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Ron Paul Backers Prepare Takeover

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posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze

Originally posted by Inductance
Thank God this is finally happening. Many of us Ron Paul supporters have been working tirelessly to not only have this happen, but help other politicians, who support the same ideals, get into office. The system has been used against us for so long, yet when we play the system's game and make progress, people who support other candidates become upset. At my BPOU convention, non Ron Paul supporters were quite vocal about the RP supporters winning, even though we were the majority by a huge margin. IMO people have been gotten so used to the candidates of past who have no real differences and have not needed this type of organizing the RP campaign has been able to accomplish. We really hit them with a "fire hose" this time around.

Even if RP does not get the nomination, the undeniable size of this movement will hopefully make people think about what is going on.

r3VOLution 2012

Everyone is so negative... especially the shills saying "Ron Paul can't win"

The truth is ... he has already won!

There is a huge shift of power taking place from old school corrupt control, to the people waking up and taking back control of politics.... this is what the elite fear most, and it's happening!

They want uneducated people who believe the straw polls which they can control and manipulate with rigged voting machines, media spin and such tactics.

They don't want us awake, aware and active.

The elections have been rigged so that big brother could win before (Bush vs Gore), but never before so blatantly.

My prediction is that the Fed will try to say Romney won by a fairly large amount, and the average Joe will no longer be able to sit at home and assume his government cares about his opinion or well-being.

It will be the 2nd "May Day" event in US history, and it might be bloody.

Hey Romney fans - look up the origins of May Day and you'll realize why the MSM numbers are complete bull#. It's a holiday most of the world celebrates except for America, just it happened right in the States. After calling the national guard to murder it's own citizens, and buying back the government after the middle/working classes voted themselves into office, the government replaced the day commemerating those people with "Respect Authority Day" Not a joke, not even exaggerating. And it happened right around 1900. It's also why you get paid to work 8-hour days instead of 16.
edit on 29-4-2012 by thegagefather because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:08 PM
It's true. It's a takeover. It's been in the works for some time now. I know because I've been involved in it for several months. It's not just the Ron Paul campaign, it's the Ron Paul movement. We are organized and we are determined. I liked the part in the article where the GOP chairwoman says, “For heaven’s sake stop hitting us with a fire hose”. We won't back down and we won't let up.

If I may paraphrase the great John Kennedy:

"we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal, as well as change...the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans... And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country."

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I agree here.. He does not have enough delegates to go into the convention and win on the first round. I know that, the Paul campaign knows that, hopefully people on this board know that. This whole strategy is to take the nomination on the 2nd or third vote on the convention floor. with every win like yesterdays 3 wins and the ones prior its looking more and more likely that it will happen.

Ever since Santorum dropped out the MSM has been willfully blacking out RP on polls & news about him even with these wins happening at the county conventions.

Yes, I know this is his strategy...I'm not convinced that RP will even have enough to win on a second vote.

Regradless of that though...if this is Ron Paul's strategy...his goal is not just to win delegates...he has to try to prevent Romney from getting anymore than what is being estimated.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:22 PM
my fortune cookie today said.
"Miles are covered one step at a time".

That is what the Paul Camp has been doing. Covering their ground, one state at a time.

You know how much better I and many others out there will feel once this man is president.
He knows the game- and he knows how to win-without stooping down to 2008 levels.

His ACTIONS speak for themselves- and his WORDS ring true.

They are afraid- of real POSITIVE change. People have gotten used to the govts boot on their necks..(smiling while they beg for air).
Good news people- No Boots are needed!

But bring some yourself- you might have to use them for the riggers and cheaters that WILL show up this election cycle. Oh you better believe it. They have lost too much public support, they will cheat if they have to.
And we all know they will try. Just dont let it be the Paul supporters who get accused of that. That would be the last thing we need is for the MSM to go around calling for ballot recounts cause of the "Paul People"(so scary arent they?).
But seriously- dont put it behind them. ESP Fox- For they want their bobble head Romney on the dashboard.

Obama- as of now- he shouldnt even be thought of. Still got plenty of time to bring all the bad memories back from this last 4 years. He will self destruct. He has no choice. He failed. BIGTIME.

