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Will a brokered convention and a Ron Paul Nomination lead to civil unrest?

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posted on May, 5 2012 @ 05:25 PM
You have to admit the game Republicans are playing within this nomination process is interesting and enjoyable to watch.

They have barred cameras, they have arrested people, they have locked people out, they have preformed there business in parking lots, they have picked and chosen when to abide by there own rules they have thrown the system or process into a tizzy!!!

Lets say Ron Paul ends up wining but the RNC refused to recognize him as the Nominated? What happens then? Lets say Ron Paul Earns enough delegate votes to win the nomination, what will the establishment RNC do?

Will we have riots in the streets? Will Tea Party events turn violent?

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 05:32 PM
are you asking will the Republicans lead protests and riots? such an event would only impact their party.

probably not. such things are not a part of their style...civil unrest is more a democratic/independent/other party style.

I think they would be more pissed because Ron Paul being apart of their ticket would ensure their defeat int he general election.

makes me no difference one way or the other. but it would certainly be twilight zoneish to see cops beating republicans in the public square.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire

Lets say Ron Paul ends up wining but the RNC refused to recognize him as the Nominated? What happens then? Lets say Ron Paul Earns enough delegate votes to win the nomination, what will the establishment RNC do?

Will we have riots in the streets? Will Tea Party events turn violent?

I think that's pretty unlikely on all counts. I think what will actually happen in Florida if Paul is able to pull off a good amount of delegates, enough to block Romney if not actually get the nomination (which i personally doubt, based on the numbers and how the GOP works) there will be a major implosion in the GOP that will possibly result in a serious split in the party in the coming years. I also think if Paul does succeed in getting a significant amount of delegates, and is able to hamstring Romney, Paul and the libertarians will be blamed for Romney's loss much like Naderis blamed for Gore's loss. It will ensure the more Paul-minded folks are marginalized within the party, much like the far left has been marginalized within the DNC.

ETA: I still maintain that Paul's real goal/expectation is to continue to build momentum for the future. He is basically building his own party, which I suspect he hopes to hand over to his son in the future.I honestly dont think he expects to win.I really dont.

That's my perspective, at least, as an outside observer.

edit on 5-5-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 07:59 PM
I honestly have no idea of what the GOP would do if/when Paul pulls it off. They're already threatening to not seat delegates, but would they really take it any further?

It's hard to say what they would do, because even as we speak, Paul supporters are taking over the GOP, electing Paul supporters to key positions within the state parties. In Nevada alone it's pretty much guaranteed that the chairman and woman, people who will vote in 2016, are going to be Paul people, and I believe that the state party committees are completely full of Paul supporters, 100%. Paul supporters have been doing the same thing in other states, such as Iowa.

I find it hard to imagine that Paul will not be able to pull the same thing off within the national party, come the convention. Paul supporters might not end up with a vast majority of the delegates at the convention, as they've managed to pull off within the states, but they will position themselves within key party positions and committees, which will make any kind of inner party "revolt" all the more difficult to pull off.

Paul has fundamentally changed the Republican party, on the state level, and soon even on the national level, and is only stronger, and better positioned for future victories, because of it.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:05 PM
the country culbs will be all a-twitter I'm sure if mittens gets robbed by a guy who is above that sort of thing

and obama will be high fiving

and it won't be long before he gets blamed, lol

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Darkinin
Paul has fundamentally changed the Republican party, on the state level, and soon even on the national level, and is only stronger, and better positioned for future victories, because of it.

He certainly has forced some introspection, but the change is not what you may think. The one thing party leaders are saying now is that they have to dump the caucus system in favor of primaries. Where else could someone who got 6% of the vote in Louisiana, for example, wind up with over 50% of the delegates? Historically (for this election cycle) Paul has gotten 11% of the popular vote. If you dump the "winner take all" approach and allocate delegates based on the vote, it would seem fair that Paul got 11% of the delegates. But with such a poor performance with the electorate, he does not deserve the nomination.

I put the blame for this situation squarely on the heads of the GOP leadership who should have foreseen this situation based on the 2008 election, when Paul essentially did exactly the same thing, just not as successfully. Ignoring Paul's tactics was a big mistake.

There may be some pushing and shoving at the convention, but I doubt there will be "civil unrest" over this. It will be good theater.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

I put the blame for this situation squarely on the heads of the GOP leadership who should have foreseen this situation based on the 2008 election, when Paul essentially did exactly the same thing, just not as successfully. Ignoring Paul's tactics was a big mistake.

I tend to think they did so on purpose. They've been hamstringing their efforts since 08. I firmly believe the GOP are doing everything they can to lose in in 2012. And a bit of an implosion at the convention will certainly add to that.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

only if it is staged to create civil unrest by the opposition to a RP ultimate victory.
That's allot of powerful people who you can't put anything against to say they won't stage such a thing if it benefits them somehow in the long run.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
one thing party leaders are saying now is that they have to dump the caucus system in favor of primaries.

That's probably what the current GOP establishment is thinking, but would the GOP as a whole move to the primary system? As I've said, Ron Paul supporters have taken over entire state parties, something that will make moving to a system that can be used against Paul very difficult.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:29 PM
The GOP is a JOKE. WHO in their RIGHT MIND would want ANY of them BUMS in the Oval office??

What a MIRACLE for America it would be if Ron Paul is our next President!!
edit on 5-5-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Darkinin
As I've said, Ron Paul supporters have taken over entire state parties,

Can you point to where that has happened?


edit on 5-5-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-5-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by stanguilles7

I tend to think they did so on purpose. They've been hamstringing their efforts since 08. I firmly believe the GOP are doing everything they can to lose in in 2012. And a bit of an implosion at the convention will certainly add to that.

That's an interesting take on the issue. I've heard a meme along that line that goes something like this: "Obama is an f-up. If he gets 4 more years he will make it much, much worse, which will utterly destroy the left, then we'll clean up in 2016 from then on." I'm not saying I buy into that, it's just what I've heard.

RE: "Paul has taken over many state parties."

Not really. He's gotten some delegates. That doesn't mean his people have "taken over" state parties, which are much more involved than just picking delegates for a presidential run. It will be really interesting to see what happens in a place like Washington, for example, where Paul claims to have won, but where the convention has yet to be held. SAme thing happened last time when Paul supporters were on a roll--until they weren't.

It will be an interesting conversation in June, and really just a lot of speculation until then.

What a MIRACLE for America it would be if Ron Paul is our next President!!

I think you pegged it. It would be a miracle.
edit on 5/5/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

That's an interesting take on the issue. I've heard a meme along that line that goes something like this: "Obama is an f-up. If he gets 4 more years he will make it much, much worse, which will utterly destroy the left, then we'll clean up in 2016 from then on." I'm not saying I buy into that, it's just what I've heard.

That's pretty much my take, although i think rather than thinking Obama is a F-Up (no comment), they just know the economy wont improve any time soon, so they would rather Obama take the blame. Smart plan, actually. If Romney wins, he would take the blame a dem might win again in 2016. 8 years of recession under Obama will likely = GOP landslide in 2014 and 2016.

posted on May, 5 2012 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Darkinin
As I've said, Ron Paul supporters have taken over entire state parties

Sorry for asking again.

But where has Paul 'taken over entire state parties'?


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