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Church based upon the worship of a Holy Tree Sap that saved Jesus and annointed the Ark

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posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:14 AM
Few people notice that churches, old and new, are based upon the worship of a Holy Tree Sap. Just exactly why tree sap gets to be so Holy appears to be very pagan, but this tree sap coated the Ark, Church Altars, and installed Czars. Let us begin to explore the Holy Tree Sap from the views of a Priest watching this special saps ceremonies.

The Holy Tree Sap is also tied to Lazarus memories, is as important as Baptism for belief in Jesus' resurrection, and is the root of Holy Water and the annointing oil for Messiahs.


(a historical account of the rite)

Priest Anatoly Trepatchko

The order of preparing and sanctifying Holy Myrrh, a rare and festive service, struck me greatly during my time as a seminary student.


We can see that along with the ancient history of the use of myrrh, there is also the rite of its preparation. Saint Kirill of Jerusalem in his spiritual discourses speaks of the use of Myrrh and the blessing of it by the calling down of the Holy Spirit. “But take heed not to think” he councils “that this is merely oil, for as the Holy Bread of the Eucharist through the Grace of the Holy Spirit is not Bread merely, but the Body of Christ, so also this myrrh is not mere oil.” It is clear this rite could only be performed through the functions of priests and prayer.


The actual preparation of the Myrrh took place in Moscow, at the Patriarchal quarters, for which reason the site was dubbed the myrrh-preparatory. The rite began on Holy and Great Monday, and on Holy and Great Thursday. Before the Liturgy a procession took the myrrh to the Dormition Cathedral, where it was placed on the Altar. Often the Czar participated in this procession.

In 1675, the Moscow Cathedral, wishing the myrrh to be uniform, forbade diocesan Hierarchs from serving the rite in their own locations. All the myrrh for Russia was to be prepared in Moscow, and distributed without charge to the local Hierarchs as required with the words “freely you have received, freely ye shall give”. Some 50 years later the rite also began to be celebrated in Kiev at the Church in the refractory of the Caves Lavra.


The holy myrrh is used for the following: 1) for the mystery of chrismation; 2) for the consecration of a new church, by anointing the altar table, antimens, and walls; 3)or the coronation of a czar.

We can get a little better look at the Holy Tree sap in the study for Chrismation:

Chrism (Greek word literally meaning "an anointing"), also called "myrrh" (myron), holy anointing oil, or "consecrated oil", is a consecrated oil used in the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Eastern Rite Catholic, Oriental Orthodox, and Old-Catholic churches, as well as some other traditions, including the Assyrian Church of the East, and Nordic-style Lutheran churches, in the administration of certain sacraments and ecclesiastical functions.

Pure or scented olive oil, although typically not called chrism today, has been called chrism in the past, including oil used by Protestants in some forms of Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick and foot washing. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), consecrated oil is used in some ordinances.


The most detailed version of the practice is by Cyril of Jerusalem who details how ointment or oil was "symbolically applied to the forehead, and the other organs of sense" and that the "ears, nostrils, and breast were each to be anointed." Cyril states that the "ointment is the seal of the covenants" of baptism and God’s promises to the Christian who is anointed. Cyril taught that being "anointed with the Holy anointing oil [Chrism] of God" was the sign of a Christian (Christos means "anointed"), and a physical representation of having the Gift of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost), and it retains this meaning in Catholicism and Orthodoxy today. He says, "Having been counted worthy of this Holy Chrism, ye are called Christians, verifying the name also by your new birth. For before you were deemed worthy of this grace, ye had properly no right to this title, but were advancing on your way towards being Christians."(On the Mysteries 3.5)[2]


Chrism is essential for the Catholic Sacrament of Confirmation/Chrismation, and is prominently used in the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Orders. Those to be confirmed or chrismated, after receiving the laying on of hands, are anointed on the head by the bishop or priest. In baptism, if the person baptized is not to be immediately confirmed or chrismated, the minister anoints them with chrism. Newly ordained priests are anointed with chrism on the palms of their hands, and newly ordained bishops receive an anointing of chrism on their foreheads. It is also used in the consecration of objects such as churches and altars.

