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Undercover agent in al-Qaeda bomb plot 'was British'

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posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:35 PM
Yes I have posted this in the grey area, because it is personal. There is a lot of anti-British rhetoric going about, and this shows the Brits are still at the top of the game, we are the ones who do the job right.

Just like it was the British SBS which planned the Bin Laden raid, but allowed the Americans to take the credit.

I hate war, I hate hate, but I am a patriot who doesn't like to see his country belittled, God save the Queen, God bless all of you.

Undercover agent in al-Qaeda bomb plot 'was British'

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:47 PM
Yup, shows we're still good at something!

But, as seems to be usual with the Yanks, they've gone and ruffled some feathers in the British intel circles by merely talking about it, let alone saying it was a British agent..

Nice one guys, no chance of getting away with that again then...

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

The man who foiled a Yemen-based al-Qaeda "underwear bomb" plot is reported to have been a British man of Middle Eastern origin, according to US media.

a British man of Middle Eastern origin

British, I'll say.

While the British are also good at dressing up as terrorists and shooting random people.

Also, what the hell does this have to do with a queen? (THINK before replying with empty words)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:58 PM
Yeah, we asked Al-Qaeda for a bomb and then gave it to the FBI. I mean, if we hadn't asked for it, would the plot still have happened?

Not belittling our country or anything, but this wasn't our finest hour. Probably just means we won't be able to infiltrate as easily.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by stumason

Stu, one of the ones I could rely upon for a civil answer, yes, we did it again, and once again credit will go where least deserved. Do you also feel like we are getting shafted with the twiddly stick?

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by InfoKartel

The British fight for Queen (or King) and country, or at least we are supposed to. I feel that fighting pointless wars against the middle east and such like is an offense against everything we are supposed to be. BUT at the same time, if we do fight these pointless wars, I feel like we should get credit where it is due, but the Americans seem to take it all, well, the American military does.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:13 PM
Look, I'm really sorry, I know some people like Stumason, Freeborn and rising against, who are British, will understand where I was trying to go with this, but the fact is, yes, I have had to many Irish whiskeys, but in my defense, as I said earlier, I'm sick of the anti-British sentiment, we are trying to please certain nations too much and loosing sight of what really matters. Don't hate the British, hate our government.

EDIT: And don't hate the Royal Family, they are just pawns, the Queen is a lovely woman.
edit on 10/5/12 by woogleuk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

The British fight for Queen (or King)

I'd feel retarded to say that.

and country

Makes more sense, but still sounds like delusional bullcrap to me. When was the last time the country was given the spoils and not the select few who steer the country?

I feel that fighting pointless wars against the middle east and such like is an offense against everything we are supposed to be.

No it's not. The British have been colonizing for hundreds of years now, it's everything that you are. In fact, go look up who was in Afghanistan a hundred-and-something years ago? Oh my, the BRITISH! And they're back again so many years later...

What you are experiencing is that the British population is becoming more aware of the world and that's why the public outcry against such imperialistic movements is making those who were not aware that atrocities are atrocities, regardless of who they are committed by, aware that maybe they are part of the reason the world is so messed up. Maybe this awareness makes them want to change the direction they are heading for...maybe that is why you feel like it is an offense against everything you are supposed to be, while in reality, imperialism is all that you have ever been about.

BUT at the same time, if we do fight these pointless wars, I feel like we should get credit where it is due, but the Americans seem to take it all, well, the American military does.

Americans don't have quite the track record of messing up the world as the British do(historically speaking). In fact, America today exists because of people trying to get away from British imperial monarchy!

But the reason Americans get most of the credit is because they are way better with PR. Hollywood anyone?

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by InfoKartel

I'm not going to argue with you because you are right in some respects, trolling in the other. Britain has a lot to be ashamed about, but when you look at the modern civilised world, Britain has a lot to be proud about,

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

Britain has the BEST special forces and Intelligence agencies in the world. Period.

America has the best weapons and the highest number of agents etc. But that does not mean the best.

In North America they have a system where from young everyone is rewarded and exalted just for taking part. In the US army they hand out medals like candy for doing jack. Try that in the British don't get medals so easily and we don't pat each other on the back just for turning up.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by InfoKartel

Another thing Info, what happened "then" isn't what we are now, don't forget that. We learnt by the mistakes of our ancestors, and we wont do it again.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by woogleuk
reply to post by InfoKartel

Another thing Info, what happened "then" isn't what we are now, don't forget that. We learnt by the mistakes of our ancestors, and we wont do it again.

Erm...isn't that kind of what I said? Besides me being more realistic about the fact that the British system is STILL employing imperialistic strategies? But people are becoming aware of this, social outcry, bla bla bla read my previous post.

I'm not going to argue with you because you are right in some respects, trolling in the other.

Trolling? Are you serious?

