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9-11's bad karma

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posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:20 PM
Has anyone here formed an idea on how many Americans would have been killed at Pearl Harbor, if our carriers had been in port?? Have any of you figured out how many Americans, those plotters intended to perish in the 9-11 attacks??

Casualties are close but not exact. Adm. Yamamoto flubbed the Pearl Harbor Blitz, and combining his given name of Isoruko, with the Japanese legend of the forty seven heavenly warriors, (samurai), opens a Pandora's Box of connections between his WWII plans for us, and the 9-11, 2001 attacks. But bad Karma bites back three times as hard. I would like to see if any of you can add to this line of thought.

So, how many Americans were supposed to perish on Dec. 7, 1941? Fifty six years after Doug MacArthur poked a sharp stick into the eye of the Japanese Emperor, at the end of August, 1945, which is exactly (56 years) before 9-11, 2001, and to me, the legend of the forty seven samurai, "Writ Large".

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:21 PM
I don't think the number 56 is equivalent to the number 47, no matter how hard you twist 9 and 11 to mean a piece of numerology. If you think that someone with connections on the island of Nippon had something to do with it I don't see it other than what looks like a single coincidence. Don't grab at cherry blossoms and think of ten thousand paper planes, count them and be sure of the connections, don't stand in the shade and guess at what might have been.

EDIT: I think you are confusing the idea of Divine Wind and Suicide Bombing as a terrorist tactic. Divine Wind is something you'd do in a cataclysm of desperate defense, suicide bombing an unwitting foe isn't exactly part of anyones definition of honour. Divine Wind came about as the same conflict against the USA as the German Leonidas Squadron however one got the exotic name and the other is all Greek to those who don't udnerstand the difference.

Why not instead of implicating one kind of fighter from a distant shore you remind yourself what is closer to Saudi Arabia, where Osama came from; Germany or Japan?
edit on 28-4-2012 by Sachyriel because: lots of stuff to cover I think.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by carpooler

Of the 2400 KIA at Pearl Harbor, 1100 died when Arizona exploded and over 400 more when Oklahoma
capsized. Most of the damage to the ships were done by the torpedo planes having a clear run with
no opposition . Had the ships had even a few minutes warning to man their AA guns losses would have
been significant (Japanese lost 5 B5N torpedo planes out of 40 committed) The planes had to fly low
(50 - 100 ft) at low speed to prevent torpedo from diving into the harbor bottom . This made them perfect
targets if the AA guns were manned and ready to fire. Of the ships sunk or damaged - 3 battleships
California sunk at mooring from 2 torpedo 3 bomb hits, West Virginia sunk at mooring from 7 torpedo hits
and Oklahoma capsized by 4 torpedo hits sustained major damage before any opposition could be mounted.

At WTC the 16 minute gap between hit on North Tower allowed hundreds of people to leave the South Tower
before it was hit. Hundreds were trapped above the impact zones were unable to escape 1355 died in North
Tower, most above the impact zone, 630 in South Tower, less than half

Point is that most of the casualties were caused before anyone realized were under attack

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by carpooler

Of the 2400 KIA at Pearl Harbor, 1100 died when Arizona exploded and over 400 more when Oklahoma
capsized. Most of the damage to the ships were done by the torpedo planes having a clear run with
no opposition . Had the ships had even a few minutes warning to man their AA guns losses would have
been significant (Japanese lost 5 B5N torpedo planes out of 40 committed) The planes had to fly low
(50 - 100 ft) at low speed to prevent torpedo from diving into the harbor bottom . This made them perfect
targets if the AA guns were manned and ready to fire. Of the ships sunk or damaged - 3 battleships
California sunk at mooring from 2 torpedo 3 bomb hits, West Virginia sunk at mooring from 7 torpedo hits
and Oklahoma capsized by 4 torpedo hits sustained major damage before any opposition could be mounted.

At WTC the 16 minute gap between hit on North Tower allowed hundreds of people to leave the South Tower
before it was hit. Hundreds were trapped above the impact zones were unable to escape 1355 died in North
Tower, most above the impact zone, 630 in South Tower, less than half

Point is that most of the casualties were caused before anyone realized were under attack

In your opinion obviously, but I find it hard to believe so many died when the building was largely empty, and no planes hit the towers?!

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by 4hero

Wow - delusional opinions from the mentally ill fringe.....

