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Why Do Some People Die Young?

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posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 10:35 PM
Even though this can be a very touchy subject, I want to discuss it with you today. As always, take what resonates with you and leave the rest.

When I was putting together my post a while back called, "The Butterfly People of Joplin Missouri", some people commented on it saying, "if "Angels" saved the lives of certain people, why didn't or don't they save all of them?" and "why couldn't Angels save my (insert Beloved's name here)?"

And so this post is in response to those comments.

Why do some people die young?

These are my opinions based on my research of NDE's.

Let's have a chat about death.

If you’ve read the NDE stories on this site or elsewhere, you know that the death of the body is not the end of a person. That person still exists, but in another dimension which we cannot see.

They are incredibly happy there. They have a life and friends and lovers and they are filled with peace and wholeness at all times.

The only people that the death of the physical body hurts is the people who are still in physical bodies. We know that we won’t see that person again (probably) for the rest of our physical lives. We know we will miss them.

But once our physical body dies, then we will pass into the other dimension, too, and we will be together again.

What I want to impart to you here, is that death is not a bad thing, like we think it to be. It’s the most wonderful thing that could happen for the person it is happening to!

Let's start at the beginning.

The beginning that I’m talking about starts before we come to this life on Earth. We decide to come here. We make out a plan for our life. We decide who our Spirit Guides will be. We decide who our parents will be. We decide what our challenges and goals will be throughout our life. And we also decide when (and how) our death will be.

Once we, as individuals, come up with a plan for our life, we go to a sort of “review board” where there are several beings who are more advanced than we are and we talk it all over. They help us to see more clearly and work out more details. We may even be directed to a counselor to help us make these important decisions before incarnating.

So why would we choose to die young?

Remember what we said earlier about how death is not a bad thing? Well, when we’re “upstairs” planning out our lives and our deaths, we don’t see that death as such a huge loss as we do here.

We may have accomplished all of our goals by that age that we had set out to accomplish. We may have experienced all the experiences we wanted to have in this incarnation.

It may be that by passing over, it was a life-lesson – a goal – for you, to experience the death of a loved one. In other words, perhaps they made that sacrifice just so that you could have that experience.

Another reason why someone might choose to die young is because they are to do a special job on the other side of the veil.

What about a newborn baby dying?

That is one that can be difficult to understand for a lot of people. But the answers are just about the same as above.

The baby may have passed away so that the parent could have that experience (which was their ((the parent’s)) choice). Or it may have died because that’s all the soul wanted to experience – being a baby and then dying. As strange as it may sound, this may really be all he or she wanted to experience.

Another reason why a baby dies is because they have, well, “chickened out”. They came here and they just couldn’t accept being in 3D Earth. Their spirit was so broken by being in this experience that they just couldn’t make it. This has nothing to do with the parents! It has to do with the experience itself or the life-plan chosen. Being in 3D is not an easy thing to do considering where you are coming from.

What about abortion or still-birth?

Great question! (Thanks!)

There is never a soul attached to the aborted baby or the still-born baby. In other words, a soul never inhabited that body.

A soul comes into the baby’s body usually around the time of birth. If they come in too early they find the boredom of being in a womb to be mind-numbingly unbearable. And so, at that point, they usually exit. They can exit and reenter the body until the body is born. Then they must stay in the body. And so an aborted fetus was never inhabited by a soul.

Why do some people's lives get saved by Angels then?

There are two reasons that I know of that someone’s life would be saved by someone from another dimension.

The first one is that something happened that wasn’t in that person’s life-plan and so the person’s life was saved to be able to complete their plan. You see, there are people working tirelessly in other dimensions that are ensuring that the plan we set out to accomplish in this life gets done! Always, every day. We just don’t know it – we are not aware of it.

And so let’s say that the other-dimensional person (angel or spirit guide) saw an accident coming that was not meant to happen, and I was going to die in that accident. My life might be spared in that case because it was not in my life-plan. It wasn’t my time to die.

The other reason Angels or Other-Dimensionals may seem to “save” us is because we were meant to have that experience. Perhaps it was a wake-up call for us. Maybe it was the first time we ever thought of beings in another realm and so it spurred us to look into it further and it might change our lives (just as planned).

Be assured that nothing happens by coincidence and everything happens for a reason.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 10:49 PM
What about people who are born to abusive homes? Do they choose that? Do souls choose to live a life where there is a higher chance to end up on the wrong path of life? I am of the opinion that everyone has a chance to "succeed" based on their choices, but a person is probably more likely to go down the wrong path (i.e. hard drugs, crime, etc.) if there is little influence of morality. Do they want that from the beginning?

