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Why do people think its ok to tell me I’m too skinny?

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posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 06:45 PM
if you feel good, then that's all that matters.
I am 'skinny' by 'their' definition as well or in relation to the 320pound meatman who lifts weights all the time.
but i'm a comfortable 145-150lbs, 5'10, 22 year old male and nothing anybody ever tells me will make me feel bad about it, I suggest you do the same.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:09 PM
how much is a "stone" ???

we do things a little different in the ole usofa

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:06 PM
hmm.... you could try saying "oh yeah? go make me a BLT then"

thats usually what I say when someone comments on my weight

too fat? no way - go make me a BLT!

too skinny? you should go make me a BLT!

its all about the bacon

oh and the fact that I'm comfortable with how I look and whoever doesn't like it can bite me

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by bjax9er
how much is a "stone" ???

we do things a little different in the ole usofa

15 lbs I believe - that puts her at around, or under, 135lbs

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Forevever

And they consider you skinny for that weight? Here in America, many many women weigh in at around 110 to 120 or so on average.

I was thinking you were like 5'1" and weighed 98 pounds.

Here in America that weight is considered to be fat.If Marilyn Monroe were alive today she'd be called fat.

Not that i support it, of course. I'm just surprised that you weigh that much.

I really don't understand why they consider you skinny with that weight. It's not skinny.

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

The OP is 9 stone, I'm not.

Marilyn Monroe was 5'5 and over 9 stone. She wasn't fat by any means, but 3 inches in height makes a big difference. At 5'8 and 9 stone, that can be like model thin.

I'm actually 5'7, and I look anorexic at that weight but thats just me - everyone wears weight differently.

You also have to take into consideration the muscle involved - Muscle weighs more than fat - if you're actively working out and 135lbs (9 stone) at 5'8, you could seriously look like you have an eating disorder.

I still say, at the end of the day, if someone doesn't like the way I look - then don't freakin look at me.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 05:48 AM
OP, it is not about you. It is about them. By putting you down their subconscious puts them up so to speak. It can make them feel better. If you want it to stop all you have to do is reply, "I know that made you feel better about yourself but I would not trade places with you. You can do something about your weight if you want to."

Say this to the next ten people that comment and I bet the comments stop coming. They will stop because your sub conscious will stop putting you down.


edit on 13-7-2012 by pheonix358 because: Feelings

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 01:24 PM
Minnie, I think it's awful what has been said to you over the years and the turmoil being naturally skinny has put you through....

I can sympathise. As a smoker the sheer amont of complete strangers who feel that it's acceptable to comment on my habit astounds me - ''you know that's bad for you don't you?!!'' - me ''no!! Really!! I didn't know that
Another regular comment is ''you don't look like a smoker, it really doesn't suit you''. Excuse me but what the HELL has that got to do with you anyway?!

The thing is, people are unlikely to say to an overweight person stuffing their face with a cream cake in the street, ''hey the calorie content in that thing is HUGE and you're fat enough, trying to give yourself a heart attack?!'

I really fail to understand why people think it's acceptable to comment on your weight....

When I was younger I was so skinny I used to try and eat to put weight on, I had a lot of jibbing about being so skinny. But as I got older I filled out and now I have to try really hard to keep the weight off... I am so jealous of you being able to eat whatever you want! I can absolutely guarantee that most of the comments from other ladies are due to sheer jealousy...

What I would do if I was in your shoes - say something personal back to whoever makes an inappropriate comment, such as ''hey you ever thought about joining a gym?'' or ''do you ever visit the dentist, just wondering.....''

Oh and by the way I think pizza for breakfast is wonderful
I get so many comments at work whenever I take last night's takeaway pizza in for breakfast, about how unhealthy it is. I mean, hello?!
Bread, tomatoes, cheese - classic breakfast combination is it not? And it fills me up all day long so don't even need lunch. But, no, according to my colleagues pizza can should only be eaten for lunch or dinner and it's such an unhealthy thing to have for breakfast... And they're saying this whilst munching on some crappy white toast laden with a chemical-ridden spread or a bowl of sugar-laden cereal with disgusting mass-produced hormone-packed milk.....

