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WWIII U.S.vs. China

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posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:15 AM
This thread is about China and WWIII vs US not an ego contest between the two of us.If you can't accept simple facts it's your loss.Go die in whatever country you want to play Che Guevara in.The results will be far less dramatic.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:19 AM
Ha... All's it will take is a few rain dances and a few hailstorms to kill off the chinese...

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:19 AM
I love how people think the U.S. is losing. At the end of the day China has to buy all of their oil from other countries in our currency. They have one aircraft carrier on trial, made in Russia, with zero planes and active pilots to put on it. We have 2-3 fleets stationed in the Middle East and another in far East Asia at all times. We went to war with Vietnam in the 70s to F up China's claim to the entire South China Sea. We have Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea on our side. Their entire country may be the world's work horse atm but it is also the world's dump... Their country is polluted almost entirely; smog and runoff. Their economy is entirely dependent on U.S. companies exploiting their cheap labor, as soon as it stops U.S. companies will reallocate their resources and set up shop somewhere else in Asia, Africa, or South America. They are at least 50 years behind the U.S. technologically and cannot innovate, but only duplicate, copy, and infringe. Relax, "the world is yours."

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 01:18 AM
China and America have already been shooting at each other.

Remember the stories about us shooting lasers at each others satellites to blind them?

Then when 'China shot down a satellite'....the news said China shot down its own satellite. But ODDLY right after that WE shot down a satellite....and said it was ours. Who knows, maybe we shot down the other guys satellite.

The ICBM launched from a submarine 30 miles off California's coast....the Pentagon said it wasn't ours.

China's been poisoning the medications they are making for us along with other products that were poisoned which have been killing Americans...even our pets died from Chinese made pet food.

They wrote a scientific paper a year ago or so explaining how they are now using microwaves to dissolve clouds so their spy satellites can see what's on the ground over America. Thus we aren't using chem-trails to hide America from their satellites anymore.

China's having lots of their leaders getting killed right now. They can't send a massive Naval armada East or it'll get sunk....they'll just keep doing what they've been doing and whittle us away....and our Government will allow it to keep happening because their corporations are making mad cash while we die.

Essentially in the end, China wins.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 01:54 AM
China doesn’t have the means to project global military force as the US does.
It is true their aircraft carrier is a six story bass tracker
Neither country wants a to go against the other within their borders,
Too many Chinamen in China
In America, there are too many rednecks with guns

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by redneck13
China doesn’t have the means to project global military force as the US does.
It is true their aircraft carrier is a six story bass tracker
Neither country wants a to go against the other within their borders,
Too many Chinamen in China
In America, there are too many rednecks with guns

Two words,
Air power

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by cavtrooper7

spoken like a true patriot. we do need a MARTIAL LAW for thes crooks and thieves running/manipulating our country. if only citizen arrest would apply to these scum bags. brilliant post and much love from me to you and the rest of our true patriots out here at ats and in america for that matter. we gotta unite humanity one way or another so lets get to work

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 05:38 AM
the war is already on it's way.... but nobody sees it. China is already winning with buying a lot of European countries and American companies and banks. This war will not have a lot of victims, but in the end china won. It is all about economy

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by swampcricket

well its Commie China


Long Long Ago We were Fighting for them Against Japan back in the Late 30s ( Before Peal Harbor )
to 1942 AVG as some claimed they were American Volunteers Fighter Pilots in the 30s
as There were American Born Chinese Descent Fighting at the Start ! of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War

Flying Tigers!!

Hopefully they Would Remember that

China also received aid from western democracies, where public opinion was strongly anti-Japanese. Britain, France and the US all sent aid (the latter including the famous ‘Flying Tigers’ fighter-pilot volunteers). Because of historic ties, China also received aid from Nazi Germany for a short period, until Hitler decided to make an alliance with Japan in 1938.

World War 2
Sino-Japanese War
tho its predicted WW3 would be from China or North Korea or Both of Nostradamus Famed quatrains

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 07:04 AM
At least in the near future I do not see it. Reason being that China's economy is much too intertwined with the American economy. So I don't think this is something they would want to destabilize at this time, although once enough preparations have been made, they definitely could...I don't think they will within the next 30 years or so, but hey, who knows how fast things can change in that time.

I am of the belief that the enemies will shift kinda like Dr. Rosin said Von Braun told her about space-based weapons...The first American enemy would be the Russians, then the terrorists, then rogue nations, then asteroids, then aliens...In that order of course. Seems to be playing out exactly in that fashion. I never was one to get caught up over an NWO conspiracy, but it makes me stop and think sometimes.

How does that relate? Well, I don't think there will be any conflict among the "civilized" nations of the world, or the super-powers. They will work together, most likely behind the scenes, to gain as much as possible by exploiting the other countries of the world...The ones not in the club.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 08:09 AM
Unless china really beefs up its military and gets some crazy new tech that we dont have they wouldnt stand a chance in an open war with the U.S. Not to mention all the tech that the U.S has under wraps. those trillions of black budget dollers have to be going towards somthing right?

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 08:42 AM

They are at least 50 years behind the U.S. technologically

How on Earth can someone think that's possible?

Absolute nonsense.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by popsmayhem

ahh the disillusioned crazy america talk. get off your high horse a$$hole. u will join the dark ages going to war against any nuclear nation. you america will be as screwed as the rest.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by redneck13

4 more words to you
wake up get real

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by Germanicus
I was born here. My parents were born here. I have Irish/English/Spanish.

And yes many Australians are morons.

And if you disagree with anything I have said I would love to hear it.

Your hatred for the USA and Australia are clear.

