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moma2s NewAge Hockey System

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posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 10:16 PM
We are giving them wayyy to much respect in the n-zone,these guys are SLOW MOVERS ON PURPOSE.

They are running one big moving screen all the time,think smokescreen.

All you need to do is use relays just before you get to them and blast past the smokescreen with high speen and possesion no passes.

You need to use your speed more,you already know that.

Open it up and use the upspeed man effectively.

Obviously this is over unless you open up on them.

Start using the upspeed man through the n-zone immediatly,and also start posting a man in the n-zone a foot in front of their blueline to pinball passes out or to rush the zone. They are keeping their d-men wide and straight and moving the middle coverage man laterally to chase the puck and herd it to the boards.

They are trying to force it to the boards with that middle man making hard lateral sprints and keeping two men on the boards.

Challenge that middle coverage moving laterally and split them up the gut,just use an upspeed man up the middle already, their d-men are set wide and you really only need to beat one man coming at you laterally.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 10:20 PM
These guys are intentionally slowing it down sooo much we might as well start challenging them one-on-one and dipsy doodeling them in the o-zone. They are spreading themselves out wayyy to far instead of collapsing early,so they are vulnerable to being beaten one-on-one.

So..... once you gain the o-zone start turning them into highlight reel replays,challenge them with our skill instead of our speed,use stick handeling,use the speed to gain the zone and the skill of the hands once you are in the o-zone,school them like little kids one-on-one.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 10:24 PM
Yes,we are entering their zone efficiently,all we need to do is adjust what we are doing once we get there,lets take them one-on-one down the middle,they are to slow to collapse soon enough to support each other.With this team if you just get in close with them and baet one of them you have room immediatly and with our speed that is perfect. So show us the majic and get flashy in close taking it to the net,just ust one move past one man and then get off a shot ASAP.You will already be in range.Just make ONE move and then blast it at his elbows.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 10:27 PM
They are cheating into our zone with to much speed and to many numbers to pressure our d-men into bad passes and its working,its time for our d-men to skate it right at them all the way out,no hesitations, do NOT slow down or hesitate ,go for the 200 ft races every time ,you need to back them off.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 10:35 PM
Generally this team simply uses a slow moving mob acting as one huge sphere of influence to force the puck to the boards,they dont break apart easily, they hang in the n-zone in numbers so they dont have to use speed which they know they dont have in either direction.

So you need to break them down the middle using an upspeed man with no passes just tight possesion fast skating.Hang onto the puck and weave through them with men stacked behind you for support,spearhead through their mob,and if you start doing it down the middle they will bring those d-men in tighter from that wide stance ,then you can use the boards effectively by dumping it there from the n-zone and beating them to it .First you need to break their system by bringing those d-men in tighter to the middle,so STACK a few men and HEADMAN the puck through their n-zone mob of players,strike down the middle until they bring the d-men in more then take it outside after they come in TWO times.

Hit them in the middle ,you need to bust them up there and then work the boards with our speed.

And remember to blast OFF THE BOARDS IN THEIR ZONE---TO THE NET.You MUST make something happen off of all of those pucks they are herding to the boards then getting out or delaying.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 10:44 PM
You need to get more aggressive on the PK and go for the shortys more often.

We ARE down 2 goals going into the 3rd right? From here on in we need offense from everywhere.

because of their single huge moving sphere of influence being used to slow the game down we CANNOT GET CAUGHT MAKING TO MANY LONG PASSES DIAGONALLY,so thats ok,lets get the N/S game going ,stack a few men and challenge them down the middle just dont rush everyone up keep 2 men back at our blueline.

Hit them in the middle and draw those d-men off the boards ,time it so that just as you hit the mob in the n-zone with a few men stacked strong moving at 75% speed , have a man blast up the boards on one side sneaking past that d-man planted wide or backing him out of the middle so they lose the numbers advantage where they like to have it,the upspeed tactic CAN be used to decoy and draw players out of position without directly involving the uospeed man in the playaction.

All you need to do is draw their board coverage in when they dont want to move it, dont let them pinch them in at will,hit them in the middle and force them to move where you want,then surgiclly hit them along the boards,send Hal in upspeed then just pop the puck over to his side right on the boards for him from the n-zone scrums.Or run Hemmer on the play anyone with high speed and good timing. Remember to use their tactic against them and only use 75% speed as you engage them in the n-zone so you can sneak the upspeed man past them consistantly.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 10:56 PM
I am signing off now,its clear what to do nd there is enough time,hit them in the middle with stacked men at 75% speed using relays not passes keeping tight possesion , the middle pressure will be pulling their d-men in off the boards in their wide posture to help out in the middle,then sneak an upspeed man skating at 100% tight along the boards,then run it to the halfboards and cut back in,you will beat the d-men on both sides consistantly,if you can pick the shortest d-man who will need to take the most strides laterally and target him.

In the o-zone when we are established make sure to blast off the boards to the net more times than you try to beat then along the boards,get it OFF the boards ASAP and hit them in the middle.

Watch them on our blueline trying to run that short upspeed play ,they will telegraph by dropping one d-man back .They pass it out to one d-man to get the defense stutterstepped then that d-man just relays it to his partner coming in upspeed so he can catch our defense flatfooted and bust up the middle on us for a shot.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 11:07 PM
Jesus ,its called the Flying-V ok Dallas,hit them in the middle with STACKED men so you can penetrate the n-zone.

SERIOUSLY this is a circus so use the Flying-V, if its going to be a mivie lets make it a real bloody comedy,at least you can tell them post game you tried everything a coach can try even the Flying-V.

I mean it works no kidding,and it does what you need done,splits the middle and brings the d-men in off the boards,then you sneak the man on one of the far edges of the Flying-V in along the boards in behind them as an upspeed strike.

You need to fight their slow moving real-estate hogging cumulative sphere of influence based mob HEAD ON,and because of their size the best way if THE FLYING-V.

So use it,quite obviously nothing else is working right now.Why leave any tool untouched.

USE the Flying-V.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 11:13 PM
When you are down 4 goals you CAN try anything,a meltdown does nothing.

Use the Flying-V, just try it will work,bring everything you have at the middle strong laterally but together tight enough to pressure the middle but still be able to sneak a man down the boards off of the edge of the Flying-V.
edit on 21-12-2013 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 11:18 PM
Snappy shots from the blueline on the PP not slappers with big windups.We are collapsing them to the net,so get the shot off snappy and fast and on net we have numbers there,NO big windups it takes to long.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 11:23 PM
There is still 7 minutes left,we will get more than 6 possesions,so lets get the FLYING-V GOING RIGHT NOW.

Dallas you need to learn what different tactics can do so try to gain SOMETHING from the game.

Use the Flying-V to split the middle and slip a far wingman in along the board,just collapse all of our men into the n-zone as soon as we engage them except for ONE far edge wingman,send him in hard and fast along the boards.

