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TSA Finds Gun-Stuffed Mickey Mouse in Four Year-Old's Luggage

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 07:52 PM
The TSA - A National Embarrasment!

Even the Former TSA Head recently went on record saying
that it (The TSA) is a National Embarrasment!

Former TSA Head Calls Airport Security A National Embarrassment

it is a national embarrassment

Well with that in mind I wonder why he would say such a thing about an agency
he headed? Maybe its just that bad!

And .....talking of security breach -

TSA drug smuggling case is 'significant' security breach, feds say

Officials said a smuggling case in which TSA screeners allegedly allowed luggage with drugs inside through checkpoints at Los Angeles International Airport represents a troubling security breach.

"In this case it was narcotics; we want to make sure the next time it's not other dangerous materials," said David Herzog, the assistant U.S. attorney prosecuting the case.

The case represents a "significant breakdown of the screening system," U.S. Atty. Andre Birotte Jr. said in a statement, adding the accused screeners "placed greed above the nation's security needs."

So, we have some TSA agents that will take money and let drugs pass through.

What if those pre arranged drug smugglers one day decided to smuggle weapons too?
The TSA would never know, would they? Why, because those bags would never be checked,
so essentially The TSA is a terrorist organization itself, operating drug smuggling rings,
and who knows what else?

Ever wonder where all of the kidnapped kids go, how they get to other countries
without being "caught'?

Same way illegal drugs are let through. The TSA!

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 08:58 PM
I'm sure its not over most people's heads that these things ALWAYS happen in relatively closely timed clusters just as Americans start to come to their senses about the tsa. Everytime....

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:14 PM
What a bunch of crap! I would have had a hard time not making the lying sack of excrement eat that Teddy bear if he tried to pin that rap on my kid.

Don't you see how desperate they've become? The millisecond they think we've woken up to the fascist charade, they try this patently ridiculous stunt to validate their worth. When they think we are wide awake, THEY will rightfully live in fear of the natural rage displayed by a loving parent when an adult threatens their child.

These penny arcade thugs, with Halloween costumes and plastic badges are a friggin joke. Their only weapon is fear. All of their power comes from the fear they have instilled in us. Soon enough they will realize not only that we are no longer afraid but now we are pissed the Hell off and somebody is about to get their assed whipped in public by somebody's mommy.

Who is the bad ass now, bitch?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:20 PM
I'm from a giant island and the first thing I sniffed was a big ol' cup of bull#. I agree with everyone saying this was a setup, clearly, after everything and everyone the TSA has hand shafted they need to save face.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:34 PM
the underwear bomber the second didnt pan out for them now plant a gun in micky mouse,im surprised they didnt call the little kid a terrorist

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by blasphemusbudda

You seem to have MISSED the point of this story!

We have an evil B^&%h who wants to get her man in trouble....whether he is an "Ex" OR soon-to-be "Ex"....and, THIS b^&CH doesn't flinch, in the least, at USING her kid's toys....stuffed a "PLOY" to get her "EX" (or, soon-to-be-EX) into trouble.

What a friggin' B^&tch!!!

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

Of course they found some things in another pair of panties. We all knew this BS was coming so the BS could keep flowing. This all stinks false flag. Come on now folks - talk about trying make things obvious. A frame from a hand gun - oh ya - that will sneak by any metal detector LOL - with a loaded clip included no less. Give me a break here.

Oh - lets not forget the 5 retards that were planning on blowing up that bridge supposedly leading to a wealthy area - WTF!

All of a sudden we are finding all kinds terrorist plots from out of nowhere after all these years - LOL. I think things were getting a little weak for the TSA and all the agencies that are paid their salaries for just existing. Like I said - it all stinks.

