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Official: US ship fires on boat off Dubai, 1 dead

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posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:00 PM
Uh OP ever thought that maybe the ship didn't want to become the next USS Cole and the boat they fired on was doing something suspicious like creeping up to them as if they may be initiating a suicide boat run.

Just saying.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Ben81

a real threat would implicate many boats at once

Have you read about the USS Cole?

It was a small, wooden boat. A single boat, laden with 400 to 700 lbs of explosives in a shape charge to cause maximum damage.

A small, singular boat, can still be a very big threat!

Especially since the USNS Rappahannock carries 159,000 barrels of fuel oil and jet fuel as part of it's role of being a fleet replenishment oiler. Seems to me that would make a pretty big BOOOM.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:07 PM
Think someone was testing the ROE?
edit on 16-7-2012 by Mister1k because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:07 PM
when I was like 6 years old we were cruising the port of los angeles in a 30 foot sea ray and apparently got too close to some naval vessels - we immediately had several Marines staring down on us with m16's in hand screaming orders and another support vessel come up behind us it was all overly tense considering we were going less than 5 mph and it was obviously a mistake.

I can totally see if I did not speak English and this had happened post 9/11 if some warning shots would have been fired through me on "accident"

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:08 PM
ON the bright side it does send a message to Iran. We will shoot your ass if you try any tricks approaching our military boats while in international waters.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I apologize I didn't realize how condescending my response sounded until after I sent it. I'm frustrated at the situation not your comment about it :-)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by seberhar

No problem. I agree with you that the warships don't need to be there in the first place. See this post where I say that very thing. But that is a topic for a different thread. The fact is, they are there, and if something suspicious is speeding toward them, with the possibility for loss of many lives, then shooting and killing 1 person is better than allowing an attack that might kill hundreds.

The solution would really be to elect Ron Paul, and get us out of the Middle East all together, but that is a pipe dream I'm afraid.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Ben81

a real threat would implicate many boats at once

Have you read about the USS Cole?

It was a small, wooden boat. A single boat, laden with 400 to 700 lbs of explosives in a shape charge to cause maximum damage.

A small, singular boat, can still be a very big threat!

I agree it was like that before in the old time .. 12 yrs ago
even before the terrorist attack on 9/11

now with the technology and the strict new security protocols that warships have
driving any boat inside the 200m buffer zone is suicidal and impossible
the chances of being destroyed in such attack is 99.99999999%
any attackers would know that attacks like this dont work anymore

so again back to the first question
why did it happen ? .. why did the ship didnt stop ?
why did they had no choice to fire on the ship ?
was there even a warning given by radio to the small boat ?

if a soldier on the gunning position see a potential suspect ship entering the 200m zone
they usualy have orders to shot first and ask question later for the safe of the crew
soldiers have green light for that and you know soldier with guns .. they really like to shot a lot
maybe he overreacted and though it was Iran trying a suicide run
the government will off course cover up the incident and the soldier at all cost
before taking any blame ... saying the boat came inside the 200m zone
any boats in that area know never to mess with military ship coming inside their buffer zone
make us thinks .. did the soldier shot to fast without even giving a warning or a chance to the boat ?

we all know a small boat was fired upon .. check
one person died .. check
official version say the boat entered the 200m buffer zone .. check

official version truthfull ? UNCHECK
edit on 7/16/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:39 PM
"Hey lets run up on that warship"... Not the smartest move now was it. At least a couple of them lived to warn the others.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:49 PM
We obviously don't have all the facts yet. However, you have to realize this captain had less than 30 seconds to make the call whether or not to use deadly force OR take a wait and see attitude. Given what we know now I would have made the same call this captain did.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:52 PM
What have we learned here kids?

Never ever approach the military from behind. It's like sneaking up to a ninja, it's the golden rule of not getting killed. You know it's a bad idea so why do it? At least this was like a warning shot to Iran, maybe they will feel intimidated? Another warning shot should be sent towards Israel and then both of them should be told to quiet down and settle their differences like civilized humans instead of children or else the guardian of death will take their toys away.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:54 PM
I just want to say how stupid I think the Navy is, like every human being on the planet is saavy with Maritime law or even the fact that a Navy exists with state-of-the-art weapons. Not everyone is going to understand what it will mean to get close to a warship without a warning.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker
I just want to say how stupid I think the Navy is, like every human being on the planet is saavy with Maritime law or even the fact that a Navy exists with state-of-the-art weapons. Not everyone is going to understand what it will mean to get close to a warship without a warning.

What part of warned multiple times in multiple ways, did you miss?

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi

Originally posted by yourmaker
I just want to say how stupid I think the Navy is, like every human being on the planet is saavy with Maritime law or even the fact that a Navy exists with state-of-the-art weapons. Not everyone is going to understand what it will mean to get close to a warship without a warning.

What part of warned multiple times in multiple ways, did you miss?

Thats what they say

Fiction of real ? :
the soldier probably reacted to fast and gave no warning to the ship
and you know soldier with guns .. they like to shoot moving targets a lot
what if it happened exactly like that?

Would the government create a false report saying the soldier had acted correctly
to protect him and the captain
edit on 7/16/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi

Originally posted by yourmaker
I just want to say how stupid I think the Navy is, like every human being on the planet is saavy with Maritime law or even the fact that a Navy exists with state-of-the-art weapons. Not everyone is going to understand what it will mean to get close to a warship without a warning.

What part of warned multiple times in multiple ways, did you miss?

I was speaking in general. Even with a warning some people wouldn't understand.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 05:02 PM
Dubai daily news had this to say:

Dr Tariq Ahmed Al Haidan, Assistant to UAE Foreign Minister for Political Affairs, said an Indian fisherman was killed and three others, also Indians, were seriously injured. “The UAE authorities concerned are investigating the shooting incident,” he added.§ion=nationgeneral

I am sorry to be coming in late on the thread but I was pretty worried when I came on today and saw this news piece.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by murch

The only person with the authority to authorize the attack would be the battle group commander, who is at least a one star Admiral, unless the ship was under attack, or there was the absolute threat of attack, and then the CO of the ship would be authorized to do it.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 05:09 PM
Didn't went through the whole topic, but...
Am I the only one here that sniffs a False Flag op? I mean, they say NOW it was a fishing boat from India, but we are aware that MSM usually changes stories. Tomorrow, this "civilian fishing boat", may be called "possibly a military boat" or even "was carrying out weapons"... This pretty much sounds like a false flag op to me...

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 05:41 PM
Wasn't going to post about this again as it saddened me in a few different ways.

Victims were Indian. Any warnings transmitted verbally would have been useless due to dialect issues. Anything short of a series of warning shots would not have done the trick.

I don't believe this occurred as this would legitimize the action taken and work to the benefit of the Navy.

A point that has to be made again and again. It is no good having rules if you are the only one that knows them and you don't have the ability to transmit that information.

What saddens me most. People are calling false flag on the forum(that doesn't sadden me ,we are on a conspiracy site after all), what saddens me is that is what appears to be happening. Already reading reports from MSM sites that are saying that Iranian involvement can't be ruled out.

The 4 guys have been named as Indian nationals working with 2 emirate nationals.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by OptimusSubprime

Resupply ships don't sail with battle groups. They come out and meet them at prearranged locations, and they sail by themselves. They don't even get escorts through most areas. They have security marines on board, and they have .50 cal machine guns for self defense. They don't even qualify as a warship on the register.
edit on 7/16/2012 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

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