Just learn what happens when you hit them in the middle ,stacked men are good as I said earlier but the Flying-V is even better.

Just learn what happens to their system when you pressure the middle with numbers and draw their d-men in to help them and off those wide board pinchpoints.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:16 AM
I hate to say this but we need to break this right back down to our first defensive zone exit strategys.

That is the historical issue with this team and it is becoming more and more obvious that it is the source of the discombobulations.

The current defensive possesion and exit schemes are not able to provide enough versatility to support a fluid and adjusting offense.

There is to much defensive support and focus and it takes away from the offense wayy to much.
Whats the difference if you get scored on with four men back or one man back? You must exit the zone faster in the NHL,these guys are slow as crap and were able to hem us in,we arent skating it our with speed and we arent passing it out with speed,we are trying to simply put more bodies in the zone and say that the math tells us this is the right thing to do,

We are dong to many odd things in our own zone that are screwing up our transition game,we are a possesion/transiton team,NOT A DEFENSIVE TEAM.

Defensive efforts generally get this team buried 6 feet deep,so quite freaking obviously we ARE NOT A DEFENSIVE TEAM AND WE CANNOT BE ONE .

This means Dallas you need to change up your entire defensive BS story,it will NEVER WORK.As basic as you want to make it a defensive focus will NOT LET YOU SURVIVE IN THE NHL.

Every time we get smashed I see another team doing what I tell the Oilers to do,even down to keeping the pedal down for 60 full minutes like they just did to us.Remember the last few times we had the chance to crush a teams spirits?Remember the letdowns we had?Just basic stuff anyone should know somehow isnt implemented consistantly or in some cases at all.Maybe tonight we learned to run up the score,YES guys other teams dont have mercy,remember that already.

I gotta say that the stubbornness I am seeing in the defensive end of the game is DESTROYING the offense this team can generate.

This is not growing pains,this is the wrong program.

I dont care to support the learning curve crap anymore.

I do not want to watch this team being TAUGHT DEFENSE by Dallas and Andrew,enough is enough already,pull the freaking plug.

This isnt fair to the fans.

Lose the defensive focus because it derails the possesion/transition game we are manned up to play.

Ant to set the record straight,the NHL standard for defensive acumen by a Head Coach is not being met on any level whatsoever.

I am not saying some good things arent happening,but this idea that Dallas is a defensive specialist will be written on his Oilers haedstone because at the NHL level this hockey mind IS NOT A DEFENSIVE FORCE AT ALL,I do believe Dallas needs to re-invent himself or he is in trouble.Unfortunately the league is evolving into offensive focus not defensive focus.A defnsive mindset doesnt cut it when the majority of teams are focusing on high powered offense,dont confuse high powered with high speed either.

This team will not grow into this style,and i am afraid that it is looking like a long-term trainwreck.

K-Lowe has done the impossible he has poised the core for an implosion before any of the men have hit their ceilings.

I dont even want to come back to read this next year,but jeepers this group couldnt have been more mismanaged,we are going to see a potentially history making core be blown up and it is just sad,thats the only word I can think of,sad.

At this point we might as well just take the high pick this draft and NOT try to trade for a high profile player blockbuster style,one player no matter who he is is not turning this mess around.And the core is aging like old freaking cheddar faster than anyone could have thought.Next year we wont need another star player and might as well also keep the high draft pick.

Managment needs to consider that if they stick to dallas then there is another two years minimum of this losing.

I would not buy seasons tickets to watch ownership intentionally and in a derelict manner turf season after season intentionally trying to drag up high draft picks.

Someone sew Barnabys lips shut already that anti-oiler schill.

Just pay my price and start working on the NewAge Hockey System this season,Dallas has been flamed epiclly, this team needs a boost in every department.

I can turn Dallas into an offensive savant in two weeks and alter his career forever.

Tell Katz to break out a Paper Tiger and lets get er done, I have won by attrition,there is no negotiation K-Lowe,Mac-T ...just concede already and make nice like you should have done years ago and fulfill the terms.Moma2 and the NewAge Hockey System were NEVER a negative,so make nice and fix things.Go back to where the fight began and kneel with palms wide open and concede.

I mean seriously,no one can really believe this roster will ever become a defensive roster,none of them were built that way and you CANNOT go against the grain of decades of drafting and player managment on the back of a rookie coach who is sold as defensive but isnt defensive at all,in fact his best adjustments have been offensively orientated,his most impactfull decisons have been on the offensive side as he has tried so hard to force his defensive perspective to set in.

Now we have our captain cheapshotting one of our best energy men and KOing him in a practice? This defensive crap must end has ripped this team apart and there has been zero return and there is no sign of return in the reasonable future.

Our dressing room was raped,our locker room was abused our identity was questioned,the men were all questioned on every level,a new Captain was forcefed to the team by a new head Coach and nothing positive has materialised.

Dallas is a great coach who is missing his calling as an offensive bulldog,Ference is a Captain but not of an offensively catalysed lineup he needs to manage a defensive team and this one will never be that,it was never designed or destined to be that.

K-Lowe,Mac-T and the rest of managment have missed the boat.

Bringing in a defensively obssesed coach and a defensively branded defensman as a Captain simply reeks of a defensman top level manager doesnt it,and the results are consistant with the influences trickeling downhill in Edmonton for to many years now.

This internal struggle wil have to end sooner than later, right now hands down the Coach and Captain are in the hole,there is no avoiding the hole or its epic depth.Somewhere along the way someone forgot that it takes a roster to support a Head Coach and a Captain.Not the other way around.Most sane owners would be pulling the plug right now.I am afraid that katzes behaviour is now bordering on insulting to the fans of Edmonton.The fact a new Arena is coming only makes it feel like a hostage taking where katz gets his payoff no matter what and can simply let the paying fans turn and roast as long as he wants,this is really sad.

If you want to win in the NHL you need to play to your strengths,no one here is doing this,no one.

How can people pay so much money to take their kids to see this kind of mess?And not rebel in some ways?

This is an abnormal situation,nothing is right here.This is embarrasing.I mean for gods sakes I was happy to see magnuses line get a point against my home team.

Now i have to stop this is bordering on traitor territory,I must self-police and shut this keyboard down before I hurt myself with it.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 01:34 AM
For the first time in Oilers history I saw a Jersey thrown on the ice.That locker room rape is paying dividends now I guess.Now fans feel OK crapping on this teams history,this is sickening.

That bloody army jacket better be in the garbage by morning and that bloody jersey that I saw laying on the ice needs to be repatriated and on that note it BETTER be hanging in the lockerroom or on the backs of the men who need to earn the respect of that fan back.

The fan is not to blame here,that jersey needs to be earned back now.

