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Something very unnerving & strange happened last night. Please read!!!

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posted on May, 23 2012 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by chrismicha77

Originally posted by miniatus
One thing is for sure, if there were truly anti-aircraft weapons going off, helicopters and all that jazz.. there would definitely be SOME kind of news or witness reports.. AA weapons are anything BUT descrete.. throw choppers into the mix, loss of power and cell service and you're bound to have a town of curious people speaking up, taking pictures, posting blogs and youtube videos.

I'm going with a transformer as well.. When we had an ice storm two winters ago, there were transformers blowing left and right.. then a substation went up.. it sounded like a battle.. but even then it was in the news the next day.

I never said it was weapon fire, I just said that's what it sounded like. I also said that my stepfather works for Entergy, and he said there were no transformer or powerstation issues.

I am aggrivated that I've found little about what occured. This thread may fall in obscurity, but the fact I've never experienced anything out of the norm, will make this experience unique to me. Until something even weirder comes along.
i hate to say it but you will probably never find out all the answers you are looking for, but don't let it drive you crazy. i've let things i couldn't explain just about do it. just be glad you were able to be a part of one of life's mysteries. after all, they do keep things interesting.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 08:57 AM
I live just northeast of Cincinnati. About an hour ago, while I was working in my back yard, I heard a series of loud booms...they were different than fireworks explosion sounds...and they really sounded like the kind of explosions you hear on war movies, where anti-aircraft fire is taking place. There were two or three 'volleys' of several explosion sounds somewhere in the sky...I saw nothing, due to surrounding trees, smelled no gun powder afterwards (like after fireworks)...and could not place the direction from whence they came.

Notes: I live in a residential neighborhood. The weather was sunny and warm with no rain in sight.
The wierd thing was that just after the explosion sounds ended, there was this (hard to desribe) vibrating/whirring/muted trumpet-like) sound that came from no direction in particular. It was loud and soft, distant and close, at the same time. I know it was not a copter or plane sound. It lasted about 30 to 45 seconds...then it stopped.

Don't know what it was...but I never heard it before.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:46 AM
Hi Chris,

This story is great
I am from the UK

For all the skepics out there giving you grief, Why come on here and be so interested in things you don't believe in??? mmm.

The biggest thing like most people are saying, is your dog, they are very tuned in to the unknown and different vibrations etc.

I really hope you find the CORRECT answer and I will be on every day checking if you have

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by angiew

Sorry Skeptics

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by chrismicha77

can you go to the area where you think this happened and see if there is any evidence, and for god's sake bring a camera

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:19 AM

So I took to Facebook yesterday, asking anyone in my area if they experienced what I did. To my surprise when I checked it this morning I had received a few responses.

Jason ***** Bro, I called 911 that Friday morning when loud explosions woke me up. The operator said she'd received other calls about it and they were looking into it. That's all I know man.
15 hours ago · Like

Jessica **** It was a graduation party at the new Cotton venue place.
10 hours ago · Like

Christian ********* At 4am on a Thursday night really? It sounded like a bombs going off.
10 hours ago via mobile · Like.

Jessica **** My grandmother called the cops and thats what they told her.
5 hours ago via mobile · Like

So I took myself down to the police department down the road to inquire about what had taken place. The official story I'm getting is fireworks being set off at Cotton Market Venue for a graduation party. I asked why would a graduation party be going on at 4am, with a fireworks show big enough to rival New Years Eve? She had no answer for me.

I have a friend who works as a server there and worked that night in question. According to him the party ended at 1am with no fireworks being set off, all guests & staff were long gone by 4am. was this a cover up?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by chrismicha77

Sounds like they took the party elsewhere after it "finished" at 1...

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by chrismicha77

Sounds like they took the party elsewhere after it "finished" at 1...

I dunno, but it would have taken huge pyrotechnics to equal what we heard. This just doesn't add up for a graduation party.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by chrismicha77

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by chrismicha77

Sounds like they took the party elsewhere after it "finished" at 1...

I dunno, but it would have taken huge pyrotechnics to equal what we heard. This just doesn't add up for a graduation party.

Grad party still doesn't address the power failure or phone outage.
In other words...if it was meant as a cover up/ cover story, it's a pretty flimsy one.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by IAMTAT

Originally posted by chrismicha77

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by chrismicha77

Sounds like they took the party elsewhere after it "finished" at 1...

I dunno, but it would have taken huge pyrotechnics to equal what we heard. This just doesn't add up for a graduation party.

Grad party still doesn't address the power failure or phone outage.
In other words...if it was meant as a cover up/ cover story, it's a pretty flimsy one.

I agree!!! It's just mere coincidence all this other stuff occured around the same time.....right? I've never heard even the biggest pyrotechnics display go for that long. I've seen fireworks off in the distance and it isn't similar to the flashes I saw.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

nice investigating

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

Google REX 84 . You will get an idea what was happening

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation

Originally posted by OccamAssassin
It sounds like a small substation or a pole mounted step-down transformer exploded.