Right now- its all about getting rid of Bobblehead.
we dont need another 4 years on top of the 12 misguided we already had. The past 12 years- probably the worst time in American History if you ask me. Too much negative to list.

Why would anyone in their right mind even consider anyone other then a game changing candidate that we all know WILL change things for the better based off his recorded history of service?
Its all on paper, we know who Paul is- we didnt know who Obama was.
We did know though, how inept he was going to be comming into this Presidency. That- he proved true to me.

People were so desperate for something 'other' than Bush- they didnt care about the "who".
...and now we are paying for it.

Obama didnt win the Presidency- it was awarded to him for not being Bush.
Little did they realize- Obama was actually Bush3.0...and Now...They are hoping it will be Romney as Bush 4.0

If that happens- this country deserves what is comming.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:25 PM
outkast searcher should be here soo to say you are all lying lmao I just hope his revolution keep going because if he gets in it could possibly change the world.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by thegagefather

Originally posted by pianopraze

Originally posted by Inductance
Thank God this is finally happening. Many of us Ron Paul supporters have been working tirelessly to not only have this happen, but help other politicians, who support the same ideals, get into office. The system has been used against us for so long, yet when we play the system's game and make progress, people who support other candidates become upset. At my BPOU convention, non Ron Paul supporters were quite vocal about the RP supporters winning, even though we were the majority by a huge margin. IMO people have been gotten so used to the candidates of past who have no real differences and have not needed this type of organizing the RP campaign has been able to accomplish. We really hit them with a "fire hose" this time around.

Even if RP does not get the nomination, the undeniable size of this movement will hopefully make people think about what is going on.

r3VOLution 2012

Everyone is so negative... especially the shills saying "Ron Paul can't win"

The truth is ... he has already won!

There is a huge shift of power taking place from old school corrupt control, to the people waking up and taking back control of politics.... this is what the elite fear most, and it's happening!

They want uneducated people who believe the straw polls which they can control and manipulate with rigged voting machines, media spin and such tactics.

They don't want us awake, aware and active.

The elections have been rigged so that big brother could win before (Bush vs Gore), but never before so blatantly.

My prediction is that the Fed will try to say Romney won by a fairly large amount, and the average Joe will no longer be able to sit at home and assume his government cares about his opinion or well-being.

It will be the 2nd "May Day" event in US history, and it might be bloody.

The Fed will say nothing. The Republican Party is a private organization and it can do whatever it wants. How it gets its candidate is up to the party. Ron Paul can use every trick in the book to steal it, while at the same time Romney has all the popular support. in the end the Party can choose to ignore its own rules and put in anyone they wish. The Goverment has no more power to do anything about it then it does who leads a local Boy Scout troop. The big problem for Paul would be he would have to get people to vote for him in the main election because he can not use a sneakly political ploy to steal electoral votes. And the one thing that is clear about Paul is nobody is voting for him.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:35 PM
RP is going all the way to the republican convention as a republican. If he loses to Romney, he will than sign on as a third party candidate. RP and all his supporters are not going to roll over and vote for Romney if he wins. Not only will the Republican Party lose a boat load of their base to RP, but RP will also gain the independent voters and most of the Obama voters that will not vote for a republican, but will be willing to vote for someone else.

RP will become the POTUS....

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:41 PM

Lori Sotelo told the Times. “For heaven’s sake stop hitting us with a fire hose.”

After all the dirty double-dealing the GOP has been using on Ron Paul this lady needs a cow pile smeared in her face along with all the other power hungry control freaks that have corrupted and abused the system and
really don't believe the U.S.Constitution is the law of the land.

Hit them with you best shot Paul 2012 people!
Fire away!

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:47 PM
This is awesome news.. but..

If we win the battle.. RP rocks the convention and goes against Obama. I think in that instance, he would kick butt in the debates, hopefully it'd show his poll numbers rise (they are already better than Romney), but..

Unless the numbers in national polls are staggeringly great for Paul, the rigged voting machines will take it away and use manipulated exit polls to justify this. That's what I'm worried about.