I cannot believe the shananigans I have witnessed this season,this has been a circus,the WORST OILERS SEASON EVER long before it even started,as soon as that lockerroom was raped and the donuts were screwed with and the team was openly questioned and berated by men who werent even Oilers yet,this is sickening.

I havent been an Oilers fan all these years to watch this kind of crap,the fans in this city have been through to much to tolerate this,it is asking to much of them.

Daryl Katz you need to step up and make some decisions here this is now rubbing off on you more than you think,soon the jokes will become Daryl katz jokes,there is nothing left to joke about now is there?

I am being shaken and it is not the losses it is the lack of due dilligance shown by managment,I feel sorry for the players and the coaches as well,this attempt to reset the team is now FUBARed.

This defensive experiment is over,I dont even care if we win our way out of this non-playoff season,I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THIS HAPPEN AGAIN NEXT YEAR,I do not want to see this type of hockey in Edmonton,I want to see goals and if we cant get them with the managers and captain and coach we have,then change them all if you need to but,in this city we want to see goals,NOT COMPETE AND LOSING.

My price just went up by 10% after seeing that Jersey on the ice,one more of those with no action and I will refuse to ever support this managment group,I will let the players suffer on their own and reccomend they consider their careers and ask for change of venues. If nothing is done now nothing will be done next year,this is not how these men were supposed to start their careers.I will not be a part of such epic and I am beginning to believe intentional losing.This is like nothing I have ever seen before anywhere,this is beyond epic.

You cannot score this few goals in the NHL with ANY roster at all,this is not normal.

This is so not normal that I could vomit.This isnt possible I have never seen this type of losing in any competative dynamic.

I wouldnt compete or fight for this mess,I would just collect my cheques and wait to get the heck out of dodge when things implode.I dont want to see the men fight for this kind of crap anymore,it is not advisable ,it is time to start mailing them in and collecting paycheques.I hope the core stays healthy for the rest of the year and I hope for no trades involving our offensive players making up the core,there is nothing to be gained now by trading anyone from the core,and there are no bad apples here,there is only bad leadership external to the footsoldiers in the lockerroom.

When a players health and career are at stake every game like they are in the NHL it isnt like the AHL,men arent going to TOE THE LINE,they will tell you to go to hades if you wont let them try to win.No one will risk their hides to support a losing system or style or philosophy,no one intelligent anyways,maybe the Oilers should have drafted stupid players instead of players with high Hockey IQs.

I think terms have changed,average NHL player salary or forget it.Win bonus of 5k per game over 82 games and 10k per playoff game,with a 50k Stanley Cup bonus,and a ring.This is a historic mess and it might cost someones health to correct it,I am not going through that type of physical abuse for nothing.Before I forget I also want to be in the team picture with the Cup on the ice.And I want this in the format of a personal services contract with the Owner.I dont trust any of these tee-pee creepers managing the Bounty,i mean team.

The deeper this hole becomes the madder I get at how this happened and the higher the terms of service go,there is apparently no ceiling in sight.

Everyone cannot work together seamlessly because the training wheels defensive cement shoes prevent it from happening across the board,kruegers results have badly exposed this charade,this is actually regression ,how do you regress when you are already at rock bottom?

I know the NHS can save this franchise and cores integrity,but did it really have to get this bad?

The only thing left to do now is a 360 turnaround and the NHS is as close as you get to pure offense for 60 minutes.

Straight back to Ralphs Adjusted-Hybrid structure with the NHSs Intuitive Dynamic Managment being implemented 100% until the team can put together 5 game win streaks, then an immediate switch to the full NHS.Dallas can learn from what Ralph accomplished by equalling those accomplishments using Ralphs system,then he can add his defensive ideas as the team gets further down the road to a winning attitude.By the end of this year we will have a roster playing a lethal new system and consistantly winning games to close out the season.

This core needs to go back to something they have confidence in,and that they have won with at the NHL level.That is last years program,then you can adjust and tweak them from startig poit they are familiar with.

Face it already,a complete reversion to last years system would produce better results than this years fiasco has managed to create.And at least show/teach Dallas where his roster is coming from so they can all find a common page to work from,for gods sakes they played better defense last year.When the 1st transition changed ,everything changed.

I am also thinking that major league level NHL superstition and karma are at work here,find a picture of the old lockerroom and PUT IT BACK THE WAY YOU FOUND IT,give the donuts back,lose the army jacket,stop saying the word compete,and stop referring to the team as being a defensive work in progress.And find that Jersey that was laying on the ice this group needs to earn it back and it needs to hang over all of their heads untill they do so,and also find the fan and apologise and give them their money back and a new Jersey voucher.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 11:28 AM
Ok its the morning after.

I dont have any pity for the "leaders' who are identified as such by title or letter anymore.

This season got off to a Voo-doo start and has simply spiraled into a free-fall,now we have a rookie NHL coach and captain well seasoned in the losing department.

This is not complicated whatsoever,and I am not happy with the half-hearted thinly veiled excuses I am hearing.

This has been slowly and intentionally evolving into a coach and Captain vs the Players dynamic.

This Tactical Template was in place well before the season started.

Some people believed that they were going to come into the lockerroom in Edmonton and "clean it out",not clean it up,but actually rip it to pieces and dismantle it.

Players were identified as causality and managment purposefully made this dynamic happen and then they brought in a Captain to rat out the dirty birds in the locker room so the Headcoach could turf the "trouble makers".

While the bullets have been flying Mac-T and K-Lowe have sunk below the horizon and purposefully hidden from the media and fanbase.

This was a Gangland hit from day one and it has backfired,the lockerroom has more charachter and identity than the hitmen brought in to clean them out.


This is about a teflon managment group closing ranks,bringing in hitmen and trying to blame a lack of results on the men.

This has been hung on Dallas and Andrew ,and that is where it belongs.


Look up the term "gaslighting" and apply it to what managment and the RECENTLY INSTALLED so called leadership structure has been doing in a controlled and tightly managed fashion.

You cannot keep telling excusatory lies and piling on peripheral verbal support WHILE THE TANGIBLE EVIDENCE points in a completely different direction.

There is no grey area to hide in things are black and white in competative sports dynamics.These powers are trying to artificially create and maintain a "grey area" .

This is and has been for at least a decade a SYSTEM ISSUE.

Now it has gotten worse than that and it has become a BELIEF ISSUE.

Players have been roasted and hung out to dry since day one by the Rookie Head Coach,no upper managment they disappeared.Then a new Oiler was installed by this new Coach after the identity heart and guts of the entire roster had been slagged questioned and well publicised.

The intentions all along have been to hang this lack of results on the Players.

It hasnt worked as it never should have,this IS NOT A PLAYER ISSUE.

At this point the number of Coaches we have gone through points to a pre-existing and chronic problem. A PRE-EXISTING CHRONIC PROBLEM GOING BACK A DECADE AT MINIMUM.