I've seen pole mounted step-down transformers blow before and they are better than fireworks.

It is not uncommon for electricity suppliers to fob off requests for information after a failure as it reduces the risk of people claiming money for damaged power goods.

Ya this would be my guess as well. Regardless it makes you wonder but I'm willing to bet it was a transformer...and no not Optimus Prime, lol.

Yep. could have been a series of transformers blowing in the area, also thunderstorm, and being half-asleep and still in a dream. All together very disorienting!

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by FrankPoster

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation

Originally posted by OccamAssassin
It sounds like a small substation or a pole mounted step-down transformer exploded.

I've seen pole mounted step-down transformers blow before and they are better than fireworks.

It is not uncommon for electricity suppliers to fob off requests for information after a failure as it reduces the risk of people claiming money for damaged power goods.

Ya this would be my guess as well. Regardless it makes you wonder but I'm willing to bet it was a transformer...and no not Optimus Prime, lol.

Yep. could have been a series of transformers blowing in the area, also thunderstorm, and being half-asleep and still in a dream. All together very disorienting!

Guessing what it might have been without reading the whole thread is a bad idea. If you had read it through, you would have seen it was neither of these. Assuming I was still half-asleep and still in a dream is wrong as well. Go back, read the thread, then come back and post a better reply.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

Like many people, I am inclined to believe you, Chrismicha - so far, you've consistently engaged and responded to the replies in your thread in a fair and transparent way, which scores points for credibility on this site. Most hoaxers and pranksters will lose interest after 3 or 4 pages of questions and skeptics. You seem genuinely interested in learning more about your experience.

But I think the one major barrier to your account is the lack of external sources to back up your claims. In the years since my own weird experience I've learned that a large, out-in-the-open event like what you described, even if it's in the middle of the night and far away from the cities, will normally result in a lot of 911 calls from witnesses, and usually reports from the local police and news channels.

I do realize that you just posted a description of evidence from Facebook, the police, and someone who works at the venue where the party in question took place. This is all fantastic research
and you should keep doing what you're doing, but if you want to raise some eyebrows from us ATS'ers, it would be great if you could post some links to some of that evidence (maybe not your Facebook stuff, keep that to yourself), or just anything that might show the rest of us what's going on over there. Right now, we only have your word to go on, and when I tried to search for news reports or online discussions about it, I wasn't able to find anything at all. What do you think?

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:30 PM
I'm sorry but the power company should have some awareness of why the power went down, there has to be some sort of an explanation for that. Their service to you is to maintain uninterrupted power, and if that goes down, there must be some sort of a logical explanation for that happening...

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Magnus47

I agree whole heartedly!! I just don't have any kind of tangible evidence to give you guys but what I've come up with so far. Maybe there's no evidence because there was nothing to it, but what they it was...fireworks. Then maybe there's no evidence because it was suppressed to a degree.

It's as frustrating to me as it is to eveyone else, even more so. I want to know what it truly was, for me, and ATS!

I won't quit searching until I'm convinced of what I heard & saw that night. Thanks for the response.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Mkoll
I know that if I were a part of the government tasked with sending a team in to eliminate a group that is perceived as a threat I would shut the power and telecommunication off before sending the boys in during the middle of the night. Sounds unbelieveable but it definitetly fits what you described much better than a transformer exploding. I've seen that happen a couple of times. One big boom and flash and THEN the power is out. The power doesn't go out 2 hours before the transformer explodes and then boom pop bam pow flash flash. You CANNOT confuse a transformer exploding with a gunfight. And you do not send more than one helicopter, if any at all, to check it out.

It really sounds like some group got hit by the government based on what you've told us.
edit on 18-5-2012 by Mkoll because: (no reason given)

That was what i was thinking. Maybe it's started. The state eliminating some of the larger paramilitary groups!
They will eliminate all the groups they realize are a threat to the state. then they will come for the smaller groups.
then for those people with weapons and supplies, then for the descenters like you and me, then for anyone
who would not support them! though this is just my opinion it is always an end game scenario for tyranny and oppression! Which in my opinion is the state in which we live in today! Though this may not be any actual military
mission and it may just be an excercise but why would they have to kill power and communications!
All very riviting questions!

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by IAMTAT
I live just northeast of Cincinnati. About an hour ago, while I was working in my back yard, I heard a series of loud booms...they were different than fireworks explosion sounds...and they really sounded like the kind of explosions you hear on war movies, where anti-aircraft fire is taking place. There were two or three 'volleys' of several explosion sounds somewhere in the sky...I saw nothing, due to surrounding trees, smelled no gun powder afterwards (like after fireworks)...and could not place the direction from whence they came.

Notes: I live in a residential neighborhood. The weather was sunny and warm with no rain in sight.
The wierd thing was that just after the explosion sounds ended, there was this (hard to desribe) vibrating/whirring/muted trumpet-like) sound that came from no direction in particular. It was loud and soft, distant and close, at the same time. I know it was not a copter or plane sound. It lasted about 30 to 45 seconds...then it stopped.