It kills me, don't pay your credit card and you get found - if not your wife or family. But our agencies can't stop some of the most obvious uncunning people from planning out their plots against us BEFORE THEY GET INTO THE UNITED STATES. All the computers - Illegal wire tapping - tracking - records - all secret agents - spy's - FBI - CIA - NASAA - border patrol check points - passport info - DOD - UN - and on and on and any other 2 letter, 3 letter or 4 letter departments we pay for - and the TSA finds this stuff at the security check point LOL Talk about justification after some talk about privatizing the airport security business.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by LockNLoad
I spend A LOT of time at airports (SFO&SJC) and I have never seen any of the TSA screeners go through the security check points, I have seen them let in through the blocked and maned exits. Screeners, Cops, airport employees, all they have to do is show their airport ID (I assume that is what they are showing) and they get let into the "secure" boarding area.
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Then they are coming into those areas through an employee’s access, which does not allow public access. Again, this is a rule, if an employee, doesn’t matter if it’s the president of the airlines, exits the secured area into the public terminal, and has access to the public, then they return through the public area, they must go through the screening procedure just like everyone else. The only professional courtesy they receive is that they often have a separate line that they can go through since they do not have time to wait in the normal public access line.

You bet that if a TSA employee goes to lunch, or comes to work, and enters through the public terminal they have to go through the public screening process, just like passengers do. I used to see them coming back from lunch all the time getting patted down by their fellow employees. I used to think it was a silly process, but I understood why they had to do it.

If I left the ramp, went upstairs into the gate area, as long as I stayed in the gates, I was fine. If I had to go into the terminal via the gate, then return into the gate, I also had to be screened. It was a major PITA too, as I was a ramp supervisor and often had ramp equipment all over my person (bypass pins, wands, radios, interphones, etc). Now places I had to get to fast, then back, we had special access areas that had little to no public access so we were allowed to go into there as we were not exposed to the public in the terminal for any length of time.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
The TSA - A National Embarrasment!

Even the Former TSA Head recently went on record saying
that it (The TSA) is a National Embarrasment!

Former TSA Head Calls Airport Security A National Embarrassment

it is a national embarrassment
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

take things out of context much?
The actual quote in context:

More than a decade after 9/11, it is a national embarrassment that our airport security system remains so hopelessly bureaucratic and disconnected from the people whom it is meant to protect.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by defcon5


Then they are coming into those areas through an employee’s access, which does not allow public access.

Sorry to burst anyone's "bubble" of "conspiracy" .....but...... should come as "NO SHOCK" to anyone that, in the USA, at least.....there is NO SECURITY!!

As it applies to those who can 'freely' go in and out of "secure areas". I mean....come on!!!

Just LOOK at normal 'routine' airport operations!!! After 9/11, we used to refer to the catering trucks as "Mobile Terrorist Units"!!!

Besides the caterers.....there are MANY who have access to the airplane...the "cleaners", for another concept!!

There are STRICT protocols in place, believe me...that "follow" every person that I just mentioned....whether a catering employee, or part of the cleaning crew......but still......THINK about it......

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:27 AM
I've gotten the pat down before, it really is not a big deal. One thing to keep in mind is that they are people as well, and as long as you don't give them any problems, they likely won't give you any problems. In my case, I had just eaten spicy food and was sweating from being sick and basically running 15 min to catch my plane in 90 degree, humid weather, so I looked very disheveled; I can understand why they had me do the pat down, and I didn't give make a ruckus about it.

What they do is not much of an issue as long as you comply with it. If you have to fly, you don't really have much of a choice, so save yourself the despair of having to deal with them.

As for this, yeah it sounds like a false-flag to justify prolonging their employment, but I don't know how easy it would be to pull off, unless the fed's set the guy up specifically and replaced the original doll with a rigged decoy.

Maybe this whole, "plane safety" thing could be avoided if they allowed everyone to carry arms onto a plane.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:39 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by pianopraze
Total dodge.
You said:

Originally posted by defcon5
I have news for you, you waive your constitutional rights when you purchase and airline ticket.

We do not waive our constitutional rights.

Yes you do…
You waive your rights via contract all the time, even though you may not be aware of it. Just as an example when you enter a place of business that has a sign that says “no shirt, no shoes, no business”, you’re waiving your constitutional rights.