There were very few areas to frame this lack of results upon,just the players and coach,after that it becomes a managment issue.

Well an assinine number of Coaches have been run through the grinder,now the players have been hammered on and MANAGMENT STILL WALKS FREE AND CLEAR.

The owner is a non-factor here,he is NOT A HOCKEY MAN,he is a businessman.

Managment MUST be involved in the systems decisions,there is NO WAY they arent involved.

The olde words were being "in cahoots".

This is no time to be sucking up to the Players and "asking questions" come on keep throwing shots,the fight isnt over yet,either there are apologies and a reversal or the fight continues,it smoulders under the surface but doesnt go away because the dynamic CANNOT resolve itself,the MEN who initiated it need to shut it down.

We all saw this coming,there was no serious attemt to hide anything ,and now we can see that the entire situation has been regressive and has not worked.


These influences are stubborn and teflon,they are deluded on some critical level and believe that as long as they stay in a group and rely on a numbers advantage thy will survive if they just dig in deeper and deeper.

This is a Championship player attitude and perspective being projected from managerial positions,this is a defunct dynamic,it is designed for an internal battle and fight not designed to fight opponents external to the organisation.

The men in the offices belong on the bench and always have,they were ALL promoted to soon and have ALL fallen back on that Championship instinct without realising that when they do it they force themselves to fight their own men.

Someone is taking bruises here,and it has to be managment.

I was banned from an Oilers website years ago by some teflon asset,with an attitude that caused them to lie and to misrepresent and then simply smile knowing they were untouchable.This individual is and was a REFLECTION OF THE ENTIRE ORGANISATIONS ELITIST ATTITUDE.

I was right and the Oilers asset was wrong but I was roasted and there was no way to change that,years later when I requested clarification ,BLATANT LIES WERE REPRESENTED AS TRUTHS.To support an earlier WRONG decision.

You see there is a false sense of entitlement here that NO ONE HAS EARNED AND IT GOES RIGHT DOWN TO THE LOWEST LEVELS OF THE ORGANISATION.

This group behaves like a horny monkey and screws anyone that gets close enough to be manipulated.

When you do something wrong and then refuse to correct it fairly and instead pile on the BS and dig in for a dirty fight you are revealing your true colors.


You CANNOT develop a professional level communiation platform based on untruths and misrepresentation,people shouldnt need a laywer to speak for them at work for gods sakes,but with this teflon and crooked bunch everything is spun into the BS they want,little is true and pure.

It is hard for some people to understand that there are simple methods of defining what truths and untruths are,it is a program that does not lie.

The only ways you can defeat the program is if you LIE or MISREPRESENT,or WORDSMITH.

At the end of the day this is and has historiclly been an integrity issue,but if anyone dare question this lack of integrity they are hit with an orange and blue wall of venom,with a serious streak of payback through blackballing.

As is above so is below.

If you have simple fans being screwed by volunteers running a site,then realisticlly where do you think these people got the cojones from to behave this way?From their bosses of course.

I knew years ago what the problem was because I encountered it.I was milked for aything that was usefull and when I sought validation I was kicked in the Crown Royal Bag by some two bit peon.And when I tried to fight back the lies began and continue till today.

Heres the sickest part of all , the battles I had with this group had a DEFINABLE AND POSITIVE IMPACT on the site for everyone today,changes have been made,but the CATALYST OF THOSE POSITIVE CHANGES has been buried in concrete shoes.

Positive changes were made but the influences have been buried have been BLACKBALLED.

What I am saying is these are questionable mentalitys they only treat you decent until they can manipulate a dynamic in which they can screw you.

This group is more worried about losing an arguement than an NHL game,the prioritys are ALL PROTECTIONIST OR SURVIVALIST.

If you never lose you never learn

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:34 PM
Losing is about surrendering your grip on the current reality,accepting it.

Learning is an identical dynamic,to learn you must surrender your grip on your current reality and perception and accept willingly a new and superior one.

What do you expect to happen if you short circuit this process with a misuse of power?

If you cheat this dynamic,you begin to create your own self-supported and self-sustaining reality,an incorrect and inaccurate one that grows bigger and bigger the harder you fight to maintain it.You create your own monster.

This is not hard to quantify,it is easy to quantify,it is just impossible to change because it is a group effort managed from the top.

It is as simple as this,statistics lie and can be manipulated.In the past there was really no way to prove that cheating was happening.EVERYONE was doing it.Using statistics to misrepesent every area of the game and its managment.

Well today there is something called Intuitive Dynamic Managment available to anyone who chooses to identify causality of negative situations.

You cannot hide from the truth if there is a method of exposing statistical manipulations and accurately identifying the source of the discontent.

Numbers cannot be used to support BS anymore.

The issue can be paralled,try telling an alcoholic they have a problem,listen to their rationalisations,watch how they approach the challenge of defending their is an identical dynamic,they have built an inaccurate reality around themselves,they BELIEVE themselves,they wouild pass a polygraph if you asked them if they were an alcoholic and they said no.

Listen,this is about belief and faith and integrity.

A 1st period goes great and all cylinders are firing,but as soon as the team encounters adversity they do not BELIEVE in the support that they are supposed to be committed to and they are JUSTIFIED in this position.

The men have been essentially disenfranchised and taken out of the equation.

They have no faith in what they are being asked to do,they will physically do as they are asked because they are professionals,but the BELIEF WILL NOT BE THERE.

This situation was engineered or created and this is easy to see.

Housecleaning will not cure this problem,honesty will and integrity will,but nothing else will do.

I have watched the team be abandoned on purpose,I have watched the coach get frustrated and tell the men to do what they wanted if they thought they had a better idea than he did and then abandon them and not give them 100% support,only giving them 70% support,essentially letting them do well and prove their point but then at the critical moment not give them 100% assistance to carry that momentum forward.

These men have been treated like kids using popcorn psychology
and it has turned into a circus of the damned.

Twenty years ago the world was a different place and graft and statistical manipulations were the norm or the status quo,this is the school that upper managment learned in.

Twenty years ago EVERYONE acceppted this crooked staus quo,no matter where you were this attitude was pervasive.BS supported by numbers or a majority voice,this is a Baby Boomer dynamic but i am not wasting time repeating the obvious.

I am not a Boomer,I was a victim of a lifetime of Boomer manipulations and they DO NOT fool me,they were the generation before me and after being screwed by them on every level in every area of life I learned about them and all of the institutions they created to support the Elephant in the Room that the generation itself has always been due to numbers driven survival dynamics.


Now times are changing,crooked politicians are being outed,CEOs of Fortune 500 companies began a mass exodus 5-10 years ago,the ship is being abandoned because as the generation aged many began dropping out of the game early not wanting to be left holding the bag so to speak,the numbers advantage dissappeared and with that false realitys support going the reality itself is falling apart.

