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What Plants Vs. Zombies Game Taught Me....

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posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:40 PM
Yeah, yeah, I'm not a big gamer, but my kid came home talking about this game, Plants vs. Zombies. I rolled my eyes, "really?" My kid excitedly says, "no really, you'd like it, check it out!" I hate zombies. I hate the whole zombie movement. I think it's stupid...until I checked it out, then I suddenly became very aware of a subtle message, and I couldn't believe it. Could a video game maker actually be trying to HELP for once? I think so, and it's no coincidence.

The first thing that immediately became very clear, was the choices in plants....every single one of them is documented as effective in fighting off internal parasites. I know this because of my own knowledge and past research regarding this. I then realized that the message was basically saying, "use these plants, (eat these plants), and the zombies (parasites) won't eat your brains (or turn you into a zombie)."

Yeah, don't laugh. I know you want to, but don't. I'm being serious. Enough posts have been started about the possibility of a zombie apocalypse due to certain parasites. It already exists in the insect kingdom.

Anyway, take a look at this silly but catchy video by the makers of the game:

"There's a zombie on your lawn"...yes, and this is why I was told never to go barefoot across the lawn, because the parasites can literally burrow through your feet without you knowing, and then they're in your bloodstream.

So, protect your head from zombies, everyone, and eat more of the following, (play the game only if you want to be addicted and have nothing better to do with your time...LOL!) This is probably some of the best information you'll ever get in regards to self preservation:

Peas and Snow Peas: diets rich in fiber help keep the colon moving. Impacted fecal matter are breeding grounds for parasites. These also fall into the "seed" category - all raw nuts and seeds kill parasites.

Sunflower Seeds: all raw nuts and seeds kill parasites.

Cherries: are natural liver cleansers, (help in removing liver flukes), and also help to move parasites out of the colon due to the high fiber content.

Walnuts: raw nuts and seeds kill parasites. But in addition, black walnut hulls (ground), are a parasite killer.

Potatoes: raw potato juice kills parasites.

Squash: seeds and squash meat kill parasites.

Kelp: kills parasites and provides multiple vitamins and minerals.

Jalapenos: eating 2-3 fresh jalapenos a day will cause instant parasite death, (and maybe yours too, if you're not Mexican! LOL!)

Mushrooms: Asian mushrooms have been used for centuries to kill parasites and cure disease.

Cactus: The Prickly Pear Pear cactus has been used for centuries to kill parasites.

Star Fruit: contains Oxalic Acid, which kills parasites.

Pumpkin: both flesh and seeds kill parasites, but especially the raw seeds have a paralyzing effect on the larger intestinal worms, allowing for easier passage if taken with a laxative. The seed mash is ingested by the worms, which then causes them to relax their grip on the intestinal wall and paralyzes them for a time. If taken continually, daily, all large worms can be easily passed.

Cabbage: kills fungi, parasites and other pathogens. Eat lots of salad with raw cabbage, (a salad made with Napa Cabbage is delicious). Look up recipe for "Napa Salad". Cabbage is easy to incorporate if you're not use to eating it. Sauteing it with other veggies is wonderful, or throwing it into clear broth soups is also delicious. (Such as a hearty Won Ton soup).

Corn: Unprocessed, organic cereal grains contain high amounts of fiber, which keep the bowels moving and keeps candida from overgrowing, which is always the first step in the vicious cycle.

Coffee beans: coffee enemas...yup, you read correctly! Look it up for yourself, I shant lie to you. No, this does not mean DRINK more coffee. Quite the opposite. In fact, drinking it causes more harm than good. But put it up the poop shoot can and has cured even the worst cancer patients. It bypasses the stomach and causes the other cleansing organs to drain directly into the bowels. Cancer patients do coffee enemas daily for this purpose.

Garlic: Hello! If zombies are parasites, then vampires and werewolves aren't far behind. Silver and Colloidal silver kills all known bacteria, pathogens and viruses - those microscopic fuzzy looking beasties. Ironically, silver bullets kill werewolves - the other fuzzy beasties. Are you getting the picture yet? In case not, there's a direct correlation here...WAKE UP!! Vampires are killed by garlic...vampires are parasites that live off of your blood, not the food you ingest. They live IN the blood.

Cold: cold temperatures kill parasites.

Watermelon: all seeds and nuts kill parasites. Watermelon seeds are highly effective against tape worms. I find it ironic that most watermelons in the markets now are seedless. Don't spit them them!!

Magnets: negative ions, either from electrical currents or magnets, kill parasites.

