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I'm In the Hospital with a New Diagnosis: It’s my death sentence in a world where survival is my

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posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by followtheevidence
My prayers are with you. I can't imagine how difficult this has been for you.

Have you ever heard of taking hook worms as a treatment for MS? They say your immune system attacks the hook worms instead of itself ... might be worth looking into? I have a friend who was diagnosed with MS years ago and he swears by it. I guess they're administered via a transdermal patch which has been "laced" with hookworms ... here's a link to a study, apparently they had some success:


I hope this helps, in some small way

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 12:17 PM
MS in and of itself isn't a death sentence. My best friend for 34 years got MS 32 or 33 years ago and she's alive. There are different kinds of MS. Some MS types have remissions that could last long enough to raise your children. My best friend was able to raise her young pair.

She participates in experimental MS research tests, and has two community functions. One is that she advocates for wheelchair ramps into businesses and "curb cuts" for wheelchair bound people. The other is she participates in the MS walk (in her wheelchair.)

There's a mountain of things to learn about the different types of MS and lots of positive news on the research side too.

Get in touch with the MS Society right away.

We on ATS are sorry you got this diagnosis, and send you our best spiritual energies and/or prayers to help cope with your new situation.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Expat888
my advice will sound cold to many ...

Get on your feet and stop feeling sorry for yourself ... exercise - it does wonders for both physical and mental health ... So- called western "doctors" are clueless and nothing more than pill pushers for big pharma ...
as long as you can stand and draw breath there is hope and you can overcome anything ...
give up / give in - you die .

you have people who rely on you and need you - now get up on your feet ... suck it up and charlie mike with living ....

Exercise is important -- make no mistake.

But even more important is the will to live and metal toughness. You may want to take up one of the many, many forms of meditation and stick with it. If you're not ready to leave this world, repair as much of the damage as you can and make the best life you can for your husband and your babies.

All the best .....

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 12:26 PM
My heart is with you sister, stay strong. A quote comes to mind that I hope will help, if anything can.

"We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, but battle on"

I know someone who was recently diagnosed with MS and she is quite young as well, not even 30. She has been taking treatments and things are going well for her I can only hope the same for you.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 12:34 PM
Honey... I don't even have words.
I am moved to send flowers, but that's what I do when I don't know what else to do and I can't email you flowers.
I am moved to sing you the song "Just keep swimming" from Finding Nemo because that's what I do for my son when he is in pain.
I am moved to write a long refreshing reply but I can't begin to wrap my mind around your situation.
I am moved to say that "I know how you feel" or "I've been there" or "I know someone who has been there"
But I don't, I havn't, and I feel like those words would be cheap.
I am moved to hold your hand, listen to you talk, let you vent, for hours.

So this is what I will say...your dream was that you could survive in a post apocalyptic world, fully prepared, and come out unscathed. In that survival situation, there's something that you always forget to account for, you add it to your list, and the list keeps growing. This is something left off that list.

This is that situation for you. This is your test of survival. This is what you have prepared for, it's just not in the way that you had imagined. Your dream is not crushed, it is being realized at this very moment. The most important thing in a survival situation is your mind. I know from your posts, your words, your impression on me that you have a beautiful intelligent and strong willed character. Your mind is sharp and you are a fighter.

This is your time to shine. This is your time to survive. This is IT. Take all those things you have been preparing for and utilize them right now. You have all of us in our own way behind you and sure of you. People say the universe doesn't give us things we can't handle...I disagree. The universe certainly gives us things we don't think we can handle but it's to show us that we CAN. This is an opportunity, of what I cannot answer, only you can. When you answer that, you hold on to it as a gift and you never, ever, let that gift go.

I hope that made sense, I hope I didn't offend, I hope that helped, and I wish I could be there to tell you in person, hold your hand, and be.

edit on 14-7-2012 by ValentineWiggin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 12:46 PM
I'm wondering how close to the time of the tornado's this occurred. Because though spared, which meant you were being watched over significantly, the other side of the universe may still have affected you, harmed you, but it was greatly mitigated by family above. If this onslaught of symptoms occurred shortly afterwards, then the health supplements are really important, but also the spirit is important in this, can almost be seen as spiritual warfare, so everything that strengthens your spirit, awakens you more to your purpose in this life, to unblocking, to growing your light, to forgiving all in your life, and even from lives we don't remember, really seeking our soul stone, Higher Self, which can heal us, and striving to help others always, this can turn this around.