Today we KNOW that most of the charity dollars we give to traditional charitys are eaten up by administration fees and billions have been stolen from the poor over decades this way.But who can prove it and do anything about it?No one because the perpetrators are now old and hiding.

Today we know that our governments do not do as we ask they do what they want,we know today that there is zero accountability,we know that politicians have been involved in graft on a historical scale,and we also know that in the past this was an accepted status quo,but these lies and misrepresentations by an entire generation have destroyed an entire way of life,everything this elephant built is falling to pieces,but there werent enough children born to rebuild or maintain this illusion.

twenty years ago people like me who asked questions and defended integrity and truth were imediatly blackballed and silenced , the greatest irony of all is integrity and truth is what the Boomer taught their kids in a wicked attempt to pretend they carried these traits which were in REALITY carried by their parents and ABANDONED BY THE BOOMERS WHO WERE A SPOILED DAMAGING GENERATION WHICH HAS BROUGHT OUR WAY OF LIFE TO ITS KNEES.

An entire generation of people were relegated to fast-food jobs while the Boomers kept their jobs longer than their parents did,took retirement packages and started businesses enmasse,this entire group forced themselves into places they were suppossed to vacate naturally as their parents did.

The group failed to provide better opportunitys for their kids than they themselves had,and neglected the reality that THEIR OWN PARENTS TAUGHT THEM TO provide their kids with a better chance than they themselves had.This is one big bad crooked and quickly aging generation who are BEYOND HELP.You must subjugate them to get them to learn anything,and there are pockets of them around like here that are still surviving using this mentality,of course they are connected to the big money.But that doesnt matter to the new generations because all the Boomers are old and they cant screw these grandkids like they screwed their own kids,the money is everywhere for these kids and they cannot be blackballed into fiscal subjugation.

You see you lieing beestards,you cannot silence my generation now and we will teach the youngsters to dismantle your systems ASAP now that your numbers advantages are fading ALL OVER THE PLACE.When my grandparents raised you they were struggeling in every way,they only wanted to give you spoiled twerps more opportunity for a better life than they themselves had,they stayed in marriages and worked themselves to death while all along sacrificing personal comforts and security to send you useless underachievers to Colleges and Universtitys enmasse.

Then you greedy little twits used everything around you like it was toilet paper,you changed rules and societal norms to fit your URGES and your PERSONAL WANTS,you destroyed marriage,you destroyed the religons,you destroyed economic and educational continuity,you basiclly consumed everything and used everyone even your own kids.You yourselves were put through school to get better jobs,which you did,you were given every opportunity in

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 01:49 PM
You were given every opportunity to succeed.Your parents,my Grandparents SACRIFICED to create this dynamic for you all.

Then the Boomers decided they didnt like marriages ,BANGO,goodbye society as we knew it,goodbye long solid fiscally supported marriages leading to post-secondary educations and opportunity for kids ,hello divorce,poverty,lack of educaton and dysfunctional broken families,the Boomers children were sold out.

All along the boomers did very well,their educations allowed them to take all of their parents jobs early and to create more as they needed,usually levels of beuracracy requiring University degrees,jobs never really needed but simply created to feed the monster.

Then as they aged into middle life their mismanagment toppled the ecomomy and they all structured BUYOUTS for themselves and then went into small business and enmasse became entrepeneaurs.

First they set themselves up with more fiscal power than their parents without putting in the hard work to earn it like their parents did,so they didnt respect it from day one.Then they divorced enmasse and fiscally crippled their children enmasse,this prevented entire generations after them from recieving post secondary educations forcing them into fast-food jobs to support the Boomer needs and wants,a perfect set-up,because when they all took their buyouts and took over small business enmasse they TOOK THEIR KIDS FUTURES AWAY AGAIN,first they dominated all the education based jobs and purposefully held back young up and comers threatening them as nature says they should,then when they broke that system they switched to small business and threw out their degrees ,they actually took over the jobs their kids were forced into,they hijacked their own kids for chripes sakes.

It is a disgusting history and I have had to witness it and be victimised by it for a lifetime.

This issue is really a fight between the remnants of the Boomer mentality and the new generation,their grandchildren.

What kind of freaking monsters would ruin their own kids and society as it was known ,lie and tell themselves it never happened
,subjugate fiscally anyone who claimed different ,and then decades and decades later try to repeat the same abuse on their own Grandchildren?

Yes young generation dig in and fight this Baby Boomer mentality,you WILL NOT LOSE THIS BATTLE OF ATTRITION you have TIME ON YOUR SIDE NOW,my generation didnt have this saving grace.

Do not give up on your internal compass and the values you want to represent,in todays world the transition is gaining momentum,there are options now for everyone,you can now find a more honest and integrity driven place to devote your energy and support.

Dont vote for politicians you know in your heart are crooked,when you see someone trying to expose craft and dishonesty support them and fight together.dont work for entitys that operate like these crooked politicians,just refuse,there are options for you now.

When you see wrongs being done dont let yourselves be bought out by money,take that advice from part of a generation that had that fiscal confidence and security ripped away from them by the same graft you now face and learned to survive without it.

Disenfranchise them by not allowing them to manipulte you fiscally.Take a loss to make a point and if you all stick together you will break their grip.

Look to your great grandparents for direction,skip your grandparents and parents generations,we are flawed.


The Boomers mentlity need you more than you need them and dont let them brainwash you into believing anything different.

The worm has now turned,dont pity these manipulators,crush them ASAP.

Use tools like Intuitive Dynamic Managment to create dynamic templates to find the TRUTH.Learn from survivors how to win battles with a more powerfull foe.If you dig for the truth and fight for it you WILL WIN.

Dont let yourselves be blamed for things catalysed by others,expose them instead and hold them accountable.

Work harder to support truth and integrity than those pulling in the opposite direction,you will win these tu-o-wars now,its is a bunch of gangster seniors on the other end of the rope trying to convince you they are stronger than you are,but their money cant pull on the rope,and they cant use it to weaken you in todays world,so keep pulling harder,work harder than they did,understand that your great grandparents worked that hard to create the monster you now fight so you will need to look to them for directions on how to destroy the monster,remember they are a lazy bunch who think they are smarter than you and use money to undercut you.

You will not create change unless you work harder than the people who created the staus quo.

Just dont let yourself be caught in a place where your hard work and intentions are undervalued and manipulated.

Respect your own hard work and intentions enough to make solid choices for yourselves.

Dont walk away without a fight,fight for what you believe in.You never lose when you are fighting the good fight,you may change locations but never lose.But dont go silently into the night,try to make change along your way,speak up and out,you deserve a voice.

If a man cannot stand up and speak his piece without fear of being blackballed then he must move on or he is no longer a man,he is a slave.

