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George Mason U. Cancels Michael Moore Talk

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posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 08:41 PM
Common Sense or Censorship?

George Mason U. Cancels Michael Moore Talk

Associated Press

RICHMOND, Va. - George Mason University on Thursday canceled plans to have "Fahrenheit 9/11" director Michael Moore speak on campus five days before the presidential election.

The decision came after a Republican state legislator wrote a letter to university President Alan G. Merten protesting the Fairfax school's plans to pay the filmmaker $35,000 to speak on Oct. 28.

"We just felt it wasn't the most appropriate use of (public) funds, so we decided the best thing to do was cancel," school spokesman Daniel Walsch said.

George Mason didn't notify Moore before making the decision public, Walsch said.

A message left seeking comment from Moore wasn't immediately returned to The Associated Press, but he told The Washington Post he plans to come and speak anyway.

"I'm going to show up in support of free speech and free expression," he said.

Loudoun County Del. Richard L. Black wrote a letter dated Tuesday urging Merten to reconsider the university's "lavish payment" to Moore, or to cancel the appearance.

"Tax money is being spent poorly, and for partisan purposes," wrote Black, who has one of the General Assembly's most conservative voting records.

Walsch said university officials didn't discuss with Moore whether they would allow him to speak if he waived his fee, nor did they approach student groups or other private organizations to come up with the money.

Moore's film, still playing in theaters, criticizes and ridicules President Bush's response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and his decision to invade Iraq.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 08:45 PM

"I'm going to show up in support of free speech and free expression," he said

That seems pretty ironic. He charges 35K for his 'free speech'.

I think the University made a good choice. If I was forking out huge amounts of money for my child to attend a University that then turned around and paid Moore 35K to speak I would demand a partial refund for my childs tuition!!!!!


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 08:59 PM
Waitaminute, Moore charges 35,000 to give a speech!?!?!
He was just at my school. they are complaining just now about budget problems, but they pay him 35,000 to speak for a few hours?

# man, I'm mad now.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:02 PM

University of Nevada, Reno.
They are having similar discussions..
I don't care if he speaks, but for crying out loud. SELL tickets,
And let him have part of the take..
A lot of the money came from student tuition.

Additionally, 100k was offered, if Moore would debate a conservative.
The School is not interested in that..

Here is the story.

Moore at UNR

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:04 PM

He was just at my school. they are complaining just now about budget problems, but they pay him 35,000 to speak for a few hours?

Pretty sick if you ask me. Moore is nothing but a self serving slob. After all the money he made on his fictional movie you would think he could afford to speak for free, or at least he could donate his earnings to a worthy cause.


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:05 PM
Interesting...the University definitely has the right to do what they want, and I agree with them that the money could be better spent (especially $35,000). However, if this turns out to be because of Michael Moore's "political" tendancies then its completely ridiculous. I really fail to see why Moore's film is ruffling so many feathers...ITS CINEMA...meant for entertainment! I personally did not go and see his movie for the political nature of it, but for the fact that Moore is able to squeeze emotions out of people even if his facts are obscured. I approach this like any other piece of cinematic entertainment...I don't take, for example, GHOSTBUSTERS to be true, and in the same respect nor do I Moore's work.

Analyzing this movie is much like analyzing "The DaVinci Code" in that it should not be done. Both are works of fiction based loosely on pure fact, and are just that...FICTION. I like Moore's work and quite enjoyed the emotional play in F 9/11, but I guess I approach movies differently than most in that I realize they are made for entertainment. It reminds me of the people that walked out of the "Blair Witch Project" talking about how the movie had truth in it...NAH!!! Entertaining....yes, to be taken

If the University truely wants to spend their money better then I commend them for it, but if their is underlying political motives then, well, I feel sorry for them.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:06 PM
The university should have cancelled. If they used public funds wouldn't they have to proved equal time to opposing viewpoints?

35,000 per speech...yeah Micheal Moore really represents the common man...all the way to the bank

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:10 PM

I really fail to see why Moore's film is ruffling so many feathers...ITS CINEMA...meant for entertainment!

Obviously you are intelligent. Most people do not understand that it is a movie based LOOSELY on fact. People take it as gospel. They believe that Michael Moore is 100% accurate in everything he portrays. They leave there thinking that they know the truth. And Michael Moore wants it that way.

Ghostbusters was not a documentary. Moore claims his movie's are. Moore is intentionally deceitful and people are lazy. They would rather watch a movie and believe it to be true than do their homework.


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:13 PM
Yikes! Moore is interesting enough, but I'm surprised GMU would spend such cash on the event. They stress the arts and have a lot of events, but don't usually get too political despite it's location. Anyone not familiar with GMU, its right outside of DC in a VA suburb. They must have money to burn, though, as they just built many new dorm complexes and parking facilities, and a few years ago added new student unions complete with theatre. Fairfax County itself can be politically diverse, so it seems risky for the school to attract such partisan attention with a paid guest.

Anyhow I'm glad my tuition dollars didn't go to something like payment for a political speaker when I went there for my undergrad. I'd be a little ticked, and even more ticked if I was an opponent of Moore.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:14 PM

This is an interesting except from your article. Apparently, Lauralie Ezra doesn't appreciate how little of a university's expenses are covered by tuition. Alienate enough donors and your tuition will increase significantly, or perhaps more accurately, the tuition of those who hope to attend the university in the future. Nice legacy, Luaralie!

Rick Reviglio, whose family has given about $1 million to the university over the years, said his donations could cease if Moore, whose �Fahrenheit 911� is a scathing documentary about President Bush, doesn�t debate a conservative counterpart during Moore�s campus visit. Moore is scheduled to speak at Lawlor Events Center at 8 p.m. Oct. 13.

