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NASA: our solar system passing into INTERSTELLAR CLOUD that 'should not exist', may collide

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posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:56 PM
Other than the other obvious discrepancies in the OP data, the following sites were quoted as subscribing to the doomsday scenario, however their message, as well as credibility are completely opposite....

One is pseudoscience, with similar discrepancies....

And the other is real science, with an excerpt quoting NASA's view on the "Interstellar Cloud"...

The solar journey through space is carrying us through a cluster of very low density interstellar clouds. Right now the Sun is inside of a cloud that is so tenuous that the interstellar gas detected by IBEX is as sparse as a handful of air stretched over a column that is hundreds of light years long. These clouds are identified by their motions. Credit: NASA/Goddard/Adler/U. Chicago/Wesleyan

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 03:10 AM
I've been following this for several years now, from the time when the 1st Voyager Deep Space probe left our solar system and detected the "INTERSTELLAR CLOUD".

This "Cloud" for lack of a better term is actually a giant magnetic field. So basically our solar system has enter a giant microwave oven. A microwave oven heats things from the inside out. So in short all the planets in our star system, including our Star are being bombarded with microwaves, which in turn is causing our Star to go in to over drive and our planets core to heat up.

So the Microwave oven theory is correct we can expect to see in increase in solar activity and here on Earth we can expect to see an increase in geological activity. As anyone who has a basic understanding of Thermodynamics know when you heat and object it expands. So if our planets core is being super heated we should see thermal expansion in the form of earthquakes, and volcanic activity.

Another theory (which for the life of me I can remember where i first found it) is that if the core of the Earth heats up to a certain point it will liquefy the "D Layer" (the transition layer between the Outer Core and the Mantle) and will allow the tectonic plates to freely slide around the Earth's Core. As far fetched as that sound based on geological evidence (and a # load of conjecture) we can determine where the magnetic poles have been in the past. The mainstream theory is that the magnetic poles move over million of years. But according to this theory is occurs in a much shorter time frame like decades or centuries,

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by JBRiddle

This "Cloud" for lack of a better term is actually a giant magnetic field. So basically our solar system has enter a giant microwave oven.

It is not a magnetic field, it is a cloud of matter which is the remnants of a series of supernovae which occurred millions of years ago. The material of which it is composed does carry a magnetic field. Why does a magnetic field imply a microwave oven? The Earth has it's own magnetic field. Are we within a microwave oven?

So the Microwave oven theory is correct we can expect to see in increase in solar activity and here on Earth we can expect to see an increase in geological activity

The "microwave theory" is not correct but the energy of the Sun comes from deep within it. Microwaves do not penetrate very far into anything much less the plasma which makes up the Sun or the rocks which make up the Earth.

BTW, we entered the cloud thousands of years ago and are well within it.

Even more recently, ~40,000/nHI,0.2 years ago, the Sun entered the cloud now surrounding us, the LIC. Within ~4,000 years the Sun will exit the LIC.

edit on 5/16/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
reply to post by BiggerPicture

the 'cloud' has to be some element like hydrogen or helium, but the hype says it is hot as plasma and charged electrons (electricity) BS meter is going ding-ding-ding the math... the Solar System orbiting at 568,000 MPH for 2,000 years means this 'cloud' is some +1 or so light years big - (~9 trillion miles equal 1 LY)
--UNbelieveable !

9,951.360,000,000.miles minimum
edit on 15-5-2012 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

reply to post by St Udio

It is a 30 light year wide cloud of hydrogen and helium atoms held together by a strong magnetic field just outside the solar system:

...strong magnetic field just outside the solar system," "This magnetic field holds the interstellar cloud together...Astronomers call the cloud we're running into now the Local Interstellar Cloud or "Local Fluff" for short. It's about 30 light years wide and contains a wispy mixture of hydrogen and helium atoms at a temperature of 6000 C....

edit on 5/16/2012 by this_is_who_we_are because: typo

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by UnixFE

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

I'm pretty good in math and 2018-7 is 2011 for me so I'm not buying anything of that

Haha priceless.

Tux 1 - Lunatic Bible Guy 0

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Tazkven

Sorry, no, I meant we,d be extinct !

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie

Originally posted by UnixFE

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

I'm pretty good in math and 2018-7 is 2011 for me so I'm not buying anything of that

Haha priceless.

