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"Prometheus". Member review.

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posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 07:57 PM
So last night I sat down to watch Prometheus in 3D.

The film looks awesome in 3D. The landscape scenes look beautiful, the spaceship scenes are fantastically vivid, and all the gore jumps out to hit you where it hurts.
The narrative of the film (you guys all probably know by now) basically consists of a team of scientists, geologists etc find a similar 'star map' all over the earth, all drawn by different cultures. They take that as an invitation to say hello to who they assume are our creators. Once they get there all hell breaks loose.
Now, I'm not going to spoil any of the plot, but after 40 mins into the film I was struck by the realization "How could they **** this up THIS bad?!".

The score seems to be lifted directly from the Star Trek theme music. The characters are 2 dimensional throw away plot devices we're supposed to care about. The acting is way over the top and comes across cheesier than something consisting only of cheese. Like... ok cheese for example.
There's many other things in the film that made me want to start punching myself in the head due to frustration, but I'll let you guys experience that for yourself.

The things I really enjoyed about the film were the special effects, beautiful art pieces, and actor Michael Fassbender as "David" the android. Every scene with "David" leaves you wondering how much of an android he really is. He has a dark sense of humour, makes deals with people to save himself, and is obsessed with copying lines from the film "Laurence of Arabia".
The film deals with creation, faith, science, evolution etc, and a yearning to ask our creators "Why did you make us?", but unfortunately focuses more on being a popcorn blockbuster than really developing these ideas further.

If you want space monsters, it's there. If you want Space Jockey action, it's there. If you want an 'Alien' prequel, it's there.
As far as a popcorn movie goes, it works. But unfortunately that's all it really achieves.

For everyone else who has seen the film, please feel free to contribute your take on it. I left the cinema bummed out.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Noinoi

The characters are 2 dimensional throw away plot devices we're supposed to care about.

Agreed. I had a hard time keeping track of them or which ones were main characters.

I would recommend this film though. It kept my attention and the areas it covered that are "above top secret" were interesting. Anunnaki - Nephilim - creator gods, that was a nice storyline that was somewhat original in these big budget films that are trending toward reboots vs. original concepts.

I give Prometheus
out of 5

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 08:12 PM
I went to see this film today. I was unimpressed.

Sure its got some 3d but that hardly makes a good film.

I'd give it 2 outa 5

The most exciting thing was the trailer for the new batman film.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 08:20 PM
totally disappointed with this flick. it has it's moments and the visuals are awesome but the story needed to be played out a lot better. they jump from one thing to another without really any explanation. this movie definitely leaves you with more questions than answers. it also has the seemingly mandatory cliches that seem to infest every movie and television show out there. i personally hate that. if you like sci-fi movies with kick ass visuals then check this one out but don't expect to be blown away by it storywise. as a previous poster said david the android is the best part of the movie. he's just awesome

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by alkesh
the story needed to be played out a lot better. they jump from one thing to another without really any explanation. this movie definitely leaves you with more questions than answers.

I definitely agree with this, i wish they played out the background story a bit more. Or at least give a little more explanation to the first 5 mins, went over my head completely, then again i was massively hungover

In all fairness they could have made an awesome trilogy out of the story lines which were thrown about in the film, therefore i felt that it was rushed and a bit meh, but still i wouldn't have missed it for anything.

I did like the "Hands up" bit just before they crashed the ship, good way to go out. Apart from David, the pilot was my favourite with his chat up line "are you a robot?" followed successfully by "my room 10 mins" haha!!

Although i would say its a prequel to a prequel.......if i (hopefully) remember rightly there is a whole SOS thing happening with a ship found in space/on a planet?? which is intercepted in the first film, so there is definitely potential for a follow up film about what happens on board that ship. I haven't seen it in years so disregard the statement if not true

much love


posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 08:59 PM
Taking a wild guess here.. but a lot of us seem to have pirate movie websites in our bookmarks.

I think the movie didn't need to tell much of the backstory, waste of time, move forward, advance the storyline without all that backlog, save that for the sequels.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:02 PM
im gonna wait untill its shown on tv in 5 years time, so for me this thread is quite inconsiderate.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Noinoi

Ridley Scott vs James Cameron, Ridley Win!
Cause the reality told us, that doesn't matter how # your movie is, your trailers HAVE TO BE VERY AWESOME! And you HAVE TO MAKE IT VERY 3D! Basically the “unique selling proposition” of this movie is 3D, and actors. That's it.
People will get bored of this whole 3D idea really quick cause it lost the main idea we enjoy a good movie, actually, a good story. But who cares? As long as the trailers are 'full-on' enough, some people like OP (;p) would go to buy ticket watch it in the cinema. AKA, they earn money from us. Dear OP, do you still wanna watch it twice now?