You have expressed your admiration for Hitler in another posts and described yourself as a national socialist. In fact you even went as far as claiming you were Hitler's child in another thread.

Is that why you hate the USA? He described the Americans as an unintelligent Mongrel race.

I am just wondering how you reconcile your hatred for your own country, Australia, with your stance as the child of Hitler and a National Socialist?

I hope my hatred for the United States Government and The Australian Government is clear. Thats pretty much why I am here. I thought that was obvious.

My creative writing is just that,clearly. i was kind of poking fun at some of the ATS users with that story. I also wrote about how I come from Hollow Earth and had made an alliance with the Greys and Ahmadinijad. You took that seriously? Ha! And I said I had an army of Nazi Pengiun..... I guess you believe in the war on terror too hey.

And I dont hate Australia. Or America for that matter. I hate their Governments. That is clear.

And yes I am a National Socialist. And proud. Most of my threads are about that.

Australia was pretty much National Socialist in many ways in the 80's and before. We owned all Public Utilities. We has telecom and medicare and we owned the roads and pretty much everything. It was a great place. Now it has been Americanized. Everything is going privite. The duopoly is corporatist. And yes I hate that.

And yes I admire things about Hitler since he was National Socialist. If you are trying to imply that I am racist or pro-genocide with your comments then that says more about you than me. It tells me that you are a baby boomer.
Also please dont try to give me lessons on Hitler. I assure you I know more about him than you do.

On Topic- I dont deny that the American Military could probably bomb the rest of the world out of existance. But if it came to that,they could achieve the same result by going home and leaving the rest of the world alone.

edit on 13-5-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by swampcricket

BIG JOKE! How do you expect US to battle china, if it´s China that is holding US interests rates through the purchase and selling of TONS OF GOODS AND DOLLARS, added to that, if US prints more money in order to fund the war, it would just collapse even faster. US is gone, and it is time for china to lead the world economy, just like the americans did for the past 300 years. You people have to understand the fact that just like humans, countries get old, it´s population gets old and if you don´t recycle your civilians through new generations, u end up just like you are now. A bunch of old people, with fat youngsters sucking the money from the government due to health problems and blah blah blah...I suggest you to read a book, named The Growth Map by Jim O'Neil, it will help you through understanding it.. this is not the end of the world my friends, just the end of US people let private corporations rule the game through dirty face the problems or solve it.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:49 AM
america is not able to won any war against any adversary remotely equal like China India, Russia, shoo even if it come to that France, Germany est. They can only intimidate and rape the weak. Any war need money and the bigger the war the more money you need. If you try China for size they will collapse the american economy in a month. You will have a civil unrest big enough to keep you busy for a decade. The american war machine's wheels s anyways coming off. top brass questioning the goverment about sending troops to Afganistan and pilots refusing to fly and protest by soldiers. The american military complex went too far. Greed blinded and now you will pay the price. Then also how do you america want to go make a real war if you can not even vote a proper president into power. China do not have to shoot 1 shot. americans are killed anyway by a war without weapons like we used to. no shots are fired. china is killing you off. they made you weak overweight couch potatoes with shoddy hearts, overweight lumps of confuse angry blobs of fat waiting to die of a heart attack. They have already won the war.
america your planes suffocate your pilots, your army run on weak temperamental equipment. where do think most of your electronic equipment that you use in you "black project" new weapons come from? the Chinese is milking you dry and you are like the proverbial druggy. you know they do it but go back for more. Your days are over as the world best. accept it.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 10:30 AM
Y'all must be smoking crack
Yes, china has more money, but 3/10 of people who can, sign up for the military.
We also have a lot of tanks, helicopters,boats, planes, and nuclear submarines.
To add on, we have ally's, better guns, and good tactics and battle strategy.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by real1tys8
america is not able to won any war against any adversary remotely equal like China India, Russia, shoo even if it come to that France, Germany est.

That's hilarious! I can tell you have no idea what you are talking about.

If you try China for size they will collapse the american economy in a month.

Oh PLEASE. China needs us more than we need them! They will collapse themselves! Their economy is worse than the US. Where you people get the idea that China is an economic super power is beyond me...

china is killing you off. they made you weak overweight couch potatoes with shoddy hearts, overweight lumps of confuse angry blobs of fat waiting to die of a heart attack. They have already won the war.

What are you blabbing about??

america your planes suffocate your pilots, your army run on weak temperamental equipment.

The F-22 has oxygen problems. Are you forgetting all about the rest of our superior air power? Hell, we own the world with our military power. That's why no one will step up to us. We simply overwhelm everyone else.

where do think most of your electronic equipment that you use in you "black project" new weapons come from?

True, some things are bought from China.

the Chinese is milking you dry and you are like the proverbial druggy. you know they do it but go back for more.

Wrong. We buy from China only when there is a benefit for us. We get great deals from their cheap labor!

But China are simply not innovators when it comes to military technology. They are still stuck in the cold war era with out of date equipment. Not to mention their weak training.

Your days are over as the world best. accept it.

I'm afraid it will be a long time before that fantasy of yours ever comes true!
edit on 5-13-12 by paradox because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 11:59 AM
Well, I've seen it all now. An anti-imperialist nazi... -.-; What do you think Hitler was? What do you think his world would've looked like if he had succeeded?
I should've listened to Cavtrooper7 and took a closer look at those threads of yours. Son of Hitler, bah. ...I thought people were just giving you some heck because they disagreed with your points of view. But, I mean,nazi-ism? No wonder they disagreed.

Thank you Cavtrooper7 and ollncasino for doing the background check for me, I owe both you guys a beer.

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