Tux 1 - Lunatic Bible Guy 0

2012 to the end of 2018 is 7 years. Goal goes to the Bible guy.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie

Originally posted by UnixFE

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

I'm pretty good in math and 2018-7 is 2011 for me so I'm not buying anything of that

Haha priceless.

Tux 1 - Lunatic Bible Guy 0

2012 to the end of 2018 is 7 years. Goal goes to the Bible guy.

But that would be the beginning of 2012, not December like all the Doomsday stuff refers to, so we'd be back to 6 instead of 7 (not being ugly, just pointing out the December thing)

also still wondering why it was started at 1948? Not attacking, just curious where the numbers came from.
edit on 16-5-2012 by PurpleChiten because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by PurpleChiten

1948 Israeli Declaration of Independence. But don't quote me on that.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
reply to post by PurpleChiten

1948 Israeli Declaration of Independence. But don't quote me on that.

ahhh okies, thanks!

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

You have true vision where most seers cannot see. You encircle the sphere through HIM where life passes most by and in this gifted sight you have managed to ascertain the clear horizon without mirage. Not through yourself but through the release of your will in HIM. I see and hear that you follow HIS Voice.

Well done. Hold tight. Hold tight for narrow is the Way. Fire comes.
edit on 17-5-2012 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-5-2012 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie

Originally posted by UnixFE

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

I'm pretty good in math and 2018-7 is 2011 for me so I'm not buying anything of that

Haha priceless.

Tux 1 - Lunatic Bible Guy 0

2012 to the end of 2018 is 7 years. Goal goes to the Bible guy.

But that would be the beginning of 2012, not December like all the Doomsday stuff refers to, so we'd be back to 6 instead of 7 (not being ugly, just pointing out the December thing)

also still wondering why it was started at 1948? Not attacking, just curious where the numbers came from.
edit on 16-5-2012 by PurpleChiten because: (no reason given)

I never mentioned December 21st, 2012. 1948 is the year that Israel (The Fig Tree) became a nation again.

Matthew 24

32 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it[e] is near, right at the door. 34 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

The generation (72.222 years) will not pass until all these things (Signs in Matthew 24 of earthquakes, wars and so on) take place.

If you take the precession of the earth and divide by 360, you get 72.2222 years. You can also divide the precession by 12 to get the great years. If you divide the great year by 30, you again get 72.2222. A Hebrew generation has always been 70 years give or take. By using the precession of the earth, you get an exact time.

There are other ways of doing the math. Enoch delivered the judgment of 70 generations to the watchers. 70*72.222 is 5055. Enoch was taken by God at around 950 from Adam. That makes approximately 6000 years.

Epistle of Barnabas 15:3 "Of the Sabbath He speaketh in the beginning of the creation; And God made the works of His hands in six days, and He ended on the seventh day, and rested on it, and He hallowed it.

Epistle of Barnabas 15:4

Give heed, children, what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day with Him signifyeth a thousand years; and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end."

To see this clearly, let’s put the information into context with the entire story of the Bible:

-Adam to Abraham 2000 Years of Age 1 (FATHER)
-Abraham to Jesus 2000 Years of Age 2 (SON)
-Jesus to Today 2000 Years of Age 3 (HOLY SPIRIT)
-Day of Rest (Day of the Lord) 1000 years (SALVATION)

Another way to arrive at our day and age is to consider the founding of America. I did a survey of this date by comparing the prophecy of Daniel and the 70th week that still remains. The article is linked in my signature.

Essentially, there are a few dates to examine. December 21st, 2011, July 3rd, 2015 and the start of tribulation at January 1, 2012.

edit on 17-5-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by JBRiddle

Is there any way we can shield our planet from this interstellar cloud? I was reading somewhere that this is also triggering anomalies in pyramids around the world on land and underwater beams of light were reported all over the world coming out of the tips of these pyramids shooting out into space if this is a hoax I do not know i will try and find the site where I have read this and post it so everyone can check it out and the professionals can enlighten us on this subject because it is very disturbing to me I've lost several nights of sleep over this thinking and wondering what is really going on or is this some type of sick joke?

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by Hyperionstarsurfer

Is there any way we can shield our planet from this interstellar cloud?

The Sun is doing a fine job of it and has been for the thousands of years in which we have been traveling through the cloud.

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