You won't be able to really read this thread until you're feeling better, and hope you rest as much as possible, hope you will soon be home with your loved ones. Don't strain yourself, give yourself all the time you need to rest, and seek the light in your heart for direction. Reach for your inner sanctum and Family and focus on healing, resting and getting stronger.

I just think we're on a spiritual journey here and our Soul/Source has many answers, healings, directions to give us, to walk through this path shining love, and put on the armor of LOVE.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Starwise

I mean no offense when I say this, and I respect what you are going through nonetheless, but one thing the world needs a lot less of is self pity. So you have MS? Time to soldier up and fight it. Those who are in mourning over themselves will degrade mentally quite a bit faster. Those who keep an even keel though stand a good chance of living a longer life than they would have if they were worrying and afraid all the time. I have been in a few life threatening situations myself and that's one thing that I learned that applies to almost everyone. Self-pity is a low-frequency emotion which dampens your ability to be rational and healthy in spirit. Cheer up, man!

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 12:59 PM
The best thing for MS is iodine and cannabis.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 01:12 PM
I work in the the Medical Cannabis field out in CA, a lot of people don't agree with the medicinal uses of Cannabis, but there is a chemical CBD that natural occurs on some strains. It's been proven to help with MS, I don't know if you've thought about it. But I'm willing to help find more information for you if you need me to. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis when I was 15 and I've been living better than I could with taking pain killers everyday. What worked for me may not apply to you, but just another option if you're willing to look into it.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Oystermon
The best thing for MS is iodine and cannabis.

Do you have MS? Please expand on this. Iodine and cannabis is good for what exactly? I know what symptoms they may help with but as for curing or stopping progression I think you might find that neither of the above in and by themselves will do much.

But I would be interested to hear from you about MS how the illness works and why the two mentioned above are the best thing for the illness.

thank you and much love

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 01:16 PM
We were sentenced to death the moment we were conceived.

Everyone has to go through this eventually in some way or another.

Once you accept you are already dead, you can finally start really living.
It's never too late to try.
edit on 14-7-2012 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Starwise

My best friend has MS, had been coming on for last 5 years in various ways, unexplainable symptoms appearing dissapearing, her feet kept falling off the pedals when driving her car, december it hit her hard, june 12th she got her diagnosis.
I had her move into the same house (different rooms) as she has no family to speak of and i need to know she is going to be ok, i am here for her for as long as she needs me, and will not be letting her feel like she is alone.
If you do the research there has been a massive spike worldwide (except china, yet) in the incidence of Multiple Sclerosis, in the last 3-4 years.
There is some evidence that people are being exposed to something environmental, on a pan continental basis, that is causing the central nervous system to be attacked.

I feel for you, i can see first hand what this does to people, Don't feel like it is the end of the world.
People survive many years even without any kind of treatment, you will see your kids grow up.
As for a survival situation, it is your mind that will keep others alive, not your body, your mind has already made the preparations for your family, admittedly you wont be able to maintain things as you would like, but, your thinking will not be affected, Life is going to be different, you just need to make adjustments to your environment, adapt it to help you cope.

I bet because on some deeper fundamental level, your brain knows that you cannot care for your family as you would like, it will become a lot more perceptive of dangers, and will work looking to protect your family, even more so.

Did you know that some people have had positive results by using Diatomaceous earth to remove heavy metals from the body, in a few cases, and it is a few, there has been a complete reversal of symptoms, and they say they feel like it cured them, much to their doctors disbelief.
Not everyone will have a heavy metal toxicity that is affecting the central nervous system, i have spoken to my friend about this, she is prepared to try it.
It is non toxic, and only removes pollutants from the body but this seems to work for those that do have a heavy metals build up.