In former times, chrism was used to consecrate patens and chalices as well. The Sign of the Cross would be made with the chrism on the interior parts the chalice and paten where the Eucharist would rest; the Cross would then be smeared to cover the entire interior parts. The chalice and paten would need to be consecrated with the chrism again if they were re-gilded. This ritual could only be performed by a Bishop or a priest with the faculties to do so. However, this is no longer the practice, and currently a simple blessing by a priest suffices.


An important use of chrism is during the coronation service of the British monarch. In this part of the service, the Archbishop of Canterbury anoints the Sovereign on the head, hands and heart. This is considered to be the holiest part of the ceremony, so much so that it was not filmed during the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953, nor was it photographed in 1937 during the coronation of George VI. It occurs just prior to the presentation of the Crown Jewels to the Sovereign, which is in turn followed by the coronation.

Obviously, the Holy Myrrh Oil was a big deal in the times of Moses also, as it is detailed in Exodus as a very big deal. It was so special it was on the Communion Tent, Ark of Testimony, Menorah, etc.. Myrrh oil made Priests and Kings Holy. It was a big deal with Moses, it had to go on the Noah's Ark, and it was a huge deal for Jesus at Birth and being saved.

Dealing with an Anointing Oil:
Exodus chapter 30
22 - God spoke to Moses, saying:
23 - You must take the finest fragrances, 500 [shekels] of distilled myrrh, [two] half portions, each consisting of 250 [shekels] of fragrant cinnamon and 250 [shekels] of fragrant cane,
24 - and 500 shekels of cassia, all measured by the sanctuary standard, along with a gallon of olive oil.
25 - Make it into sacred anointing oil. It shall be a blended compound, as made by a skilled perfumer, [made especially for] the sacred anointing oil.

26 - Then use it to anoint the Communion Tent, the Ark of Testimony,
27 - the table and all its utensils, the menorah and its utensils, the incense altar,
28 - the sacrificial altar and all its utensils, the washstand and its base.
29 - You will thus sanctify them, making them holy of holies, so that anything touching them becomes sanctified.
30 - You must also anoint Aaron and his sons, sanctifying them as priests to me.
31 - Speak to the Israelites and tell them, 'This shall be the sacred anointing oil to me for all generations.
32 - Do not pour it on the skin of any unauthorized person, and do not duplicate it with a similar formula. It is holy, and it must remain sacred to you.
33 - If a person blends a similar formula, or places it on an unauthorized person, he shall be cut off from his people.

edit on 17-5-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Keys to the Holy Tree Sap and resurrection for Lazarus and Jesus--The Holy of Holies method

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
Few people notice that churches, old and new, are based upon the worship of a Holy Tree Sap. Just exactly why tree sap gets to be so Holy appears to be very pagan, but this tree sap coated the Ark, Church Alters, and installed Czars.

Well this sounded interesting and a bit weird, but maybe I will check back later for the rest of your OP.

Is it the Ark of the Covenant it means or Noah's Ark?

eta: How did it "install czars"? What role did tree sap have in that?
edit on 5/17/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

Ah you meant myrrh.

It all makes sense now--besides the worship part.
edit on 5/17/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Been to many churches and can't say I've worshipped any tree sap... We usually stick with the Bible. I'm not trying to be sarcastic but I have no idea what your referring to.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:34 AM
I don't get the connection between how the sap is used and your accusation that it was worship of the sap itself.

You're talking about an instrument being used during worship vs worshiping the instrument.

Off, I'd say.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:55 AM
What is this special tree sap that was used by Moses, used in the First Temple, and for all kinds of religion holy proceedings.

Myrrh was an ingredient of Ketoret, the consecrated incense used in the First and Second Temples at Jerusalem, as described in the Hebrew Bible and Talmud. An offering was made of the Ketoret on a special incense altar, and was an important component of the Temple service.


Because of its mention in New Testament, myrrh is an incense offered during Christian liturgical celebrations (see Thurible).

Myrrh is mixed with frankincense and sometimes more scents and is used in almost every service of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and traditional Roman Catholic Churches.