Britain has a lot to be proud about,

There is a huge list of stupid things in the world that are detrimental to human beings progressing as a species.

One of the many stupid things in that list is nationalism, there is also another one called pride. You just used both in a sentence. Don't drop your awareness while you're trying to raise it!
edit on 10-5-2012 by InfoKartel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by InfoKartel

I think you are missing the point, god bless you young sir, I leave you with this:

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

I think you are missing the point, god bless you young sir, I leave you with this:

I'm certain that it is you who is missing the point. Furthermore, I'm certain that you don't even want to see the point as you've nested yourself in the psychological trap that is called nationalism. God bless you too. PS, not too young, as my white hairs would testify.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
I'd feel retarded to say that.

No different than other countries die hard support for their "commander in chief", President or other such person. In fact, I'd go so far to point out that the Queen represents an institution and a link to our shared history, rather than being someone who we should specifically fawn over, as the saying goes "The Queen is dead, Long live the King". The person doesn't matter, what matters is what they represent. If you can't understand that, it is your problem, not ours.

Originally posted by InfoKartel
Makes more sense, but still sounds like delusional bullcrap to me. When was the last time the country was given the spoils and not the select few who steer the country?

I'd say that, quite often, the country does benefit from the spoils, certainly from the Imperial era, not so much since WW2 and the dominance of the US. But on that note, the US citizen has since benefited from US hegemony.

Originally posted by InfoKartel
No it's not. The British have been colonizing for hundreds of years now, it's everything that you are. In fact, go look up who was in Afghanistan a hundred-and-something years ago? Oh my, the BRITISH! And they're back again so many years later...

Before I even address this, do you know why we were in Afghan in the 1800's? Heard of the Great Game? In order to truly understand what we were doing, why the Empire even formed and reasons for doing things, you must see it in a historical context, not rose tinted glasses 150 years in the future.

Originally posted by InfoKartel
Americans don't have quite the track record of messing up the world as the British do(historically speaking). In fact, America today exists because of people trying to get away from British imperial monarchy!

Dear lord, you really don't have much of a grasp on history, do you? The US, up until WW1, were a second rate industrial power. By virtue of staying out of the War for almost it's entirety but being happy to pay other people to fight, they made a pretty buck and leapt up the league tables.

By WW2, you were in a much stronger position, but still played both sides while it suited you and still made a nice buck by paying others to do the fighting. During and after WW2, the US essentially blackmailed the British for technology (Tizard mission) and access to markets, eventually culminating in forcing the British (and others) to give up their Empire in order for the US to gain hegemony, since which they have done far more damage to the world than pretty much any other Empire by playing proxy games against the Soviets, propping up dictators that killed their own people and coming, on more than one occasion, close to annihilating the world in nuclear Armageddon.

The British, on the other hand, did a pretty good job of civilising pretty much everywhere they went, hence why the bulk of the Worlds democracies and legal systems are based on the British model. Yes, harm was done and there were many dark periods, but it would be hard to argue that many countries around the world are better off now than they were under Imperial rule.

All of which is actually a little OT, by the way...

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

In the US Army, you get a medal for being shot!

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:26 AM
Sorry folks, got a bit drunk last night, my little brothers 30th! Not bad though, and only my second drunk posting on ATS in 4 years, and I managed to retain some manners and decorum!

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:35 AM
The us air force did get medals for flying OVER norther ireland !

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by stumason

In fact, I'd go so far to point out that the Queen represents an institution and a link to our shared history, rather than being someone who we should specifically fawn over, as the saying goes "The Queen is dead, Long live the King". The person doesn't matter, what matters is what they represent. If you can't understand that, it is your problem, not ours.

That's hilarious. She sure represents something...and that something is colonialism and oppression. Sure, those that were enslaved by earthly kings and queens will only be able to speak in defense of their en-slaver, after all, the fear of getting put into torture dungeons for going against the queen still lives on in your DNA.

I'd say that, quite often, the country does benefit from the spoils, certainly from the Imperial era, not so much since WW2 and the dominance of the US. But on that note, the US citizen has since benefited from US hegemony.

That's because you cannot look further than that which fits your argument. The country NEVER benefits from the spoils, in fact, the spoils are used to further enslave the country!

Before I even address this, do you know why we were in Afghan in the 1800's?

Spreading freedom and democracy?

The British, on the other hand, did a pretty good job of civilising pretty much everywhere they went, hence why the bulk of the Worlds democracies and legal systems are based on the British model. Yes, harm was done and there were many dark periods, but it would be hard to argue that many countries around the world are better off now than they were under Imperial rule.

The old civilized vs. barbarians argument. I guess the fear of torture REALLY does linger in your DNA because that is an argument that stems from wait, I'll let you do your own homework!

PS. your comments about me not knowing history...that's hilarious to the extreme. Coming from a nationalist and all...

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