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My encounter with the Mothman( possible discovered how to summon it!)

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posted on May, 16 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Frocharocha
reply to post by Shirak

It's extremely dificult to describe. I can describe the sound as "the begging of a horror soundtrack" it was something like "Twoooooooooom" like if someone picked up a big bell and then hitted it with a mallet.

It may have been using some sort of sound carrier wave to connect to and resonate with its surroundings. A very interesting tale. Ill keep my eyes open for similar effects in my experiments.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Dereenberg said these beings could probaly be related to the same entity called Indrid Cold or Grinning Man. The mothman sightings goes thousand years even before the Roman Empire (some stated to be more than 7000 years old). I find hard the mothman be related to demonic beings, not that he doesn't know about them.

Demonic beings are famous because of their evil intentions, such as atack people, kill animals, puch fire in houses and so on. Some of the people who saw the mothman got some problems in their eyes (forgot the name) due to ultraviolet exposure but they are living pretty well now.

What i find intersting in it's relates, it's the mothman capablite of manipulating time, space and read minds, as some of the witness described.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 02:52 PM
Interesting story. Do you think maybe you can draw a picture of this being ? My mom claims she saw something in a small village in Mexico once and she described it as you did. Bad things were happening in that town after that sighting as well.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by blackmetalmist

Horrible sketch, but that should do it:

The left draw is how exactly i saw him. The right image is how he may looked like with mine and my brother's descripition.
edit on 18-5-2012 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Frocharocha

The Bible indicates that one third of the angelic realm was seduced by Lucifer's lies. Their home in the 'heavenly realms' was interdimensional and vast. We are talking about a host of spirits that occupied every conceivable function in the angelic realm.

I have no doubt that these beings are particularly malevolent and powerful fallen angels. As such they would have the ability to perceive and manipulate time locally. They would be attracted to disasters and perhaps even cause them!

If the latter is true, then such disasters could only occur because for some reason God had to withdraw his protection from a particular area. Usually it's due to gross, unrepentant sin and rebellion. Otherwise, having some perception of the flow of time they could simply be attracted to disasters they know will happen.

In the spirit realm there are only two camps, for Jesus and against Jesus. Jesus said so himself and he's not one to lie.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 02:46 AM
To summon a mothman simply leave a outside light on.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Yeah, homever, i highly doubt that the mothman is a demon. It's not impossible but evidence says otherwise. if you search about their/him prohpecies you will find that he already saved some lifes. Such as a life of a girl back in Point Pleasent in 1967 and other people life's in 11 september.

One of the witness at 11 september stated that th mothman saved his life after scare the # out of him. He runned to the stairs and shortly after the planes hited the building. If wasn't that horrific being, he would'ven taken the elevator and died in the crash.

On my opinion, the mothman is an immensily powerfull extra-dimensional being that acts with pysicology. That would explain the diference of apperance in all cases. Some described him as being a giant owl, other's as a giant bat and others described him as a human body with extremely large wings and no head.

Demons are know by choosing an animal or child apperance when manifesting. In fact, they don't have a true form, but they like to manifest with red skin, alot of horns and 3 fingers in each of the members.

Well, there's a quote in the movie that awnser his apperance question:

Guy: "How do you look like?"

Indrid Cold/Mothman: "Depend on who's looking."

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:15 PM
Sorry to correct you, but it would not be dark at 12:00pm, perhaps you mean 12am? and in another post you state you were 10 years old at the time of your sighting. Interesting story.
thanks for sharing.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by exdog5
Sorry to correct you, but it would not be dark at 12:00pm, perhaps you mean 12am? and in another post you state you were 10 years old at the time of your sighting. Interesting story.
thanks for sharing.

Since i'm not american. I have problems when dealing with clocks. Anyway, it was loose to the Midnight. That's i'm sure. Since the time lapse was big, i made another research and yup, i was 12 when i saw the thing. I remember more the details of the creature itself when the date/ month and year of the encounter.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
These beings are fallen angels. They probably feed off of death and suffering and may even cause the disasters. They have noted you and you will be infested with them until your put your faith in Jesus Christ and repent of your sins. Only Jesus has the power to defeat these dark forces.

*cough* Bull# *cough*.

Come on now, no need for brainwashing people, that's what school is for.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
reply to post by Frocharocha

The Bible indicates that one third of the angelic realm was seduced by Lucifer's lies. Their home in the 'heavenly realms' was interdimensional and vast. We are talking about a host of spirits that occupied every conceivable function in the angelic realm.

I have no doubt that these beings are particularly malevolent and powerful fallen angels. As such they would have the ability to perceive and manipulate time locally. They would be attracted to disasters and perhaps even cause them!

If the latter is true, then such disasters could only occur because for some reason God had to withdraw his protection from a particular area. Usually it's due to gross, unrepentant sin and rebellion. Otherwise, having some perception of the flow of time they could simply be attracted to disasters they know will happen.

In the spirit realm there are only two camps, for Jesus and against Jesus. Jesus said so himself and he's not one to lie.