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 10:22 PM
The most devastating moment for me:

"Better fire up my space ship! Where's my flute? oh here it is".
>Plays 1st bar of an enya song<

edit on 7-6-2012 by Noinoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Noinoi

totally forgot the flute...i was even in the right state of mind and was still like WTF a flute..i was so jacked to see this flick for months and BAM total nut shot

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Taking a wild guess here.. but a lot of us seem to have pirate movie websites in our bookmarks.


posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by kieran69695

the opening scene was kind of a head scratcher...the pilot and his "are you a robot" line was classic...they almost have to make a sequel to answer some major questions..hopefully when this movie receives mediocre reviews they'll step up and do the next one right..that chick said she was headed to find the tall aliens and where they came from..we shall see..your also right about the first movie "alien" .they do find a ship broadcasting an sos and i believe it may be the one that crashed at the end of Prometheus..that giant face sucker at the end of Prometheus might be the origin of the little face suckers we all love from the alien movies
edit on 7-6-2012 by alkesh because: stuff

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 11:01 AM
Damn that's quite some negative views for this movie.
I've been looking forward to watching this movie, not so much now.

I am still going to see it tomorrow and hope that all your opinions are wrong.
Thanks for the heads up.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Noinoi

Have to say I agree completly with your review.

I knew beforehand that the film wasn't a direct prequel as such to the original Alien film and that the iconic xenomorph aliens wouldn't be in the film.

*Spoilers Below*

The stupidest thing for me was that the planet they were investigating WASN'T the same planet that the Nostromo goes to in Alien. It would have at least made sense to have it be the same planet. The Alien born at the end of Prometheus could have been seen as The Queen which is laying all the eggs and is seen in Aliens. It's like George Lucas making a prequel to Star Wars and having it set on a planet exactly like Tatooine but it's not actually Tatooine.

To be honest I really didn't understand Prometheus and it just seemed a complete mess. The visuals and effects were fantastic but they seemed wasted on a poor nonsensical story. I don't think it should ever have been made actually. What was the point? Ridley Scott apparently wanted to explore the story of the Space Jockey? Who cares? The whole idea of the Aliens and that planet were better left to our imaginations and mystery.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 05:26 PM
*Spoilers Below*

I agree with those who say this film leaves the viewers with more questions than answers - I think (hope) it was intentional on Scott's part and the answers will play out in a sequel/sequels. After watching this film I really want answers, as the story behind the movie (not necessarily how the movie plays out) I found to be intriguing. I do generally enjoy movies that leave things 'open,' however, for whatever reason, I feel like I need closure with this one, as there are far too many places my mind can go with it.

I thought Fassbender was awesome as David. David turned out to be very multidimensional... As the film progresses and they 'layers' of David are peeled away, I couldn't help but wonder if we were watching David 'evolve,' for lack of a better term. Yes, David was following Weyland's orders/agenda, but, towards the end, it appeared as if David might have been taking orders from David... following his own agenda. I could be reading way too much into David, but I couldn't help but focus on him... Fassbender did a great job with that role. Definitely one of the film's highlights, for me, at least.

What did David say to the Engineer to set him off? I'm dying to know. I know others have interpreted that scene in other ways, but, to me, the Engineer didn't appear 'hostile' towards the humans at first. His face even read to be a bit 'emotional' before David spoke to him, especially while Shaw was yelling, asking why they 'hate us.' Actually, it was really only that one scene (Shaw asking David to ask the Engineer those questions) in the enitre movie where I felt any emotion... It 'got to me,' if you will. I didn't feel a connection to what I was watching until that part.

It's strange, but for a movie as long as Prometheus, I felt it was kind of rushed. The character interaction felt a bit off, as well. Their interactions with each other and their reactions to things seemed a bit 'off.'

'Alien' came out before I was born - I only saw it for the first time a few years ago, but I loved it. I loved 'Aliens,' as well. As much as I tried not to compare them with Prometheus, I think I subconsciously did. It's difficult not to. It's a prequel, it's not a prequel; 'this' is the same but 'that' is not. It was hard to go into Prometheus with a blank slate and that might have been its downfall. It's one of those situations where it was hyped up so much that it could never deliver up to people's expectations.

At the end of it I was entertained, but I walked away with more of a neutral feeling. I didn't love it, nor hate it. I just wanted more from it. Is that my own fault? Probably. If a sequel comes out will I see it? Definitely. Like I said, I want more - More than what I walked away with from this movie.