And I think you just opened a can of worms on the abortion issue... If people believed fetuses didn't have souls I bet there would be a MUCH higher abortion rate.

Definitely an interesting post, but I think there are a lot of unanswered factors/holes in your theory.

Just my 2 cents.

ETA: I do also believe everything happens for a reason, but if someone turns out to be an evil person, I think it could have been avoided by prior actions... Which makes me question my belief... Does that person turn out evil for a reason? Their actions may affect someone else for a reason, but what is the reason of the actions of the person causing the effect?
edit on 7/9/2012 by celebration because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by celebration
What about people who are born to abusive homes? Do they choose that? Do souls choose to live a life where there is a higher chance to end up on the wrong path of life? I am of the opinion that everyone has a chance to "succeed" based on their choices, but a person is probably more likely to go down the wrong path (i.e. hard drugs, crime, etc.) if there is little influence of morality. Do they want that from the beginning?

And I think you just opened a can of worms on the abortion issue... If people believed fetuses didn't have souls I bet there would be a MUCH higher abortion rate.

Definitely an interesting post, but I think there are a lot of unanswered factors/holes in your theory.

Just my 2 cents.

ETA: I do also believe everything happens for a reason, but if someone turns out to be an evil person, I think it could have been avoided by prior actions... Which makes me question my belief... Does that person turn out evil for a reason? Their actions may affect someone else for a reason, but what is the reason of the actions of the person causing the effect?
edit on 7/9/2012 by celebration because: (no reason given)

Thank you for the response Celebration.

Yes! I absolutely do believe that some people would incarnate into an abusive situation. The reason they might do that is to experience the victim environment. We all (well, most people - not all) have had experiences being the abuser and the victim. The nice person and the person who ran away with greed.

I knew some people might not like the part on abortion. But this is what I've found to be "my" truth.

Thank you for your comments and questions

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:12 PM
Good post Op. I am going to try and keep my emotions out of this post as much as possible. I believe the dialog is more important than my own personal feelings. I believe you are quoting my post though not word for word. I wasn't trying to detract from a post that should make people feel good. My point was to draw attention in the hurtful (though unintentional) feelings these types of stories stir in those who have lost children. I know it was not the intention but for many of us who have lost children it brings back that soul crushing question of WHY? Why me why my child? The loss of a child is a wound that never fully heals. The story opened an old wound. I hoped to shed some light on how others may feel or perceive the post.

I appreciate the the fact that it has been on your mind since that first post it shows that you are a caring thoughtful person. This subject is something everyone deals with differently, feels differently about and can never be fully appreciated or understood by anyone else. I thank you for your second post.

I have outlived two of my three children a six day old son and my daughter two months before her 7th Birthday. I do believe the was a choice made before hand but I doesn't detract from the pain. I do hope we will see our loved ones again in this life or another but I know that I do not know for sure what happens. Even if the time I had with them is all the time we will ever have together it was well worth the pain.

Thanks again for the post. The discussion is always worth any disagreements over the details.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:21 PM

It may be that by passing over, it was a life-lesson – a goal – for you, to experience the death of a loved one. In other words, perhaps they made that sacrifice just so that you could have that experience.

So this is saying that when my mother died young, right in front of me when i was a child, that was a sacrifice on her part because I chose to experience a death of my loved one? What about my siblings who also lost their mother? Was it also their choice? My mothers choice to go? Why would Any of us choose that?

What about people that are kept alive artificially for years, if they had known this, they would certainly choose to have died instead of being "saved".

Who would choose to live a long life if they are disabled, in pain, abused and all the other unimaginable types if suffering? If only your theories were true....

I could go on .....

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Ladysophiaofsandoz

Oh, I am getting tears over your reply!

Yes, and you were not the only one that made a comment like that. I see how you felt, although I have not walked in your shoes! Yes, it has been on my mind, and so I sought to understand it so I could explain it to others.

Thank you so much for your comments

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by violet

That's okay, you don't have to agree with me.

But yes, I do believe that families do plan their lives together- including our deaths.

I am truly sorry for the loss of your mother.

If my post upsets you, then feel free to pass it by. These are my truths based on the reading that I have done. It may not be digestible for everyone.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by angellicview

Anytime. That is what I like about this site I have gained so much input, new ideas and a different way of seeing things. We are all here looking for answers of some sort, trying to work things out.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by angellicview

Very thought provoking thread subject, and great job on the op.

I'm not sure if I agree with it all, but I can say, with all of heart, that for so many reasons I do hope you are right.