I worked on some of the worlds largest land based Oil Drilling Rigs,i was in may life and death situations on a daily basis,working in an environment where small errors potentially carried fatal consequences.Just standing in the wrong spot in a Blonde moment can get you killed easily,just putting your hand in the wrong spot ONCE and your name changed to lefty.The men around you needed to be like minded.I witnessed a few serious life altering injuries over the years.

Hockey players work under the same type of pressure every single night,one wrong move,one misstep and they could be maimed or injured for life and possibly suffer a fatality,durig their job duties.This is a non-negotiable reality.This is a reality MOST people do not understand.

I didnt end up on the biggest and best Drilling Rigs for nothing,I was not "connected",I earned my way there through hard work constant learning and solid principals, along the way I walked away from many many opportunitys other men never had a shot at,I turned down cherry jobs based on prinicipals many times before I found the optimal dynamics.

This meant that if i was on a top rated Rig and some idiot teflon manager began making questionable decisions I had the knowledge and acumen to see it happening and provide rational reasonable solutions or alternatives,this meant I could pinpoint motivation and intentions,if you refused to accept a superior alternative in ANY situation I immediatly knew you were flawed,then I had to decide if the opportunity I had there was worth the trouble of defining causality of this defect or not.Was it worth it to learn why you were a putz? Or were you intentionally undermining the optimal path for some regressive reason or to cover some personal shortcoming?In most cases a refusal to accept a superior alternative is catalysed by protectionist behaviour attempting to mask a core deficieny or three.In a few cases it is a lack of knowledge and education but those men immediatly see the light and get on board,others see the light but refuse to fight the status q

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 02:43 PM
No matter what the causality was I needed to define it to make a solid decision about my future.If there was no chance for changes I immediatly moved on.

My life and health were at risk every single day I was at work,and there was zero negotiation in safety and sanity areas.If I wasnt 100% satisfied that the men around me were capable cerebrally of learning and adapting the i didnt feel safe and wouldnt risk myself there.

There are is only one OPTIMAL way to do anything,and setteling for anything less is not acceptable when your life and health are at stake.

The arguement about what is optimal is not a joke under these circumstances,EVERY MAN must have a clear and definitive voice,because he is his own master when his life and future health are at stake.Traditional dynamics do not apply.

I didnt care what my Boss had to say if I knew what we were being told to do wasnt the optimal way to get it done,I was willing to do things the labor intensive way provided the safety factor was there but ONLY once until I could provide a superior alternative.No adjustments and I was gone,immediatly.

This is how i ended up on the caddilac Rigs working with some of the best Riggers in the world.I would not compromise certain principals under any circumstances and was willing to make immediate terminal changes to support this view,even if it meant forgoing a prime career opportunity,I could not be intimidated or bought out or pressured by peers.

The people running the companies knew the types of crap that happened on MOST of their Rigs,but had to accept these deficiencies or shut down operations,it is about the benjamins man,they also knew that the smartest and best men WOULD NOT STAY IN REGRESSIVE DYNAMICS,so they would send the best potential candidates to the crappiest Rigs,knowing full well that the smartest ones would be booking out of there the first and fastest,yes there would be lazy slow learning and simply unsuited men leaving this early as well,but the personell managers knew the diamonds were in there with the guff.So the industry was smart,it didnt matter how you left a Rig,you always had an opportunity to go to the office and explain yourself,this was another step in the screening process,if you couldnt even verbalise what you thought was a problem you categorised yourself immediatly and they sent you out to some piece of crap rig with like minded people working on low value contracts where rules could be bent.This was a lesson the indusrty learned over many many years,communication breakdowns cost money and lives.They knew that most men are not elite communicators but they also knew how to pick out who was,they knew that if you couldnt communicate well you couldnt perform optimally or learn optimally,and you sure couldnt teach optimally.They also knew what BSers are and how to strain them out,if your well communicated reasons werent accurate and true you also categorised yourself for them,and they shipped you to a middle of the road Rig where you would have optimal performance opportunitys working on medium value contracts where some rules were bent but most were followed.

If you proved to be a diamond in the rough then they would send you to their Cadillac Rigs working on the highest value contracts for the most important clients where you would have an opportunity to optimise you skillset and in the process help others optimise theirs seamlessly.This environment is one where every man thinks and reacts the same way under the same circumstances BECAUSE HE CHOOSES TO DO SO AND HAS HISTORICLLY CHOSEN TO DO SO.These men ARE ACTUALLY ALL THE SAME.The choose to accept the same reality or page of their own free will.In this environment any man can fall and any man can seamlessly pick up where the fallen man left off without missing a beat.One man could be fixing a pump and walk away leaving the entire operation as it is and another man in any position could walk up look at the pieces and tools,identify what was happening by these peripheral evidences and pick up seamlessly where the earlier man had left off.No questions,no adjustments no changes no BS,just the accepted common sense path that every man knew was optimal.There were no DISCUSSIONS about what was the best or OPTIMAL path,if you didnt already know it you werent even there.

In a nutshell the best of the best were initially found in a pile of the worst of the worst.The best of the best DO NOT STAY IN NEGATIVE DYNAMICS BECAUSE NATURE AND THEIR BRAINS DRIVE THEM FORWARD.So accurate valuations are critical and when you are looking for diamonds you look EVERYWHERE,especially in the trash cans of others where men who fight the staus quo always end up sooner or later.

If you snuff out the loudest voices and the strongest fighters you snuff out your own ability to produce optimal results.

As a man,a human being,if my Coach or boss told me to do something I knew was not optimal I would be forced into an evaluation as would everyone else.Simple.

No man worth his salt will compromise himself for a coach or a boss,are you kidding me?Money is not the issue personal safety and growth and learning and evolution are the issues.

These men risk their health and lives on the ice every game and like it or not they think like mavericks because that is how they survive,if you try to break them they will move on,you WILL NOT BREAK THEM.If you do they werent the diamonds you thought they were.

By all natural cause and effect Dallas and Andrew ought to be leaving town,the diamonds here will never be broken and if things dont change they WILL MOVE ON VERY any Alpha male in control of his own life and destiny would naturally do.

You cannot fight a mans nature,you cannot change it,if you try you will end up admiring it one he distances himself from you and begins to grow and evolve naturally again in a better envronment.

I dont want to be looking at this core group from a distance and admiring them for what they turned into in a better environment,I want to create a better environment right now and right here and if that means changing the coach, captain,GM,it must be done,whatever it takes to create a proper environment.

On Caddilac Oil Rigs no man ends up there unless he takes a common path,there is a unified sense of urgency running through every man at all times,this is the core value strength that supports optimal performance in all areas.No Manager is gifted his job,no one is teflon,to much money is at stake,everything is constantly results based and change is immediate when it affects the bottom line,IMMEDIATE. In hockey winning is the equivilant of the bottom line and when it is affected change must be immediate.