Oh, and P.S.
I'm sorry, but from the very first scene, I could not look at an Engineer and not think of Maynard James Keenan. Sounds silly, but Tool fans might get it.

edit on 8-6-2012 by JourPolaire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 08:34 PM
The first eight minutes were great. Down hill from there.
It seemed the two writers both took paper bags, fillled them with bits and pieces from a score of sci/fi movies over the last 45 years, shook them up, spilled them out onto two tables in different rooms, and then, each of them blind folded, picked various bits and put them in a blender to help write their half. This movie was hog wash. Go see Madagascar 3 or what ever it is.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 08:40 PM
The first eight minutes were great. Down hill from there.
It seemed the two writers both took paper bags, fillled them with bits and pieces from a score of sci/fi movies over the last 45 years, shook them up, spilled them out onto two tables in different rooms, and then, each of them blind folded, picked various bits and put them in a blender to help write their half. This movie was hog wash. Go see Madagascar 3 or what ever it is.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 11:58 PM
Saw it, loved it.

Yes I too left with more questions then answers but I think that was the point. Not speaking to the members of ATS but the general public seems to want films that spoon feed them. What happened to the novel idea of suspending disbelief and enjoying a movie that leaves you pondering?

I admit, this film tries hard to be a Space Odyssey and does fall short but I enjoyed the cinematography and the questions raised. I was on the edge of my seat and left the theater hungry for more.

The reviews on IMDB are devastating however the film still rates a solid 7 as of tonight. Seems a lot of the reviewers were clearly expecting a prequel to Alien and left very disappointed. After reading some of the reviews I couldn't help but wonder why the 'spoon feed me' crowd didn't just go see The Dictator.

Edit to add: LOL Maynard - that's it!

edit on 6/9/2012 by Whisper67 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 03:28 PM
I gotta agree with most of the reviews here. Overall, I guess I was disappointed. But I still enjoyed it. I was totally confused during the introduction. I had no idea that was Earth and the particular engineer was "seeding" the earth with his/their DNA. I can't help but wonder, "Wouldn't a species so technically and scientifically advanced have a better way to introduce their DNA into a world than to commit genetic-suicide??? I admit it was dramatic, but I still find it weird.

I enjoyed the character of David, as his agenda seemed to be the most consistent agenda of the Aliens franchise. The xenomorph seems to be the only alien species the human species has come into contact with in the "Alien-franchise World." So, again, I have to wonder, how does the Predator species fit into all of it? At what point are the Engineers aware that the Predator species alien have been visiting Earth? Is this perhaps why they only made one attempt at destroying the human species?

I was pleasantly/unpleasantly surprised to learn the "Engineers" wanted to decimate the human species. This was probably the best part of the film. The question: Why did they want to kill us? They obviously kept us "around" long enough to evolve from "whatever" to human. Long enough for us to be able to draw pictures of us worshiping them on cave walls. Of course, this does explain why the last engineer decapitated David immediately upon "waking up."

Additionally, maybe I'm wrong but I'm assuming it was the mating of the Engineers and the face-suckers that evolved into the upright-walking xenomorphs that we've come to love and fear (at the end of the movie)? Or was it the introduction of the humans and the face-suckers that evolved into the xenomorphs that Ripley will battle in the future. I think the latter of the two. I don't know for sure.

As I appreciate consistency, I was happy to see the shape of the engineer's ship to make the design of the ship from Alien on planet LV-426. I also enjoyed that they introduced the Zeta Reticuli system, as this was the star system the Hill's implicated in their alien abduction of 1961. Also, the reason for its possibility of life is because its within the "Goldilocks's Zone" of the star, although they don't come out and use those exact words.

And finally, I really don't understand why Dr. Shaw would want to visit the Engineer's planet, instead of heading back to Earth. I understand her curiosity, but really? Wouldn't they just kill her? Go back home silly girl and report your findings! And given the all the time from the beginnings of Earth's Engineer's-Engineered humans, why didn't they return to Earth and kills us humans in another way? Obviously their genetically-engineered xenomorphs didn't work but are you telling me they didn't have the technology to destroy us in another way? I'm not buying it. Also, why the giant, idolized human head? It's almost as if they were worshiping us?

So now I've gone crossed-eyed with all the possibilities and questions that I normally have during "prequels" and the paradoxes they create. Do I love the back-stories, yes! Do I hate the questions, the changes and the inconsistencies they create, hell yes!

And finally, very difficult to do, I thought the make-up artists did a fantastic job at the geriatric make-up job on Guy Pierce. Geriatric make-up jobs can be the most difficult to make appear realistic. Additionally, Noomi Repace looked completely different than she did in Dragon Tattoo. Nothing wrong with a little weight gain ladies! lol

I really liked when they re-animated the Engineer's head...but then blew it up. That was cool.

And lastly, I love the fact that (probably) the least educated guy on board, the pilot, realizes this is a biological weapon's research facility that got "out of control" and failed, and its time to get the hell out of there! lol. I was sad to see Vickers die because I think she was the most pragmatic character, besides the pilot.