Good luck and don't forget to stand up to these people who are no better than bullies in my eyes.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Sublimecraft

hello, your so right when you say ''Social programming and eventual acceptance is the short answer'', i'm sorry to hear about your sister, i really hope she has recovered, its so sad that people feel the need to change themselves just to feel accepted,

take care and all the best

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by grey580

hello, the more recent comments have all been made at work, and the most recent was actually made by my boss, i have told him how much it offended me but he's insulted me again since then, if he makes one more comment i will put in an official complaint, only today he said i'd dissapear if i turned sideways, the comments don't effect me that much anymore, but all i can think is how its these stupid comments that make people conscious about themselves in the first place, its just not right...

thank you

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by davesmart

Hi Dave, no my thread definitely isn't a copy and paste of anyone else's story, but i appreciate your honesty.

although in a way you are kind of correct in that i typed it in a word document so i could save it (and because its quite long winded) and then i copied it to ats,

your reply did make me giggle though, especially the bit about you being a little drunk, bless

take care

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Minnie1985
reply to post by davesmart

Hi Dave, no my thread definitely isn't a copy and paste of anyone else's story, but i appreciate your honesty.

although in a way you are kind of correct in that i typed it in a word document so i could save it (and because its quite long winded) and then i copied it to ats,

your reply did make me giggle though, especially the bit about you being a little drunk, bless

take care

cheers op
i always believe that honesty is the best policy

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

hi, my weight fluctuates anywhere between around 120 to 126 pounds (there are 14 pounds to a stone), and i'm 5ft 8. my weight isn't actually that bad i just look skinnier than i am, i have a very slight build,

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Minnie1985


I could relate to your postings almost in parallel. I do understand how you are feeling, but I am several years older than you (30's).

I am almost 5'10" and weighed 145 pounds until an even more rapid weight loss (with cancer that was in remission coming back and spreading--due to the disease and my treatment plan) as of late has put me in the 130's.

If you are healthy, then please be thankful that you have an obvious great metabolism!

I have never had children, but my other tall, skinny friends gained weight after they were pregnant and delivered eventually.

However, if these comments are frequent at work, please talk to a Human Resources professional in your company. It is one thing to put up with remarks in your personal life, but in the US, at least, you *should NOT* have to deal with them in your professional life.

Enjoy life if you are healthy, and give these kooky peeps a piece of your mind, or demand extra food as others have posted.

Best of luck, light, and love!

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Minnie1985
reply to post by grey580

hello, the more recent comments have all been made at work, and the most recent was actually made by my boss, i have told him how much it offended me but he's insulted me again since then, if he makes one more comment i will put in an official complaint, only today he said i'd dissapear if i turned sideways, the comments don't effect me that much anymore, but all i can think is how its these stupid comments that make people conscious about themselves in the first place, its just not right...

thank you

I'm appalled and actually wonder if you do now need to make official complaint.. He is clearly not getting the message.

Doing so isn't easy and if you're shy like you said you may feel uncomfortable at first... I don't know how the politics are in your workplace... Unfortunately work politics is a nightmare with even management having their own agenda....

Do you have a union and if so are you a member? It would certainly help... What about colleagues who have witnessed his behaviour? They may be willing to back you up..... Good luck

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by paradisepurple

hello, thank you for your reponse's to my thread,

we don't have a union but we do have a hr department, he's got one last chance before i complain to our hr department, 2 separate people on each occasion heard him make the comments and they can't stand the man so i know if/when i do complain i'll have back up.

luckily i'm starting to lose my shyness, when i know something is wrong i will stand up for myself, and your right, its very difficult but it has to be done, he needs to learn that he can't walk all over me, and he will learn in time, its upto him whether he does it the easy way or the hard way,

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