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Tennessee mosque sues to open

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posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 08:51 AM

A federal judge on Wednesday will consider whether to force a Tennessee county to allow a Muslim congregation to begin worshipping in its newly built mosque, which has faced strong opposition from a group of residents.


In May, a Rutherford County judge overturned the county's approval of the mosque construction and this month he ordered the county not to issue an occupancy permit for the 12,000-square-foot building.

Full article

This is a First Amendment issue. To block this mosque is nothing but a Freedom of Religion violation. Imagine if it was somewhere in America that a church was being blocked. Christians nationwide would be up in arms.

This federal judge shouldn't have to "consider" whether to force the county to allow it to open. It's pretty simple. If you value the Constitution then you enforce the First Amendment and tell these Rutherford County, Tennessee Islamophobic bigots to suck it up.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 08:56 AM
This is just a couple of counties over from me. I don't get it personally. How do these people not know that they're going to get tongue lashed to oblivion and back by the judge? This is a blatantly clear cut case of their First Amendment rights being violated.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

What gets me is when you see stuff like this, people opposing the building or occupation of a mosque somewhere in America, and it happens often, the people who are raising the biggest stink are usually the same people who are always screaming about people "stepping on the Constitution."

The irony.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:20 AM
I am so close to all of this and it makes me sick!

I probably will never set foot in the building but, these people have every right to open their mosque. I can't even believe this is an issue.

"It's a time where we can say to everyone you can look to us here in America and learn from us that people have the right to practice any religion they want," added Islamic Center of Murfreesboro Imam Ossama Bahloul.


When all else failed they tried to block the occupancy permit.

The future of the mosque had been in question since May, when a local judge overturned the county's approval of the mosque construction. This month he ordered the county not to issue an occupancy permit for the 12,000-square-foot building.

I hope that they are able to get in to their building soon and people leave them alone. I really hope that idiots don't spray paint their mosque or do anything stupid to it. They have a right to practice their religion just like the rest of us.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:25 AM
Just plain wrong.

We got churches of all kinds on just about every other corner. Don't see why they can't have theirs.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Doodle19815

Yeah. They are trying to stop this mosque from opening but Westboro Baptist Church can freely do their thing.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:28 AM
Everyone cant always get what they want, I see no problem with a mosque, the symbol minded have to have a place to worship Christians and Muslim alike.....let em have it I say.

If the people around it don't like it so much, maybe they should buy the land next to it and build a strip club or a flop house. Nothing alienates religion like a nudie bar.

In the end no matter how one feels about a different religion, they have the right to worship, and the opponents of such should really take a long hard look at their own religion. I could swear Jesus was better than that.

Perhaps the opponents should build a church right next to it...they might learn something.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

I can agree with you on this one chief.

Good thread...your right...the militant nay sayers need to be more humble....they might actually find Jesus.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

Thank you for saying that! I have always put the two together in my head in comparison but have never voiced it out loud.

My prayers are for them to practice safely without threat or harm from ignorant people. This has been such an ongoing battle in our local news for quite some time now and everyone knows about it. My fears are that they will have many hurdles to get over before they are actually "in the clear".

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
This is just a couple of counties over from me. I don't get it personally. How do these people not know that they're going to get tongue lashed to oblivion and back by the judge? This is a blatantly clear cut case of their First Amendment rights being violated.

If you really are from this state then you ought to know how ignorant and backwards a lot of it's residents are. You know about the Tennessee Taliban. These people aren't for Freedom of Religion, they are for Freedom for their religion and everyone else can go to hell.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:43 AM
So convenient that permits/approvals can be used in situations such as this one. "You can have your building if it meets our standards" (read beliefs).

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:48 AM
I'm no fan of Islam, and don't believe a bit of the "religion of peace" propaganda promoted by its apologists. I personally believe the Wahabi Islam flowing from the Kingdom of Saud is the most dangerous social movement on the planet right now. The next time I visit that part of the world if I see a culture that values its daughters more than its goats I might revisit my thoughts on that.

However, the right to worship as one's conscious dictates is a founding principle of this country. It's prime evidence that a pretty large portion of the socially conservative right (mainly Evangelical) only cares about the protection the Constitution offers freedom of worship for themselves. It is extremely hypocritical.

I prefer a more market based approach to the community if they don't want this mosque there. If the place is urban, strip clubs and liquor stores might be in order, and if it's rural, hog farms or maybe a dog rescue place, but it I think it's hypocritical to attempt to use the government to oppose this mosque.