Maybe like to meet my neighbor lady

Her 2 sons worked at Cantor - Fitzgerald in North Tower. Both died there

So much for "empty building"

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 02:03 PM
Gentlemen and ladies,
I put this thread up to look at the differences between what was planned to happen, and what did happen. Both with the Pearl Harbor Blitz, and the 9-11, 2001 attacks. I've always understood that our aircraft carriers based in Hawaii, were Adm. Yamamoto's primary targets. It's only because they weren't in Port, that his attack flubbed. IOW, we dodged one very big bullet. But when Flight 93 went down at Shanksberg, PA., how big of a bullet did Wash. D.C. dodge?

And as for stuff like empty buildings, all I'm saying is that a local radio DJ, here broadcast his mother over the phone. She worked on the 91st floor, of the second tower that was hit. She and one friend had suffered through the 93 attack, and were prepared. They had flashlights with fresh batteries, and when the adjoining tower was hit, they bugged out. Their boss said to stay put, but that he wouldn't force them to. This came from building security. None of the fifty or so souls, who were not there in 93, would go with them. They said 9-11 was a cake walk down the same fire escape stairs, compared to the black smoke of the 93 attack. The lights stayed on, and they were leaving the building when the second plane hit their tower, and sealed the fates of all their co-workers, still doing what they were told to, back up on the 91st floor. Obviously, building security was telling all those floors to stay put and not get in the way of the rescuers attending to the first tower that was hit.

I guess you can say that they never did get in the way. So, most of the NYC casualties rests squarely on the shoulders of the Port Authorities security department, in the Trade Towers. The empty buildings nonsense, are just one more cop out.

More people perished in NYC than should have, but how many more people survived in Wash. D.C., when flight 93 went down in a field in western Pennsylvania. If my guessing is close, then the "Black Dragons", cum Yakuzas, have very slowly been plotting to use a magic square in Adm. Yamamoto's given name to pull off a Forty Seven Heavenly Warriors kind of delayed revenge attack, for the U.S. forcing Japan's unconditional surrender at the end of August in 1945.

And as for my seeing a magic square, it's pretty obvious. Isoruko means the number 56 in Japanese. These two digits in order do in fact create a magic square inside of 47. So, is the real meaning of the Admiral's given name. The legend of anagrams postulates that these numbers will define his fate. He wrote letters about his will going on beyond his death, and he was surely involved with the black dragons when he studied at Harvard in the thirties. But the Dragons went underground during the seven year American Occupation of Japan, and have endured as the Yakuzas. A secret cell inside the Yakuza Criminal Empire could indeed set something like 9-11 into motion. But they couldn't stop bad karma from coming back to bite them. And like Jesus preached; " the rain falls on the just and unjust, alike".

My own dowsing, says that the real number of Japanese victims of the Earthquake, Tsunami, and nuclear catastrophe, is right under 30, 000 souls. So dividing by three means that somehow, flight 93 was supposed to take out nearly 7000 people in D.C. I believe the answer is in a small military jet following flight 93, and possibly being in remote control of the airliner. The KDKA Pittsburgh TV station interviewed campers within five miles of the crash of the airliner, who said it came right over their heads with a small military jet, right on it's tail. I could see the funeral pyre of the airliner in the background of that interview. This only came over live TV, once. It was hushed up immediately.

But isn't this exactly what Above Top Secret forums are supposed to examine?? I'm picking apart these two interconnected attacks, sixty years apart, to find out what the real plans were, and what was supposed to be accomplished by them. This is why your continued inputs are valuable.

The Japanese secret bio warfare unit in Manchuria during WWII, was called unit 731, but couldn't that have been juggled to hide the last part of this "magic square", in Adm. Yamamoto's given name. After all, the Japanese do write ideographs backwards from us. So then was the 7-13 , or 13, 7, supposed to be a "Hannibal Lector" anagram and open a door for that little military jet to poison off some 7000 Gov't bureaucrats, who were right then dispersing out over the lawns of the Capital grounds, away from the buildings??

IMHO, this would have been as good a knock out strike as the Japanese killing our fleet aircraft carriers, in port, during the Pearl Harbor Blitz. Of course we would have accepted Martial Law, as too much of the civilian government would have been dead, dieing, or quarantined, in a locked down medical facility.

The question never asked was; did the Ames Anthrax strain, in those letters, originally come from Unit 731?