So please, do everything you can to maintain a positive frame of mind, it is important you do no let depression affect you so badly that you give up.
My friend took solace, she told me this, just as she was falling asleep one night, she heard a voice and it said, "Don't worry darling, it won't last forever", it made her cry. but it also made her realise that it is only transitory, just like life.

you are in my thoughts.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 01:40 PM
I can't add much to what has already been said. It makes me feel so small in such a big world. I think perhaps the response from RMFX1 was the best news you could have heard. I too think you should join a support group as another poster mentioned. This definitely helped my first wife with her terminal breast cancer. Learn as much as you can about this condition, and implement that knowledge in your daily routine.

I've already lost two wives, and my third is a three-time cancer survivor. From my experience with her I can tell you that prayer is truly your friend. This is not meant just to make you feel better; we are both witness to it's power in our lives. We both wish you the very best...

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Finishthis
I work in the the Medical Cannabis field out in CA, a lot of people don't agree with the medicinal uses of Cannabis, but there is a chemical CBD that natural occurs on some strains. It's been proven to help with MS, I don't know if you've thought about it. But I'm willing to help find more information for you if you need me to. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis when I was 15 and I've been living better than I could with taking pain killers everyday. What worked for me may not apply to you, but just another option if you're willing to look into it.

There is a cannabis based throat spray being on the market that is supposed to help with the muscular spasticity and pain that can occur in MS. As for curing the illness I doubt it. I suggest a change of diet eliminating any and everything that puts a strain on the system and add the things that the body needs more of in order to reverse the illness itself.

Article in daily mail about Savitex

As for things that seem to help with some of the MS symptoms Going on to a Paleo Diet or raw juicing diet seem to have help many regain their function. Certainly excluding all dairy, much of the wheat and gluten based products, eggs, all meat (except fish), adding essential fatty acids, checking vitamin D levels, taking extra vitamin C and selenium removing all saturated fats and using coconut oil for cooking instead of other fats goes a long way to help.... Avoid refined sugar like the plague instead use stevia or agave, drink green and white tea and even coffee (limited amounts) have some anti inflammatory properties. Leaky gutt is often a problem in MS and as I posted previously heavy metal poisoning from Amalgam fillings. I would also suggest that perhaps using natural soap, schampoo, eliminating aluminium anti-perspirants and limiting flourine toothpaste can also help much. As all unnecessary chemicals we add outside and in just adds to the overload on our systems.

Also like previously stated stress is a major issue, as is heat. Getting over heated from strenuous excercise, a hot day or even just walking is a major problem for people with MS. Therefore keeping cool could help with some of the problems, if you do not have access to cooling gear that is on offer for MS sufferers make your own.

It's easily made from water-crystals (yes the ones you buy from the flower store for nearly no money)

If you buy the snow type you just sew some head bands, scarfs, bangles and add some in there. You soak the item in water and place it in the fridge, wear when ever you need to stay cool. They last for a whole day and really do offer some relief at next to no cost at all. If you can't sew well. Buy some headbands. (doublesided) cut a whole and fill with some of the water beads. with simple stitching close the hole and off you go. Also filling the hem of an old T-shirt works also and wearing it like a neclace or headband. Be creative

I know it can be hard to make all the changes at once, but just make as many as you can. Staying cool on hot days, drinking plenty of cold water and maybe just changing pasta and rice for salad will go a long way to help.

This is all the things I have found researching the subject and myself being a sufferer of the illness. It is different for everyone so maybe not all that works for me works for another. But it is definitely worth trying the options above.

There is an abundance of information on the net and you could spend a fortune on miracle cures and what not, but tbh I really believe the above changes should be enough to get anyone moving in the right direction.

Adding these are just my own experiences and finding I am not a medical doctor but I do at least have first hand experience with the illness and that is all I have to offer.
edit on 14/7/2012 by IAmD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 01:56 PM
So many good, well thought-out and heartfelt replies -- I don't have much to add, OP except my own good wishes and prayers for you. Also, as some others have said, don't take everything the doctors tell you as gospel. I nursed my son through a rough, 20-year neurological disorder and I wish, wish, wish that I'd had the wherewithal to question some of the things that the doctors said. In some instances, the cure was worse than the disease.

Keep your chin up. Take it one day, and one hour at a time when you need to.



p.s. No need to reply. Use that energy on your healing!