I also find it very naive that whoever is opposing this if successful doesn't think the same tactics could be used against them in the future.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by jefwane

"I personally believe the Wahabi Islam flowing from the Kingdom of Saud is the most dangerous social movement on the planet right now."

I couldn't agree more, Jefwane, and I'm a Muslim. The Wahabi/Salafi movement is funded by whom? The Saudi Royal family. I firmly believe that the Saudi Royal fam are one of the Middle Eastern arms of the Illuminati. They use religion to pacify the masses and keep them complacent and distracted while they make money hand over fist. They are just like the politicians in America who use Christianity to get rich and keep their jobs by selling people a religion that goes against what their religious book actually says. They keep the masses pacified and complacent and distracted while they make money hand over fist.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 03:49 PM
Just as a follow up update,

Leaders of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro said Rutherford County Codes Director David Jones came to the property Thursday morning, without scheduling a time to meet them. The holy month of Ramadan starts at sundown Thursday. They said despite Wednesday's victory in federal court, there is still work to be done before they could pass an occupancy inspection. en-in-time-for-ramadan

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by antonia

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
This is just a couple of counties over from me. I don't get it personally. How do these people not know that they're going to get tongue lashed to oblivion and back by the judge? This is a blatantly clear cut case of their First Amendment rights being violated.

If you really are from this state then you ought to know how ignorant and backwards a lot of it's residents are. You know about the Tennessee Taliban. These people aren't for Freedom of Religion, they are for Freedom for their religion and everyone else can go to hell.

I am unfortunately from TN. Everything you said is correct. It sickens me and makes me ashamed that I'm from here. I was somehow surprised that this Mosque was still an issue though. Knowing how certain types of people here can be, those poor people are probably just going to get even more threats and will have to deal with more vandalism.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 07:24 AM
I been telling for a while that the only reason we are not suffering the same fate as the UK and their struggles with Islam radicals and the pushing of their views, with riots and terrorist activities is the fact that the US Constitution protect us all, also that 9/11 stop the movement of radical Islam in the US from been promoted

It is an agenda going on in the US and is using our own constitutional protecting laws to hide behind it.

Islam is not peaceful and never will, it rather infects and their sole purpose is to challenge countries laws.

Islam is a law on itself and in a nation of laws like the US is a conflict that while hard to fight it will be eroded by corporate whore politicians because profits comes first and behind Islamic development comes money.

I will not stop telling people that what is going in America with Islam is an agenda and only when is too late like usual people will understand.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 07:53 AM
What does "Freedom of Religion" say? Does it say you have the right to build a place of worship any where you want. I think cities/towns have the right to decide what kind building can be built and for what use.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 07:59 AM
People like this never stop to think that one day the shoe could be on the other foot. You want to prohibit the building of a religious building as long as it isn't YOUR religious building. So they start off with the OTHER religious building giving them a foothold to later come in and block your right to do the same thing with a different name. I have no clue why folks can't see this. It's ignorance in my opinion.
edit on 7/20/2012 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by marg6043

Islam is no more an agenda than Christianity. Why not go tell those Indians, Africans, South and Central American's that Christianity and it's offshoots aren't an agenda for colonialism and see what they have to say.

The Romans did the same thing to the Celts.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
I been telling for a while that the only reason we are not suffering the same fate as the UK and their struggles with Islam radicals and the pushing of their views, with riots and terrorist activities is the fact that the US Constitution protect us all, also that 9/11 stop the movement of radical Islam in the US from been promoted

The US Constitution protects Muslims also, whether you like it or not.

It is an agenda going on in the US and is using our own constitutional protecting laws to hide behind it.

That's absolute nonsense. Muslims are not using the Constitution to hide behind. The Constitution says what it says and all religious practice is protected by it. Goverment cannot make any laws restricting the freedom of religion. Funny how Islamophobes want to deny Muslims their Constitutional rights.

Islam is not peaceful and never will, it rather infects and their sole purpose is to challenge countries laws.

That's an absolute lie. That'd be like saying Christianity is not peaceful based on things that have been done in the name of Christianity throughout history.

I will not stop telling people that what is going in America with Islam is an agenda and only when is too late like usual people will understand.

And that's your protected Constitutional right. You exercise yours and I will exercise mine. I will not stop telling people what fear-mongers and Islamophobes like you are doing with your agenda to try and outlaw a religion in a country that allows free practice of religion.

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