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Alien Invasion Theories

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posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 07:18 PM
If an invasion would ever occur what do you think...

Your response would be?
The governement's response will be politicaly? (pretend they never contacted aliens before)
The aliens would do to the earth and it's inhabitants?
What will be the millitary response?

Also, do you think earth will fend them away? Will we get help from other races?

This is a very interesting question so what do you think?

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 08:07 PM
Well, my first response would be the well-deserved-ha-ha-I-told-you-so to family and friends. After a few minutes of laughter, I would begin stockpiling food/weapons in my basement just in case. Politically, I don't think the government would confirm/deny that they had any knowledge of these "aliens" before the invasion. I'm fairly confident that if they took the long trip here with the purpose of invasion, i'm sure they wouldn't go through the trouble of making us a "slave race." More than likley we will be destroyed. The military response to anything unknown has always been to hide it, and if they can't hide it, destroy it at all costs. Nuclear weapons would be an attempt I'm sure, if they even work after they arrive. We'll be "all alone" on this one, and I wouldn't believe there would be much we could do agaisnt a species advanced enough to actually make the trip here. Just my 2cents =p

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 08:10 PM
I don't think anything would happen.

Of course there will be some hard core believers, but most of the population will kind of say "yeah right, I'm sure" and forget about it.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by GoldEagle
If an invasion would ever occur what do you think...

Your response would be?
The governement's response will be politicaly? (pretend they never contacted aliens before)
The aliens would do to the earth and it's inhabitants?
What will be the millitary response?

Also, do you think earth will fend them away? Will we get help from other races?

This is a very interesting question so what do you think?

My response would be the same as any life-threatening crisis would be, to protect myself and my family and to survive. I would imagine mass suicides and pandamonium everywhere.

The government response would be to open all diplomatic channels and to reach some sort of treaty, agreement or compromise. If this fails, then an indepedance day scenorio, with every nation uniting to repel the alien invasion.

The aliens would at worst exterminate the human species or enslave us, and at best, take control of our planet and let us be part of it, maybe even allowing us to have a better quality of life.

The military response could be none, if diplomatic channels are kept open and pursued, to releasing every weapon we have on them. Resistence is futile.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 08:35 PM
But whos to say the invasion hasnt already begun? If the abductions and alien involvement with government is taking place as we invasion has alraedy begun but not as we would percieve it.


[edit on 6-10-2004 by kyateLaBoca]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 09:51 PM

If an invasion would ever occur what do you think...

Your response would be?

As much as I have come to accept and beleive, I am sure I would just be floored, shocked, blown away, nervous, excited, scared, and completely un-aware of what to do or expect. Anyone who says they would run out and great them head on is dillusional.

The governement's response will be politicaly? (pretend they never contacted aliens before)

They would do what comes natural...try to express the illusion of control.

The aliens would do to the earth and it's inhabitants?

Depends on why they are here. Your question was about an invasion. An invasion usually means hostility. If they can travel here and invade in masses, then their abilities to control us will be pretty great.

What will be the millitary response?

This also depends on the intentions of the invasion, but if you are saying that they are hostile, then the military would react severly. There would be massive amounts of casualties (humans that is) all in an attempt to regain control. In the end, nukes may come into play.

Also, do you think earth will fend them away? Will we get help from other races?

I would think that after we use our own nukes, we will make useless what they came here to harvest, control, and own. This would lead to them leaving on their own.

[edit on 6-10-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by mpeake
I would think that after we use our own nukes, we will make useless what they came here to harvest, control, and own. This would lead to them leaving on their own.

That's a big point. There is nothing of value on Earth (mineral-wise) that cannot be gotten 100-fold from simply harvesting asteroids. If they needed humans, then it would be much easier to artifically create them (cloning, for example. One assumes that an interstellar race can pull this off). The only conceivable motivation would be that Earth-planets are rare and they need a new home. In which case, scorched earth is the only defense, and not a very good one at that. If we can have an ABM shiled in a few decades, then they certainly can.

So, in the case of hostile alien contact, we're Ef'ed.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 03:46 AM
I do not know what my response would be.....As I've never been through that kinda of thing before. I don't really think anyone can say what they would say this kind of invasion and disclosure would be life changing.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 03:52 AM
It seems to be the case that there are mini-invasions practically every day. Many reports of UFOs of all shapes and sizes continue to be reported on a daily basis, some with military jets and helicopters in pursuit of these objects.

As for an actual all-out invasion where fighting takes place. I sincerely doubt it. These things could have done so a long time ago if they wanted. It would have been a lot easier for them decades or hundreds of years ago when we didn't have the technology that we do today. Though I imagine we'd still be pushovers now.

[edit on 7-10-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 06:33 AM
As was said before....
If they were unfriendly, they could have invaded Earth long time ago with no problem...
So i do not believe they r hostiles...imagine if we have the same technology to travel space, we would not simply invade any planet we find.
For sure we would try to make contact with this "new" race(leaders) and try to get some benefits from their culture.

The same way we dont know till where their defense technologies goes, im pretty sure "if" they have actual contact with any governement on Earth we would not tell them what r our capacities.
So the same way we feared them in this way, could be they fear us too !?

If its true some countries have captured some alien life, for sure they have made deep studies about them....

I feel like if some ppl believe that our governments doesnt know aynthign about aliens/ufos....
But i believe their knowledge about this area goes much further than we can imagine...