Don't know what it was...but I never heard it before.

Very interesting, thanks for posting! Last September, we heard the loud mystery booms here in Colorado and my whole house and neighborhood shook, knocked things around in our pantry and set off all the car alarms on the street. USGS said they didn't have any information, except for a 2-something quake 150 miles to the south of us. Clearly, that wasn't it, as the 5-something before it did the same amount of shaking and booming (I woke to what I thought was someone slamming our basement door, thought burglars were in the house). These keep getting blamed on quakes that the USGS later puts up after the fact, as 1s & 2s.

My husband and I heard something Tuesday night here in Colorado, sort of like what you described, around 11:30 pm or so. It was a strange experience that maybe lasted 30-45 seconds, so not long enough to identify what it was and then run around for the recorder. We were in our second floor bedroom and heard a strange humming & whirring sound rising and falling, at first I thought the downstairs TV had gone to snow, but then I realized we had turned the TV off. I checked just in case, but nothing. The sound rose and fell, up and down, quiet loud, quiet loud, but the sound was the strangest thing I've ever heard. It sounded electrical or electronic, like interference that was rhythmic in some way, combined with a loud buzzing sound like a wasp and maybe even like a hissing. We could not identify where the sound was coming from, it seemed to come from all directions. The weird thing, too, was that it made me feel very dizzy I was listening to it, almost like an effect from sound with frequency that is too low. It was a surreal experience, for sure, but since I couldn't find the cause of it, I didn't even know if I should mention it to anyone until I saw your posting. It was not like what we felt and heard in September, this was distinctly different, but it does seem like the mystery sounds all over the world come in two varieties: booms & shakes and the strange loud weird frequency sounds.

So, I have a question for you. Does what I describe from Tuesday sound like what you heard?


posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by mountaingirl1111

Originally posted by IAMTAT
I live just northeast of Cincinnati. About an hour ago, while I was working in my back yard, I heard a series of loud booms...they were different than fireworks explosion sounds...and they really sounded like the kind of explosions you hear on war movies, where anti-aircraft fire is taking place. There were two or three 'volleys' of several explosion sounds somewhere in the sky...I saw nothing, due to surrounding trees, smelled no gun powder afterwards (like after fireworks)...and could not place the direction from whence they came.

Notes: I live in a residential neighborhood. The weather was sunny and warm with no rain in sight.
The wierd thing was that just after the explosion sounds ended, there was this (hard to desribe) vibrating/whirring/muted trumpet-like) sound that came from no direction in particular. It was loud and soft, distant and close, at the same time. I know it was not a copter or plane sound. It lasted about 30 to 45 seconds...then it stopped.

Don't know what it was...but I never heard it before.

Very interesting, thanks for posting! Last September, we heard the loud mystery booms here in Colorado and my whole house and neighborhood shook, knocked things around in our pantry and set off all the car alarms on the street. USGS said they didn't have any information, except for a 2-something quake 150 miles to the south of us. Clearly, that wasn't it, as the 5-something before it did the same amount of shaking and booming (I woke to what I thought was someone slamming our basement door, thought burglars were in the house). These keep getting blamed on quakes that the USGS later puts up after the fact, as 1s & 2s.

My husband and I heard something Tuesday night here in Colorado, sort of like what you described, around 11:30 pm or so. It was a strange experience that maybe lasted 30-45 seconds, so not long enough to identify what it was and then run around for the recorder. We were in our second floor bedroom and heard a strange humming & whirring sound rising and falling, at first I thought the downstairs TV had gone to snow, but then I realized we had turned the TV off. I checked just in case, but nothing. The sound rose and fell, up and down, quiet loud, quiet loud, but the sound was the strangest thing I've ever heard. It sounded electrical or electronic, like interference that was rhythmic in some way, combined with a loud buzzing sound like a wasp and maybe even like a hissing. We could not identify where the sound was coming from, it seemed to come from all directions. The weird thing, too, was that it made me feel very dizzy I was listening to it, almost like an effect from sound with frequency that is too low. It was a surreal experience, for sure, but since I couldn't find the cause of it, I didn't even know if I should mention it to anyone until I saw your posting. It was not like what we felt and heard in September, this was distinctly different, but it does seem like the mystery sounds all over the world come in two varieties: booms & shakes and the strange loud weird frequency sounds.

So, I have a question for you. Does what I describe from Tuesday sound like what you heard?


Hi Mountaingirl,

Not only did you describe the same sound which I heard, but you've done a much better job of describing it than I had. I cannot recall the dizzy feeling you described having, but I also remember that during this 30-45 second period, the air was completely still, with no other sounds of birds or even didtant traffic noise around; it was as if everything around had been 'muted'.

My wife returned home shortly after the event (just minutes later). I told her what I heard and she said she and my son were in the car about a mile away and also heard the strange booms, but not the weird frequency/whirring sound afterward. She said she thought she was getting a flat tire when she heard the booms.

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