Myrrh is also used to prepare the sacramental chrism used by many churches of both Eastern and Western rites. In the Middle East, the Eastern Orthodox Church traditionally uses myrrh-scented oil to perform the sacraments of chrismation and unction, both of which are commonly referred to as "receiving the Chrism"

Another look at the cooking of the Holy Tree Sap Myrrh. Lots of photos for the process of cooking the tree Sap to make the Holy Oil, which was the big deal back in the times of Jesus. All the annointing oils contained Myrrh.

Holy Myrrh is sanctified to be used in the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Chrism (Confirmation), one of the Seven Sacraments. It is a visible means of the bestowing of the gifts of the Holy Spirit upon those who are baptized. The Ecumenical Patriarchate distributes the Holy Myrrh to the Orthodox Churches throughout the world.


Holy Myrrh is also used for the reception of converts into the Orthodox Church and for those who have fallen away; for the dedication of Churches; the consecration of holy Altars; the consecration of holy Antimensions; and for certain other instances of ritual. In the past it was also used to anoint Orthodox Emperors during their coronation.

The Holy Myrrh ceremonies run way back into the time of Moses with the Tabernackle and the Ark:

When the tabernacle was ready, Moses consecrated it, together with all its fittings, with holy myrrh. While this was taking place, the glory of the Lord covered the tabernacle in the form of the cloud which accompanied the Hebrews on their journey. From this time on, the cloud was always over it.

edit on 17-5-2012 by MagnumOpus because: The Holy Myrrh---The Oil of Kings and the Annointing Oil for Messiahs

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by KnawLick
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Been to many churches and can't say I've worshipped any tree sap... We usually stick with the Bible. I'm not trying to be sarcastic but I have no idea what your referring to.

Try this out:

The bible is printed on paper. Paper comes from trees. Trees have sap. There you go. Sap worship and you didn't even realize it!

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Myrrh is/was used in ceremonies and in the church.

I get that.

But to say it was worshiped?

There are candlesticks and benches in churches too, would you say they too are worshiped?

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
What is this special tree sap that was used by Moses, used in the First Temple, and for all kinds of religion holy proceedings.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before Wiki became the authority on Christianity by supplanting the Bible. :-/

Another look at the cooking of the Holy Tree Sap Myrrh. Lots of photos for the process of cooking the tree Sap to make the Holy Oil, which was the big deal back in the times of Jesus. All the annointing oils contained Myrrh.

You are (a) confusing the purifying of something for use in communion with God with the actual worship of God and (b) do not understand the word Holy.

In the Bible Holy is qadosh which means "set apart for special purpose". The oil was not to be used for ANY other purpose.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Myrrh is/was used in ceremonies and in the church.

I get that.

But to say it was worshiped?

There are candlesticks and benches in churches too, would you say they too are worshiped?

The Myrrh Oil was put in alabaster jars and placed on the altars with prayers and songs being said over it to sure make it look like it was Worshipped. It became Holy. I don't see any Holy Candles.

Myrrh starts in the days of Noah, moves to Moses and the Holy of Holy process for the Ark, it is the Holy Oil that made messiahs and kings.

I've never read of a holy candle. I have read of the Holy Jesus, the Holy Ark, The Holy Bible, the Holy Mary, and the Holy Myrrh oil.

The very wording makes it worshiped, else it would not be called Holy Myrrh.

Else, you would have to toss out the Bible, Jesus, Mary, the Ark, and etc. as not being worshipped.

edit on 17-5-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Holy assigns to things worshipped

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by ararisq

I think one should stick to the dictionary more often. The very definition of Holy means entitled to worship.

Myrrh is also a Holy Relic of types, as it made Kings, made Messiahs, and it more important than the cross.
/5. entitled to worship or veneration as or as if sacred: a holy relic.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 11:03 AM
So, what is this Myrrh stuff that gather so much attention in the Bible tales? It appears to have been the biggest medicine of the times way back when. It isn't too bad now because it looks to be a cancer cure for some. And if you really want to get higher mind functions, it appears the way for enlightenment of the mind. Give it to little kids and they'll grow up smarter than the rest.