Again, stop brainwashing please.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by Frocharocha

Interesting thread...
Your drawing answered a lingering question- I believe I might have a pic of the mothman (or "A" mothman)-
I'm a physical medium (physical phenomena occurs quite frequently in my presence, per request)...I decided to attempt a one-woman transfiguration seance a little over one month ago. (Transfiguration allows Spirit to use your features as a canvas- they form a mask over the face and body with which an entity can present his or her likeness- for the benefit of Loved Ones) Resulting footage is 8 minutes long and jam-packed with phenomena...
I used a filter technique developed in Germany called "Unsharp Masking" to bring out detail...The still below is one frame, check-out the face in the lower right-hand corner- Looks very much like that of the individual in the drawing. In fact- when I asked an individual what she thought it was she responded, "An insect? A gray maybe?" The triangles ascending from the "forehead" are intriguing...

Might have been a warning about the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy-
Note* There are over 100 individual faces presented on the video footage- no doubt someone in the astral with a lot of energy was behind it.

Early last week I received a message, should've been a 'heads-up': "Ohio River" Clearly a reference to the movie, "The Mothman Prophecies" (based on a true story of a tragedy on the Ohio river- many of the residents in the town reported seeing a creature fitting the Mothman's description)
I immediately mentioned it to my husband...creeped me out.

edit on 16-12-2012 by dkenda because: Forgot to include a message I'd received earlier in the week, "Ohio River"

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by dkenda
reply to post by Frocharocha

Interesting thread...
Your drawing answered a lingering question- I believe I might have a pic of the mothman (or "A" mothman)-
I'm a physical medium (physical phenomena occurs quite frequently in my presence, per request)...I decided to attempt a one-woman transfiguration seance a little over one month ago. (Transfiguration allows Spirit to use your features as a canvas- they form a mask over the face and body with which an entity can present his or her likeness- for the benefit of Loved Ones) Resulting footage is 8 minutes long and jam-packed with phenomena...
I used a filter technique developed in Germany called "Unsharp Masking" to bring out detail...The still below is one frame, check-out the face in the lower right-hand corner- Looks very much like that of the individual in the drawing. In fact- when I asked an individual what she thought it was she responded, "An insect? A gray maybe?" The triangles ascending from the "forehead" are intriguing...

Might have been a warning about the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy-
Note* There are over 100 individual faces presented on the video footage- no doubt someone in the astral with a lot of energy was behind it.

Early last week I received a message, should've been a 'heads-up': "Ohio River" Clearly a reference to the movie, "The Mothman Prophecies" (based on a true story of a tragedy on the Ohio river- many of the residents in the town reported seeing a creature fitting the Mothman's description)
I immediately mentioned it to my husband...creeped me out.

edit on 16-12-2012 by dkenda because: Forgot to include a message I'd received earlier in the week, "Ohio River"

This makes very sense. This also might explain why the being/creature looked to similar to what i despite of Mothman. It was the same thing of the first dawning i saw of him.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Frocharocha

it has several features of the mothman stories and I have heard of alot of ufo/alien activity coming out of brazil so that makes this more interesting. but Im not sure if just reading about it makes you more likely to see it, Ive reaserched the mothman for years and have never seen anything like it and im sure other people have done the same

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by grey9438
reply to post by Frocharocha

it has several features of the mothman stories and I have heard of alot of ufo/alien activity coming out of brazil so that makes this more interesting. but Im not sure if just reading about it makes you more likely to see it, Ive reaserched the mothman for years and have never seen anything like it and im sure other people have done the same

I also searched about him my whole life. And after my encounter i still not sure if he is a alien or a high entity from another plane of existence. Well, the oldest know report i know is from the 19th century.

There's this site i found. The owner also wasted his life searching about The Mothman, and he is convinced Mothman is a god-like creature related to Pazuzu, Djinns and other entities. He searched a lot and the content is pretty interesting. John Kell also believed Mothman to be a manifestation of an Elder God. At least as i know.

Washington L.O.W.F.I

edit on 3-2-2013 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by randomname

did u make a post yet?

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: SevenThunders
These beings are fallen angels. They probably feed off of death and suffering and may even cause the disasters. They have noted you and you will be infested with them until your put your faith in Jesus Christ and repent of your sins. Only Jesus has the power to defeat these dark forces.

Prove it.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha
I'm sorry OP, but this sounds wayyyyyyyy too much like the Mothman Prophecies movie. Furthermore, a lot of your details are pretty far off. For instance, why is it pitch black in your neighborhood at noon (12:00 p.m.)?

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: SevenThunders sorry buddy that book your fond of quoting has been debunked as mostly untrue and/or plagiarized from many much older text! they had me for awhile as a child, but I grew up and put away childish things, there is far to much science to disprove a man living in the clouds that loves us, but wont lift a finger to help or protect any of us and expects all the credit for the good we achieve, but is quick to send us to hell forever... for say killing a man in a heated moment but the "holy ones" have perpetrated mass killings ,witch hunts, and worse on anyone not agreeing with there doctrine of control in his service, you my friend, have been brainwashed with fear of the holy boogie man grow up there are no demons because there is no god we are genetic experiments of galactic beings at best [let US create man in OUR image] or a nasty little accident at worst [oops the #e just hit the fan and look what popped out] for all others and op I 'm sorry for hijacking the post for my own selfish "rant" but I can only take so much B.S.
op great hearing your story

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