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 08:42 PM
Knowing that there are beings that are good and bad I would first wait to see which has made contact. I know the good ones won't make contact landing here for all to see until there is total peace and they feel safe.
I think you all know if they wanted to take over this planet they could very easily and they also can shut down every nuclear silo on Earth at the same time if they choose too.
From what I saw on one of my experiences if we were about to destroy the entire Earth there would be a massive showing and quite freightning this showing would only occur after they conferred with others and were allowed to interfere with what was about to happen here on Earth.
This showing would be hugh balls of brilliant white lights (the ships) flying so fast one right after the other over the entire Earth low enough that you would feel the ground under your feet vibrate to the point you could feel the magnitism of the Earth. This would not be an invasion it would be to show you they are here in mass and watching and humans better stop.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 09:48 PM
No matter what happens most people in the United States of America would go into their homes and watch it on TV, maybe with some Tivo so they could replay it over and over and over again.

posted on Oct, 7 2004 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Chuck Stevenson
No matter what happens most people in the United States of America would go into their homes and watch it on TV, maybe with some Tivo so they could replay it over and over and over again.

You got that right, garanteed I'll be watching TV. Unless the aliens take out the power, then I wouldn't know what to do!

If an alien invasion were to take place to destroy us, we wouldn't stand a chance. They have the technology to zoom through space. You would think they would also have the technolgy to neutralize nuclear weapons, totally cut off electricity to the whole world, make their craft invulnerable with some sort of force field, dematerialize (dissappear out of sight). I wouldn't be surprised if they had some sort of ray weapon that instantly kills every human being from space without ever entering the atmoshpere.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 02:26 AM
They would surely destory us

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 03:28 AM
I'm with the cry: if they could get here, they could destroy us. No doubt. That said, I don't think anything even remotely that interesting will happen to our piece of # planet, but we can always dream...

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 03:33 AM
If an invasion would occur, the first thing should be done by the invaders, to eliminate the helpful aliens that are located on Earth. If that was successful, then they can destroy the human life and they can live here peacefully.

But why would they invade the Earth? There are many planets with better parameters than Earth, so the aliens can settle there.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 06:47 AM
If aliens did plan to invade for reasons

a) take over planet

b) take slaves

c) take resources

In each case we are no threat technology wise besides nukes.. So the first step imho would be nuclar disarment. Once the threat is gone then its clear to begin. either way they would have to brainwash or plant the ideas in our leaders. ( or make clones ) lol.. Im sure aliens that have the ablity to travel light years also have the technology to clone

Now if they are not hostile and belive we are not ready for whats beyond i would say they would pick the strongest country. Give them technology to help create a unified world. Once we are One World reveal them selves finally.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 12:05 PM
Well, the answers would all vary, based on the aliens' intentions, etc. So, I'm going to answer on the angle I believe to be the case. That the aliens are not benevolent and not looking for conquest, but then switch gears a bit to allow for a hypothetical invasion.

Your response would be?

Well, I'd certainly be glued to ATS and the TV news....!!! Guess I'd hope my hurricane supplies are up to snuff (food, water, etc.) and make sure weapons are loaded, etc. (for all the good it'd do). I don't have a shelter or anything, so I'll just use some traps, alarms, etc. to bunker up the house. A lot of fairly well-off rednecks in my neighborhood, so the aliens might not be keen on it, hehe...

The governement's response will be politicaly? (pretend they never contacted aliens before)

That's really pretending. Of course, if they are hostile and invading, any former contact won't mean much. They'll of course try and reach some kind of accord if possible, but if the Earth is surrounded by motherships...skip to the military response.

The aliens would do to the earth and it's inhabitants?

What will be the millitary response?

Here's the area of most speculation. This would of course depend on their goal for invading. I'm going to assume it's to establish a new home. To that end, they'll likely keep us around for a little bit, like orderly slaves or pets to do their manual labor.

Also, do you think earth will fend them away? Will we get help from other races?

I think I have to agree with Corso, in that in essence, we have developed something along the lines of SDI that at least keeps them in check, so that it makes invasion too costly a scenario for the time being. According to most sources they no longer can come and go as freely as in the past. From the few unreliable sources we have on the multiple races, I doubt we're looking at any forthcoming help.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 12:42 PM
Could you imagine the cell phone and telephone line and internet gridlock that would take place in the event of a sudden invasion. Emergency crews would be responding to heart attacks all over...Police would be responding to sigtings everywhere...You'd think that there would be rioting and looting, but most likely everyone would just stay at home glued to their tv's. But then, perhaps there would be a run on the grovery stores and gun shops once the media report and show where and how the invasion was taking place.

posted on Oct, 8 2004 @ 12:55 PM
I think that in the event of a large military type invasion, that humans have historically shown tenacity and prowess in the face of a hostile invasion. We may be facing superior tech or maybe not. World War II: World in the Balance by Harry Turtledove had a great setup. Aliens invade earth right in the middle of WW2. Now they could cross the stars, but their war tech was only about 20-30 yrs ahead of the humans. I know that could make a huge difference, but they could not totally prevail. Aliens, or any species have weaknesses. In the case of this novel, the aliens became addicted to ginger like it was crack coc aine. I guess what I'm getting at is that we may ultimately lose the war, but I think at a heavy cost to the invaders. How far did they travel to get here? How much equipment did they bring with them? Can they easily get re-supplied? All very important questions to be answered by an invading force. The German army ignored the logistical burden when they took on Russia with disasterous results for them. Hopefully all we would have to do is hold on just long enough for the cost of taking our world to outweigh the cost of keeping it.

[edit on 8-10-2004 by Der Kapitan]

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