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AP IMPACT: Evacs and drills pared near nuke plants

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posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:11 AM
What Is going on ??

Even though many nuclear reactors are now operating beyond their design life, safety requirements
and rules of practice are being lowered.

Without fanfare, the nation's nuclear power regulators have overhauled community emergency
planning for the first time in more than three decades, requiring fewer exercises for major accidents
and recommending that fewer people be evacuated right away.

The revamp, the first since the program began after Three Mile Island in 1979, also eliminates a
requirement that local responders always practice for a release of radiation.

Fewer people being evacuated early on !

No more practicing for the possible release of notable amounts of radiation.

Local communities can practice all they want but the Fed.does not deem it necessary
for them to rehearse the drills more often than ever 8 years.

Every 8 years is enough practice ! What ?

The new U.S. program has kept the 10- and 50-mile planning zones in place, as well as the requirement for one full exercise for a 10-mile evacuation every two years. However, required 50-mile planning exercises will now be held less often: every eight years, instead of every six years.

Really ?
Oh! I am feeling so secure

The results of Fukushima isn't enough to make sure our preparations are increased to keep
us as safe as possible ?

Are they saying that there is not really any point in bothering to protect those in densely
populated areas? Is"stay home"good enough for you?

Federal officials say people could risk worse exposure in an evacuation impeded
by overcrowded roadways or bad weather.

`If there's no way to evacuate, then we won't

What about a Terror atack ?

Federal personnel will now evaluate if state and local authorities have enough resources to handle a simultaneous security threat and radiation release. Their ability to communicate with onsite security officials during an attack also will be evaluated during exercises.

But community planners wonder why local forces won't have to practice repelling an attack along with plant security guards — something federal emergency planners acknowledge could be necessary in a real assault.

Every 8 years is enough practice ! What ?

The new U.S. program has kept the 10- and 50-mile planning zones in place, as well as the requirement for one full exercise for a 10-mile evacuation every two years. However, required 50-mile planning exercises will now be held less often: every eight years, instead of every six years.

Read all new rules for Nuke emergency management at:

I don't know about anyone else but this all sounds like 1 step forward and 2 steps back to me.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:29 AM
Shouldn't plans and rules be established for a worst case scenario ?
Instead of acting like there isn't really the possibility of a Nuclear disaster event.
Unless of course they know something we don't.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by azureskys

Hello is anybody out there

I am really worried that no-one has even replied that it's "nothing to see here"/ "move along"

Come on !
They slipped this crap by without so much as a ripple

Not one of you Is concerned that standards/rules for evacuation and rehearsals of same, has been minimized to a point of "A Nuclear Emergency Plan" being looked at
by the Government as nearly insignificant

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by azureskys

Sorry Azure I only just got online, and TBH a lot of us members are still in bed

I think it's shocking to under-fund nuclear safety measures, However the worlds going to Sh&^ anyway so they might as well help if along with a few "accidental" releases of Radiation, best i can do, i just got out of bed after-all.

edit on 17/5/12 by TedHodgson because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 05:51 AM
I know it seams bad, however i doubt any sinister plans are behind it. The simple explanation for this is $$$.

We are in rescission, so government is looking so save some bucks.

Agreed its beyond F**ked up, that they'd want to save a few bucks, at the risk of millions, but there is no sinister plan here, just accountants looking at numbers.

Just my thoughts Namaste.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:02 AM
Well, I agree with others that there is no deliberate malice or ill intent at work here. It's not any better for what I think is the problem though...

If everyone thinks back to the previous few hot summers we've had, brownouts are disturbingly common in the usual areas where heat is the largest problem. That tells me the whole system is running entirely too close to capacity and so take Nuke plants totally offline just isn't a viable option until replacements exist. As Obama said before being elected, Coal plants will bankrupt someone outright to build. Solar and wind just can't match the raq megawatt output of one of the fully functional nuke plants. So..... Can't shut them down, but they're hitting their service lives?

Well.... Duct tape and bailing wire. That's the solution I think we're seeing. The only solution to a bad situation with no good outcome. Of course, the problem is, this solution is taking the mother of all bets that nothing goes wrong in all this mickey mousing to extend the lives of our plants.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by TedHodgson

Thank you for responding.

I do not live anywhere near a Nuclear power plant nor would I ever.
This reduction of standards was slipped in very quietly. If I was a resident living in the
vicinity of a N.P.P. I would be

But then I am angry about it anyhow. The risk is to great to lower standards !

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by azureskys

Georgia guidestones.... that might just cover your reason, not sure, but it just might. I mean, with earth going through all these changes - pole migration, plate tectonics, etc...when the ole rubber band finally breaks loose, I'm sure they want to maximize casualties and minimize survival if they want to reach those numbers on the guidestones, what better way? Just sayin....

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:10 AM
That is Government as you know it.
Lets say an explosion happen on a nuke site, killing thousands, affecting millions, and then the "security measures" kicks in. Proceed to "latest news update", then meeting about what to do about the incident, then a team established to handle the incident, then budget allocated, then acknowledge the world, we need your help, then monitoring of nuke effect etc.
All that time, you are fried and still kept submerged under oil, the government doesnt really care about you, they care about the nuke site, you are on your own with common medical treatment.

Just look at Katrina and you can see what you can expect, where is that heroic government that everyone talking about ?

Responsible government do this - dont build it, if its really necessary, build it in far far away land where people do not have name for that place.