And what was with the flute on the bridge? Kinda rudimentary, huh? Weird.

In Prometheus, Dr. Shaw would have given birth vaginally to the alien. The scientists made such a big deal out of the queen xenomorph being able to deliver vaginally instead of laying eggs in Alien Resurrection. I realize this is comparing apples to oranges, but still thought it was worth bringing up.

And now I've gone crossed-eyed!

edit on 9-6-2012 by Cosmic911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2012 by Cosmic911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2012 by Cosmic911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2012 by Cosmic911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2012 by Cosmic911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2012 by Cosmic911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2012 by Cosmic911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2012 by Cosmic911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 04:52 PM
(There's going to be some spoilers below)

Saw it and enjoyed it. I saw it in IMAX 3D, because if I'm going to the theater just for the handful of big movies I'm interested in, I might as well go all the way. I certainly felt immersed in the film, and if it wasn't for the corpulent man in the row in front of me, hitting my knees every time he jumped and his chair reclined, I wouldn't have ever been taken out of the movie. The glasses for this IMAX 3D theater are gigantic and block the annoying EXIT signs and other lights in the theater, which was a nice added bonus. All of this is important and adds to my enjoyment of the film. It's basically like the "set and setting" talked about for taking psychedelic drugs - a bad setting can go a long way to making it a bad experience.

This movie could be described as a "re-imagined prequel" to Alien. But it's close enough to make fans of the Alien franchise happy at having another addition to the "Alien" universe that doesn't have "Versus Predator" appended to the title.

Intentional or not, there seemed to be parallels with other movies. 2001: A Space Odyssey for one, with a manipulative A.I. named David, which could be the new HAL-David intelligence at the end of Odyssey; a mix of human and artificial qualities. David also reminded me of C3PO from Star Wars (who was created by Darth Vader) a couple of times. Speaking of Star Wars, George Lucas famously stated that R2D2 was his favorite character. I think, in this case, David is the main character and all other characters are peripheral. Well, "David-Shaw" (the female lead) might be a better term for the main character, a combination of the two leads who represent the two halves of our psyche. The intellectual side and the emotional side, both wondering about the point to their creation and the 'meaning of it all.' David get's his answer from Holloway: "because we could" make him. It's pretty disappointing to learn that you're a science experiment, but Shaw continues to search for meaning at the end.

To be honest though, I would have liked the other characters to have a couple minutes of extra screen time at least. I mean, nothing can beat the improvised dinner of Alien when the alien pops out, but an additional scene or two of interaction between the less fleshed out characters would have been nice. (Deleted scenes?)

David from Prometheus could be seen as the Star Wars droids, or really any artificial intelligence like Sonny and V.I.K.I. from I, Robot. He knows more about what's going on than his human counterparts and like HAL he is capable of lying to and manipulating them. He is an intelligence created by humans and is called the closest thing to a son by Weyland, his creator. An imperfect creator is going to engineer imperfect creations. It's the Philip K. Dickian Gnostic tale of an insane demiurge and it's less-than-perfect creations.

"The strange thing is that man will not learn that God is his father." - Der Tote Tag

How many movies have a literal or metaphorical search for a "father" or have a character with a deceased father? Too many to count, that's for sure. Shaw has a dead father and goes searching for the creators of man. At one point David says "all children want their parents to die," to which Shaw replies "I didn't." David removes Shaw's cross necklace even though he knows there's no contamination or wouldn't care if there was. I believe he drops the religious symbol into something that looks like a medicine bottle, as an "opiate of the masses" perhaps. Shaw loses her faith briefly, has a miraculous birth (she was barren until having sex with alien-virus infected Charlie Holloway), then regains her faith and continues her search for answers, or possibly, to storm Olympus and drop a few cargo-holds full of liquid black death on her Engineers.

Weyland is searching for immortality, which was obviously supposed to be a son to carry on his name and he ended up disappointed with a daughter (Vickers). That's a little ironic since women are creators, but the male God of the Semitic religions created a male Adam and from him created the female Eve. Instead, Weyland crates man in his own image with David. David calls Weyland "sir" instead of "father" though, and Shaw asks David if he will be free when Weyland is no longer around to program him. At the end he is free and helps Shaw with her search.

"A king has his reign, and then he dies. It's inevitable." - Prometheus

The Engineers, like the Hebrew god who flooded earth, decided that their little experiment with humans needed to come to an end, possibly before their children got advanced enough with "fire" to replace them. The movie was originally going to be called "Paradise" and Holloway talks about paradise in his presentation about what they hope to find, "every religion has a word for it, heaven, paradise,,," What they found turned out to be hell.

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