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posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:37 PM
I really despise the "weekend warriors" sometimes. I live out in the country and I very much appreciate the peace and quiet. I have a few neighbors, none are within sight. I have a neighbor to the north-east and he is a farmer. I can hear the cows and tractor running from time to time and that's no bid deal. He comes and works our fields because our place used to be a farm but that was many years ago. I have a neighbor to the south-west who minds his business. Hardly ever hear anything coming from his place through the woods except for the occasional chain-saw or lawnmower.

So a few years ago, a "weekend warrior" bought the land to the north of my place and built a cabin in the woods there and it's been problems ever since. What I don't get is as soon as they arrive they fire up their ATVs and go zooming through the woods and on the road. You would think they would appreciate the change from the city and enjoy the peace, quiet and fresh air. Apparently, not so much. They ride them damn things at all hours of the day and night with no respect for the locals. Now I don't mind them riding around during the day so much but in the middle of the night is just downright disrespectful. I'd prefer them to just walk through the woods and enjoy nature without the loud noise and pollution but that's probably asking too much. They've also got this old beater truck they also take out with the ATVs and i'm 90% positive that thing doesn't even have a muffler. I know it's not fit to be driven on the blacktop but that doesn't stop them. I'm not one to "narc" on anyone and doing so wouldn't help anyway as it would take the cops atleast 10 min to get here and by then it wouldn't matter anyway.

They also trespass on my land as if it belongs to them which really gets on my nerves. I had to post no trespassing signs and i've lived here many, many years with no problems.

The worst thing is that they are deer hunters. Now that's not a bad thing but the way they hunt it is. They will wound a deer and never track it down. So instead of them taking care of it, the deer ends up dying somewhere and my dogs will eventually go and find it and roll in it. They come home smelling like you wouldn't believe with maggots in their fur. Or in some cases bringing back a leg to chew on.

Thanks for reading.

edit on 4-7-2012 by MrSandman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:53 PM
Strange, your atv issues sounds like what all the country folks did when i lived out in the country. I played with my toys but so did the neighbors. And we were respectful about it. for a while i even had permission to ride on a neighbors property. But we didnt do it in the middle of the night. But they did, with a skid steer. lol.

Now the wounding deer and trespassing sounds horrible. just downright disrespectful.

One day a 12 gauge slug somehow put a hole in a railroad crossing sign in my front yard. Ever have that happen?

Of course i was living in redneckville and most of my neighbors were pretty weird. We had a lot of issues with break ins too. And wouldnt you think itd wake you up when someone starts up YOUR tractor in the middle of the night to move it to make room to steal your tools? Well we lived near a railroad crossing. I can sleep through armageddon now...

I live in the city now, and i hate it. i have a whole nother list of complaints about city slickers. Mostly big city folks...

Constantly weaving in and out of traffic, especially annoyinf when traffic is light. Cant do more than 55, just dont seem to have open road common sense when they leave the city.

Chicago people coming to my city and tailgating and pulling out in front of me....

Scared of weapons, scared of freedom...

Act like the whole world is just like their city.

Seriously i had a chick in chicago tell me to ride a train to get to her party once. Uhmmm? Reaaaalllllly?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:54 PM
Well, I also live in the Country and ATV's, trucks with no mufflers are kind of the norm for Country folk. We all have them and it's a way of life.

But, the wounding and not finishing off the deer is just not right. That truly shows a person who respects the Country life and who is just pretending.

Hope you work it out somehow.


posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:07 PM
I really despise the people from the country who come into the city on the weekends to go shopping or stand around and gawk at things. I'm trying to go about my business and they're meandering around, taking up parking spaces and generally making a nuisance of themselves.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by MrSandman

They will wound a deer and never track it down.

edit on 4-7-2012 by MrSandman because: (no reason given)

Isn't this actually breaking the law in some places? I'm definitely not, nor have I ever been a hunter. BUT, I have been doing some research because I'm interested in MAYBE starting someday. I found this at the Missouri Department of Conservation website (obviously, I don't know what state you are in, but it would seem that similar rules would be in place?

Retrieval of game
Anyone who kills or injures a deer must make a reasonable effort to retrieve and include the animal in his or her season limit, but this does not authorize trespass. It is a violation to wantonly leave or abandon commonly edible portions of game.


posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Castillo
I really despise the people from the country who come into the city on the weekends to go shopping or stand around and gawk at things. I'm trying to go about my business and they're meandering around, taking up parking spaces and generally making a nuisance of themselves.

hmmmm...parking spaces vs wounding defenseless animals.