In other words you are agreeing to follow their rules by patronizing them. Airlines CoC’s actually write this out in legal terms for you:

For example:

RULE 1: General Provisions
A. Contract of Carriage
When you buy a ticket for travel on Delta, you enter into a contract of carriage with us. The terms of your contract are set forth in:
*your Ticket
*these Conditions of Carriage
*our published fare rules and regulations, which may govern the calculation of the fare and other
charges that apply to your itinerary. If your ticket is priced by, a Delta agent, or a
computer reservation system, these fare rules and regulations will be included in the calculation of the ticket price that we quote to you.

You are entering into a business contract, and part of your “consideration” is that you will submit to their security screening rules.
If you don’t understand what a contract is, start out here:

A contract is an agreement entered into voluntarily by two parties or more with the intention of creating a legal obligation, which may have elements in writing, though contracts can be made orally. The remedy for breach of contract can be "damages" or compensation of money. In equity, the remedy can be specific performance of the contract or an injunction. Both of these remedies award the party at loss the "benefit of the bargain" or expectation damages, which are greater than mere reliance damages, as in promissory estoppel. The parties may be natural persons or juristic persons. A contract is a legally enforceable promise or undertaking that something will or will not occur. The word promise can be used as a legal synonym for contract.[1], although care is required as a promise may not have the full standing of a contract, as when it is an agreement without consideration.

This is law 101. Contract law is about is basic as the law gets.

Originally posted by pianopraze
And you are advocating we be restricted when we travel by bus, plane, on public roads?

No, you cannot compare your right to travel as a passenger on the road system to flying. The two are not the same thing. Flight is not protected under your “right to locomotion” traveling on the road system is. Now, you cannot operate a motor vehicle on the road system unless you enter into a contract with the state to receive an operator’s permit, this is not covered under your “right to locomotion”, you can however travel at will as a passenger. Right to locomotion generally only covers movement by human physical means (bikes, walking, etc.), and the ability to travel as a passenger dependent on any additional rules required by the vehicles operator (eg. the Contract of Carriage).

Originally posted by pianopraze
If you can not see this, or if you support it I have no respect for you as a person.

I personally don’t care if you respect me or not, I have spent a year researching into this due to my personal refusal to be tagged by the FL Real ID act RFID facial scanning, and fingerprinting. The FL Real ID actually IS unconstitutional, because not only do they include it in the “optional” drivers license, but also in a state ID that is required by police on demand. ATM the trick to getting around their system is to get a passport card, but you surrender the right to drive…

the minute a police officer “takes me in” for my refusal of handing him a FL issued state ID on demand, I’ll sue them sideways for infringement of my freedom of religion.

You see, when it comes to the law, the devil is in the details. It’s not what you believe that the spirit of the law means, it’s really about what the terminology of the law actually is. Little details like the difference between “operating” and “traveling” are important, and you have to pick your battles and timing.

So right now, I have not “operated” a motor vehicle in close to a year because the terms of their licensure conflict with my religious beliefs. As long as they leave it at that, nothing has been violated. I chose not to do business with them, and they have to respect my choice. The minute they take away my freedom to chose not to enter into that contract, and force me to present a license or ID that is against my beliefs/choice, THEN they violate my rights and I’ll sue the pants off them.


As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by defcon5

Ya know...?

I have flown PLENTY of times, since "9/11" know how to handle it, and it is NO BIG DEAL!!!

I have NEVER been "hassled" at TSA security....oh LONDON (not 'TSA') my friend did not realize the restrictions about "fluids" (imposed an behalf of the TSA!) and the "Three Ounce Rule"......(this, just a few years ago)....I knew of it, but was unaware of my friend's proclivity for face lotions!!

Nevertheless....the people at London-(Heathrow) (screeners) were wonderful, and just by "bagging" the "offensive items" (which were face and body creams, bought AT the airport, for the most part)....we (he) made it through "security".

On our way to Copenhagen....and ultimately, Stockholm..... (a place I WOULD 'emigrate' to, if they would have me!!)