At one point in the game, the board changes and the zombies adopt heads that look like the plants you're fighting with. Very astute of the game makers, since some parasites can indeed hijack these very plants and hitch a ride into you. Not every plant kills every type of parasite, so an all-encompassing approach is best. Think you're immune? Think again!! If you've never considered a parasite cleanse, it's a firm bet you have at least one type or more living inside you.

This list is by no means an exhaustive one, as there are many more food items that are effective: fresh pineapple, papaya seeds, cranberries and raw cranberry juice, herbs such as goldenseal, goldthreat, Oregon grape, barberry, oregano, peppermint, thyme, and spices such as clove, cinnamon, and ginger. Also grapefruit seed extract and fennel seed (the flavoring for licorice), are also used for parasite control. If you eat Sushi, be sure to consume healthy amounts of wasabi and ginger...both of those are used to combat any parasites that may be present in the raw fish.

There are many more, but that's a good start! Now, for the philosophical part...lest you want to start experiencing REAL zombies, vampires and werewolves in your reality, my humble suggestion would be to battle them internally before they overtake you and start showing up externally!
But seriously, as within, so without....what goes on inside you, is also reflected outside of you, so eat away and keep those beasties off your lawn!

As for the's fun, but don't get addicted. There are many more little "messages" inside this game that I did not list, but it's worth playing just for the encoded wisdom. What an odd place to find it!

Happy zombie hunting!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:44 PM

Although you may be right about the plants and nutrition It never ceases to amaze me how far a simple idea gets taken here on ATS.

Good for you..........I think?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:48 PM
Wow....Just wow...

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:50 PM
Wow! That was a surprisingly well thought out thread.

Thank you for the good read. I definitely agree a good diet will do wonders for all aspects of your mental and physical well being.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:52 PM
i think you might be on too something here if i recall that gamebecame popular when the first iphone was around

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:53 PM
I'm giving this thread a S & F

Well thought out.
This is a great example on how to clearly outline your thoughts and expressing them distinctly.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:56 PM
Some things that you think are absolutely nothing, are actually something very important. You may think the idea simplistic but its actually something much more complex. You dismiss it too fast and you'll never see the big picture. Things that are in video games, in movies, on tv, billboards, and exams can sometimes have hidden meanings. You could accept that fact or go with a statement like this : "your looking into it too much, your crazy, and making a mountain out of a mole". Which is what 99% of the people who will reply to this thread will go with.

Stop looking at the world in black and white. I like this thread, because it shows off what I think about a lot, in a general sense.

edit on 20-5-2012 by Vandettas because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 12:00 AM
I beat the game, and it was really fun. Very interesting thoughts. Probably not far off from the truth, as far as I am inclined to perceive anyways.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 12:26 AM
First off, there HAS to be something subliminal about that game because it is so addicting!
It's not even that fun, but you can't stop!
Long story short, I beat the game twice and have a zen garden to boast about.
Never thought about the game this way!

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by Gseven

I do play video games a lot, i've never played this one in particular, but it's not surprising that a video game's concept isn't as shallow as just killing zombies. A lot of games are based on stuff that makes you really wonder

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Gseven

Couldn't you technically find benefits in any common edible plants. I mean they could have used a lot of other plants we eat and use and the same thread could be created.

I will say that game was damn addictive.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Gseven

Couldn't you technically find benefits in any common edible plants. I mean they could have used a lot of other plants we eat and use and the same thread could be created.

I will say that game was damn addictive.

Actually, no. In the grand scheme of things, these are the biggies. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of plants out there, and they just happened to choose the few whose reputations are biggest in the fight against parasite infestations by accident? That's why I said, it's far more than just coincidence. It was intentional. There's no chance that this was just "chance".

Most plants are healthy for us, by doubt about it. But only a few have qualities that are unique to them. They contain naturally occurring substances, (nature's medicine), in higher quantities, or either they are the only plants that contain those substances. Now, in light of my own argument, modern medicine comes directly from plants, soooo....for the same reasons lab researchers choose particular plants to extract and refine a chemical substance, (or to recreate it chemically to make a bigger prophet, which then loses much of it's effectiveness and then potentially becomes more hazardous than helpful), we too can go directly to the source and use it without all the harmful side effects, without the hefty price tag, and with expected results. Even in the Bible, it states to let the seeds and the leaves be thy medicine. Hypocrites and many others have stated emphatically that food should be our medicine. (Natural food, that is.) So for every illness and disease, we can expect to find the cure in the green around us.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 03:10 AM
Ha ha...huh?

