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The Catholic Church Declares War on Obamacare. This Could Spell The End Of Obama

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posted on May, 23 2012 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

I was going to troll you back

This implies that I was trolling. Which makes me laugh out loud at your ignorance.

but I looked through some of your posts

I hope you got something out of it.

and now I can't bring myself to do it

Because it would be futile.

I just want you to know that if you have patience with people and treat them with respect, more often than not, they will do the same for you.

Ignorant people assume way too much for it to be healthy. Am I out for respect? No. Do I ask for patience? No. Better luck next time.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by burntheships

Originally posted by charles1952

There are a lot of Catholics which don't follow the Church's teaching, so while this will hurt the President, I don't know how much.

Well, its going to be very interesting, indeed.

Couple this together with the fact that many non religious people are done
with Obama, and then there are plenty of religious that are done with Obama
and they are not Catholic.

Couple that together with the news that Obama is the Original Birther...

Its not the Catholics that hold the power....its The Vatican
edit on 22-5-2012 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

Why not catholics? Do you think that if a person who resides under the Catholic belief, he or she is not capable of finding another faith if they dont believe what they are preaching?

Catholics are not the mindless zombies following the churches every whim like everyone makes them out to be. I know.. One whole side of my family is Catholic. Thats a pretty big family, I might add. Some goto church, some dont, but they all hold the same beliefs... Just because the pope says something, doesnt mean it's upheld by the members, true, but at the same time, any person that speaks sense in this culture, especially the pope, Catholics will consider it and if they believe in it they will follow it. For the most part, based on my experiance with this faith over 40 years, Catholics follow their faith as long as the faith seems sound. As long as it's sound, all will follow it because we/they feel our in the know is in their best interest. Doesnt matter what it is, so long as we're told. That church, for my family, is just as any school, rally, or congress... not so much that they/we make laws about our country but our souls and how we should live to find ourselves more peace and to always keep the security of our fellow man woman and child.

If they wouldnt follow the church on this one, I really dont think they would be catholic. If it makes sense, and this very much makes sense.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by CynicalDrivel
reply to post by charles1952

I know how much. The Catholics who voted in the primaries in a state that MAJORITY favor Ron Paul? Voted Santorum, for being the most "Pro Life" "Christian" that was not involved with a "gay scandal". Go Louisiana. The Democrats that vote here in Catholic Country? They vote Republican more than half the time due to church influence.
edit on 22-5-2012 by CynicalDrivel because: forgot 1 word.

Catholics have traditionally been mostly Democrats.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by burntheships

Yeah right! Maybe this could spell the end of religious dominance by the Catholic Church as well.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I refuse to accept moral guidance from an organization that deliberately shuffles pedophiles around the globe to continue preying on the children of it's own parishioners. At this point in time, I would be more inclined to believe that they are afraid of birth control because it would reduce the number of children available for priesthood child abuse.

The Catholic Church has no business preaching morals to anyone, even Satan himself and if I were you, I wouldn't be counting my chickens before they hatched.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 08:11 AM
I was born and raised Catholic. I don't see how Obama care is a violation of freedom of religion. It does not mandate that anyone be on contraceptives, only that they be available. If the Catholic Church wants to be in the business of health care, it should have to follow the same rules as any other business.If you are catholic and against birth control, don't use birth control. It is really just that simple. It seems more like a power play by the Church to retain its ability to limit the freedoms of Catholics. I for one do not agree with the government, the Church, or anyone else for that matter deciding for me what is right. Even God left it up to us to make those decisions. That is why we have free will, at least that is what they taught me at Catholic School.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:09 AM
It is long past time that the Catholic Church fall. It is a historically horiffic organization that has caused much misery upon humanity. It is time to tear down all authoritarian organizations. It is time that women and men became truely free.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by PvtHudson

Yes. And we see that down here still.