Its a nice thought to think that no matter how things go down on earth, there is a higher purpose to it, and there is only good on the other side.

Doesn't really explain the blatant evil there is here, but they are beautiful thoughts.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by WhisperingWinds

Thanks so much for your comment WhisperingWinds.

Yes, it is very hard to explain evil and even I haven't figured that out yet!

But I think I have figured out some basic life and death things and what is to be expected in other dimensions. Definitely, after reading literally thousands of NDE stories, there is a treasure-trove of information there for anyone to know who is interested in the subject.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:14 AM
they lived fast

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by angellicview

Why do people die young

I believe it can be attributed to Karma

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds
reply to post by angellicview

Very thought provoking thread subject, and great job on the op.

I'm not sure if I agree with it all, but I can say, with all of heart, that for so many reasons I do hope you are right.

Its a nice thought to think that no matter how things go down on earth, there is a higher purpose to it, and there is only good on the other side.

Doesn't really explain the blatant evil there is here, but they are beautiful thoughts.

You are in between and for some this is the proving ground where you show how much you have learned. But at the same time as you are doing that you are also evolving the souls/life (the whole) on this planet.

Reasons to go home:
1. You have learned the lesson and you do not need any more understanding on this level.
2. Your tour of duty/service to all is done here.

LALEH - Some Die Young

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by angellicview

Why do people die young

I believe it can be attributed to Karma

So, does that mean they had good karma, so they got to "escape" or move on faster ?

As in the song "only the good die young" ?

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by angellicview

Why do people die young

I believe it can be attributed to Karma

So, does that mean they had good karma, so they got to "escape" or move on faster ?

As in the song "only the good die young" ?

It means everything comes to a balance... you get what you give...

Everything has a purpose...


posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by angellicview
reply to post by WhisperingWinds

Thanks so much for your comment WhisperingWinds.

Yes, it is very hard to explain evil and even I haven't figured that out yet!

But I think I have figured out some basic life and death things and what is to be expected in other dimensions. Definitely, after reading literally thousands of NDE stories, there is a treasure-trove of information there for anyone to know who is interested in the subject.

I have a theory that it is ego parasitic corruption that is causing the symptoms we call evil. And this ego is created by indoctrination/social enviroment on this planet. You can evolve your spirit to the point where be able to instinctly feel the wrongness and that will make you able to find greater understanding and avoid the corruption. But there is a downside. The more you understand the more you see the corruption and have to deal with having it around you and you can feel trapped when you cant escape it. And that is a reason as good as any for the monks to leave the normal world behind. But you can learn extreme willpower if you can live in the mess. Sorry if I am a halfempty glass kinda person. But this place gets to me but it has so much potential.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by angellicview

Why do people die young

I believe it can be attributed to Karma

Well now, that's saying that death is a bad thing or a punishment. What I am trying to say here is that death is actually a good thing for the person who passed over.

Although, that is another way of looking at it - I have found that people are truly very happy when they have ditched the physical body.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by apushforenlightment

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds
reply to post by angellicview

Very thought provoking thread subject, and great job on the op.

I'm not sure if I agree with it all, but I can say, with all of heart, that for so many reasons I do hope you are right.

Its a nice thought to think that no matter how things go down on earth, there is a higher purpose to it, and there is only good on the other side.

Doesn't really explain the blatant evil there is here, but they are beautiful thoughts.

You are in between and for some this is the proving ground where you show how much you have learned. But at the same time as you are doing that you are also evolving the souls/life (the whole) on this planet.

Reasons to go home:
1. You have learned the lesson and you do not need any more understanding on this level.
2. Your tour of duty/service to all is done here.

LALEH - Some Die Young

Yes! I completely agree with that.

Thank you for your comment

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by angellicview

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by angellicview

Why do people die young

I believe it can be attributed to Karma

Well now, that's saying that death is a bad thing or a punishment. What I am trying to say here is that death is actually a good thing for the person who passed over.

Although, that is another way of looking at it - I have found that people are truly very happy when they have ditched the physical body.


Most karma is resolved before death in one way or the other... death is not a bad thing.

Its just the next step... one we've all taken before many times.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 01:11 AM
I think its unwise to be absolutely sure about these types of things..

Try telling the parents of a 4 year old abductee who 15 years later find their child tortured to death in some underground "fetish barn " .. after a decade of abuse...that it was karma.

Maybe it would be karma if they punched you in the face, and kicked you in the balls too. They might even decide to take your Karma to another level.

edit on 10-7-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-7-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: bad karma got me...

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