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Everything is fake fake fake. why?

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posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 02:06 PM
Why is everything fake?
Sweet things in the us have corn syrup, not sugar. Totally alters the flavor of everything. I also have a mild corn allergy. Most brands of chocolate syrup dont have a remotely chocolate taste to me at all. Why cant we put chocolate in it?

Fake wood grain furniture. Its got some plastic laminate crap on top of pressed mdf type material. Doesnt last. We have wood all over the world, why?

Fake colorings. Remember crystal pepsi? Whys pop have to be dark? Even meat is artificially colored red to make it look fresher! How about alcohol that is aged a little bit and then colored to make it look like its aged more. Most reposada tequilas for example.

Hell even many of the sounds we hear are fake. Doors on cars are intentionally loud so you know its latched correctly. People would slam them til they broke if they

Nesquik chocolate syrup is the worst offender though. Its false marketing!

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 02:14 PM
Because it's cheaper, and in terms of food: a lot less healthy. Worse health = more drugs (which can easily lead to a worsened condition) and/or other spending.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by phroziac

Here is a link for you to make your own homemade Chocolate Syrup my friend!

Chocolate Syrup

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 02:21 PM
Yup, even the money you use to buy all this fake stuff is fake.

I think we're all being conned

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 02:23 PM
Reply to Phroziac;
"Okay....just a little pin-prick, there'll be no more AAAAIIIIII, but you may feel a little sick"-Pink Floyd

Hey Citizen!
It's a Disney Land for the Befuddled out here my friend!
"Buy the new HTSX 3000, it'll make women want to kiss you and burly men will treat you nice on the chance you'll take em for a spin!"
It's the "We Say So Corp", or "Umbrella Industries", "Spacely Sprockets", and "Cogswell's Cogs".
I'm sorry you've seen the man behind the curtain...what'll it be, Sodium Pentothal, or shall we move you up to "Contributing Member of Society"?
Perhaps you can even qualify to be a Galactic Federation Star Trooper!
Service Brings Citizenship!
Want to know more?

Scientists (who as we know are usually dead wrong) say there is a very high degree of possibility that we only exist within a simulation being run by some master program.
I'm sorry, it is too late to unplug yourself from the Matrix, perhaps you'd like some bonus point bling?
Imagine all the fun you could have!
Then go out and do it.
They can't stop you now!

edit on 24-6-2012 by Luminaught because: Alien bugs Damnit, they all have a hive mind or something! Free Your Mind your body will follow

edit on 24-6-2012 by Luminaught because: Setting controls for the heart of the sun, sleep well Dave.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 02:23 PM
It's fitting of our culture isn't it? I mean it's not just the food and the furniture, its the entire culture. Honesty is not rewarded in America.

As for foods stuffed with corn syrup, I avoid those like the plague. I get sugar from fruits and honey now, I don't even like the taste of that overly sweet garbage they try to peddle of as "snacks and soft drinks" anymore.

I know the fruits are GMO, but good luck finding naturally grown fruits anywhere these days...

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 02:38 PM
Omg now im gona make my own chocolate syrup. I love that idea....

Originally posted by DestroyDestroyDestroy
It's fitting of our culture isn't it? I mean it's not just the food and the furniture, its the entire culture. Honesty is not rewarded in America.

As for foods stuffed with corn syrup, I avoid those like the plague. I get sugar from fruits and honey now, I don't even like the taste of that overly sweet garbage they try to peddle of as "snacks and soft drinks" anymore.

I know the fruits are GMO, but good luck finding naturally grown fruits anywhere these days...

I even have a fake job! I haul chemicals that are made in most regions. Its cheaper to buy oleochemicals made ineurope and ship them to chicago than pay more to get the same product thats made in chicago! So i drive in circles for no reason!

Im fixing up an old ford f250. Nobody understands why. Im told to buy a new one. I can keep the old clunker running forever or spend fifty freaking thousand on a new one. Im on the lookout for a new body for it. Possibly gull wing doors.......

Im trying to change my diet but i basically eat out constantly. Hard habit to break.

And i never thouggt about pink floyd like that before. That song was way ahead of its time...

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 02:50 PM
Even the humans you see walking down the street next to you are fake. They're actually androids!

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 03:08 PM
In a nut shell the answer to your tpopic is that people are false.

If a person doesn't act based on the truth within them than by proxy all those acts are based on a falsehood of belief in themselves.

My take on the why anyway.

edit on 24-6-2012 by Treespeaker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Treespeaker
In a nut shell the answer to your tpopic is that people are false.

If a person doesn't act based on the truth within them than by proxy all those acts are based on a falsehood of belief in themselves.

My take on the why anyway.

edit on 24-6-2012 by Treespeaker because: (no reason given)

And you think this leads to chocolate syrup that doesnt taste like chocolate and cherries dyed red too?

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by phroziac

Yes I do. As small is large. . things are proportional.

