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Get Chipped for a Cocktail--RFIDSs are here!

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posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 09:46 AM
Apparently, clubgoers at the VIP Baja Beach Club in Barcelona are opting to get "chipped" in lieu of membership cards so they don't have to carry their wallets or purses around when drinking. Perks such as gaining access to VIP lounges and being able to pay for drinks using a debit account by just having their chip-implanted arm scanned.

I have read threads in the past about RFIDs being used on animals and then potentially on prisoners, but this is the first time that I have read about them being used on humans in a recreational manner.

Although guests can get their chips removed upon leaving the club, how long will it be until this technology spreads and is pushed for other transactions, such as going to the supermarket or getting money from your ATM? It is also a bit scary that there are perks attached--now it's getting into a VIP club without having to be on the list, but just imagine the offers of discounts on groceries or waiving ATM fees if you have a chip.

I guess I just have a problem with putting something in my body that can be used as a consumer database with access to my money, credit cards, credit reports... Yikes!

Barcelona clubbers get chipped
BBC Science producer Simon Morton goes clubbing in Barcelona with a microchip implanted in his arm to pay for drinks.

Imagine having a glass capsule measuring 1.3mm by 1mm, about the size of a large piece of rice injected under your skin.

Implanting microchips that emit a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) into animals has been common practice in many countries around the world, with some looking to make it a legal requirement for domestic pet owners.

The idea of having my very own microchip implanted in my body appealed. I have always been an early adopter, so why not.

Last week I headed for the bright lights of the Catalan city of Barcelona to enter the exclusive VIP Baja Beach Club.

The night club offers its VIP clients the opportunity to have a syringe-injected microchip implanted in their upper arms that not only gives them special access to VIP lounges, but also acts as a debit account from which they can pay for drinks.

This sort of thing is handy for a beach club where bikinis and board shorts are the uniform and carrying a wallet or purse is really not practical.

Full story at bbc news

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 02:40 PM
""This sort of thing is handy for a beach club where bikinis and board shorts are the uniform and carrying a wallet or purse is really not practical.

I read this somewhere else as well.. (Pop. Sci?)

Oh yeah, its much more practical to get circuitry (which you have no idea what it is really) implanted into your body, than tucking a couple of 20's or your REAL debit card in your shoe?!

Plus they charge you 150$ for the 'service', what a deal!

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 04:37 PM
woo! i like this, glad to see theyre getting along with the idea. it figures easy access to alcohol would be the impetus, though.

'this works, opens doors, wide acces, ten years well all have chips blah blah blah'

its cool. thats enough right there, but the cliched expression above holds some truth. if it does work out well, with luck other counties will employ similar techniques, and eventually well get there. i hadnt thought it would happen this early though.

we had planned for much later on. i'll have to check with the Boss.

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