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Pennsylvania Voter Purge Being Run By Romney Consultant and Fundraiser

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posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:09 PM
Pennsylvania Voter Purge Being Run By Romney Consultant and Fundraiser

Pennsylvania pays Romney fundraiser to run voter ID campaign

More than 750,000 Pennsylvania voters stand a good chance to lost their right to vote in yet another Republican-backed measure to suppress the vote. Like the Voter Purge in Florida, which many expect to be a key battleground state, the GOP has put every obstacle they can in the way of legitimate voters, even when there is virtually no proof of in-person voter fraud (of course there's plenty of proof of voter fraud taking place behind the scenes with rigged electronic voting, but you won't see the Republicans trying to fix that since they're the ones behind it).

With Pennsylvania's voter purge, the state's Republican governor has hired Chris Bravacos of the Bravo Group, a former director of the PA Republican Party and a fundraiser and consultant for Mitt Romney to run it.

Legitimate, honest Americans who do get tossed off the voter rolls almost certainly will not be able to remedy the situation until after the general election - apparently the plan, by holding these purges so close to the election date.

I love it when my fellow Americans boast about how America is the greatest democracy in the world, while ignoring actions like this. At this point, Iraq could hold a more honest election than America.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:12 PM
So you have to show an ID to vote? I don't see the big deal here, unless of course you are a illegal immigrant..

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by jheated5

Voters currently show ID or voter registration cards to vote. They're then checked off against the registered voter lists.

Millions of citizens do not own or want a DMV (or BMV) issued drivers license. They shouldn't have to be required to march down to a government office to be enumerated like cattle.

I love the "tea party" mentality behind this - "Don't tread on me", but you better comply with Real ID, stand up and be enumerated, or you can't vote.

The goal for ALEC, which is behind these voter purges, is to lower voter turnout, knowing it impacts one party more than the other.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:22 PM
So you're saying that millions of people who drove out to vote don't need a drivers license to do that??? Yeah of course it's going to affect one sides voter base if they just happen to be illegal aliens... This is just a big fuss over nothing....

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Yet, Acorn was a huge injustice they squashed. With the money coming in from millionaires to the GOP get ready for some kick back here on ATS believe it or not.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

I live in PA and I have always had to show my drivers license and then they match it to my address and POOF!
I get to vote!!!!

So what's the problem???? Been there done that and it isn't anything new in my state! Sounds like some one is nervous to me.......................

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by jheated5
So you're saying that millions of people who drove out to vote don't need a drivers license to do that??? Yeah of course it's going to affect one sides voter base if they just happen to be illegal aliens... This is just a big fuss over nothing....

Please tell me you're joking.
Please. No one can be this insane.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by jheated5

Millions of people don't drive. They vote, but don't drive.

There are 193,552,000 license driver's in the USA. There are 313,974,929 in this country.

That's 120,422, 929 citizens with no need for a driver's license. For the elderly and the poor, getting a DL or state-issued ID is a burden.

The voter purge however is another issue, that is separate from the voter ID requirement. Even people with all the ID being asked for are at risk of being purged.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:34 PM
They're real true Americans.

Perhaps next election only land owners will be allowed to vote.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:36 PM
On the surface, I really don't see a problem with this. However, as a state is MANDATING this requirement, said state should be responsible to supply transportation for anyone that needs it to get that proper ID, and pay for it as well. And, it would have to be before the November elections.

Perhaps if someone starts pushing this requirement, they won't be so quick to enact it!

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:40 PM
Its pure disenfranchisement.

There is no other way to spin it.

If you can't come up with even 100,000 proven fraudulent votes in a single election in Pennsylvania, then you are an advocate for disenfranchisement by supporting this measure.

Let me restate that :

You are a traitor if you support this.

If you can't come up with even a small % of what they are purging as illegitimate votes, then you are simply purging votes for your own political gain.

Please vote against the traitors.

Think about all Romney has done to game the system against Ron Paul.

Don't let this kind of insanity take complete control or they will manipulate and purge until they can't lose.

I'm sorry, but the more I look at what REPUBLICANS are doing the more I realize that there is starting to be a very clear lesser evil (Obama and Democrats) in this election.
edit on 18-7-2012 by nuclear12346 because: formatting

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Millions of people don't drive. They vote, but don't drive.

There are 193,552,000 license driver's in the USA. There are 313,974,929 in this country.

That's 120,422, 929 citizens with no need for a driver's license. For the elderly and the poor, getting a DL or state-issued ID is a burden.

The voter purge however is another issue, that is separate from the voter ID requirement. Even people with all the ID being asked for are at risk of being purged.

The issue of someone being purged and having no recourse for not being able to vote IS an issue! However, where does it say anywhere other than "a citizen has a right to vote" that the government or anyone else for that matter has a responsiblity to make sure they DO VOTE??

We have more people who do not vote in this country than who do vote and yet I am to believe it is because they don't have transportation??? Not buying into that! The majority who don't vote either don't care, or they don't like any of the candidate they have been told they CAN vote for.........

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by seeker1963
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Millions of people don't drive. They vote, but don't drive.

There are 193,552,000 license driver's in the USA. There are 313,974,929 in this country.

That's 120,422, 929 citizens with no need for a driver's license. For the elderly and the poor, getting a DL or state-issued ID is a burden.

The voter purge however is another issue, that is separate from the voter ID requirement. Even people with all the ID being asked for are at risk of being purged.