If I make candy and have no morals, I will sell you stuff that makes me richer not the other way around. .

If I am a carpenter with no morals would I build you a home you want to live in?

I think the point becomes self evident after this. . .

Things we do and why ,matter. . of course they matter,

From the small things to the large things they echo and ring throughout time.

edit on 24-6-2012 by Treespeaker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 06:05 PM
I hear ya, and i agree. But i dont understand the people that fall for this crap. Why would someone buy chocolate syrup that tastes like corn instead of chocolate? Its like everyones just following a computer program

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
Even the humans you see walking down the street next to you are fake. They're actually androids!

And the ones that aren't androids have fake boobs! Oh the horrors!

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 06:11 PM
nesquick chocolate syrup huh? i have no idea what chocolate syrup is, surely you can live without it.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 06:13 PM
Don't forget about television shows and pretty much anything on TV these days. What's NOT fake in this country anymore.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by phroziac

We all fall for it.

In a harsh reallity, yes harsh. We belong to nature.

We have choices that make us draw closer or further away from it throughout life.

It has been my observation that the closer one draws to the source or nature(whatever created THIS...what you call a maker it's all the same to me) The more we realize we need none of what we have, and are lacking in the things and skills we need, and what ideals need to be fostered.

I know I don't need plastic anything, but I enjoy it...

I know I don't need no electricity...yep I do understand the weather...and thermodynamics , and a slew of other things ,

I know I need no oil...but hey it's covenient in this system isn't it?

Hard work , and the will to do it, seem to be the root of human nature in a way eh?

I think if communities concentrated on communities more, supported on a personal local level (based on interest) more.

Change would be easier, we need to return to some of our past ideals as we venture to the future IMHO.

Sorry a bit off topic but it's understory to topic in my thoughts.

I love when folks make me think..

Cheers to you!

P.S Oh yeah in the above fantasy we would all have perfect chocolate syrup and everything else. . .because the person would not supply any one with false crap? Maybe because they didn't want crap eaither.

edit on 24-6-2012 by Treespeaker because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-6-2012 by Treespeaker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

I always seem to know you have more to say on the topic, when I read your posts.

Why don't you?

I wouldn't mind your full opinion.


posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Treespeaker
reply to post by jiggerj


I always seem to know you have more to say on the topic, when I read your posts.
Why don't you?I wouldn't mind your full opinion.

All right, but understand that my thoughts on the matter come from irrational moments of panic. I
don't want to believe what I'm going to write, but there are just some things that always manage to
gnaw their way into my consciousness.

This fake stuff that you goes further than that, to the point where I can't help thinking that this life isn't real at all.

It took us (what?) 75,000 years to go from throwing a spear to making gun powder. And then it took all of a couple hundred years to go from riding horses to putting a man on the moon. It's way too much knowledge in way too short of a time span.

I work next to a screen printer. The ink used will not dry unless it passes under a UV light.
We take electricity, mold it into information, send it either through the air or through a wire so
that you can read what I'm writing. All these words you see on your monitor, they're electricity.
Nothing more, nothing less.

We take microscopic atoms and SPLIT them!

We take microscopic particles, send them flying at near the speed of light, and collide them!

Take a look at the common people of the Middle East. This region is festering in religious fanaticism and barbaric ignorance. Without any intelligent intervention from somewhere else (god, aliens...) this is where we should all be right now in our knowledge.

Not only do I believe that we should NOT be this smart so soon in our short existence, but there are
other examples that PROVE we aren't that smart - meaning that all of this knowledge and technology
had to be given to us from somewhere other than our own brains.

We have dialysis machines that remove impurities from the blood when someone's kidneys fail, but we
can't remove the AIDS virus from the blood? Why is this knowledge hidden from us when it seems like the answer should be like, RIGHT THERE.

We did find a cure for things like Polio and tuberculosis, but we can't cure the common cold? This is usually said as a humorous observation. But, seriously, we can't cure the common cold????

As for things that just don't make sense: Everyone in the world just wants to work and support their families. They want to laugh with friends and just enjoy life. But, our governments KEEP shuffling us off to war against other people that just want to work and support their families. They want to laugh with friends and just enjoy life. It doesn't make sense. How can so few people have so much control over billions???

I could go on and on, but I've gone too far already.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 09:12 PM
Id like to draw closer to nature. i have half a mind to build a minimalist pickup camper to live in and basically get off the grid. Id make my money off art and such. I think it would be great.

I agree that the fake goes well beyond what i listed. Thats kind of why i posted this.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 09:23 PM
Low quality disease causing foods to feed the beast that is big pharma. No sick people no payouts. No sick people's deaths, more population.

Fake/ low quality items: don't last very long, not even to mention it's cheap! Buy the cheaply made product it lasts six months to a traditionally made product that last years and years. Your loss their win in the end. In our perpetuated "fast food" -"throw away culture" that fits perfectly.
edit on 24-6-2012 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

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