Who in the hockey dynamic hasnt taken the common path,where is the communication disconnect located,at what level,with 100% certainty it is not the men,it is a very small minority in a managerial position that is catalysing the disconnect.

The men all know defense and offense,they all know the tools,they all know how to win,they all choose of their own free will to be where they are today.

This problem can only be one of two things,a flawed business plan or in hockey a system or philosophy,or it may be one singular flawed managerial position creating a cascade effect.

I have said this for years,it is the flawed system they cannot engage and upper managments misplaced support of it.

so many coaches have been run through the grinder that

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 02:52 PM
So many coaches have been run through the grinder that we can now distill the dynamic even further and say we now know the primary catalyst of the disconnect is in FACT THE SYSTEM ITSELF.

So now some smart alec will say that the system is a Dynasty System that has won many Stanley Cups and it is being managed by the men who actually won those cups.So it will be defended to the death by those men.

Fine fine fine,exist in denial of the reality surrounding you or make changes to adjust it.

The system doesnt work because it is missing a strong enough Intuition catalyst,the men running the show dont even understand it themselves completely so how could they know how to reproduce it,these men werent the Intuition based catalys other men were.

Gretzky was this catalyst then he taught Mess, then people tried to reproduce their impacts because there was no pure Intuition of a high enough level available when these two original catalysts left town.

Since then it has been one long effort to replace Intuition with all kinds of statistical thinking.

I am as Intuition based as Wayne was,naturally stronger than Mess,and that is all there is to say.I have never encountered another person like me with my perspective,so there you are,and I am a random fan.

Where will this managment group find the Intuition they need? Nowhere because it is like a lightening strike it can only be born in specific environments and nature creates them not books.

You dont have Wayne,Mess isnt natural he is taught,and I am to expensive for you now. I could teach like Wayne taught Mess because I was born this way as Wayne was.It is what it is.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 08:44 PM
I just watched a video and saw a shot of Mac-T,Bucky,and Mess sitting in a press box.

It hit a nerve with me.

I cannot say that i would not want these men at my back under any circumstance because i would,add K-Lowe and the others we have and the feeling remains the same.

We DO HAVE studs in managment as well as on the roster.

It simply befuddles me that this group cannot grasp what I am saying,and I wonder if when they were on the ice they had the same difficulty understanding what Wayne was doing and thinking in most moments.

I am inclined to believe that they were all relatively able and confident and earned their ways to the roster the normal way.

Just like the men who made it to the Caddilac Rigs I worked,
there was a multi-level screening process in place they had to make it through.

These men didnt come to a Cadillac Rig type of team they came to a new one with little to nothing going for it,I would say they ended up on a crappy Rig or less than optimal team.

They definately did not come to a Championship team or atmosphere.

What I am most fascinated by is how the processes of evolution happened for that young team.

They took a crappy dynamic and turned it into a Championship Dynasty dynamic.

This is simply incredible because this was not a one shot deal and as we all know had they remained intact three or four cups were likely theirs for the taking.

What I think is that one man catalysed the entire dynamic,and that man was Wayne Gretzky.

I dont believe there is any other optimal answer,it was Wayne who was the lynchpin.

The real question is HOW he managed to bring the entire roster onto his page.

I already know the answer because I have done the same thing many times in my life.

Wayne took one man and showed him a better way to do one thing,that man was Mess,whatever the one thing was it taught Mess a lesson,something he didnt or wasnt seeing,Wayne gave mark a new perspective on something that WORKED OPTIMALLY.

I am sure Wayne considered whatever it was and made sure it fit Mooses learning style perfectly .

I believe that a small core group of players evolved around Wayne,based on results they were getting in small tiny ways,based on small improvements Wayne helped them realise.

I dont think LIGHTNING STRUCK that team.

I think wayne fed small doses of his own bottled lightning to select men and created an optimal dynamic in small well planned steps.

Wayne wasnt Taylor Hall,he was a different animal and how he created impact was much different in some ways than a man like Hall.I believe Nuge is Halls Wayne but no one has allowed this dynamic to evolve properly.It is coming soon.

I think that the Dynasty was built on trust and faith,NONE OF IT BLIND and all of it results based.

I think wayne started the fire and stoked it along the way.

I think he built trust and led by example,he worked his arse off finding ways to manifest wins using the skillset he had.

Wayne shared insights with specific men at specific times,he didnt sit down with the team and go over detailed NewAge Hockey System data,he didnt have to he could show them on the ice once or twice and they GOT IT,they could "feel" the dynamics unfolding and working for them when they OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL chose to see the game the same way Wayne was seeing it.

I believe wayne spent a great deal of energy picking his data for each man he brought intp the fold making sure that he didnt destroy the LARGER naturally evolving team dynamic as he made his small adjustments.

I believe that at some point in time Glen Sather after coaching his arse off and trying to make his own systems work with limited sucess noticed that there were games where things were consistantly happening out there that werent of his design and they produced RESULTS ,he was an observant man,he likely tried to kibosh the maverick small changes he didnt ask for,to no avail because without them his own system kept underperforming with the very same men who overperformed with the weird adjustments, he then eventually had a dallas Eakins moment and simply threw up his hands and said go for it if you think you are so darn smart then SHOW ME! he then stepped back and let Wayne try his hand at implementing Intuitive Dynamic Managment full scale in the big show. The rest is written history.

I do not believe Slats let Wayne take credit for having tangible control in the open or he would have lost control of the roster as a whole,I believe the process of allowing Wayne to take more and more tactical control to the ice level was a well managed dynamic.But I also believe Slats was smart enough to know when the men realised as a group who was really running the show and let things develop to maturity without having a vanity or hissy fit.

There were no guarantees that Waynes managment abilitys would translate into something he could teach to others,but he made it happen.

I know the way this happened and I also know that Wayne NEEDED the team to provide him with a CONSISTANT set of dynamics in any given game for him to do his majic.The system dynamics DID NOT have to be the same for Wayne it wasnt the system that allowed him to create majic it was the CONSISTANCY he fed off of.

I know this because I created a system that does what Wayne was doing and I am 100% sure of myself on this.

If Wayne and I had a chat I would explain to him how the computer Big Blue cheated to beat Kasparov at chess and he would laugh guaranteed because he would "get it' immediatly.We both learned how to defeat statistical certaintys very very young Wayne and I.

I could fill ten books with details and evidence to support these suppositions.

Mark was an excellent learner and a wild card,his passion to win and wild side were in a constant battle,but he was strong enough internally to recognise what Wayne had to offer him,first in giving him a better chance to win every night and then shortly thereafter teaching him a NEW way to see the ice and the game that allowed mark to also do majic.

Wayne was a naturally born Intuitive phenom.

Mark learned to build his own intuition level up to an unusually high level by tactile learning,all Wayne had to do was teach Mark how it FELT to make a dynamic happen and Mark could "get it",Wayne chose Mark because of his emotional quotient no one else knew how to harness and his learning style.

