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People are marching in the streets all over Quebec

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posted on May, 25 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by InS0MnI

edit on 25-5-2012 by DerfVlQcL because: bad emplacement

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by DerfVlQcL
reply to post by InS0MnI

edit on 25-5-2012 by DerfVlQcL because: bad emplacement

Sorry, i think i did somthing wrong to your post, my mistake a tougth it was one of my replies that i misplaced

really sorry for beeing a noob

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by ajmusicmedia
The French language news here is covering this wall to wall; no other news is coming out right now, all the channels are on the protests. Unfortunately, I'm not finding anything about it on English feeds.

But let me tell you; this is huge. There has been support over the past few days from Canadian students, New York OWS, even a protest in Paris. Thanks everyone. And tomorrow night, if you feel like it, take out your frying pans at 8:00 and bang them for 15 minutes!

Yes in Canada there's a special hatred between people from Ontario and Quebec they really don't like each others its widely known but surprisingly earlier in the news they said Ontario students were gearing up and heading to Quebec...

Its pretty much like seeing Bush and Saddam walking hand in hand...

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by blaqueice
reply to post by Gauss

They literally gave them the middle finger

Students in Quebec were asked to send the cops the route of their march. Here's what they replied with.

Yes we are stuborn bastards lol

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by _R4t_

Not hate, i would call it rivality

I would also add that there is a difference between Québec and the rest of canada. These difference are a question of language, culture and ideologies.

There is many Québoicois and even english canadian that thinks that being with canada always was and always will be a bad marriage forced by war between two kings. In the videos and the picture you can sometime see a white green and white flag with a rifflemen on it. These riflemen where the ''patriotes'' that if they would not been burned and hunged migth have been like the fathers of the confedration

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by DerfVlQcL

No problem buddy, you did nothing wrong to my post.
Vive le Québec libre mec

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by DerfVlQcL

You can also follow this thread since there's alot more information on it and is actually getting somewhere... rather than this one.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by eagleeye2
Hold on just a second.
I don't wanna sound like captain buzzkill but theres something highly suspicious about all this.
First, everyone I speak about this are absolutely outrage by these manifestations. Students, teachers, co-worker, clients, ppl in the streets, I can't find a soul around me that doesn't support (Liberals) Jean Charest in his process of slightly raising tuttion fees.

Second, why no one is talking about these huge construction contacts fraudulently obtained, the guy had an Italian name and the list starting to be effin long now. The corruption is totally everywhere and I really suspect this was all carefully planed by a few individuals to gain some "capital politique", The unions are getting behind this and at this point we all know what the unions are capable. This wont be pretty.. /sigh

By the look of it, its a storm in a glass. People are walking in the street for their daily exercise so its not that bad after all. I just hope someone is not trying to divide and conquer. Thats my only concern.

I have no idea who you're talking to but I find no support for Charest anywhere. And we're not talking about "slightly raising tuition fees" we're talking about an 82% hike over 7 years. I repeat 82%. If the government were to raise drivers' licenses by 82% nobody would take it. But students should???????

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by TheLastStand

Originally posted by ajmusicmedia
Tonight, May 24th, thousands of people throughout Quebec have spontaneously gotten up and are marching throughout the province.

What started off, 102 days ago, as a student protest to which the government responded by passing Bill 78, a repressive law limiting the right to protest has now become a protest throughout the province by students, workers, job seekers. It doesn't matter anymore where you are from, people have had enough of this corrupt government.

A couple of days ago, a teacher suggested using a method that worked well in Chile and in Argentina. The idea was to get people outside between 8:00 and 8:15 and to start banging on cooking pans. People throughout the province started doing this, but didn't stop at 8:15. And tonight they just started marching through the streets.

One protest was organised in Montreal and one in Quebec city, but many more are going on throughout Montreal and across Quebec.

I never ever, in my wildest dreams, expected to see something like this here.

I am searching for English language coverage and will be posting these.

Hey op, please be more specific. "people" is the wrong word. "international socialist" or "communist" is more fitting considering the crowd wears red and we all know what "red square" means eh comrade?

I want nothing to do with these people or their ideals of government. Period. I feel for the students but these "people" and what they are asking for is a very slippery slope that starts with their request of free education and ends with their total enslavement.

Whoever these idiots are (mostly occupy), they do not deserve to be canadian.

To be more specific these idiots are being frog marched by government shills to get a mask law passed. They want to classify everyone who does not like the crap government dishes out, that means if someone is wearing a mask where the cameras cannot facial id them and if there's too many people like that, all they have to do is send in 1 provocateur to cause damage of any sort and the police get to arrest them all, and even have a tool to put away a CHUNK of activists if they are dumb enough to wear a mask now.
edit on 25-5-2012 by TheLastStand because: (no reason given)

OK, now this is posting something you have no idea about. There are maybe 20 communists in all of Quebec out of 8 million people. We're socialists with a capital market. Meaning in between socialism and capitalism. Some Canadian media are spreading the word that it's about comunism; it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

As for the people on the streets, they are:

-blue collar workers
-white collar workers
-house wives
-retired people (we've seen plenty of people in their 70's, 80's and 90's joining the ranks)
-anglos because, no, it's not just the french

Basically, people from all walks of life.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by TommyG
The reason it started in Quebec, and not in the US is they don't have American Idol in french... all the American's are glued to their entertainment devices to even have an idea of whats happening in the real world.

No offense to any smart non-media sensitized Americans... although I fear you are a minority

Unfortunately... we do. It's called "Star Académie", but luckily it's not on this time of the year...

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 12:06 AM
Again, I'll ask. Get people in your communities around the world to join in. What started here could go on around the world.