Thanks for the plant information. Lots of information there that I did not know.
I have played the game and am thinking about buying it so I can finish it. lol

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by Vandettas
Some things that you think are absolutely nothing, are actually something very important. You may think the idea simplistic but its actually something much more complex. You dismiss it too fast and you'll never see the big picture. Things that are in video games, in movies, on tv, billboards, and exams can sometimes have hidden meanings. You could accept that fact or go with a statement like this : "your looking into it too much, your crazy, and making a mountain out of a mole". Which is what 99% of the people who will reply to this thread will go with.

Stop looking at the world in black and white. I like this thread, because it shows off what I think about a lot, in a general sense.

edit on 20-5-2012 by Vandettas because: (no reason given)

I'm very much like you....I see signs everywhere. Sometimes I even see answers. One time, I was with my spouse in the car, and we were taking a five hour road trip to visit some relatives. We've been married a LONG time, so conversations with us sometimes get deep, just to keep things exciting. (Only rarely though.) This was one of those times, and I had mentioned something along the lines of, "I wonder if we spoke out a question, if the universe/God would answer us with things that would come into view?" So we laughed about it, and my spouse jokingly says, "Will we win money one day?" Coincidentally, there was a huge billboard with a big fat "Yes!" in the middle of it, advertising something else. We laughed again, passed it off as coincidence, but my spouse immediately retorts with, "OK, fine, how much will we win?" The next big billboard had a massive $1 in the middle of it....advertising McDonald's $1 menu. Now it was getting really funny, and it was certainly passing the time! We laughed and laughed some more over the fact that we were either annoying God, or he was pulling our leg, so we asked another few questions, all with answers that could have all been coincidental. Then the real kicker came, and neither of us expected it...sent chills up and down my spine, and scared the hell out of my spouse. We asked another question, and the very next billboard said, "Stop reading billboards!" It advertised nothing else...that's all it said. We've traveled that road many times and have never seen that sign again. Needless to say, we never did it again...that kind of sucked the funny right out of it for us.

So, yeah...I think there are signs everywhere, literally and figuratively, especially if we directly ask questions. I have learned the most profound things from the most simplest of places, that if I dared open my mouth about, people would laugh. Like this game...sure, it's silly, and almost absurd, but when you look at it, and I mean REALLY look at the evidence, it's hard to argue with.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Gseven

Like Slayer said, very well written.

Despite the theory, which is basically..

Fruit and vegetables are healthy.

And yeah ive wasted many an hour on this damned game.

A streak of 34 in vasse breaker endless, gets bloody hard after that.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:18 AM
Aah - Plants Vs Zombies - the game that just keeps giving.....

Chad - can barely make it to 20 on that level, you are my hero.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:10 AM
turret defense games are a lot of fun, P vs Z is one of my favs on pc.

thanks for the post! now i wanna play it again with a diff perspective lol !

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by Gseven

RAW potato juice?

potatoes are IN the ground.

parasites go INTO the potato

and you eat it raw.

you cant walk barefoot, but you can eat RAW POTATO that grows underground????

i dont trust that one.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by SoymilkAlaska

If those compounds actually work that way it wouldn't matter if it were above ground or below; it would kill parasites either way.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Gseven
Yeah, yeah, I'm not a big gamer, but my kid came home talking about this game, Plants vs. Zombies. I rolled my eyes, "really?" My kid excitedly says, "no really, you'd like it, check it out!" I hate zombies. I hate the whole zombie movement. I think it's stupid...until I checked it out, then I suddenly became very aware of a subtle message, and I couldn't believe it. Could a video game maker actually be trying to HELP for once? I think so, and it's no coincidence.

The first thing that immediately became very clear, was the choices in plants....every single one of them is documented as effective in fighting off internal parasites. I know this because of my own knowledge and past research regarding this. I then realized that the message was basically saying, "use these plants, (eat these plants), and the zombies (parasites) won't eat your brains (or turn you into a zombie)."
Happy zombie hunting!

We do have the corporatist fascism they represented, and you are bringing that system to the fore by purchasing these games for your kid and saying, Cabbage: kills fungi, parasites and other pathogens. Eat lots of salad with raw cabbage, (a salad made with Napa Cabbage is delicious)!

Spagetti and meatballs in the crockpot santa and his reindeer use to live, sometimes I wonder if we really would have been worse off if Germany had won world war and we were all speaking german.
edit on 21-5-2012 by MarkScheppy because: ad

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