply one can only speculate.

Let's be honest, that's what the original poster is advocating: Killing off lots of "skinnies"---little brown people.

edit on 25-7-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Pedro4077

reply to post by Pedro4077

This is the most callus thing I have ever read on Ats. Each one of those people is an individual with thoughts and feelings. I cant belive someone sitting on a computer somewhere in lala land has the audacity to feel like they can judge and be little people whom you have never meet. Are they harming you? Did they give you some third world disease? Did they take a meal from you or your children? Is the smell of their filthy country bothering you in your ivory tower in good ole Oz?

The fact you werent born in a third world country is by pure chance. Those children didnt want to born into despair and povery.

I would never wish anything bad on anyone not deserving , but I hope that you have an awakening experince that shows you are no more entitled or deserving to a life of entitlement and prosperity than anybody on this planet.

If you chose to rag on drug addicts or people who partake in destructive behaviors and bring on their own despair then sure maybe..

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