What is the ORAC Value? 379,800 µTE/100g

Why know about this number? ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It tells you the antioxidant capacity of a food item. Antioxidants have shown to reduce the risk of age related conditions and cancer! This was developed by the USDA researchers. For instance: Blueberries = 2,400; Clove = 1,078,700. Wow! The number for clove is NOT a typo!

Most Interesting Historical Reference?

Did you know that Myrrh is recorded in Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest Egyptian medical texts on record? Ebers Papyrus dates to about 1550 BC and contains over 700 remedies for almost everything including cancer, asthma and of course, embalming.


What are the Plant Properties? Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumoral, analgesic, anti-infectious, antiviral, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, astringent and tonic.

What are the Documented Uses and Benefits of Myrrh? Bronchitis, diabetes, cancer, viral hepatitis, fungal infections (Candida, eczema, ringworm, athletes foot, vaginal thrush), tooth and gum conditions, skin conditions (wrinkles, stretch marks, chapped, cracked), diarrhea, dysentery, hyperthyroidism, and ulcers.


But the benefits of myrrh continue to astonish us in modern time. It is a powerful antioxidant and like frankincense it is now being considered by modern medicine to treat certain cancers and tumors.

Did you know that in 2001 Rutgers University scientists identified myrrh compounds that kill cancer cells? They were optimistic that myrhh can be used for the treatment and prevention of prostate and breast cancer. And to assist with the treatment of brain tumors (malignant).

Similar to Frankincense, myrrh contains up to 75% sesquiterpenes compounds that stimulate the part of the brain that controls emotions. It also helps the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands that produce many of the important hormones in the body.

So, it would appear there is this fine natural way to stimulate the brain, and many of the brain hormone systems that are essential for higher brain functions.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
I think one should stick to the dictionary more often. The very definition of Holy means entitled to worship.

I hate it when people continue to spout nonsense despite all evidence. The dictionary wasn't around when the Hebrew was written. In Hebrew the word means what I wrote up above. You want to start quoting the Urban Dictionary and use it to prove your next point?

The is called a straw man argument. You declare the word "holy" to mean something that it does not mean and then use that to attack the Word of God.


posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by ararisq

I hate to tell you this, but I didn't write the title in Hebrew and it was written in the vogue of present day English language.

In present day English language, Holy Myrrh, means it is worshipped. The Same definition shows up in my American College Dictionary and many others. Holy means worshipped.

And it is a rather special substance that made health "miracles" back in the old days. It has a special reverence.

So, fuss and complaign all ya want too----Holy Myrrh is splashed, sprinkled, and annointed all over the place and worshiped as much as the Bible and the Word.

Jesus even made good use of Myrrh, likely from an early age. Which taking the stuff likely made him much smarter than most. Not to mention, it was the the Holy magic gift from nature that saved Jesus and Lazarus.

edit on 17-5-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Myrrh is a Holy Substance that was/is worshiped due to its special healing properties.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
Not to mention, it was the the Holy magic gift from nature that saved Jesus and Lazarus.

holy magic gift?

you lost me with that one

Holy Myrrh is splashed, sprinkled, and annointed all over the place and worshiped as much as the Bible and the Word.

Dude, you're makin' it sound like aftershave.
The only current use of incense, to my knowledge, is the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. Both of which typically use Frankincense for this purpose. And and even then, incense is only used during services that are considered "High Holy Days" or when doing "Stations of the Cross" mass.
edit on 17-5-2012 by stupid girl because: (no reason given)

And neither Frankincense OR Myrrh are in liquid form. They are both in a rock-like resin form and placed over burning coals to release the fragrance.

One more "And"--the incense is used DURING worship as a PART OF worship. So it ain't like people are kneeling before the great and powerful "Tree Sap Resin" like you are trying to make it sound.
edit on 17-5-2012 by stupid girl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 10:26 PM
Try reading the OP. Take note of the worship ceremony to make Holy Myrrh.

If it looks like a Worship Service, then it is a worship service to make Holy Myrrh.

Lord Merciful and Father of Lights”, in which he asks for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the myrrh, that the Lord may instill spiritual protection and joyful blessing, through anointing, of soul and body. After this prayer the bishop extends to all the hope of “peace be unto you”, the deacon calls for heads to be bowed, and the people sing; “to Thee O Lord”, and the bishop reads secretly the prayer: “Unto Thee God of all and King…” in which he thanks the Lord for granting him to be a participant of this Holy Rite.