I was born a naturally high Intuitive person as wayne was and I also developed my strengths knowing full well I had a secret way to see things others couldnt,I learned early I could make things happen,anything really.However I never played hockey lucky for Wayne and all of his records ha ha ha,I like Wayne did also chose a student player to teach.I had none of Waynes epic advantages and my challenges were easily tenfold,I was blackballed and screwed with hard and heavy by people trying to stop me while wayne had free reign,my results equalled Waynes,I did a better job due to extenuating circumstances I had to work through.

Mark didnt pull the Stanley Cups he won without wayne out of his arse,he had a specific program he needed to teach his teammates so he could carry them to such great heights.

Mark I know you will be reading this.

I know you know I know if you know what I mean.

Mark havent you asked yourself yet how in the hades I can know these things?I mean it is the 1st question I would ask were I in your

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 09:29 PM
This question must be on your mind.

I know what you had to do to create the right levels of consistancy to enable you to take dynamic control of games as wayne taught you to do.You actually developed a methodology different than waynes was,you created your own version and template that better fit yourself and you skillset and managment style.But the Intuitive Dynamic Managment concepts DID NOT CHANGE.I know this to be fact.

When i heard the infamous "Guaranteed win" comments I laughed because I knew immediatly what the dynamic effect of the media coverage of that statement catalysed,ha ha ha I still laugh,I am not saying I think you were quoted exactly,who knows but I do know what the viral distribution of the comments we did hear did for you.

I know how you view every possesion of the puck,i see through your eyes and through Waynes eyes,however I NEVER played hockey.I had to develop my own teaching method just like you did,and mine is slightly different than both yours and Waynes,closer to waynes in some ways and closer to yours in others.

I dont need to be on the ice to teach mark but you do,Wayne didnt have my ability to verbalise and communicate his program or rather didnt stay coaching long enough to realise results ,the Coyotes STILL use Waynes base tactics,especially Doan i see them and recognise them all the time.

Mac-T I know you are there as well,you also developed a similar program but yours was more stats based than any of the three I just gave you tactical templates on,you learned out of neccesity how to be a visual thinker,you werent born that way and werent taken under anyones wing so to speak,you learned by OBSERVATION and translated the impacts you were seeing using a statistical focal point,it is your nature.You are ore comfortable with stats but know how it "feels" to engage Intuitive Dynamic Managment,I know because I saw you do it effectively under epic pressure,when the chips were down you fell back on everything you had and WHA-LA Intuitive Dynamic Managment showed its beautifull form just when you needed it most,you see Craig you fell back on your instincts your cerebral muscle-memory and let it all hang out,you were in survival mode,I know the drivers that activate your Intuition after watching you for so long over your entire career.

I could go on and on and on but whats the point.

I am trying to hit soft spots here that cannot be denied in areas there is no possible way I could know about without intimate knowledge of these men and their careers even how they think,data which i have NO WAY of getting.

wayne could make you believe by teaching you one-on-one how things "felt',mark could do the same thing,Mac-T could hit you over the head repeatedly with his clipboard,I had NONE of these advantages and yet I still managed to produce the exact same dynamic impacts and results.

When i say my methods have proven to be superior to Waynes,I KNOW what I am saying,the gravity of it,but it is what it is.when i say that my methods have created dynamic impacts equal to marks and greater than Craigs,I KNOW what I am saying,the gravity of it,but it is what it is.The last two Stanley Cups were won by teams using these methods Mark won two on his own without wayne and Craig didnt get the finish he deserved in his run. Only specific core value components of my overall NewAge Hockey System have been implemented ,NO TEAM has ever had the full and complete data to work with and no team but the Oilers ever will.I can show reasonable evidence that the NHS will produce results superior to the Dynasty rosters,break their records,and in all likelyhood set a new offensive standard for NHL hockey in very short order.You must understand that NO ONE has yet executed the full and complete NHS in the NHL yet.No one has a high enough level of natural Intuition,pure Intuition combined with an epic communication style to enable them to conceptualise how the concepts fit together and how to manage them consistantly.

After seeing the picture of you yahoos sitting there trying your arses of to figure out things you already know I had a tear in my eye.

Things DO NOT have to be this difficult.

You all KNOW somewhere in your guts that you are on the cusp of figuring this out.Sorry but you will likely not get over the hump not even together.The team has been sitting on the cusp for over a decade man.

Dallas isnt in Mac-Ts league statisticlly,Mark cant go into real tempo game conditions to transfer his knowledge in what would be his OPTIMAL teaching dynamic,the one he has perfected,so he must find the communication platform that will allow him to put those feelings into words that can teach men to reproduce emotional dynamics not just statistical game dynamics,and unfortunately this is much harder than it sounds I know because although i am more naturally Intuitive as Wayne is I HAD to break it down into the written form to do what Mark does.Remember I dont need to do this,I did it so players could understand the concepts and reproduce the impacts they needed to experience to "feel' what Mark teaches them to "feel" but I could not get on the ice,Actually if Mark and I talked I could teach him the methodology he needs so fast his head would spin.I fear Messier with a firm understanding of the NHS because he would do the same thing he did with Waynes teaching,he will evolve it to fit himself and become my equal in terms of ability to teach the concepts seamlessly.You see this is something many NHL trams are trying to figure out as we speak so they can implement more NHS data into their systems,they are trying to figure out how to do it from a STATISTICAL PERSPECTIVE. They dont understand what Intuition is and its potential impacts.They dont understand its origins and how rare it is and how even rarer it is to find a teaching method that works.They dont get that Wayne and I were born like this and that Mark and Craig learned it in different ways and dynamics and degrees but they both LEARNED IT.If you dont understand these things you will NEVER learn the secrets of Intuitive Dynamic Managment and be able to evolve it beyond the controlled bits and pieces gifted to you to modify the Hybrid and Adjusted-Hybrid systems popular today.The program does fit ALL systems to be frank.

This simple unavoidable reality of the origins and functional parameters of pure unadultered Intuition cannot be negotiated and the impacts cannot be replicated.This is why no NHL team has been able to implement all of the small bits of data I have released.I released data tacticlly specific bit by bit,to allow myself to accurately valuate the rate of osmosis,I needed to learn how fast coaches and players would learn so I could guage how much to give to keep them handcuffed.Many teams are creating optimal impacts now with singular core value adjustments,such good results they WILL NOT screw with the dynamic and try to add any more,besides if you arent using elite Intuition to implement multi-concepts you will have epic fallbacks and fail to produce winning results for extended periods of time,no team has the cojones to wait that kind of learning curve out,it is a results based business and game.Also some adjustments are system specific and teams dont need any more to show tremendous results,to much of a good thing can spoil the end results and if it aint broke why fix it,if you are well above .500 in the NHL you are considered a defi

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