Me thinks the priorities are a bit confused here.


posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by jude11

you don't know how #ty the parking is in my neighborhood

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by jude11

We all have ATVs too. We just don't use them as much, I guess we all appreciate the quiet. In fact, i'll see my neighbor on his bike more than on his ATV. I'll actually use the wheel barrel more than the ATV if i'm doing something where I have a lot of time, laying dirt on the drive for example. It might be a little more work but i don't mind.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Castillo
reply to post by jude11

you don't know how #ty the parking is in my neighborhood

Maybe you should start your own rant about that instead of coming and trying to start an arguement here?

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by phroziac

Sounds like I should be thankful I don't live in an area you did. Atleast I only have to deal with these folks on the weekend. Glad you got out of there.. alive lol

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Castillo
I really despise the people from the country who come into the city on the weekends to go shopping or stand around and gawk at things. I'm trying to go about my business and they're meandering around, taking up parking spaces and generally making a nuisance of themselves.

Yeah....I'm one of those country bumpkins who once in a blue moon, make it to one of your cities. Even though I try to grow everything I need, and have my own herd of goats for milk and making goat milk soap. I sometimes find myself needing to fire up the jeep and travel to one of your stinking crowded dirty cities.

There I spend my hard earned money with one of your merchants. I'd rather spend it on one of my neighbors, but your guy gets it. Then I have to sit in your stinking traffic, listening to boom boom boomditty boom blaring all around me from the other cars. I get to keep a sharp eye on all the cars around me full of idiots talking and texting on phones, instead of watching the traffic around them.

I'll try harder to stay out of your turf.....


posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:45 PM
Where we live everyone has 4 wheelers, buggys, beater trucks and tractors. Everyone hunts too. Because of that we've all agreed to keep noise to a minimum starting a few months before hunting season. Even the folks that do not hunt keep their noise to a minimum. It's called respect and it's rare...

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

You can come here, just please take a bath next time. We can smell you a mile away.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:18 PM
Humanity fail.

The only issue here is wounding a deer without tracking it, and trespassing. Everything else is just people being bigoted against others for the most silly of reasons "Oh your from the city, damn city folk!" "Oh your from the country, damn country bumpkin!"

I wonder if people saying such things realize how utterly juvenile and absurd they sound.

People living in the same state and of the same color (I'm assuming here) can't even get along and we think blacks and whites, or Americans and Mexicans are somehow going to?

Jeez.... we sure have a long way to go..

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:56 PM
Good Rant.
Ive lived city and Ive lived country... and I really dont like the city much and the people? Well theyre just a different kind of weird. Country people are weird too. Everyones weird to me I guess..

....but when the vet comes out to your farm and a pig is having trouble popping out piglets and he sticks his arm up its business to his shoulder and keeps a cigg in his mouth while holding a conversation about corn... youve met odd.
When you live in the city and in the hottest days of the year it smells like poop due to the aging city sewer system.. and they walk around like they DONT smell other folks doodoo so stong it makes your eyes water.. and then comment about the allergens are high today... youve met strange.
WHen the sheriff is on a first name basis with you and your family because he is so lonely and tired of chasing so-n-so's cow who got lose... he stops by to pretend there was a noise complaint ( and you live about 5 miles from another human in a 360 degree radius).. youve met strange.
WHen you move into a place, love it and decide to landscape it and your dog goes berserk at the window... and you look out only to see your freakish neighbor with her shirt over her head is looking at the species and info tags on your trees and forsythias you just planted.. youve met strange.
When your mayor gets busted by a newsie and newsie took a pic of your mayor sleeping in a city car with the a/c full blast sucking up gas on a city gas card I paid for when gas is damned near 4 bucks a gallon.. and no one bats an eye, youve met weird.
WHen your mayor gets busted shaggin the parish treasurer in the school parking lot.. during a football game and EVERYONE bats an eye, youve met weird.
When its nothing to go to "town" to get some things with your dad and you know everyone in the Co-op by first name and they tell your dad they have some new tit balm and giggle about it.. youve met weird.
When you drive to your main street and you see someone drunk passed out in the front yard of ... well it MIGHT be their house.. and no one cares... youve met odd.

AND each is completely TRUE.
That last one with the guy passed out.. I was an RN for many yrs and I thoguht the guy fell out due to the heat today and people were just walking by him.. on their way to the 4th celebration.. I tell the hubby to flip a U and I jump out.. and he was dead skunk drunk... taking a nap on the lawn and pissed off that I woke him up. I was told to mind my own business. Ahhhh city life.