Reviglio said he and 15 other supporters, donors and alumni attended the meeting of the Associated Students University of Nevada Sept. 22, asking to have the speech canceled, but the 21 student senators refused to cancel the event.

Two days later, Reviglio called Jeff Champagne, student and vice-president of the ASUN Programming Board, saying his group would pay for the expenses of bringing the conservative speaker to UNR in addition to the $100,000 donation. The board is responsible for bringing events to the campus.

Champagne spoke with ASUN senators and executive officers who declined the offer.

�I think the money would be a great benefit to the university, and if their commitment to the university is that shallow then maybe it�s not worth it,� said Lauralie Ezra, a senior and senator representing the College of Liberal Arts, the largest on campus.

�We don�t want their money. They can�t buy our votes,� she said.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Jemison

I really fail to see why Moore's film is ruffling so many feathers...ITS CINEMA...meant for entertainment!

Obviously you are intelligent. Most people do not understand that it is a movie based LOOSELY on fact. People take it as gospel. They believe that Michael Moore is 100% accurate in everything he portrays. They leave there thinking that they know the truth. And Michael Moore wants it that way.

Ghostbusters was not a documentary. Moore claims his movie's are. Moore is intentionally deceitful and people are lazy. They would rather watch a movie and believe it to be true than do their homework.



I also think thats why he wants it to be considered for best PICTURE, as opposed to best DOCUMENTARY, at the Oscars..hmm

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by RedBalloon
Anyhow I'm glad my tuition dollars didn't go to something like payment for a political speaker when I went there for my undergrad. I'd be a little ticked, and even more ticked if I was an opponent of Moore.

I don't hold the vehement hatred many do for Moore (don't like'em, don't hate'em), and my tuition would only have gone up by less than a dollar to pay for Moore (it's a large university). But it's the essense of the issue. We have $35,000 to have Moore come here for an hour or two, but not to invest in facilities and staff that will benefit the university for years to come. #in' shameful, man.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:17 PM
I remember reading that, and regardless how you feel, should schools bow to pressure, to whoever gives it money? Every guest you have, someone is going to complain about something. So what is the answer? No speakers? Or speakers so tame, they really don't add anything?

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by curme
I remember reading that, and regardless how you feel, should schools bow to pressure, to whoever gives it money? Every guest you have, someone is going to complain about something. So what is the answer? No speakers? Or speakers so tame, they really don't add anything?

I would personally hope for speakers that don't charge $15,000 an hour. If you want a liberal speaker, pick a local judge. He'll probably do it for free.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Jemison
Ghostbusters was not a documentary. Moore claims his movie's are.

Yeah, Its getting late and I couldn't think of another documentary off the top of my mind so I chose that movie to demonstrate how frivolous having all out war on fictional films is. However, I have the feeling (maybe its just a gut feeling) that Moore knows his films are for entertainment, but is milking the thing all the way to the bank. In other words, like any good actor...he may think "You want this to be political? Well, I will make it as political as you want because more people will hear about it that way."

DontTreadOnMe...actually capitalizing on a hugely popular movie is perhaps the most "common man/woman" thing he has done. Think about it...Capitalism and free enterprise. The common man/woman wants to make money from something they give us, and Moore is doing the same thing...MAKING MONEY! I don't commend him for this however, or condone his actions as I would say "If people are willing to pay, then why not?"

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:30 PM
Its funny all you guys raising caine about how much they pay Moore to speak, jesus folks, this is a pretty standard fee. You aren't going to get Bush to come and speak to your school for free. Do you have any clue how much it costs to get Colon Powell (yes I mispelled it on purpose) to come and speak? Bush? Clinton? What is so absolutely demonic about the man charging a fee to speak, hell Liza Minelli charges to speak at events. If you pay me, I'll come speak. You guys run around bashing Moore like a bunch of ole bitty hens. I'm glad to know the man makes some money, at least he isn't feeding off GOP hate Monger money or war profiteering.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:32 PM

Exactly! I also think thats why he wants it to be considered for best PICTURE, as opposed to best DOCUMENTARY, at the Oscars..hmm

Actually his change from Documentary to Best Picture has to do with the qualification rules of the Academy. A documentary cannot appear on broadcast within one or two years of it's release or something like that. I can't remember the exact reasons behind it but it boils down to the acadamy politics and Moore wanting to do something that would automatically disqualify his movie from the Documentary status.

I would highly advise everyone to purchase the book "Michael Moore is a big fat stupid white man". It lets you know who Michael Moore really is, not who he wants you to believe he is, AND all facts are backed up by multiple sources.


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by twitchy
Its funny all you guys raising caine about how much they pay Moore to speak, jesus folks, this is a pretty standard fee. You aren't going to get Bush to come and speak to your school for free. Do you have any clue how much it costs to get Colon Powell (yes I mispelled it on purpose) to come and speak? Bush? Clinton? What is so absolutely demonic about the man charging a fee to speak, hell Liza Minelli charges to speak at events. If you pay me, I'll come speak. You guys run around bashing Moore like a bunch of ole bitty hens. I'm glad to know the man makes some money, at least he isn't feeding off GOP hate Monger money or war profiteering.

35,000 wrongs don't make a right.

First, I wouldl appreciate some numbers as to what other speakers charge (you made the claim, you produce the evidence). Second, Moore speaks of the common man opposing the evil money-grubbng conservatives. Charging $30,000 to do it. If you don't see what's wrong there, I can't hlep you.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:34 PM

[edit on 2-10-2004 by curme]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by curme

[edit on 2-10-2004 by curme]

I wasn't talking about the $100,000, but the $35,000 in public funds.

Whcich I see you noticed

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