After blessing the waters the Bishop reads the prayer “O Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son help me a sinner, in this work, begun by my hand that You Yourself shall complete it, in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit”. The cannon of intercession to the Mother of God is sung, after which the Bishop reads the first “kneeling prayer” of Saint Basil the Great from the service of Pentecost, then he gives the Benediction, and blesses all the preparatory wares with Holy Water.

They have kneeling prayers to make Holy Myrrh, not to mention the Holy Spirit, that everyone worhips, upon the Myrrh.

So, it really doesn't matter much what your church does or does not do, it only matters that a Catholic Priest tells this is the Worship Service by the highest church officials to make Holy Myrrh.

edit on 17-5-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Kneeling Prayers, Holy Spirit upon the Myrrh means worshiped Myrrh.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 10:41 PM
The interesting history of Myrrh, linked to religion, runs back even earlier than the times of Noah. The first recorded mention of Myrrh being important runs back to the times of the Sumerian Cylinders and the times of the Anunnaki. These were the issues of the distant travelers to Earth that were considered as gods, the shining ones. They supplied lots of knowledge for metals, all the bitter tree gums that healed, the distillation process to make concentrated oils, and so on.

It appears the Myrrh came from the knowledge of the Shining Ones. Thus making it rather special of significance to the orgins of the god theme. When one jumps back to the times before Noah, to the Book of Enoch and the Sumerian Cylinders, one finds some very interesting things about human advancement.


The Chronicles of Enoch

Then the Lord said to Michael: 'Go and strip Enoch of his own clothes; anoint him with fine oil, and dress him like ourselves: and Michael did as he was told. He stripped me of my clothes, and rubbed me over with a wonderful oil like dew - with the scent of myrrh which shone like a sunbeam. And I looked at myself, and I was like one of the others; there was no difference and all my fear and trembling left me.

Then the Lord called one of his Archangels named Uriel, who was the most learned of them all, and said: 'Bring out the books from my library, and give Enoch a pen for speedy writing, and tell him what the books are about: And Uriel hurried and brought me the books, smelling of myrrh, and handed me a pen:

edit on 17-5-2012 by MagnumOpus because: The Shining Ones really liked Myrrh

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 08:38 AM
As we jump back to the times before Noah and the scant history from multiple sources, we can find the story of the Elohim, The Shining Ones, which have this thing for the specianess of Myrrh. According to Enoch, the Shining One's glow comes from the oil of Myrrh.

We also can fnid the very old roots of the Essen, who also appeared to have a huge respect for Myrrh special healing magic of these earliest of times.

The early records of The Shining Ones can be found in 5 basic sources:

•Sumerian tablets from library in Nippur where they are called by the name Annunaki (Anannage)
•In Bible, Book of Genesis, Numbers, Deuteronomy, where the name of Nephilim was given to them
•Writings in Greece that can be accounted to Babylonian priest Berossus
•The Book of Enoch, where they are mentioned by the bane of Angels, Watchers, Nephilim
•Book of Jubilees


In all of these cultures there are records of special groups that represent priesthood elite of the Shining Ones, small yet powerful group which experienced the enlightenment. In Sumeria we found Egregore or Watchers and many other epithets which were given to them. From all of them we can conclude that they also were the Shining Ones. The Shining Ones we can also find in Bible in which they are considered as Angels of Gods. Egyptian name Neteru can also be translated Watcher, which is also the meaning of the name Essen. The Essens were the Hebrew sect for which it was said to stand behind the writings of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Name Essen or "Essees" comes from Hebrew meaning "preserver" or "guardian". They also were called Watchers, "Sons of Light" and "Servants of God".

So, what one discovers is the Elohim were specialists at cultivations and knew all the secrets of the plants, even valued the Myrrh. The Essene became a later day offshoot of this knowledge and lived in an agricultural based area at Mt. Carmel, and also in Jerusalem and Qumran. The Essene were the peoples that associated with John the Baptist and Jesus.

