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question about flashes of light

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posted on May, 11 2012 @ 05:53 AM
ok this has been happening for a few years now and i have no idea what it is every once in a while i see bright flash of light in my house it usually happens in the living room and one time i was walking to the stove and saw a bright flash other people have seen it too i know its not lightning or a camera flash because i live 1/2 mile off the road and i have dogs that will start barking if someone is anywhere around .so does anyone else see random flashes of light and what could cause it because i have ruled out everything thati think could possibly make a flash like these
thanks in advance Travis

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by stealthmonkey

I would think it might be purely biological, like something is possibly wrong with your eyes? Except you mentioned other people have seen it too, which rules out that possibility.

Have you tried to keep a written record of when they occur and what else is happening at that time? Might find a pattern that could possibly lead to a cause.

Good luck!

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by stealthmonkey
This happens to me too except i dont know if anyone in my house can see it because ive never asked them, that AND for some reason i only see them in my room when im by myself. To me they look like silvery blueish white flashes, and i see them on the walls of my bedroom, they sort of remind me of like static electricity or something but that is the only explanation i have, so sorry about that.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:11 PM
Those flashes could be alot of things depending on how open minded you are

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:16 PM
I see flashes of light often except they are very small, like a tiny spark, usually white or bluish. I used to only see them every once in awhile but lately it's been almost every day, sometimes more than once a day. I'm not sure if this is an eye problem or something else, ha...

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by stealthmonkey

I have seen lights like this as have other people in my house. I have had a lot of weird stuff happen in my house and the flashing lights are only a small part. Just over a year ago I saw an even bigger flash that prompted me to go to an eye doctor and I had two rounds of tests. My doctor concluded that whatever I saw must have been real and not related to an eye disease or injury and not a hallucination. Here is what I wrote at the time:

My light post

I believe the lights are ghost related. They seem to appear when there is a high amount of weird activity.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by angrywhitechick

i dont think my house is haunted but my grandfather and an aunt died in the house from cancer i dont really see orbs just a bright flash it looks like a camera flash almost blinding for a second now that i think about it i was standing in the exact spot my aunt died in when i have seen it

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by stealthmonkey

That is mostly what I flash type flashes of light. Mine are mostly quick and bright with a very white light that has almost a bluish undertone. The big orb of light seems to have been a one time occurrence.

Just curious do you see the lights near the ceiling or floor or at person height?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by stealthmonkey

What kind of lights? Have you seen small lights, shadows or orbs?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by Replikant

Are you seeing small lights jump from one human to another? Have you been seeing lights, shadows, or orbs?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 07:17 PM
I sometime see a white light in the corner of my eye. At first I thought it was related to my eye until I saw it in front of me. About 2 years back I was getting something from the storage area under the stairs when I saw a white light right next to me. I turned to look at it thinking it will disappear but it stayed there for about 2 seconds and then vanished. I was startled since there was no source of light near there and also the light in general. It was a pure white light and it moved fluidly. The color of it was like a white laser pointer. A few months later I was walking out the bathroom at night and saw it on the wall. I was scared so I ran to the room, but the light just moved along the wall into my room and then disappeared (see diagram). I know its not my eyes because I went to get them checked. Also I only see it at my house. I stayed in a dorm for a few months and didn't even see it in my peripheral vision, but I started seeing it again in the corner of my eye as soon as I came back home.
edit on 15-5-2012 by whowasphone because: Picture didn't post

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:12 PM
I have seen these flashes of light, but only outside. I've seen the flashes of light at night and a few times during the day. The flashes are usually a few feet above the street. I would say no higher than a 2 story house.

I'm always traveling in the car when I see them. I have witnessed this phenomenon while being a passenger in a vehicle, but no one else in the car with me seemed to notice it.The lights are bulish white.

I have no explanation or sense of what these flashes of lights are or are coming from. I am glad you shared your experience, lets me know I'm not suffering from some brain tumor, or mental illness.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:30 PM
I've experienced the flash, bright white light. It's so fast. I am like did I just see that....or what was that. The other day, I saw it like 10 times, I even talked to my mom about it because it was so frequent that day. I just thought they were some type of bright pulse lights from the sun or something shooting in the atmosphere to make the bright pulse. I have noticed it outside and inside, night and day. The daytime ones are more intense and bright and can light up the whole room, I always look outside to see if a storm is coming because it resembles a lightning flash not a streak. I figured everyone saw them sometime or another.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 11:19 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb here. I've seen the same things, usually outside though... usually. Mine have always been preceeded by paranormal ghost like/high strangeness like activity, and I hate to say it... UFOs. I think it may have something to do with a side effect of hyperdimensional displacement of energies and possibly material.

In your case, someone may just be coming by to say hi, or just to check up on you. If you have suspected this, have you tried to say hi back?? Rhetorical, btw.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 12:41 AM
Hey there,yes i get this also.Bright tiny flashes of white/silver light,little sparks,like miniature explosions.I see it in the day or night time,usualy inside its more noticable.I have very good peripheral vision,and i most often catch things from the corner of my eye,but these i see from any direction,straight in front of me too.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by iksose7
Those flashes could be alot of things depending on how open minded you are

Yes. And even if you're not open minded.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Teeky

I have also seen the flashes of bluish-white light outside,like lightning flashes almost,when there was no storm activity,or even approaching.The most puzzling thing ive seen in regard to unexplained lights-phenomena,were search-lights,from a clear night sky,from sky to earth direction,and there was absolutely nothing in the sky.In the African bush where i live,its impossible not to hear/see an aircraft on a clear opencast night,and thats when i saw it.Like something up there was searching the ground,the searchlights were just meters away from me.That really left me scratching my head.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 08:08 PM
Let me give an example of what I'm talking about, since some here have seen those bright flashes of light like lightning...

My first sighting of a UFO was several years ago. I was out on the balcony of a girlfriend's house looking up at the stars one night. I watched this solid amber colored light slowly drift across the sky. Suddenly it blinked out and not but 1/2 a second later the entire sky flashed with a lightning like intensity, like a lightning strike in the distance but it illuminated the whole sky. Another anology would be like the flash from a camera, yet it lit the whole sky and didn't seem to come from any single point/direction or terrestrial source. I told my GF what I'd seen and she came out to scan the sky with me. The flash happened again a bit later but this time it definitely lit the upper sky. We both saw it. And again, there was no point source for it. Nothing else happened that night.

I can't help but connect the flash with the amber colored light that drifted across the sky. I don't know of any craft the uses amber landing lights and no flashing indicator lights. And I don't know of any light source that could illuminate the entire sky in a bright flash omni-directionally.

I have seen flashes like that since and usually see UFOs/ships before, during, and afterward. It may not be some kind of dimensional effect but part of some kind of optical stealth or such. But personally, given that my wife and I both have experienced flashes of light and odd moving lights relatively currently and in our past and have experienced "high-strangeness"/paranormal like activity associated with said phenomena, I'm inclined to think it is a dimensional effect.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 08:29 PM
Could be a symptoms of what doctors call HPPD.

According to them, its a problem of the eyes caused by mental trauma and various other things, there is no cure.

I tend to believe this to be complete BullS**t and believe that you are just perceiving things with your 3rd eye.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:54 AM
Yes i see these ALOT lately. At first i just thought it was some sort of eye defect but as time wore on i realized that it happens in the exact same spots of my room all the time, sometimes moving sometimes still for a split second or two. I also once had one move from the side of my room right next to my face which sort of give a ringing sort of feeling in my ears. I have no clue what it is but yeah completely know what you are talking about.

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