Hmm, I need to insult more I guess...
Do you know what happened to the radioactive waste during all these times ? 20k feet below you and the shelter will last only 1000+ years. That monster live for 4 billion years, so, we can expect scheduled Armageddon in next 1000 years.
Good day

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by WiseThinker

Oh Yah. Save some bucks and take some lives. No biggie.

But Federal Funds can be spent on:

The International Center for the History of Electronic Games or
The class at Columbia University to study on line dating !!

Please are people completely daft

edit on 17-5-2012 by azureskys because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-5-2012 by azureskys because: came back 'cause forgot to give reason first time. I added more

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by Opportunia

As scary as that is, I have the sinking feeling that it is the way we will see things go.

That is probably why M.S.U. teaches a course for:Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse

What was I thinking bring children into this world ?

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by NullVoid
Hmm, I need to insult more I guess...
Do you know what happened to the radioactive waste during all these times ? 20k feet below you and the shelter will last only 1000+ years. That monster live for 4 billion years, so, we can expect scheduled Armageddon in next 1000 years.
Good day

You know I could never figure out why they don't fire that waste of to the sun
and let the sun take care of it.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:40 AM
Oops.. Wrong thread.

edit on 5/17/2012 by BellaSabre because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by BellaSabre

Here's your link:

Uh thanks BellaSabre... but please don't anyone click on this here "cause It IS thi thread
and will only bring you back here.

I needed that help placed in my other thread

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by azureskys

It is a good topic. So many good topics just get buried really early if they don't generate a lot of immediate traffic. I actually posted a thread asking the site administrators to rework the new topics page to give threads a better chance of survival.

You might have done better with a more eyecatching thread title- hard to tell at a glance what it's about.

Anyway, as for the topic itself... My uncle was a fire chief and also on the civil preparedness committee for a nearby nuclear plant. I asked him once what the evacuation plan actually was in the event of serious problems. I said that I couldn't imagine what the logistics would be like- how could it possibly be done? He shrugged and said "You got it right. There really isn't a good plan," He added that the plant's mere existence was just plain dangerous and in the event of serious trouble it would simply be impossible to manage.The fact is, evacuation plans and committee meetings about them are done more to reassure the public than anything else. About all they can do is plan some traffic routes that will allow emergency vehicles access and try to direct a panicked public off in another direction.

In the event of a real emergency it would be chaos, lightly managed.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by seaside sky

Thank you for your response

I'm sure no matter what there would be total chaos. I just think more could be done.
If it is money causing the minimizing of rehearsals for safety of the populace, then the money
should be found as it is for so many other things that are not even close to being as
important as this.

I question the need of a $592,527 Fed.Grant for the study what feces-throwing among chimps reveals about communication skills.

Is this really more important than the safety of human life ?
Of course It's not But how many of us know what the Fed really spends our money on anyway?
edit on 17-5-2012 by azureskys because: changed format changed words

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 11:50 AM
what did you expect them to do from a country that taught children to get under their desks at school?

and what terror attacks? there are no terrorists..

there is only people standing up to tyranny..

and would the powers that be really care?

they do not live in those areas..

I know when I lived next to one...

i came to the conclusion long ago..

the population & roads equals no way out..

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:29 PM
I gotta believe the government is cutting back on drills and emergency prep around nuclear power issues because they either don't have the money to pay for them ( sounds lame even as I type it) or this has all been pre-planned as a way of thinning the herd so to speak.
I used to take all the sinister de-population plans as ramblings from paranoid minds but over the last couple years it makes more sense that they are actively seeking to reduce the population.
Someone far more wise than me once said " If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck......" You know the rest.

I think that most of us on this site can kind of see the writing on the wall, our best interests are not being represented by our representatives.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:02 PM
Great post! S + F brother!

Cutting funding to a dangerous program like nuclear power could have disastrous results. The world has become very aware since Fukushima of the sad state of many countries' nuke plants. And more recently we are becoming aware of how fragile the infrastructure is to solar activity.

My uncle works as a structural welder/safety inspector for the nuclear power industry. I've been meaning to call and talk to him about his opinion about the world nuclear fallout danger. My father saw him not too long ago and said he had no desire to talk about Fukushima, and that he wasn't talkative in general now... I think I know why. He got the car of his dreams and is trying to be happy with his life and family now, moreso than ever. I may be reading between lines but I think he knows the ugly truth is we are going to see some serious global problems as a result of this accident, and he's just trying to be happy while he can.

I think, sure, there's a need to make cutbacks, but not to infrastructure and public safety. These are mostly privatized plants that make a healthy profit (at least the ones that cut alot of corners seem to) and there's no need to be reckless especially after the incident in Japan.

I also found it odd that they immediately upped the recommended safe amount of rads and took down all of radnet to make "adjustments" immediately after Fukushima. Part of it all seems like a huge case of incompetence mixed with a bad bad dream. I'd like to wake up please.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 10:54 PM
I agree that $$ seems to be the premise for the cut-backs but at the same time it is very hard for me to comprehend why federal Grants are being given out for things like:

$ 606,000.00 to Columbia University for "The Study of Online Dating"and
$ 492,005.00 to researchers at Wellesley College to answer the question"Do You Trust Your Twitter Feed?"
Yet there are cut-backs for Nuclear Power Plants that are not in all that great of shape.

What are they thinking?
Do they think that they are safe from any danger if an accident happens?
Sure some would be safe but not most of them. They would parish just like we would.

edit on 17-5-2012 by azureskys because: added a word

edit on 17-5-2012 by azureskys because: (no reason given)

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