At 8:00 at night, go outside and bang your pots and pans for 15 minutes. Film it and put it on youtube. Let us know on the thread and we'll get this rolling around the world.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by blaqueice
reply to post by Gauss

They literally gave them the middle finger

Students in Quebec were asked to send the cops the route of their march. Here's what they replied with.

That's awesome, dude. Bwahahahaha. I wish I could've seen the police's face when they saw that.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by InS0MnI
reply to post by DerfVlQcL

No problem buddy, you did nothing wrong to my post.
Vive le Québec libre mec

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:39 AM
Everybody should have the right to protest. What other rights will be taken away the right to critercise the government, the right to conduct business without being vetted first or even the right to live. Take the right to protest away and the government can do anything it likes.

Corporations should bare some of the costs for education ( along with all the other resources they use) because if they use the skilled labor ( or other resources) that the education etc provides it benefits them. Many companies today pay very little or no tax but use a significant amount of societies resources. This is really akin to stealing as these companies are receiving the resources that belong to society and are paid for by all of us for free or almost free. This then distorts the market even more as the real cost of doing business is not being taken into account. The largely untaxed profits of these companies then mainly go to very wealthy individuals. If the companies were paying towards education they would want some input into the way that courses were structured. This would allow the universities to better design the courses to suit the employment objectives of the companies The amount of university placements could be better taylored to suit the market demand for professionals.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 02:27 PM
The sad, sad truth of all this is that people do not pay to be educated they pay to be indoctrinated. Real education is self-taught. I have learned more from reading Friedman, Hayek, Rothbard, Smith, Von Mises, Sutton, Springmeier, Cooper, Bernays and Quigley, than I did in my undergrad or graduate degrees.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 04:12 PM
I feel with these people. They're not asking for free education, only affordable education.

As a Swede, I've had the benefit of virtually free education from kindergarden all the way through to university. This is, for Swedes, paid by tax. (Same as for healthcare, which is also free). Foreigners who come to Sweden to study, however, have to pay because they don't contribute taxes. This is fair. Even then, teachers have a decent salary, and our school system is very good compared to other nations. "Free" education works, and works well. Affordable education is the second best option. And in my opinion, it's a human right.

It's also refreshing to see someone stand up to the elitistic bastards we have in our governments.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by Gauss

Nicely said brother, I wish that every country that is democratic should be affording free education and healthcare for free since in my opinion its the only way to push evolution to the next level.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by ConspiracyBuff
The sad, sad truth of all this is that people do not pay to be educated they pay to be indoctrinated. Real education is self-taught. I have learned more from reading Friedman, Hayek, Rothbard, Smith, Von Mises, Sutton, Springmeier, Cooper, Bernays and Quigley, than I did in my undergrad or graduate degrees.

It's too bad though that you need the piece of paper from a college or university to tell your prospective boss you know what to do... without a diploma, you get no job no matter what you know.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 08:25 PM
There's a lot of ignorance about the "ism's" people love to throw around. These same people seem to forget that bailing out the banks is not capitalism, that's socialism for the wealthy, the actions of a plutocracy, actually closer to fascism.

Those same people who scream about giving their community anything for free are also presumably people who would rather see their neighbor die slowly of cancer because they can't afford treatment, or see their own children made homeless because the company they worked for went under after the bank they use refused to give them a loan - rather than contribute anything in the form of taxes to support others they'd rather see the entire social structure collapse.

That's something else they seem to fail to understand. Without social safety-nets with working members of the public contributing through taxation, crime would sky-rocket, disease outbreaks would be commonplace, workhouses would return, living standards would plummet, homelessness would be pandemic... do they expect that they would just miraculously sail through that complete social implosion unscathed?

Quite frankly those people are ignoramuses. They seem to believe that their way of life is inside a little bubble, that they could refuse to contribute at all and when the system breaks down they'll just survive on their bible and gun.

Those who scream about socialism or communism actually have no clue about what it means other than a stereotype created from decades of propaganda. There are thousands of communities around the world that have successfully lived under such systems. There are hundreds of working communes in the USA, UK, Australia, Europe, Asia and South America that have survived for decades with such systems of community and governance. There are untouched tribes in remote regions where the same applies, where they don't need voting, leaders, taxation or any form of enslavement. They simply know that to survive they need to work together.

The reason people seem to think that these system fail is because EVERY system of governance fails when the power is held by a few and the masses feel powerless. THAT is what ends EVERY system of government.

It is impossible for governments to maintain populations in the way that we are now doing. The crowd becomes too large to manage, communities become fractured, and when corruption on an industrial scale is allowed to go unchecked it leads to implosion.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely - and that is why every single system of government will fail when the lives of so many millions of people are dictated by the decisions of a few - elected or otherwise.

That is the problem. We need smaller communities, self-determination, direct governance, without the ism's, just doing what is in the best interests of that community for a better life. And if that means you paying $5 out of every $100 so your next generation can be educated to continue civilization in an appropriate way, so be it, grow up, be a member of society and contribute!

I for one would rather pay my taxes to provide free education for the next generation (as we live in a social system dictated by what papers say you can do) than see my taxes paying for the corrupt leaders of my nation to live in luxury, or pay for the bombs dropping on another oil-rich country, or pay to cover the hole left by corporations being allowed to pay 30% of what they actually owe!

What does all this mean? It means that what many of us were predicting two years ago is finally starting. It started with the Tea Party, was picked up by Occupy, and it continues. It needs to continue without this BS "ism" rubbish from ignorant fools who know nothing but how to say it. It's an inevitable part of the collapse of another failed system of government, a system that allows a few to control and manipulate the masses for their own gain, corrupt to the core and without any soul or morality whatever.

That's my take on it all, and I know that I'm not alone.

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