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by carpooler

I guess you can say that they never did get in the way. So, most of the NYC casualties rests squarely on the shoulders of the Port Authorities security department, in the Trade Towers. The empty buildings nonsense, are just one more cop out.

Hindsight is 20/20

At that time nobody knew that :

1) Aircraft impact on North Tower was result of hijacked aircraft being deliberately crashed into building

2) That a second hijacked aircraft was 15 minutes behind the first

Security was thinking in terms of accident. Wanted to avoid thousands of people spilling into plaza as FDNY
fire fighters and ambulances arrived. Trying to avoid people getting into way. Also debris was falling off
North Tower creating significant hazards, soon to be dramaticly increased by people jumping from
upper floors of North Tower. A FDNY man was killed by jumper landing on him

Only one who seemed to realized what was taking place was Rick Rescorla, security director of Morgan
Stanley. Rescorla was in unique position, a retired US Army Vietnam veteran and intelligence officer , had
made study of vulnerability of WTC after 1993 bombing and with an army buddy of his concluded that
terrorists would try again. And this time use aircraft

Rescorla had tried to get offices moved away from WTC. Failing that had drilled employees in evacuation

When first tower struck he ordered every out of offices in South Tower and across the complex at WTC 7
(Dean Witter/Solomon Brothers owned by Morgan Stanley)

Sadly Rescorla and several of his security staff died in South Tower as worked to insure everyone had gone....

Done work at Morgan Stanley offices her is NY/NJ - every high raise has maps of evacuation plans at every
exit. Also there is a bin filled with Chem Sticks and smoke masks in case needed during evacuation

If can find a copy of James Stewarts "HEART OF A SOLDIER" about life of Rescorla

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by thedman

Sorry, but the legend of the forty seven samurai has been around for a long time. Naming a junior son, the number 56 is beyond odd, except for the magic square connection, which fills out 4&7. ie. 4,5,6,7. In magic squares you numeralize strings like this. I didn't say anything about divine wind. So, why can't you just look at what I have put down?? Those Samurai should have all committed hari kiri, when their master was killed in spite of their efforts. Instead they laid low for a time, and then secretly regrouped, killed the offending lord, and only then, they all committed Hari Kiri, to reclaim their own honor. My point is that the Black Dragons have laid low for fifty six years, as the Yakuzas, and a secret cell withing this criminal Empire, has used hidden hand tactics to orchestrate the 9-11 attacks.

It really is the legend of the Forty Seven Heavenly Warriors, Writ Large! Those Arab thugs may only have been holding down the fort, so to speak. The real controllers may not have been anywhere near those airliners. These Boeings can be remotely controlled. But when radio links had the Arabs saying that the passengers were rushing the flight decks, the controllers had to abort the attack, and crash the airliner before the passengers used their cell phones to scream that the controls were all locked. I'm saying that you have to look at the idea that nobody on those planes were going to be flying them. In that case, the Arabs' minimal flight training was just a sham, to create plausible deniability. In the end, only three of four airliners were hijacked, and one was crashed in a farmer's field. So, firing on only half the cylinders, they still killed nearly 3000 Americans. And most of those were due to a catastrophic error in judgement on the part of the Port of New York.

A real critical examination, requires you to look at the larger picture, as to what was planned to occur. When the true scale is understood, then the true goals can be perceived.

Some of this conspiracy was put into motion ahead of the hijackings, and I believe the Anthrax Letters to be part of this. Some G.I.'s were in a machine gun nest in a ball field in Hawaii, when zeros strafed and bombed them, killing them all. They thought they were safe, out in the grass field. But plans had been laid to hide aviation fuel tanks under that ball field. Nothing had been done about it, by Dec. 7, 1941. But Yamamoto had heard of these plans, and directed his bombers to destroy the ball field, just in case. Adm. Yamamoto outfoxed us back in Dec. 1941, and I believe we were really set up again, for a knock out punch, on 9-11, 2001, by Japanese gangsters, acting in their old Admiral's name, or at least in anagrams of the magic square of his name, ala "Dr. Hannibal Lector".

Writing dates as the thirteenth day of the seventh month, is the European fashion, and reading the last numbers from the right, will indeed give 731, signifying a biological revenge attack.

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by carpooler

rest peacefully,happily,joyfully to those lost, how a terrible thing flashed before my eyes woke my 7 year old brain completely up out of this box, we are thankfulness for those who have been free'd god, amen.


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