There are pros and cons to each place really. Even cities in differnt parts of the country are diffrent from another... and country folks vary widely. Like low country folks in Louisiana are a LOT different from bohunk rednecks in virginia.

Oh and OP.. as far as the not retriving game... tell your local game warden. Call him and tell him or her about it as a heads up and then tell em next time it happens ( ya dogs come home ookie or with a leg) you will call.. and he will take it from there. I HATE stuff like that. If you cant hit it and make a clean kill.. maybe give hunting up and trap or fish if you just gotta be a pseudo country boy for Gods sake.. don tmake the animals pay for your incompetence and ego issues.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 10:57 PM
As a "country boy" converted to "urbanite", I can sympathize with you.

I used to live in a small city surrounded by farms and woods - I didn't live on a farm but inside an older subdivision. Most of the people and families that lived there were farmers, converted "cityslickers" that wanted some peace and quiet (like my family), or people close to retirement.

Like in your case, some newly moved-in families thought that the woods behind my house was fair game for any form of motor vehicle, and would use my dead end street as a runway, sometimes as late as 2:00am. Because the police would barely ever investigate (I mean, there were maybe 6 policeman at most in the town), some of the neighbors would cover the single path into the woods with debris like old boards, rocks, compost, or dead branches. When the ATV'er would clear the debris and continue their ride, the landowners would once again block the path (which kept anyone riding an ATV or dirtbike elsewhere).

What I hated the most was when an "urbanite" first moved into our subdivision, they seemed to bring along with them the city attitude - For example, when my next door neighbor at the time, they knocked on our door to say that there was dog poop an inch away from their sidewalk, and they "assumed" that because we had a dog, and lived right next to them, that our dog did it (my dog had never been anywhere out of my sight).

In addition to this incident, this same neighbor also tore down half of our fence that bordered our houses because it wasn't "pretty" enough - the fence was an older, wire-based fence where seeded grapes would grow in the summer & fall (we left it because it was on our side of the property line, and it was pretty). Normally, to do this, you would think that they would ask for permission (in my town, we as kids would ask for permission to use a shortcut to school), but this "city" person thought it was all about her and decided to do it anyway.

Looking back, that town has changed for the worse - more people from the city were moving in, and more violence came with it - I used to be able to leave the front door unlocked, and now if you do that there, something will get stolen.

I'll end this post saying that though I live in a rather large city, I still seem to keep the "country" attitude - If someone seems to need help, and I am around to help them, I make it a priority. If there's unpaid work, and it doesn't affect my job, then I'll do it. Maybe one day, I'll return back to a small, farm-based community, and live there enjoying the peace & quiet.


posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by MrSandman

Buy a bigger piece of land and put up fences
Just deal with it knowing you are better off than probably 90 percent of Americans.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by MrSandman

Have you asked them to stay off your land? Do they know where your land begins? Maybe they have permission from a neighbor, to ride on their land, and don't know where their land ends.

As far as wounding game and not making an attempt to look for it. How do you know? You stated your dogs find the animal. How do you know they didn't look? I am not arguing the fact they need some time with their rifle, and should be efficient with it before they go hunting. I am only saying maybe if you took the time to convey your concerns to them you may be surprised. Heck, take an hr and teach them to sight in their rifles.

Where they came from doesn't matter. What does matter is that they are now your neighbours. As misguided as they may be, one day they valued allies.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by YachtDoc13
reply to post by MrSandman

Have you asked them to stay off your land? Do they know where your land begins? Maybe they have permission from a neighbor, to ride on their land, and don't know where their land ends.

As far as wounding game and not making an attempt to look for it. How do you know? You stated your dogs find the animal. How do you know they didn't look? I am not arguing the fact they need some time with their rifle, and should be efficient with it before they go hunting. I am only saying maybe if you took the time to convey your concerns to them you may be surprised. Heck, take an hr and teach them to sight in their rifles.

Where they came from doesn't matter. What does matter is that they are now your neighbours. As misguided as they may be, one day they valued allies.

I know because the dogs always come from the north woods and everyone else who hunts around here would not do that. People have respect for the land here it's how most of us make our living.

I don't know for sure if they looked or not. Maybe they took a quick walk through the woods and gave up.

posted on Jul, 5 2012 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by MrSandman

How often does it happen? Are you sure your dogs aren't finding animals that died of natural causes? Maybe it was aliens. How can you be sure they are the only ones that shoot animals that come from the "north woods"? Maybe the animal ran there after it was shot? Maybe, it was me.

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