The issue of someone being purged and having no recourse for not being able to vote IS an issue! However, where does it say anywhere other than "a citizen has a right to vote" that the government or anyone else for that matter has a responsiblity to make sure they DO VOTE??

We have more people who do not vote in this country than who do vote and yet I am to believe it is because they don't have transportation??? Not buying into that! The majority who don't vote either don't care, or they don't like any of the candidate they have been told they CAN vote for.........

Are you sure about that? By smoking a joint you could lose your right to vote. What about the millions disenfranchised by being in jail but are now out and about being strongly affected by what politicians do?

What about the homeless who can't get the resources to figure out what they need to vote. If you are out on the street there isn't a magic telegram fairy that will tell you that you need to do something special to vote.

This is a clear target against Democratic voters and is only being pushed because it could help Romney win the state.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by nuclear12346

So basically what you're saying is that only the poor and criminals vote democrat? Well.....

edit on 18-7-2012 by jheated5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
There are 313,974,929 in this country.

Actually from 2010 it is.. 217,342,419 voting eligible in the US..

Having said that, take a look at the stats from Pennsylvania in 2010

9,938,597 voting age residents, 9,557,545 voting eligible (guessing registered), 3,987,551 actually voted which was 41.7% of the total..

That means 5,569,994 didn't exercise their voting privilege.. in Pennsylvania in the 2010 election.

I have no issue with folks trying to make sure that votes count, meaning picture ID voting card shown before getting a ballot, what really sickens me is no one is going after the 5.5 mil votes out there that could turn the election on it's head.

I am equally disgusted with the silent majority who think that staying away from the voting booth on election day somehow helps change the rotten deal that this has become.

Even if you don't intend to vote for either candidate, write in "America" or something as your voice of protest..

They want you to keep quiet..

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by nuclear12346

Are you sure about that? By smoking a joint you could lose your right to vote. What about the millions disenfranchised by being in jail but are now out and about being strongly affected by what politicians do?

What about the homeless who can't get the resources to figure out what they need to vote. If you are out on the street there isn't a magic telegram fairy that will tell you that you need to do something special to vote.

This is a clear target against Democratic voters and is only being pushed because it could help Romney win the state.

Okay, let me throw you a bone here. Do you for one second believe that a homeless person give on flying $%^# about being able to vote????? I doubt it! They most likely are wondering where their next bite of food is going to come from and where they will lay their head at night! Why would you even think our government on either side cares about the homeless, when obviously most of us already have figured out they only care about their bank accounts?

As far as the issue that Democrats think it is unfair to show an ID to vote?????? Well, that does nothing more for me but to show me their desparation and willingness to do whatever it takes to get their candidate to win! Nothing more! I mean for christs sake I have to show my DL to get a beer, cash a check etc etc.... Can't you guys come up with something new? And NO! I hate the Republicans almost just as much! So don't even waste your time trying to go there!

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by jheated5
reply to post by nuclear12346

So basically what you're saying is that only the poor and criminals vote democrat? Well.....

edit on 18-7-2012 by jheated5 because: (no reason given)

No, you clearly have a complete lack of understanding of this law. This law doesn't change whether criminals can vote.

However, this law will adversely affect poor voters, which also tend to vote Democratic. Very simple election data that is widely available can prove that. And the authors of the law state themselves that this may put Pennsylvania up for play.

Thanks for trying to distract everybody with your obvious fallacy (failure), though.
edit on 18-7-2012 by nuclear12346 because: grammar

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 06:09 PM
If all these "disenfranchised" voters are already listed as "registered voters",

how did they vote in past elections ?

"Purges" weed out ghost votes and fraud.

Get used to it.

Show your freakin I.D.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by seeker1963
reply to post by nuclear12346

Are you sure about that? By smoking a joint you could lose your right to vote. What about the millions disenfranchised by being in jail but are now out and about being strongly affected by what politicians do?

What about the homeless who can't get the resources to figure out what they need to vote. If you are out on the street there isn't a magic telegram fairy that will tell you that you need to do something special to vote.

This is a clear target against Democratic voters and is only being pushed because it could help Romney win the state.

Okay, let me throw you a bone here. Do you for one second believe that a homeless person give on flying $%^# about being able to vote????? I doubt it! They most likely are wondering where their next bite of food is going to come from and where they will lay their head at night! Why would you even think our government on either side cares about the homeless, when obviously most of us already have figured out they only care about their bank accounts?

As far as the issue that Democrats think it is unfair to show an ID to vote?????? Well, that does nothing more for me but to show me their desparation and willingness to do whatever it takes to get their candidate to win! Nothing more! I mean for christs sake I have to show my DL to get a beer, cash a check etc etc.... Can't you guys come up with something new? And NO! I hate the Republicans almost just as much! So don't even waste your time trying to go there!

There was no problem without the law. There was no widespread voter fraud.

Having a pointless law is stupid. Promoting a pointless law is stupid.

You missed the point entirely.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by xuenchen
If all these "disenfranchised" voters are already listed as "registered voters",

how did they vote in past elections ?

"Purges" weed out ghost votes and fraud.

Get used to it.

Show your freakin I.D.

They showed up. Purges (like this one) weed out more legitimate voters than fraud.

The only reason for the purge is because Republicans can't win the presidential race in Pennsylvania without it.

"Get used to it."

Statist mentality. "Get used to it until it happens to me then it is tyranny."

You have a lot of ignorance denying to do.

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