Granted, electors in the electoral college can vote for whomever they want, generally they are people in high-ranking positions for their party, meaning some twisted 5th degree banker can understand he must not vote for Paul. I imagine that there might even be faithless GOP banker electors. Since they are really the same breed anyway, GOP and Dem. Which, believe me, would cause an amazing backlash from the grassroots, so maybe it's unrealistic, but..

48/50 states are "winner-take-all" states (all but Nebraska and Maine) meaning if Diebold steers a swing state to our awesome POTUS he will get those electors.

Guess we'll keep working and wait and see. GO RON PAUL!!

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

When in all reality- they brought those hoses on themselves.

Paul supporters are usually die hard/ Cant say the same about Romney supporters. And if there were that many, where in the hell are they and why in gods name isnt anyone in the Media reporting the facts?

you dont have to answer that, we all know the answer. Just typing along.. =)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:50 PM

Just living up to my name.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by MrSpad

The Fed will say nothing. The Republican Party is a private organization and it can do whatever it wants. How it gets its candidate is up to the party. Ron Paul can use every trick in the book to steal it, while at the same time Romney has all the popular support. in the end the Party can choose to ignore its own rules and put in anyone they wish. The Goverment has no more power to do anything about it then it does who leads a local Boy Scout troop. The big problem for Paul would be he would have to get people to vote for him in the main election because he can not use a sneakly political ploy to steal electoral votes. And the one thing that is clear about Paul is nobody is voting for him.

A sneaky political ploy? That's funny!! Research delegate breakdown of Obama vs. Clinton. I believe this is a similar strategy, but if Paul does it it's sneaky?

This is all within the rules; why are so many double standards cropping up? FEAR?

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

Romney does not get all the popular support. Log off of mainstream for a minute and see how these state conventions are going for Paul. Did you not read the OP here are some more


, peace!
edit on 29-4-2012 by andboycott because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by N3k9Ni
It's true. It's a takeover. It's been in the works for some time now. I know because I've been involved in it for several months. It's not just the Ron Paul campaign, it's the Ron Paul movement. We are organized and we are determined. I liked the part in the article where the GOP chairwoman says, “For heaven’s sake stop hitting us with a fire hose”. We won't back down and we won't let up.

If I may paraphrase the great John Kennedy:

"we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal, as well as change...the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans... And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country."

I think it's hilarious that she uses that analogy, like she's the one being oppressed. As if America wanting it's elections to be legitimate for once in the last 40 years is somehow taking away her civil rights. What a moron.

For once, the firehouse is in the favor of the man being oppressed.

Someone should tell the chairwoman that the German Shepherds come next.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:22 PM
Paul supporters will NOT roll over for the republican party if mittens wins.

....Neither will they vote obama...!

edit on 29-4-2012 by Propulsion because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

No way Obama could beat Paul in a one on one debate. It would quickly change into Paul's favor if they were against each other.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Orderamongchaos

We have shown in another thread that those numbers are incorrect.
Not saying RP is ahead of mitt or close, but the numbers there are too high for Mitt and too low for Paul.

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by andboycott

Granted, electors in the electoral college can vote for whomever they want, generally they are people in high-ranking positions for their party, meaning some twisted 5th degree banker can understand he must not vote for Paul.!

At least one Paul supporter from Alaska will be going on to the electoral college. They send 3.

Your other point about the Diebold machines, concerns me too! especially, since George Soros owns them;and this year they will be counted in Spain!

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:58 PM
This is awesome. With Gingrich dropping out Wednesday it will leave Romney and Paul as the only 2 candidates running for the nomination. I highly doubt Romney will accept any challenge of a debate with Ron Paul as he will get his ass thoroughly handed to him. Some of MSM is starting to pick up on Ron Paul and showing that he is actually winning states. I've seen it on MSN. The timing couldn't be better!

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 11:16 PM
I'm literally laughing so hard I can't breath...The fact that someone would even "think" that in a ONE ON ONE HEAD ON DEBATE that Obama would be able to beat Ron Paul is ridiculous. Wouldn't be awkward if RP started reading off Obamas teleprompter during the debate?

I mean, the MSM edits out applause when Ron Paul answers a question, come on.

Its been a takeover, if you even want to call it that. People are just now starting to realize he's had tons of supporters from the start.

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