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by IAmD1

I wasn't talking about the spray, I'm talking about specific strains of Cannabis that produce CBD.
Albeit there's not a lot done for scientific studies yet, but from my experience with working with MS patients, it does help.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by xXxinfidelxXx
reply to post by Starwise

I mean no offense when I say this, and I respect what you are going through nonetheless, but one thing the world needs a lot less of is self pity. So you have MS? Time to soldier up and fight it. Those who are in mourning over themselves will degrade mentally quite a bit faster. Those who keep an even keel though stand a good chance of living a longer life than they would have if they were worrying and afraid all the time. I have been in a few life threatening situations myself and that's one thing that I learned that applies to almost everyone. Self-pity is a low-frequency emotion which dampens your ability to be rational and healthy in spirit. Cheer up, man!

You can be just so strong for just so long. There will come times when Starwise may feel sorry for herself and that is perfectly normal and acceptable. Throughout my fight against cancer I was usually a warrior, strong and positive and taking everything in stride and then...sometimes in quiet moments I would become overwhelmed and saddened and scared. They are perfectly normal human reactions.

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Finishthis
reply to post by IAmD1

I wasn't talking about the spray, I'm talking about specific strains of Cannabis that produce CBD.
Albeit there's not a lot done for scientific studies yet, but from my experience with working with MS patients, it does help.

I know you was not talking about the spray I was as it is available now and can help with some of the symptoms for patients now. As for CBD research i fully and completely support more research into medical uses of Cannabis so was in no way trying to undermine what you were saying on the contrary I'd say the fact that a spray has been developed from the plant might go some way to strengthen then credibility of your research. don't you think?

I was however questioning if CBD can cure the illness and reverse the damage or just deal with symptom management?

edit on 14/7/2012 by IAmD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by IAmD1

The iodine is something you have to research, I provided a start for it in the post above concerning it, and how you need to detox of all heavy metals, and basically it is a cure as well, our bodies rely on this, were designed to actually.

The second substance is not something ATS allows though, medically it is identical to our own systems, and normally our own systems deal with toxins and impurities and fight off disease, but the lack of good food, GMO, chemicals, radiation, and the poor diet that consists of taking away the whole fats we need, and the liver, bone barrow, etc etc, non pasteurized orgnaic dairy, and organic eggs that contain very needed enyzmes and fatty soluable vitmans. We're deficient and the PTB are creating a logan run style system.

Cannabinoid System in Neuroprotection, Raphael Mechoulam,PhD

This is a part of human physiology, and so I do hope they don't have rules against our own bodies. This is our body, our system, which may explain the medical purpose of the other more.
edit on 14-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2012 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by IAmD1

The iodine is something you have to research, I provided a start for it in the post above concerning it, and how you need to detox of all heavy metals, and basically it is a cure as well, our bodies rely on this, were designed to actually.

The second substance is not something ATS allows though, medically it is identical to our own systems, and normally our own systems deal with toxins and impurities and fight off disease, but the lack of good food, GMO, chemicals, radiation, and the poor diet that consists of taking away the whole fats we need, and the liver, bone barrow, etc etc, non pasteurized orgnaic dairy, and organic eggs that contain very needed enyzmes and fatty soluable vitmans. We're deficient and the PTB are creating a logan run style system.

Cannabinoid System in Neuroprotection, Raphael Mechoulam,PhD

This is a part of human physiology, and so I do hope they don't have rules against our own bodies. This is our body, our system, which may explain the medical purpose of the other more.
edit on 14-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Thank you Unity99

Yes I have also seen the research into this and I for one would be more than happy to use these methods as supposed to injecting myself with poisons to slow the progress of an illness i believe is completely curable. I agree on the iodine also being excellent for our systems, my point was that just iodine and the other substance to cure the illness might overlook one important aspect which is the food we feed our system and the chemicals we add to our skin, hair, teeth, cleaning products, water etc all have an impact. Also I'm not sure anyone will survive just eating iodine and the above mentioned. But it would be awesome if that was the case

We shall see, I promised my neurologist I would be free of the illness within the next 8 months, and I certainly am not one to make promises I can't keep. Will make sure to add iodine supplement (although hard to find for some reason) to my routine.

I'm sorry If I have come across as negating anyone that was not my intention. Some days I communicate better than others i guess.

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