I've mentioned, already, the breach of cockpit "safety" on the flight from LHR to relates to the "EASY ABILITY", pre-9/11 mindset (in the USA) to an intrusion, into the cockpit ("Flight Deck") by hijackers........

edit on Thu 10 May 2012 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by defcon5

Originally posted by burntheships
The TSA - A National Embarrasment!

Even the Former TSA Head recently went on record saying
that it (The TSA) is a National Embarrasment!

Former TSA Head Calls Airport Security A National Embarrassment

it is a national embarrassment
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

take things out of context much?
The actual quote in context:

More than a decade after 9/11, it is a national embarrassment that our airport security system remains so hopelessly bureaucratic and disconnected from the people whom it is meant to protect.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

No not so much. Its even more damning as you quoted it. I used the commonly known

In any case, he said "its a national embarrasment".

Oh and no comments on the drug rings hmmmm.......

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:40 AM
I cant believe this has 15 flags!!!

I would lay any money whatsoever the older lady used to work for the security services. I would bet my bottom dollar. It doesnt matter IMO if they found gun parts anyway even if it was true that does not give them the right to rape and molest children!!!

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Danbones

kinda makes northern Canada look downright hospitable

We have body scanners in some of the airports too, but to my knowledge, no anal probing required.

Thought I wouldn't suggest to far North, it gets scary up there.. There's an old saying from where I am (eastern Canada)

The north shore is the best shore
Where the men are men
The women are too
And the sheep are scared


anyways... Is anyone actually going to fall for this? I mean, I actually saw the snl weekend update "REAAAALLLY?" skit play through my brain when i read that.
edit on 10-5-2012 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:59 AM
This was staged so the TSA can continue their molestation at the airports. I don't believe their story for one minute. This is all theater and drama being played out to keep Americans in fear and under control.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:09 AM
The same people who perpetrated 9/11 are the same ones who have brought TSA and their gestapo/molestation tactics right into your airport. What you have is an illusion, a false sense of security. You're in the matrix. They have made you a believer, in lies and theater.

You are like cattle being herded along, obedient, wide eyed and naive, just the way they want you to be.

Ever study the effects that Bush's "color coded terror alert chart"? I did, and in the early days of it's use, it genuinely had an effect on people's responses. It created a sense of fear ..... in many people every single time they raised the terror threat level.

The TSA's theater is similar to this. They tell you a story, about a gun hidden away..... and thank God, they found it. They have protected you! They are the heroes. They care about you.

They get you worried, then they tell you...... but see, we are doing our jobs, and you are safer for it. Now line up quietly, stand still, let us run our hands over your body, and get your scan.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by defcon5

The only way I would ever be able to fly without having someone molest me first, would be if I pretended to be a Muslim woman. Then I will get my pat down around my head and face and a very light, once over on the top of my shoulders.

Let's take a moment to think about this. We are supposedly afraid of Muslim terrorists, and that is one of many reasons why we have TSA's aggressive tactics. But, Muslim passengers do not have to submit to the full security clearance.

A Catholic Nun has to submit to the full pat down, but not a Muslim woman.

I won't ever fly as long as TSA performs their molestations in the airports. I have not flown since it began. These people are morally bankrupt and I'll not participate or support these abusive practices.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by pianopraze

This has all the makings of a false flag to me... trying to manufacture a reason to continue to molest our children (and us as adults).

Of course it is ...

All these psychopaths, all these "Breivik" of this world, are fanatics ... that want MORE control. They all want MORE government, and the same applies to all these terrorists, as well.

So, wether they are willing, unwilling, aware or unaware puppets is irrelevant. They are all "Usama Bin Laden", assets, that are acting out of fear for liberty and equal rights. And it doesn't matter, wether a government official, "officially" game them the go ahead, or wether it's a "King Henry the 8th" passive or subliminal, is also completely irrelevant.

They have a purpose, and their purpose is to prove there is a threat ... that we need guidence and protection ... from God or government.

I put ALL these psychopaths in the same box ...

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