Some of Jesus greatest healing works involved Myrrh. Even the Lord's Supper Story is one of the special nature of plants grown with Boron that also makes them more nutritious. All that information stemmed from their history keeping from the times of the Elohim. The Fertile Crescent of old was a special region that included Mt. Carmel and large parts of Israel.

The Fertile Crescent stems from the largest Boron deposits in the world that connect with the Tigres and Euphrates River, and also the Jordan River. The River Jordan was the one John The Baptist made famous. From this knowledge of the Fertile Crescent being chose by the Elohim as the best places for The Garden and their agricultural efforts, came the Essene theme for the Lord's Supper. The Fertile Crescent and the Elohim have a special significance, which the Essene of Jesus time had discovered and were using in their religion's effort to return to these ways and old knowledge.

edit on 18-5-2012 by MagnumOpus because: The Essene knew the Fertile Crescent's secret mineral and they knew the Elohim's value of Myrrh

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

From Wikipedia:

Myrrh gum is commonly harvested from the species Commiphora myrrha, which is native to Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea and eastern Ethiopia. Another farmed species is C. momol.[3] The related Commiphora gileadensis, native to Eastern Mediterranean and particularly the Arabian Peninsula,[4] is the biblically referenced Balm of Gilead,[5] also known as Balsam of Mecca. Several other species yield bdellium and Indian myrrh.
So valuable has it been at times in ancient history that it has been equal in weight value to gold. During times of scarcity, its value rose even higher than that.[citation needed] It has been used throughout history as a perfume, incense and medicine.

I noticed that the locations where myrrh are harvested (Somalia, Yemen) are places currently suffering from great foreign attack and destabilizing of government and imposition of Western puppet regimes. Is some one trying to corner the market in Holy Myrrh?

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by pthena
reply to post by MagnumOpus

From Wikipedia:

Myrrh gum is commonly harvested from the species Commiphora myrrha, which is native to Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea and eastern Ethiopia. Another farmed species is C. momol.[3] The related Commiphora gileadensis, native to Eastern Mediterranean and particularly the Arabian Peninsula,[4] is the biblically referenced Balm of Gilead,[5] also known as Balsam of Mecca. Several other species yield bdellium and Indian myrrh.
So valuable has it been at times in ancient history that it has been equal in weight value to gold. During times of scarcity, its value rose even higher than that.[citation needed] It has been used throughout history as a perfume, incense and medicine.

I noticed that the locations where myrrh are harvested (Somalia, Yemen) are places currently suffering from great foreign attack and destabilizing of government and imposition of Western puppet regimes. Is some one trying to corner the market in Holy Myrrh?

I can't remember the source, but one author claimed that the Roman Jewish wars were motivated primarily by Rome's desire to control the trade in myrrh or frankincense. Here are a couple of quotes from wikipedia:

Classical references to the Nabateans begin with Diodorus Siculus; they suggest that the Nabateans' trade routes and the origins of their goods were regarded as trade secrets, and disguised in tales that should have strained outsiders' credulity. Diodorus Siculus (book ii) described them as a strong tribe of some 10,000 warriors, pre-eminent among the nomads of Arabia, eschewing agriculture, fixed houses, and the use of wine, but adding to pastoral pursuits a profitable trade with the seaports in frankincense and myrrh and spices from Arabia Felix (today's Yemen), as well as a trade with Egypt in bitumen from the Dead Sea.

Trajan conquered the Nabataean kingdom, annexing it to the Roman Empire, where their individual culture, easily identified by their characteristic finely-potted painted ceramics, became dispersed in the general Greco-Roman culture and was eventually lost.


posted on May, 18 2012 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by cloudyday

I can't remember the source, but one author claimed that the Roman Jewish wars were motivated primarily by Rome's desire to control the trade in myrrh or frankincense.

That's frustrating when you remember having read something a couple of years ago, and you can't for the life of you find it again. I read somewhere that Herod the Great got controlling monopoly of (or at least taxed) all spice trades through a large area, including myrrh. So the great wealth he had to build the 3rd temple was from myrrh trade.

So myrrh built the 3rd temple? Maybe.

(note: people usually call it "renovation of 2nd temple" but I refuse to go along with that characterization.)

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