Mostly older ones are still registered as Democrats, get something mentioned about this or that law and what party is backing it, and then they go vote by the issue at hand. Half the time, they wind up voting for the Republican, in all but local campaigns. Now some, since they can't vote in the Republican primaries, wind up switching their affiliation late in life. But most still come in for the primaries, find out that they can't vote for the Republican they want, and refuse to vote at all. Young people don't vote on minor issues. See about 1-2 under my age, and about 5 at my age. The rest? Over 50. They'll vote on anything and everything.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by WeRpeons

It's a good thing we have people who don't blindly follow Darwin and Stephen hawking to lead us hive-minded dumb Christians around. Thank you massa. And church's have just as much a right to be involved in politics as labor unions or any other interest group. (please don't say separation of church and state because that phrase doesn't appear in our legal, governing documents)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Flatfish

The catholic church isn't telling you to be like their priests. There telling you to be like Jesus. All humans are evil. It's our nature, Christian or not.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:59 AM
The hypocrisy comes in on the Catholic's Church side because they call all birth control efforts abortifacients, because, according to them they all cause abortions when nothing is further from the truth.

And they will strive to prevent anyone from taking them.

So, I am torn on this issue.

Obama should keep out of religion, but religion should stop telling people what to do and stop controlling them.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
Obama should keep out of religion, but religion should stop telling people what to do and stop controlling them.

Yes, Obama should. No one is forced to go to church though.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:12 AM
You'd be surprised how false that is.

Many people are forced to go to church, not by actual legislation of course, but through social forms of intimidation and other dirty and dishonest tricks they can think of.

Really, people don't have any real choice when it comes to religion.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
The hypocrisy comes in on the Catholic's Church side because they call all birth control efforts abortifacients, because, according to them they all cause abortions when nothing is further from the truth.

And they will strive to prevent anyone from taking them.

So, I am torn on this issue.

Obama should keep out of religion, but religion should stop telling people what to do and stop controlling them.

you are right on your last point...they have absolutlely NO MORAL authority. they are the ones that need to be regulated, and watched...why?
1...the catholic church "forgives" child molesters, and simply moves them to another parrish
2...the catholic church helped nazis escape from germany after WW2
3...the catholic church hordes hundreds of millions of dollars in treasure and cash at the vatican that could
be used to help the poor
when they operate businesses in america, they obey our laws, not gods...if they do not wish to do this....then all of their workers, staff, and higher ups can all volunteer and give away their services for free, you know, like jesus did. what a bunch of damn hypocrites
edit on 23-5-2012 by jimmyx because: context

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

Forced to go to church?
I dont by that, can you please elaborate>

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by KnawLick

The catholic church isn't telling you to be like their priests. There telling you to be like Jesus.

I've got some breaking news for you, the Catholic Church isn't "telling" me anything because I quit listening to anything they had to say quite some time ago. Like I said previously, I don't accept lessons in morality from those who propagate pedophilia.

Originally posted by KnawLick
All humans are evil. It's our nature, Christian or not.

And this statement my friend, is a load of crap. If you really believe this, I pity you.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by KnawLick

lol. It's in our nature to be evil, sure, but we have it in our nature to be good. Frankly, this is because most things in life are a tool, and how you choose to use the tool flavors whether it's good, evil, or neutral.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:22 AM
Any of these orgs file suit over vaccine death, after no wmds, or over the NDAA?

we're going to fight over something really important

edit on 23-5-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Danbones

Good point Dan,

What kind of choices are available in indefinite detention?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Flatfish

You added nothing to the discussion but anger and cliches... I get it your a super atheist and the church is bad blah blah blah.

I'm not catholic, personally I think the people responsible for covering up or molesting children should meet their maker. But they were sins of humans and have no bearing what so ever on the message of Jesus (which is what the catholic church is suppose to be about). Did you say all of congress is evil and pedophiles because what Mark Foley did? No because it's a dumb argument.

And if you don't think evil is a very big part of human nature your blind, naive and idealistic at best. Look at our overcrowded prisons for inspiration... Oh yea and hitler, Mao, Stalin, etc. just misunderstood guys?!

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Annee
Are you aware the insurance companies will provide contraceptives free - -

Are you aware that NOTHING is free? Everyone will end up paying for it.

Are you also aware - - we are talking about employees that are not Catholic

Are you also aware that Catholics are forbidden to help ANY others engage in artificial birth control or abortion - under penalty of hell-fire according to their faith? Of couse you are aware of it. You've been told that a dozen times over the past few months. It's odd that you can't seem to remember that fact.

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